After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 127: Is it worthy, God descends under the moon (two in one)

  Chapter 127 Is it worthy, God descends under the moon (two in one)

   "Jiang Fuyue is so popular?"

  Zhong Ziang was taken aback and looked at him: "What?"

It's not that I didn't understand, but that Xie Dingyuan would be interested in this kind of question?



   "Need me to repeat it?"

   "No, no need..." Zhong Zi Ang Nene shook his head, and then asked, "Isn't she supposed to be popular?"

  The man did not say anything, his faint black eyes were silent.

  The young man has already counted with his fingers: "First of all, she looks pretty, right? Especially the eyes, dark and bright, although when looking at people cold and cold, there is always a kind of magic that makes people burn all over."

  Speaking, the young man’s eyes were full of light, as if it would really burn in the next second.

  "Fire?" Xie Dingyuan sniffed.

  "Don't believe me, she just looked at you like this, when she only looked at you..." Zhong Ziang seemed to fall into a certain memory, smiled unconsciously at the corner of his mouth, and then took a breath.

  This is the first time Xie Dingyuan saw so many expressions on his face at the same time.

   unconsciously raised the lower eyebrow peak.

  "Secondly, the figure is good! Anyway, it is more correct and smoother than the so-called wealthy daughters of the imperial capital, and it is too greedy to look at it..."

  While talking, flies rubbing his hands.

  Xie Dingyuan immediately gave him: "Smelly boy, be more serious!"

   "Where can I be serious?" Zhong Ziang clutched his forehead, his face distorted with pain, "You are attacking!"

   "Still frustrated?"

  Zhong Ziang: "..."

  The man gestured and raised his hand.

   "It's not bad anymore, it's not bad anymore!" He acknowledged that he was safe.

   "The last and most important point, she is excellent!" Zhong Ziang turned red with red eyes and turned into an idiot.

  "Excellent?" Xie Dingyuan smacked the word to himself, and suddenly got a little interested, "What an excellent method? Tell me about it."

   "She is a genius, the kind who can get full marks at the end of her sleep in the examination room."

   "Well," Xie Dingyuan nodded, "Study is good."

  Otherwise, I cannot be shortlisted for the summer camps of two subject competitions at the same time. I heard that they are all full marks.

  "Do you like girls who study well?"

  Zhong Ziang scratched his head: “It’s not necessarily. If Jiang Fuyue doesn’t study well one day, I don’t think it’s, it’s not a necessary condition...”

  Xie Dingyuan thoughtfully, for a long while: "But she beat you." A blow.


   "More than once." Two hits.


   "Besides, she is so good, are you worthy of others?" He directly hammered to death.

  Zhong Ziang: "?"


  Jiang Fuyue was about to go straight home. Just after crossing the road, she heard a scream from the alley next to her.

  It’s very common to happen outside nightclubs, but King has a rule that quarrels and fights are not allowed within a 500-meter radius, otherwise the bodyguards in the store will let you know why the flowers are so popular.

  However, this alley...

   just out of the reserve, it is said to be a "holy place" for teaching people. There are often screams inside, and people passing by don't want to control or dare not control it.

  Who knows what wicked people will get off?

The less trouble, the better.

  Jiang Fuyue doesn't plan to take care of it. Every world has established rules. She is not a swordsman, nor does she have a relationship with the Virgin, so she does not have so much sympathy.

  It’s just this voice...

  Why are you familiar?

  The cold moonlight does not enter the dark alleys. It is a vegetable market during the day and becomes a purgatory at night.

  A thin figure was knocked to the ground, and she struggled to get up.

  But in the next second, a man's leather shoe stepped on her right shoulder and smashed it hard, leaving footprints on her snow-white skin, and she was eventually worn with bleeding marks.

  But the girl pressed her lips tightly, didn't call for help or begged for mercy, so she insisted on not saying a word.

  Only her tight back and trembling muscles silently indicated her pain and...fear at the moment.

  But the man was not satisfied with it. He laughed and increased his stomping force, "Scream! Why didn’t you scream? Didn’t you have two voices just now?"

  Liu Sisi stared at him with red eyes, "Fight as long as you want, so much nonsense."

"Heh, hit you?" The man closed his foot, squatted down, and stroked the girl's delicate face with his yellow fingers because of smoking all the year round. The muddy eyes gave birth to obsessive colors. of."

  "Bah--" Liu Sisi spit on the man's face, "disgusting!"

  The man's face changed drastically, the last trace of pity in his eyes was completely replaced by the anger that swept through him, slap——

   Raise his hand and slap in the face.

   "Smelly bitch, shame on your face!"

After    cursed, the backhand came again.

  The crisp sound echoed in the alley.

