The student turned pale with fear! This knife was coming to kill him! Chen Sheng did not draw his knife, knowing that if he did, the boy would be dead. It was not that Chen Sheng was afraid of killing someone. But he had not yet enjoyed the pain he deserved, so how could he die now? Wouldn't that be too easy for him? Chen Sheng kicked the boy in the face. He flew backwards and sat on the ground. He screamed hysterically! "Be quiet, listen to Brother Sheng!" At this time, the back door opened. Xiao Luo walked in with two members of the Cang Tian Society. He roared with thunder. The whole class was silent instantly. The look in Xiao Luo's eyes was a bit strange.

Because they came in, all wearing gas masks and gloves.

Xiao Luo threw a gas mask and special gloves to Chen Sheng.

He put them on calmly.

What are these people going to do?

Everyone's head was full of doubts.

Chen Sheng took out a piece of paper.

It was a list.

"Now, those whose names I read can go out."

"Because this matter has nothing to do with you, I will not let any bad person go, nor will I implicate any good person."

"However, today I have put a bullet in your mouth, you must remember all this carefully! Don't bully people in the future, don't do bad things, and be a good person!"

"Li Guangsheng, Chen Dao, Liang Xuefeng, Wang Lili..."

Chen Sheng began to read.

According to the investigation, these people have never participated in the humiliation of Chen Yuan.

That day in the gym.

These people were playing outside and didn't go in.

Moreover, they had never targeted Chen Yuan in class.

The people whose names were called breathed a sigh of relief, and the bearded men opened the door and let them leave.

After reading the names of ten people.

Chen Sheng tore the paper and smiled at everyone.

"The rest of the students, you will experience the most painful life from today."

"Take a last look at the blue sky and white clouds, this is the last time you will see them."

These people didn't understand what it meant.

But soon!

They understood!

Because Xiao Luo and the others had already started!

Each of them held a high-pressure sprayer!

Started spraying white smoke!

In an instant, the whole classroom was filled with smoke!

"Ahhhhhh!! My eyes hurt so much!! What is this!"

"I can't see anything! It hurts so much!"

"My eyes, my nose, my mouth can't breathe..."

"Cough cough cough! I'm choking to death, what is this!"

"Help, is there anyone to save us..."

Chen Sheng stood on the podium, looking at everyone below seriously.

He was considerate enough to wrap everyone in the white mist, not letting anyone go.

This is lime.

If it comes into contact with the eyes, it will burn the retina and cause irreversible damage.

It will make people blind!

If it is inhaled into the lungs, it will cause permanent damage to the lungs.

They deserve it.

But none of this is fatal.

As long as they are sent to the hospital in time, they can be rescued.

But their lives will be greatly reduced in the future.

The quality of life will also be reduced by half.

However, the pain they experienced was only a small part of their sister's.

No one can imagine how helpless and terrified the sister was at the time!

Xiao Luo and the others sprayed all the lime, and then threw two tear gas bombs.

As soon as this thing was used.

Everyone screamed again!

Lime, this thing, will burn and scald when it comes into contact with water!

It can even burn the skin, and the effect is similar to sulfuric acid.

Under the effect of this tear gas bomb, no one can control their tears and rub their eyes!

Chen Sheng glanced at Mr. Fang who had fainted on the ground, silently helped him open his eyes, and left them for a few seconds in the lime-covered environment.

His eye circles were covered with lime.

Bang, bang, bang!

At this time, footsteps were heard outside.

It was the principal with the security guards and the police.

Only when they arrived at the door did they hear the screams inside.

Everyone's heart tightened!

No one could have imagined that such a thing would happen in school!

Chen Sheng dared to do it in school?

These are students from the same class!

"Open the door!!"

"Open the door for me!"

"It's Chen Sheng! We know you are in there, open the door!"

"You can't escape today, we must catch you back!


Bang, bang, bang!

Then there was the sound of someone banging on the door.

The door of the laboratory is burglar-proof.

It was locked from the inside, so it was not easy to break open.

The students inside heard someone coming and shouted for help.

They knelt on the ground, tears streaming down their faces.

This scene seemed to be the same as when Chen Yuan was bullied by them at school and knelt on the ground begging for mercy.

Time and space overlapped, but the protagonists changed.

Those who humiliate others will always be humiliated.

Retribution will come sooner or later , it's just not the right time.

Amidst the miserable cries, the people outside accelerated the progress of breaking the door.

Chen Sheng calculated that the corridor was not spacious, and there were only a limited number of people who could stand at the door and break the door.

In this case, it would take at least ten minutes to open the door.

These ten minutes were enough for him.

Chen Sheng took out a spare knife from his arms.

It was sharp, but the blade was not long.

"Those who insult my sister with their eyes, I will make you blind."

"Those who bully my sister with their voices, I will make you speechless forever."

"Those who clapped their hands and stamped their feet, I will break your hands and feet. "


Chen Sheng was alive.

First, Mr. Fang fell to the ground.

Chen Sheng stabbed him with a knife and accurately cut his vocal cords.

Then it was the next one.

Then the next one.

Xiao Luo and the others also acted quickly. In just a few minutes, these students had blood on their necks and couldn't speak.

But they didn't stop.

They were still trying to break the hands or feet of all of them.

The classroom was a mess.

The smell of blood filled the classroom like crazy.

The principal and others standing outside the door were getting more and more anxious!

They were shouting inside just now, which at least proved that they were still alive and breathing!

But now, the sound inside is getting less and less, and it can hardly be heard.

You can imagine what happened inside!

"Who is in there? Can they make such a big noise? Did the school's surveillance cameras capture it? "The police captain asked loudly.

He was also sweating profusely!

He rushed over just after receiving Zhang Qian's call.

But when he came, he couldn't contact Zhang Qian no matter what.

But fortunately, they arrived in time and joined the people in the school and came over.

Who knew that the matter was so serious!

The principal shook his head and was very nervous: "The school's network was just hacked by hackers, the monitoring system was destroyed, and nothing was captured..."

"The school's network is under maintenance now, and I don't know when it can be repaired."

Everyone was silent.

This was premeditated.

Hacked the school's network and then entered the school to do this.

How much power do these people have!

"Police captain, you must save these students! There are more than 40 people in this class! They are all children!"

"Who on earth is it, what kind of demon, will have the idea of ​​​​hitting them!"

"Everyone, work harder, break the door quickly! ! "

The principal let out an almost miserable roar.

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