The police found that the matter was not resolved.

He knew from the look on Teacher Wang's face that this matter must be related to her! !

Afterwards, Chen Guohua took people to the autopsy room for examination.

No evidence was found either.

The evidence had been destroyed by them long ago!

The monitoring room was broken, there were no witnesses, and Yao Yu was still in a coma, so there was no way to start this matter.

Chen Guohua was also helpless.

Not only that, Yao Yu's parents also entered the training institution with weapons. If the other party pursued it, they would have to go and investigate.

The matter could only come to an end.

Although Chen Guohua was very unwilling!

On the way back.

"Captain Chen, I think there must be something wrong with them, especially that teacher Wang. He is probably covering up something. Are we just going to give up the investigation?"

A person next to Chen Guohua asked.

Chen Guohua frowned. He was trying to find a way to at least find a breakthrough, but now, there is no breakthrough at all!

"I also want to catch them, but there is no evidence. What can I do?"

"Yao Yu is a good person. I have worked with her several times before. I don't want things to turn out like this."

"I also want to judge these evil people! But things go against my wishes. There is often not so much justice in this world. You never know how many crimes are hidden in it!"

Chen Guohua sighed deeply.

As a member of the Guard Bureau, there are too many rules and regulations that restrict everything he has.

Sometimes he knows that the other party is a criminal, but he has no way to start.

This feeling of powerlessness often makes him feel a lot of emotions.

He even doubts what the Guard Bureau exists for.

"If Chen Sheng was here at this time, it would be great..."

Under the huge net of the law, only Chen Sheng can ignore everything and only recognize good and evil!

Evil people should be punished by evil people!


The next day.

Chen Guohua drove to the training institution alone.

He thought about it all night last night.

It seems that there has been no investigation on the playground.

Now there may be other clues if he investigates there?

He will not give up the case of Yao Yu easily! He must give Yao Yu justice!

He parked the car at the door and planned to go in.


The door is locked!

There is no one in the gatehouse.

Chen Guohua felt a little strange.

The training institution has not yet reached the day of graduation, why did it close the door?

Moreover, the atmosphere inside seems a little weird.

I can't tell what's wrong.

It was a hunch that I had been handling the case for a long time.

Chen Guohua took out his mobile phone and called the training institution.

No one answered.

No one answered the phone of Instructor Wang and the Dean of Instruction.

Strange, too strange...

Then Chen Guohua couldn't help but look into the distance.

He was stunned.

The training room on the third floor where the instructors were was sealed with steel plates.

You couldn't see what was going on inside from the outside!


What was going on!

Chen Guohua hurriedly called the Security Bureau!

At the same time, all kinds of bad premonitions emerged in his head.


Not long after, the people from the Security Bureau arrived.

It was Captain Li who brought people here.

He was also confused when he came over.

There was no movement in the training institution, but the windows were sealed with iron plates overnight.

"Could it be Mr. Chen?" Li Jun asked subconsciously.

Chen Guohua and others thought so now.

For the first time, they didn't feel so repulsive to Mr. Chen.

They couldn't find any breakthrough in this matter, but it was different when Mr. Chen came.

Mr. Chen completely ignored those rules.

What a bullshit procedure, what a bullshit investigation!

Chen Sheng's method is simple and crude!

"If it is, what should we do?" Chen Guohua looked at him.

"This..." Li Jun was also a little hesitant.

What should we do?

They are definitely not Chen Sheng's opponent.

Besides, he also hopes that Chen Sheng will come to judge this matter!

Everyone is thinking this in their hearts, but no one dares to say it out loud.

They can only do their duty.

"Captain Chen, Captain Li, look... there is a live broadcast!"

Suddenly, a guard next to them said.

Live broadcast?

The two of them jumped in their hearts.

They quickly opened their phones to watch.

The live broadcast screen.

It made their hair stand on end!

It was Chen Sheng who was broadcasting live. Although Chen Sheng's face was not seen in the live broadcast and the sound was specially processed, their first feeling was definitely Chen Sheng!

The picture was in the training room of Instructor Wang and his friends.

The camera cleverly avoided Chen Sheng and the people he brought with him.

People, only their feet can be seen.

But the faces of those teachers are clearly shown in the camera.

Chen Sheng is counting people with the camera.

"One, two, three, four..."

"A total of 29 people, including Teacher Wang and the Dean of Instruction."

"Now, everyone is here..."

It seems like he is reporting to the audience, more like an opening statement.

Chen Guohua immediately received a call.

"Xiao Chen, take people to rush in!"

"The people above have already known about this matter, and now it's a big trouble! There must be no more problems!"

"The people inside are too crazy, this is a forensic training institution..." The captain scolded on the phone.

"Captain, I think the person inside may be Chen Sheng." Chen Guohua said cautiously.

Chen Sheng?

The captain was also stunned.

"How did you know? His face was not shown in the live broadcast!"

"I feel that it should be Chen Sheng..."

Chen Guohua's meaning was very clear, asking whether to arrest Chen Sheng.

Chen Sheng was doing what everyone wanted to do!

But the rules did not allow them to do so!

If allowed, everyone might become Chen Sheng!

But orders are orders after all, and no one can disobey them.

"First of all, we are not sure that the person inside is Chen Sheng. Secondly, even if it is Chen Sheng, will we not arrest him?"

"As long as it meets the regulations, take him away!"

"Chen Guohua, you take people in first and negotiate with them!"

Chen Guohua could only agree.

Then he was ready to take people in.

But a voice came from the live broadcast screen.

"I advise everyone outside not to come in."

"Because I have buried mines around this playground."


Chen Guohua and the others stopped immediately.

But the people next to him were still skeptical.

Laying mines in training institutions?

How could he think of that?

Is that possible?

So funny!

Boom! !

This idea just came up.

Not far away, a landmine exploded instantly!

The huge explosion and impact force shocked them severely!

Chen Guohua and others were dumbfounded.

They were from the Guard Bureau and had never seen such a situation.

That was a landmine!

It was something that only existed on the battlefield.

Chen Guohua's head was full of shock, staring blankly at the sealed iron plate.

Chen Sheng... was really angry this time!

He was going to turn the tables!


At this moment.

In the training room.

Chen Sheng, Xiao Luo, Xiao Feng, and many people from the Cang Tian Society were there.

At night, Chen Sheng sneaked into the dormitory while they were sleeping, knocked them out, and then brought them here.

Just for the trial!

He wanted to give Yao Yu an explanation!

Give an explanation to all those who hold justice in their hearts!

Teacher Wang and his men all wore bracelets and anklets, and it was difficult for them to move. They could only shiver and huddle in the corner.

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