   Liu Sisi's eyes turned black, her ears buzzed, and the corners of her mouth and nostrils were bleeding at the same time.

  The man stood up leisurely, took the handkerchief that the younger brother gave, and slowly wiped the saliva off his face.

   Then, he wiped his **** fingers again.

  "San Ye, do you need me brothers..."

   "What's the rush? Only one fish was hooked. When the remaining two arrive, let's settle the ledger together!"

  The last three words, the man gritted his teeth, the cruelty in it made the heart tremble.

  Even the younger brother can't help but shrink his neck.

  Liu Sisi, who was about to faint, suddenly widened her eyes when she heard the words: "What do you want to do?"

  The man laughed low.

   "I can't understand a word of "the remaining two" and "calculate the general ledger"!"

   "Really? Since you don't understand, what are you nervous about?"


  The man smiled more and more happily: "Why, afraid that I will clean up your two little sisters?"

   Liu Sisi was frightened: "Dare you?!"

  The man seemed to hear some joke, and he leaned forward and backward with a smile: "Hahaha... come and listen to what she said? I dare? What's wrong with Wei San?!"

  A group of younger brothers followed and laughed.

   "There are things in this world that our third masters dare not? Haha..."

   "This girl doesn't have eyes!"

  "In the final analysis, I owe a lesson. I don't know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is!"


  Wei Sanchao raised her eyebrows and straightened her sleeves smoothly: “You ask if you dare, if you don’t dare, wouldn’t I lose your share with Sanye? Yes! Then let’s try.”

  Liu Sisi's pupils shrank: "I am the one who offended you. I want revenge and come at me. Don't involve the innocent!"

   "Innocent? Ha... Si Si, ask yourself, are your two little sisters really innocent?"

   "Crazy man! What do you want to do?!" The girl yelled, choked by the blood in her mouth, and coughed so hard.

"Don't worry if you have said it, you see... have you suffered?" The man stroked the girl's back with his big palms and sedated for her. It was obviously a gentle force, but he gave out a gloomy chill. "Wait for the time," When there are people, you will always know."

   "Everyone... is there?" Liu Sisi's face turned pale, her scalp tightened, "What do you mean?"

   "Oh, just sent them a message with your mobile phone, good sisters are in trouble, do you think they will come or not?"

   "You are shameless--"

"Hahaha... scold it, despite the scolding, the master likes your pungent vigor, but it's too unbehaved, and you can only cut the wings after thinking about it, so that you can stay in the cage with peace of mind. Don't think about flying out all day, don't you think?"

  Liu Sisi was scared into a cold sweat by the other's perverted thoughts: "You, this is a will go to jail!"

   "Hahaha, the little guy is joking again. Is there a prison in Linhuai that can accommodate me Wei San? Go and inquire."

  Liu Sisi's eyes flashed with despair.

  She can't escape, she is destined to fall into the mud and make her stinky, but she can't hurt Jiang Han and Ge Meng...

  Thinking about this, she calmed down instead: “It’s useless, we’ve fallen out a long time ago. We don’t even say hello when we meet and treat each other as a stranger, so—”

   Liu Sisi took a deep breath: "Even if you send a message, they won't come!"

   "Falling out?" The man raised his eyebrows, pretending to be surprised, "Then you two little sisters are really good. Come to put my sack on a friend who has fallen out. My chin is still green now. Is it loyal?"

   "You think too much, they are still high school students, how could they do such a thing?" Liu Sisi tried to make her tone sound calm.

   "Yes, I am also curious, where did the courage of the two high school students start with the master? I have to ask them carefully later."

  At this time, the little brother who stayed in the alley and watched the wind spread the word, "San Ye, here comes the man!"

  Wei San leaned over, smiled and patted Liu Sisi’s face: "Look, don’t you just take the bait for the two remaining fish?"

  The latter went stiff.

  The man stood up straight, his smile narrowed cleanly, but a chill was left: "What are you doing in a daze? Go and invite the two kids outside!"

   Soon, Jiang Han and Ge Meng were taken to Wei San.

  The man's critical gaze fell on the two of them. When he scanned Jiang Han, his eyes flashed with disgust, and he looked away from Ge Meng with just one glance.

  One is too fat, like a pig; one is too thin, like a firewood.

   is ugly out of the sky!

   Facing such two people, Wei San's thoughts were completely gone.

  I thought Liu Sisi’s friend should be at least as good as her, who knows...

  With this kind of stuff, none of his younger brothers look down on it.

   "Okay, little classmate, after watching a few movies, I learned how to put on sacks. Have you thought about the consequences?"

  "You, who? Do we know you?" Jiang Han lifted his chin, vowing to play stupidly and carry on to the end.

   "Oh, it's pretty well organized, no wonder you dare to do it. Since you don't know each other, then the brothers will teach her to know..."

