The teacher was very angry.

His waist seemed to be severely injured. He fell to the ground for a long time and couldn't get up. He kept groaning in pain.

The class became quiet at once.

All eyes were focused on Chen Sheng.

Who is this guy?

How dare he hit someone in class?

And he looks only a few years older than them.

Too crazy!

"You... who are you! You dare to hit me? Do you know who I am and what I do?!" Teacher Fang gasped in pain.

The kick just now made him unable to stand up.

Chen Sheng nodded with a smile on his face: "Of course I know who you are, Teacher Fang."

"You are Chen Yuan's Chinese teacher, and you are also a bastard teacher who watched her die without helping her."


Chen Yuan?

These two words made everyone's hair stand on end.

Usually, these two words were something they played with.

But now, they have become their taboo words.

They have also heard more or less about what happened to Wang Yuehong and Fang Yu's family.

Now everyone is in danger.

It's just that they think the matter should not affect them.

After all, this is a school.

After all, there are so many of them.

It's impossible to punish all of them together.

How much energy would that require?

"You... Why do you say that to me! I'm going to call the security!" Teacher Fang shouted, and her hand was shaking as she pointed at Chen Sheng.

Chen Sheng walked towards Teacher Fang as if no one was around, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes!

"My sister was bullied by those four beasts at school. She wrote in her diary that she had asked you for help many times. Why did you turn a blind eye?"

"Chen Yuan has loved literature since she was a child, and her favorite class is Chinese. But you made her lose confidence in all of this."

"If you hadn't turned a blind eye, she might not have suffered this kind of pain!"

Mr. Chen's words were like a knife, piercing the hearts of everyone at the scene.

This person is Chen Yuan's brother! !

He is the one suspected by people on the Internet.

But no one has evidence to catch him.

The case of Wang Yuehong and Fang Yu may have been done by him!

Recalling the details of the case, everyone can't stay calm.

This is simply a madman...

Killing the whole family.

The whole family was cremated and hidden!

So what will happen to those who bullied Chen Yuan?

Teacher Fang knew everything after hearing this.

Retribution will come sooner or later!

But he didn't expect it to be so soon!

But Mr. Chen's words are not absolute.

The first time Wang Yuehong and the others bullied Chen Yuan, he stood up and spoke, and even severely reprimanded the four people in front of the principal.

But what happened later?

He was gradually blinded by money.

The money given by the four families was really good!

Compared with these, poor Chen Yuan seemed so inferior!

Because Chen Yuan knew that Teacher Fang had helped her before, she asked him for help again and again.

But later, she did not get any response.

On the contrary, she was bullied more viciously by them.

"I fart, I didn't ignore Chen Yuan! Besides, now the person is dead, what's the use of this? If you have the ability, go to the police!"

"Chen Yuan is not good at socializing with people, why do so many people in the class bully her? Don't you let her find the reason for herself!"

"If you hit me again, I will call the police!!"

Teacher Fang screamed miserably.

Chen Sheng sneered.

Sure enough, I shouldn't talk nonsense to him.

Chen Yuan is innocent and kind, and her family is poor, so she deserves to be bullied?

Chen Yuan didn't call the police again and again, so they went even further!

It ended up in tragedy!

But now she is considered hypocritical?


Chen Sheng crushed a bench with one foot.

He picked up one of the wooden sticks.

He walked towards Teacher Fang.

"What are you doing...what do you want to do!" Teacher Fang screamed in horror.

But Chen Sheng didn't listen to his nonsense at all.

He swung the wooden stick in his hand and hit him hard on his body, legs, and head.

Chen Sheng seemed to be venting his anger!

If it weren't for these people who turned a blind eye, Chen Yuan wouldn't have gotten into trouble!

Chen Yuan's most trusted teacher ended up colluding with those people, which was the biggest blow to Chen Yuan!

Chen Yuan, how desperate and uncomfortable was she before she died!

The wooden stick in Chen Sheng's hand broke.

Then he jumped on it and stepped hard!

Hitting and kicking, as if to vent.

Until the other person fell to the ground motionless, full of

Chen Sheng stopped only after seeing blood all over his body.

His expression was slightly broken.

He took a deep breath, and his emotions did not become disordered because of excessive venting.

This is just the beginning.

Everyone will pay the price today!

Chen Sheng wiped the blood on his hands, and then looked at everyone in the class with a smile.

"As you can see, Teacher Fang has paid the corresponding price just now. Don't worry, everyone will become like him next, or even worse."

"Everyone is ready to pay the price for your past blindness and bullying."

"Today, no one can escape, I said! Even if Jesus comes, it will be useless!"

Although Chen Sheng tried his best to control himself from breaking down.

But he couldn't help it when it really came to this point.

How could the classmates in this class do such a thing?

That was my sister's classmate who had been with her for three years!

Although he had seen a lot of darkness in life, he still couldn't accept it!

My sister lived with this group of demons.

Sister, how did you manage to survive?


Everyone in the class was silent.

Chen Sheng said the most ferocious words in the weakest voice.

It made everyone feel as excited as riding a roller coaster!

At this moment, their minds were blank.

Some people recalled how they bullied Chen Yuan!

Although they were just following the trend, they turned a blind eye.

Even if the teacher asked, they pretended not to know, and even pushed all the responsibility to Chen Yuan.

Now think about it carefully, Chen Yuan's death is inseparable from all of them!

Now the retribution has finally come!

"Damn, you are Chen Yuan's brother, so what? We are in the same class, what can you do to us!"

A student in the class stood up, waving his fists and yelling with his eyes wide open.

He was about the same height as Chen Sheng and looked quite fierce.

"Tell you, my dad is xxx..."

As soon as the boy took the lead, the people below yelled.

"My mother is xxx..."

"My father is also from the xx Bureau!"

"If you dare to touch me, my grandfather will not let him go, he is XX..."

Perhaps the atmosphere in the class has become lively.

Perhaps the man has found confidence.

Normally, he is arrogant and domineering in the class, and no one dares to provoke him. He relies on his background and strength to bully others.

They all began to introduce themselves.

Mr. Chen doesn't look much older than them, so why should they be afraid of him?

If they really fight, can he be a match for so many people?

"I tell you, you'd better get out of here! Otherwise, your ending will be the same as your sister Chen Yuan!" He pointed at Mr. Chen and walked towards him.

A few younger brothers followed him immediately.

They were about to start fighting!

However, when they walked in front of Mr. Chen.

Mr. Chen acted quickly!

He kicked a person next to him away with a kick.

Then a knife stabbed the student in the chest.

Mr. Chen moved too fast, and they couldn't react at all.

The student who was kicked flew out.

And the boy had a knife stuck in his chest.

Blood had already started to flow out!

Fear was about to spread among the crowd!

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