The pain had just begun, and her days of enjoying life were over.

She thought of what Mr. Chen had said before, that the pain had just begun, and her days of enjoying life were over...

He was not joking, he was serious!

At the same time.

Wang Yuehong's home.

Mother Qin Suhua has been very anxious these days.

In the afternoon, she heard that the company had a lot of trouble, so she rushed over as soon as possible.

Who knew that when she went there, it was too late.

The company's shares fell off a cliff.

But she was not qualified to ask about the company's internal affairs.

Before, Wang Hongli had always been the shareholder, and she just held a position in the company.

She was not qualified to go in at her level.

She went to Geng Hui to ask for mercy.

In her impression, Geng Hui and Wang Hongli were brothers and had a very good relationship.

But Geng Hui didn't see her at all.

She was busy all day, but didn't see him at all.

She seemed to have realized the seriousness of the matter.

The company was afraid that there would be a big storm.

Taking advantage of Wang Hongli's arrest, Geng Hui was secretly making moves!

The company was the lifeblood of their family, and there must be no mistakes!

"Lawyer Zhang, is Mr. Wang still not out?" She called the lawyer and asked anxiously.

"Mr. Wang's case is not troublesome, but it will take a process. Madam, don't worry, he will be out in a few days." The lawyer answered on the phone.

She was relieved to hear this.

But the current situation is already very tricky. What will happen when Mr. Wang comes out?

She dared not imagine.

Ding Dong.

As soon as she put down the phone, it rang.

She subconsciously looked down.

It was a video sent from Wang Yuehong's phone.

"Daughter!" She was startled and quickly opened it to watch.

Wang Yuehong has been missing for two days.

People from both the white and black worlds have been looking for her these two days, but there is no clue at all.

People from the white world said.

The person who took Wang Yuehong away might be a repeat offender.

He was very professional and avoided the cameras on the way here.

The motorcycle had no license plate and could not be found at all.

In addition, he took a mountain road when he left, where there was no camera, and nothing could be found.

It needs to be eliminated one by one, but this will take time.

The video content is Wang Yuehong kneeling on the ground, disheveled, covered with scars, admitting her mistakes and crying.

"This..." Qin Suhua was stunned when she saw this video.

The phone fell to the ground.

She trembled all over.

An inexplicable anger rose from the soles of her feet.

Wang Yuehong is her daughter!

She was tortured like this!

The people involved in this matter must be the Chen family!

She first called her own people and asked them to find Chen Sheng's whereabouts.

Then she called the police station.

"Hello!! My daughter just sent me a video!"

"She was kidnapped by the Chen family! It must be them! She admitted her mistake to that bastard in the video. She must have been forced, it must be!!"

"Hurry up and find my daughter!"

Zhang Qian happened to answer the phone.

Her brows knitted together, and her little hands trembled slightly

To be honest.

When Wang Yuehong's mother reported the case, the first person she thought of was Chen Sheng.

But if you want to catch Chen Sheng, you also need evidence.

They don't have any evidence, how can they catch him?

And she met Chen Sheng yesterday and didn't see anything unusual.

How can they catch him based on Qin Suhua's words?

"Mrs. Qin, don't worry. We have to verify this first. We can arrest people only after we have evidence after investigation..."

"What? We need to verify it? My daughter has been tortured by him. It's still unclear whether she can hold on until then! If my daughter has any accident, who will be responsible!"

"Let me tell you, my daughter's life is much more valuable than yours. If she really has any accident, I want all of you to pay with your lives!"

After hanging up the phone, Qin Suhua gasped for breath and recovered for a long time.

Now she can't think about the company's affairs. The key is to rescue her daughter first!

Wang Yuehong has been held in their hands since she was a child. When has she suffered such hardship?

Looking at the video of her kneeling on the ground, Qin Suhua was so angry that her lungs were about to explode!

She planned to go to Chen's house first.

She thought that maybe she could find out about her daughter's whereabouts.

Anyway, it must be because of the Chen family!

Go out.

There were more than a dozen people behind her.

They were all dressed in uniform and looked well-trained.

"Wait a minute

Follow me, and smash it hard when you get there! I must make them hand over my daughter!"

"That's my daughter, no one can touch her!"

The people behind him had already prepared their weapons, and nodded in agreement: "Yes, madam, don't worry, the young lady will be fine."

"Get in the car, follow the madam's car!"

"Quick, quick, quick!"

The group hurriedly got in the car.

Qin Suhua got on the front luxury car.

After entering, she called her lawyer.

"Now I'm going to the Chen family to find someone from their family!"

"They kidnapped my daughter, they must be the ones!"

"Get ready for me, if anything happens, be ready to defend us! No matter how much it costs, I want all the Chen family members to die!"

After shouting the last sentence.

Qin Suhua was shaking with anger.

"Madam looks very angry, I don't know if you have ever thought about it, if it was your daughter who got into trouble, would you feel good? "

At this time, the driver in front turned around and said in a cold voice.

He had a baby face, and looked calm and calm.

Just a pair of eyes, narrow and bright.

There was a hidden murderous intent flashing in them!

Who is this person?

Qin Suhua was shocked.

This is not her driver!

She smelled a bloody smell in the car!

A terrifying thought came to her mind.

Did the driver have an accident?

Did this guy kill the driver?

"Who are you? ! How dare you attack my driver? Are you looking for death! "Qin Suhua yelled.

But she hadn't finished her words yet.

Her hair was grabbed by the other party and slammed hard on the roof of the car.

Accompanied by a muffled sound.

She felt a burning pain in her head and a little dizzy.

"You... who are you..."

The other party's cold voice pierced her ears in an incongruous way.

"I am Chen Sheng, Chen Yuan's biological brother."

Chen Sheng turned around and smiled grimly, his expression extremely ferocious.

"Welcome to hell. "


These two words were like a knife, piercing Qin Suhua's heart fiercely!

She was trembling all over.

She immediately called the people behind and asked them to stop the car.

But at this time, Chen Sheng also started to accelerate!

With one step on the accelerator, the car seemed to fly!

Speeding in the street without any rules.

"Ah..." Qin Suhua kept screaming, and her body was hit and flew around in the back seat.

Her stomach was churning.

She had never seen anyone driving like this.

She glanced at the speedometer in panic.

Chen Sheng had already driven 180 miles per hour!

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