Fang Long said this to comfort himself. But everyone knows that this matter is definitely not that simple! Could it be such a coincidence? All these things happened in the few days when Chen Sheng came back? Is this possible? "By the way, Brother Fang, where is your Fang Yu hiding? Or should we hide together?" Gao Xue's father Gao Chentao said. "No, it's not that complicated!" "It's just a young boy. I want to see how big a wave he can make!" "After all, he is alone, his strength is limited! Can he still turn the world upside down?" The two people next to him also nodded and agreed. "You're right. It's just killing a poor guy. What's the big deal? The police didn't say anything. Why is he so proud?"

"Even if we follow the procedure, we are not afraid!"

"We should have paid him money before, but he always disagreed!"

"I don't believe he is so powerful as a young boy!"

At the same time.

In the private room next door.

Geng Hui was drinking with people here.

In recent days, he has been smooth sailing.

The speed of equity increase is quite fast!

In a few days, he has taken away all the wealth that Wang Hongli has worked hard for more than ten years!

He is so happy!

He knows that this is mainly thanks to one person!

Mr. Chen!

Thinking of this, he picked up the phone and called Mr. Chen.

"Mr. Chen... I have almost finished the Hongchen Group. I want to report to you. It's just that Wang Hongli's wife, Qin Suhua, is a little troublesome, but I can handle it..."

Chen Sheng's cold voice came from the phone: "You don't have to think too much about this person. She will disappear in a few days."


Geng Hui's face suddenly changed.

He put down the phone in horror.

From Chen Sheng's tone, is he going to kill Qin Suhua?

He thought Chen Sheng had done almost everything, and it was estimated that when Wang Hongli came out, the matter would come to an end, but who knew that this was just the beginning.

He put down the phone.

Look at the person next to him.

"Have you found out everything I asked you to find out?"

A man wearing glasses next to him adjusted his glasses, with a deep expression: "Brother Hui, I wonder if you have heard of the Cangtian Society."

"The Cangtian Society?" Geng Hui naturally didn't know what it was.

"It's a very mysterious organization. I know very little about it, but as far as I know, Chen Sheng is very likely related to the Cang Tian Society."

"Check it for me and see what the Cang Tian Society does!"



Chen Sheng returned home.

He went directly to the cellar.

Wang Yuehong heard the noise and began to desperately call for help.

Chen Sheng opened the entrance to the cellar, squatted outside, and looked over coldly.

"Brother, please forgive me, can you let me out? It's so dark in here, and there are so many bugs and rats, I really can't stand it..."

Wang Yuehong knelt inside, her body was covered with mud, and it was black.

You can't even tell that she was wearing a brand-name clothes.

There was a strange smell on her body, which made people feel sick!

The blood on her face was mixed with various sewage, and her big eyes stared at Chen Sheng with tears.

Her previous arrogance and arrogant look had long disappeared.

She was full of fear!

She knew that the man in front of her might really kill her!

She couldn't stay in this damn place for even a minute longer!

She just wanted to ask Chen Sheng to let her go.

She just wanted to leave here!

She regretted it so much in her heart!

Chen Sheng's eyes showed no mercy, on the contrary, he felt a little ridiculous.

"It's just the beginning, and you can't stand it?"

"You only paid back a little of my sister's pain and the pain she suffered!"

"You have been with her for so long, have you ever considered her feelings?"

"She goes home under such great pressure every day, and lives in fear every day. Who of you has considered her! What did she do wrong? Is it wrong to be inferior? Is it wrong to be poor!"

Chen Sheng didn't want to get excited, but when he thought about his sister, he couldn't suppress his anger!

"I was wrong, I was really wrong, please let me go, forgive me this time, I really won't dare to do it again..." Wang Yuehong knelt on the ground, kowtowed hard, and her head banged.

"Please, can you give me a drink of water? I'm so thirsty... I'm dying of thirst..."

Mr. Chen sneered: "Want to drink water? Sure."

He took out his cell phone and turned on the video.

"Tell me about your previous crimes. If you are satisfied, I will give you some water!"

Wang Yuehong quickly agreed: "Okay, I will tell you, I will tell you!"

She knelt down with a plop and began to apologize with tears in her eyes: "My name is Wang Yuehong! I am a student of No. 2 Middle School and a classmate of Chen Yuan."

"I am a beast, I am not a human being, I am garbage..."

"Chen Yuan and I went to junior high school for three years, but I was 80 years older than her. I also beat and insulted her many times. Even though she begged me, I never planned to let her go. I am a beast, I am not a human being!"

"Chen Yuan just doesn't like to talk much and is not very sociable. I relied on my family's wealth and often bullied her with Zhang Kai, Gao Xue, and Fang Yu..."

"That night, I The four of us tricked Chen Yuan out. Zhang Kai asked Chen Yuan to kneel down, but Chen Yuan refused to kneel down. She said her brother was coming back and she would not be bullied by us anymore. She asked us to let her go. "

"How dare someone who was always bullied by us to go against us? We were furious. Zhang Kai rushed up and stabbed her several times! Then it was Gao Xue, Fang Yu and me. "

"Each of us stabbed Chen Yuan many times! In the end, Chen Yuan died. Zhang Kai suggested throwing her into the trash can. Anyway, we were not adults, so the worst that could happen was to pay some money. And none of us needed that money, so none of us took it seriously. "

"This is all my fault. I shouldn't bully people, I shouldn't bully Chen Yuan..."

Mr. Chen's eyes turned red again.

My sister wanted to hold her head up in front of me, and didn't want me to know that she was bullied.

She wanted to fight against the 80s with her own strength!

But these demons didn't let her go at all!

If I could come back one day earlier, things wouldn't have turned out like this!

If I had known earlier that Chen Yuan was being bullied, the situation would have been very different!

It's too late to say anything now, people will never come back!

Chen Sheng slammed the door of the cellar and left.

"Hey, where's the water you promised to give me! I've said everything I should say, you can't go back on your word!" Wang Yuehong screamed from inside.

Water, of course I'll give it to you.

Chen Sheng is not a man who doesn't keep his word.

After a while.

Chen Sheng came with a pot of hot water.

The moment the cellar was opened, hot water was poured in.

"Ahhh, it's so hot!"

"I don't want hot water, I want cold water! How can I drink this!"

Chen Sheng aimed at her and poured it down, and she had no place to hide.

She was immediately scalded.

She didn't even drink a sip of this pot of water.

She was scalded to death!

Chen Sheng closed the entrance again.

Wang Yuehong curled up inside and cried out in pain.

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