The car was so fast that it was difficult to catch up.

On the viaduct, he was driving so fast!

He was playing with his life!

Qin Suhua's hands were shaking so much that she couldn't hold the phone anymore. She quickly grabbed the handrail and sat down. Her face was getting uglier and uglier!

"Why is the madam's car driving so fast!"

"Everyone, hurry up and catch up!"

"It's bad. They are driving too fast. We can't catch up at all. Otherwise, let's go to the destination and wait!"

"Well, what's wrong with the guy driving? Doesn't he know to wait for the car behind? We'll deal with him after we get off the car!"

"The speed is at least more than 170! Driving so fast!"

The people in the team behind sighed, and then they all got off the viaduct and drove to their destination.

An hour later

Chen Sheng came back on his motorcycle, carrying Qin Suhua.

He threw the luxury car in the wild.

His motorcycle was hidden there.

He knew it would be difficult for the police to find his motorcycle, so he was not afraid even if they saw it.

And there were almost no cameras on the roads in the suburbs, so it was not easy for them to find it.

Chen Sheng opened the cellar and threw her in.


Wang Yuehong saw the woman's face clearly and screamed heartbreakingly.

But the first thought that flashed through her mind was to think about herself!

She still hoped that her parents would come to save her!

Now her mother was also brought by Chen Sheng!

What should I do now!

My father is still locked up, so they have no hope?

Chen Sheng poured a basin of water on her.

Qin Suhua woke up!

The makeup on her face was smudged, revealing her ugly face.

"Daughter!!" She immediately saw the person rolling around covered in dirt and screamed.

But soon her expression turned disgusted again.

What's the smell on her body? It's disgusting!

And there are several burns and blisters on her face.

"Mom, we were all caught by Chen Sheng. He is Chen Yuan's brother! We are in big trouble now!"

"I really know I was wrong, mom. You talk to him. I have admitted my mistake to him. What else does he want!"

"Our lives are very precious, unlike theirs!" Wang Yuehong grabbed Qin Suhua's collar, shook her hard, and yelled, looking like a crazy young lady.

Qin Suhua never dreamed that Chen Sheng would dare to tie her up!

First of all, she had nothing to do with this matter.

Secondly, she was Mrs. Qin, the high and mighty Mrs. Qin!

Did he really dare to do this to her?

Chen Sheng squatted at the entrance with interest, looking down at them.

The more painful they were, the happier he was!

No one who bullies my sister should be spared!

Qin Suhua was stunned for a moment, but soon reacted.

"Young man, I know you feel uncomfortable. Your sister's incident has hit you hard, but this is just a fight between children."

"They accidentally killed your sister. Who hasn't made mistakes? We will definitely give you a reasonable compensation and explanation for this matter. How about I apologize to your sister publicly after I go back?"

"Not only that, I also contacted several other parents, and we apologized to your sister together. No one wants things to turn out like this, but it has happened. Now we should think of a solution, don't you think?"

"And your current behavior has constituted a crime. I will let both of us go in this game. We promise that we will not pursue this matter."

"You are still young, and you still have a long way to go in the future. You can't walk your own way to death. Think about it, you can live the rest of your life with a high amount of compensation, isn't it good? Why fight with us to the death?"

Chen sneered. Under the moonlight, his eyes seemed to glow, and people dared not look at him.

"Just think about it, if I wanted compensation, I would have asked for it long ago, why bother until now?"

"Some things can be negotiated, but some things are absolutely not! I don't want any compensation, I just want you all to go to hell! I hope you will be reborn in a good life next time!"

Qin Suhua felt cold all over, and an inexplicable fear swept over her body.

She didn't want to die!!

"Young man, why are you doing this? We promise that this matter will not be pursued any further, and the compensation will definitely satisfy you, so why not just let it go!"

Mr. Chen simply sat down and said lightly: "You are right, I will definitely live a carefree life in the second half of my life with the compensation, and I can even become a rich man in one fell swoop. I will never have to work outside and suffer again, let alone

Use to act according to other people's faces..."

"But the pain in my heart can never be erased with money! From now on, I will spend every day in sadness and self-blame, miss my sister every day, and be tortured by pain every day!"

"Not only me, but also my parents! This kind of pain will accompany us for life. Can it be erased with money? Money is not omnipotent, it is just an ordinary trading tool!"

"When my sister got into trouble, did you admit your mistakes? Did you apologize? Not only did you not admit your mistakes, you immediately found someone to distance yourself from yourself and wanted to buy off your crimes with money!"

"This road may work for you before, but it doesn't work for me!"

"My sister's life is more valuable than anyone else in the world, and it cannot be measured by money! She is also a human being, why should she be bullied and killed by you! ! "

"I will let you experience her pain at that time without any difference! "

Qin Suhua and Wang Yuehong trembled all over when they heard this.

At this moment, an idea popped up in their heads.

This guy is crazy!

He is really crazy!

The person is dead, the thing has already happened, but he is still holding on to it.

Don't want money, just want life?

Is this a normal person?

Seeing their frightened look, Chen Sheng seemed very satisfied: "But I can give you a chance. One of you can live. Who lives and who dies is up to you to decide!"

"Otherwise, I will kill you all later! "

These words made the two people's hearts sink.

They are mother and daughter.

Wang Yuehong has been held in the palm of Qin Suhua's hand since she was a child!

But that was all when she was a child.

At that time, Wang Yuehong had not experienced the fear of death! Not to mention such a life of luxury!

She also didn't know what it meant to live and enjoy.

Now that she understands, she naturally doesn't want to die.

She wants to live well!

She really doesn't want to die!

She knows that Chen Sheng will definitely dare to kill her. Such people have no bottom line!

Today, one of Wang Yuehong and her mother must die!

"Mom, I want to live, can you let me live?"

"I'm still young, you're old, and you've lived enough. I'll visit you every year in the future, and I'll burn more paper for you! "

Wang Yuehong was really anxious.

Such words could come out of her mouth.

Is this human language?

Qin Suhua was also confused at this moment.

She wanted her own daughter to die?

In order to survive, she even disowned her mother!

The key is that she also wants to live!

If she loses her daughter, she can have another one, but if she loses her, she will lose everything!

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