The police are still negligent in their duties.

Mr. Chen is still walking outside in a carefree manner. This is the negligence of the police!

But they really have no way to find out anything. Mr. Chen is too meticulous.

"What about the Fang family? The bodies of Fang Yu and her father Fang Long were hanging on the bridge last night. You must have done this, right?" she asked.

Mr. Chen laughed when he heard this.

It felt like making a fine work of art and being praised for doing it well.

"It's really gratifying that they died. They deserved it!"

"But this matter has nothing to do with me. If you can find evidence, go find it. There's no need to waste time on me."

Zhang Qian was so angry that her eyebrows were raised.

If she could find evidence, she would have arrested them long ago!

She took a deep breath, put her mouth close to Chen Sheng's ear, and said fiercely: "What about the people in the school? Chen Sheng, these are all students, can you really do that?"

"Even if they did something wrong, you shouldn't judge them! You'd better be honest!"

"Although you saved my life, you're going too far! These people are still children..."

Hearing this, Chen Sheng closed the book.

Originally, I came here to check the place today.

Unexpectedly, I met Zhang Qian.

But her words made me very unhappy!

Then, Chen Sheng stood up.

Without any warning, he slapped Zhang Qian hard.

Zhang Qian's center of gravity was unstable, and she was directly slapped and sat on the ground.

A bright red palm print was immediately printed on her face.

Her head was buzzing, and she couldn't recover for a long time.

Chen Sheng's strength is so great!

It's beyond the scope of a student.

Chen Sheng's cold eyes were fixed on her, and his brows were slightly locked.

"Just children?"

"They already know shame and bullying, are they still children!"

"They use their young age as a threat, as capital, to do whatever they want, and run rampant!"

"There are so many children in this world who don't know the depth of the matter, and use their young age as a capital to show off, to do evil, and they don't care how hard they are! Violating the bottom line! It's because of the indulgence of people like you!"

"My sister was killed, and you didn't try to punish those evil people, but put all your attention on tracking me! I am a victim! Our whole family is a victim! From the time the incident happened to now, has anyone comforted my parents? You only use your own rhetoric to get rid of us, but you don't distinguish between right and wrong!"

"Killing someone means paying for one's life, and owing a debt means paying back the money. This is the truth passed down by our ancestors, but it has been changed because of you dog saints! It's ridiculous!"

"I feel cheap even talking to you, you can get out!"

Zhang Qian's face turned red, and she couldn't say a word because of Chen Sheng's criticism. She covered her face with tears in her eyes.

"But rules are rules, and we can't change them! I don't want your sister to get into trouble, and I don't want those bad guys to get away with it, but I can't catch them!"

"These things are not decided by me alone!"

Chen Sheng's eyes trembled, and then he walked to Zhang Qian and squatted down.

He helped her tidy up the messy hair on her forehead, and his eyes gradually became sharp, full of murderous intent.

For a moment, Zhang Qian's heart trembled.

What kind of eyes are these...

At that moment, Zhang Qian felt that Chen Sheng seemed to want to kill herself!

Chen Sheng put his mouth on her small and delicate ear and whispered: "You guessed right, I am Chen Sheng, the president of the Cangtian Society. I will only say this once. If you dare to stop me from taking revenge in the future, I guarantee that you will be the next person hanging on the bridge."

"Don't challenge my bottom line anymore, understand!!"

Finally, Chen Sheng roared.

Zhang Qian's delicate body trembled wildly in fear!

There was a hint of strangeness in Chen Sheng's eyes.

Although Chen Sheng had always denied that he came to save her that night.

But she had a feeling that Chen Sheng seemed to have other feelings for her.

That's why he caught the rats and the others as an excuse.

But now it seems that Chen Sheng is serious.

He seems to have never had any feelings for her.

Last time, it was really a coincidence.

I was thinking too much.

She thought she could have some privileges because of Chen Sheng's youth and ignorance, but now it seems almost impossible.

Chen Sheng, he really kills people!

Chen Sheng glanced at her, picked up the book and left.

Zhang Qian trembled and picked up the phone.

Hurry to report to the headquarters.

But before the call was connected, she hung up again.

Just based on what Chen Sheng admitted just now, she could catch him in


Is it possible...

She suddenly felt that the water behind Chen Sheng was too deep.

It seemed that he was not something she could touch...

Two days later.

It was the routine class meeting every month in No. 2 Middle School.

But the head teacher of Class 3, where Chen Yuan was before, would take them to the laboratory every time there was a meeting, under the pretext of doing experiments, but in fact it was to avoid the class meeting.

Class meetings were nothing more than criticism meetings.

But Class 3 was full of playboys.

When recruiting students, a few parents used their connections to force a class.

No one dared to mess with the students in this class.

Chen Yuan was originally admitted by exams, but because she had no connections, she was unfortunately assigned to a class.

If it weren't for this, she might not have gotten into trouble.

The head teacher is still in the hospital, so the Chinese teacher who usually teaches took them to the laboratory.

It was an old man wearing glasses.

This man looks upright, but in fact, no one knows how much money he has collected secretly.

He colluded with these students and often turned a blind eye when someone was bullied.

Today, all 45 students from Class 3 came to the laboratory.

Teacher Fang closed the door.

"Students, please do as you please. Just don't make too much noise. I'll read a novel." Teacher Fang laughed and took out her mobile phone to read a novel.

The students below were also playing their own games.

Even a few mature ones started flirting.

"Zhang Hu, come and play games together! We're waiting for you!"

"Come in quickly, whoever loses will buy the skin!"

Among the people sitting at the back, there was a boy named Zhang Hu.

He looked a bit like Zhang Qian between his eyebrows.

But he was much younger than Zhang Qian.

This person.

Is Zhang Qian's younger brother!

He and Chen Yuan are students in the same class!

But Zhang Qian never told anyone about this!

Last time she came to school, she wanted to find her brother to ask about the situation, but after thinking about it, she decided not to go in.

This might alert the enemy.

Moreover, if she knew that her brother was really related to that incident, what should she do?

Her brother will sooner or later be targeted by Chen Sheng!


Zhang Qian's name popped up on Zhang Hu's screen.

It was Zhang Qian who called Zhang Hu.

Zhang Hu was playing games and hung up the phone in annoyance.

Zhang Qian called again without getting tired of it.

"What's the matter, sister?" Zhang Hu answered the phone during class and became impatient.

"What are you doing in school? Why did you hang up on me just now?" Zhang Qian's voice was a little excited.

"We are having a class meeting in the laboratory on the fourth floor. I'm busy. I won't talk to you anymore!" Zhang Hu said and hung up the phone.

After Zhang Qian put down the phone, she was stunned for a moment.

Then she quickly called back!

Something is wrong!

Zhang Qian has been to the school laboratory once.

It's at the end of the corridor, far away from the office and the security department!

And the laboratory is relatively soundproof, and the doors are all anti-theft doors.

If I were Mr. Chen, this would be the best place to start!

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