The students were all here today.

And all the students were here today.

Plus Chen had just been there, so she had to think so!

This good opportunity only comes once a month!

Chen must be planning to do it today!

Zhang Hu hung up Zhang Qian's phone repeatedly in annoyance, cursing.

Zhang Qian simply drove to school!

She couldn't care about anything else now.

The lives of so many children cannot be judged by Chen!

She couldn't watch Chen do such a cruel and devilish thing!

Zhang Qian rushed to the fourth floor laboratory as soon as she got to the school.

While shouting Zhang Hu's name!

At the same time, she called the nearby police station and asked them to send someone over.

Chen didn't know what he would do!

"Hey, someone is going to commit a crime here, and the target is the entire class 3 students! Come quickly!" Zhang Qian was worried, so she called the security guard again.

But from the tone, the security guard didn't seem to believe her.

There was even some teasing.

"Why don't you say he wants to kill everyone in the school?"

Zhang Qian didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, and cursed inwardly!

They were about to reach the laboratory.

She thought to herself that she should rescue her brother first.

"Officer Zhang doesn't seem to have a good memory. You seem to have forgotten what I said to you."

When passing by the washroom.

Suddenly a voice came from inside.

Zhang Qian stopped after brushing.

The person who spoke was Chen Sheng!

There was water running in the washroom, and Chen Sheng washed his hands in front of the mirror and tidied up his hair on his forehead.

He didn't even look at Zhang Qian.

He looked a bit elegant.

He was really in school!

Zhang Qian was almost stunned.

My head was buzzing!

It was like a bomb was thrown into it.

My pupils were shaking uncontrollably.

I guessed right, he really intended to do it.

There were so many students, he didn't intend to let any of them go!

"Mr. Chen, are you crazy!! How could you..." Zhang Qian screamed.

But before she finished speaking, she was knocked to the ground from behind.

Then someone stepped on her chest, and a man who was older than Mr. Chen looked down at her, with no extra expression on his face, all cold.

Zhang Qian was also a well-trained police officer, but she had no ability to resist.

He tied Zhang Qian up skillfully, pushed her into the bathroom, and closed the door.

Mr. Chen looked completely different from before.

Now he was elegant, murderous, and more sophisticated than an old man...

Zhang Qian even felt that she had recognized the wrong person. Was the Mr. Chen she had seen before fake?

Mr. Chen gently lifted Zhang Qian's chin and narrowed his eyes: "You didn't listen to what I said to you before?"

"Mr. Chen, you are a devil! There are so many children, you really want to do it! You are so inhumane!!" Zhang Qian yelled with all her strength, trying desperately to attract others' attention.

"Don't bother shouting, there are only students in the laboratory on this floor, and I have tested that the sound insulation of the laboratory is very good, no one will hear your shouting." Xiao Luo said calmly.

Mr. Chen sneered and let Zhang Qian go.

"I am a devil?"

"Do you know how they treated my sister?"

"They left my sister naked in the gymnasium, spread her hands and legs, sneered, mocked, watched, and humiliated her..."

"You said these were all children, but the devil knows no age and kills no one!"

"If it weren't for these people, if one of them could call the police or not get involved in this matter, my sister wouldn't have suffered that kind of humiliation! Now I'm just seeking justice for my sister, but you say I'm a devil? Haha..."

Mr. Chen laughed at himself and even clapped his hands.

"This is illegal, you can't do this, we can go through the procedures, I can help you deal with this matter! I promise that all of them will get the punishment they deserve!" Zhang Qian took a deep breath and looked at Mr. Chen seriously.

"Just think about it, if I really want to go through the procedures, why would I bother to investigate all this?"

"They will only get the punishment they deserve in my hands." Mr. Chen looked cold.

"Mr. Chen! I warn you, I saw everything. If you really dare to do something, I will be a witness and I will make sure you are punished... My brother is also in there..."

Zhang Qian cried uncontrollably

Come, so anxious.

Chen Sheng shook his head slightly: "In that case, I will make you unable to see anything."

He stuffed a piece of cloth into Zhang Qian's mouth and whispered in her ear.

"It may hurt a little later, just bear it."

"I didn't want to do it, but you came here for your brother today, so what's the difference between you and those parents?"

"Are you worthy of your clothes?"

"Also, I hate saints the most."

Zhang Qian shook her head desperately, trying to explain something...

But Chen Sheng didn't give her another chance to speak.

With a dagger in his hand, he stabbed her eyes twice.

Accurately pierced her eyeballs!

Zhang Qian's beautiful eyes bleed, and she groaned in pain!

Then Chen Sheng stepped hard on her knees with his feet.


Two crisp sounds.

Zhang Qian's knees were completely broken and her legs twisted!

The pain doubled!

"Find two people and take her away later." Chen Sheng glanced at Zhang Qian calmly.

"I should have taken action earlier. This woman has been secretly obstructing me for a long time."

"Okay, I'll tell my brothers now." Xiao Luo agreed and planned to take Zhang Qian away.

Her legs were twisted and deformed now, and her knees had been crushed by Chen Sheng. She would only be disabled in the future.

Her eyeballs were also pierced, and she would never see again in this life.

"Wait." Chen Sheng seemed to think something was wrong.

Zhang Qian was always a trouble, and she had to make sure she was no longer a threat to him and the Cangtian Society.

He stabbed Zhang Qian's kidney accurately with a knife.

Zhang Qian screamed again, and blood immediately oozed from her waist.

"I punctured one of your kidneys. You will only have one kidney left. Your quality of life will be reduced by half, and you will not be able to be a police officer."

"I will keep my word and ask my brothers to throw you off the bridge. If you are lucky, you can still survive. Don't say I didn't give you a chance."

Mr. Chen whispered in her ear.

Zhang Qian's whole body tensed up, and fear came with intense pain.

Her heart was completely cold.

Now she had ten million regrets in her heart!

If I had known this, I would have hurried to take care of this matter.

The warning from the Cangtian Society was not a joke!

Now I am finished.

Even if I can survive, I will be a useless person for the rest of my life!

Mr. Chen threw her aside.

Then he strode away.

After a while, two school cleaning staff came in.

They skillfully put Zhang Qian into the trash can and took her away from the back door.

The laboratory was still "in class."

Knock knock knock.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Teacher Fang was upset: "Who is it?"

No one answered outside, only knocking on the door.

Teacher Fang opened the door.

Standing outside the door was Chen Sheng.

A man who looked like a student.

"Who are you...?"


Chen Sheng didn't waste any words, and kicked Teacher Fang away!

This thunderous kick made Teacher Fang fly directly from the door to the podium, and fell heavily to the ground.

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