As    said, backing two steps to make room, a group of younger brothers began to roll up their sleeves and approach.

  The "knowledge" in Wei Sankou is to fight first!

  Ge Meng grabbed Jiang Han’s sleeves in fear. The latter was also panicked, but after the light passed Liu Sisi, who fell on the ground with a face covered in blood, she felt that she couldn’t recognize it like that--

"and many more!"

  Wei San raised his hand, and the younger brothers stopped: "Why, do you remember now?"

  Jiang Han: "It seems that it should probably be a little bit impressionable."

  Ge Meng: "..."

  Wei San: "……"

  Everyone: "..."

   "Since we have an impression, should we take care of this account?"

  Jiang Han nodded: "Okay, forget it."

"Oh, I'm quite responsible, don't say it nicely, it turns out that you pee your pants! You—" Wei San turned around and raised his chin to the nearest younger brother, "Unload one of her hands for me first. ."


  Jiang Han was startled, dumbfounded.

  Ge Meng cried out, "Sister Han, what should I do? He, they are here for real!"

  Liu Siqiang, who was lying on the ground, tried to get up, but before she could stand still, she fell back heavily, pressing the glass **** with her palm, and her hand was full of blood.

   "San Ye, I beg you, don't be like this... please..."

  She burst into tears, and all her bones and pride were crushed to pieces at this moment and disappeared into ashes.

  Liu Sisi crawled over and firmly grasped the man’s trouser legs: "I will agree to whatever you want, as long as you let them go..."

   "How good is this early?" The man raised his hand to signal to stop, and the little brother put away the watermelon knife that had been placed horizontally on Jiang Han's arm, don't turn back.

  Wei San knelt down, wiped the tears from the girl’s face, and wiped off the blood stains on the corners of her mouth with his thumb, "It's ugly."

  Liu Sisi trembled all over, and did not dare to cry again, for fear that he would turn back.

  This lunatic is not joking.

  He will really kill Jiang Han and Ge Meng!

   "Isn't it a fallout?" Wei San sneered, "They did not hesitate to take risks to save you, and you sacrificed yourself and begged me to let them go. It's really a touching sisterhood..."

  The man said and began to applaud.

  The sound of popping echoed deep in the dark alley, there was a kind of strange and absurdity that could not be said.

   "Okay, since you are willing to trade with yourself, then you will let them go."

   "Liu Sisi-don't promise him!" Jiang Han shouted.

  Wei San gave a wink, and the younger brother stepped forward, raising his hand to slap in the face, slapped——

  Ge Meng was frightened: "You, how can you fight——"


  She was also missed.

  Who knows that Jiang Han turned back, with a tube of blood still hanging in his right nostril, and continued to shout regardless: "Liu Sisi, I don’t want you to save! You don’t need to sacrifice! You big silly X!"


   is another slap in the face.

The other nostril was bleeding, but she didn’t seem to feel the pain: “Isn’t it just an arm?! I’m not afraid! Even if I confess my whole body here tonight, it’s still worth it! Anyway, I called the police before I came here. I also left clues and suicide notes. If I lose my life, someone will have to pay me one!

"Moreover, I still have insurance. If I die, I will pay several hundred million. It happens to be left to my dad for retirement. I don't have to pee and pee. It's so cool! Do you have insurance? Can I get several hundred million if I die? Spicy chicken!"

  The little brother was dumbfounded, and even forgot to continue fanning his face, he couldn’t help thinking about the question Jiang Han said——

  Yes, do they have insurance?

  San Ye didn’t seem to buy it.

  Ge Meng cried, hiccuping: "Han, sister Han, what should I do if I don’t have insurance?"

  "Don’t worry, I’ve already voted for you. I asked for the ID card you wanted last time and asked you to sign it. Although it’s not as much as my hundreds of millions, there are still tens of millions."

   "Really, really?"

   "Of course! You are chasing after me, and you lose your life at any time. How can I let you have no protection?"

   "Thank you, thank you."

   Wei San's eyelids jumped sharply, and the blue veins on his forehead burst into anger: "Seal her mouth to me. Since you are not afraid of death, then take both hands together!"

  The little brother was still in a trance, and couldn't react for a while.

  At this moment, Liu Sisi, who had been lying on the ground, suddenly got up, grabbed the glass shards on the ground, and rushed to Wei San’s throat.

  She grasped so hard, the fragments cut her fingers, and dripped blood drop by drop, the cruelty in her eyes was shocking.

   "Let them go, or they will die here together. Choose."

  There is no hysteria, no madness, the girl's voice seems to come from the bottom of the cliff, empty and cold, oozing death.

   "San Ye——"

   "You quickly let go, otherwise don't want to walk out of this alley alive!"


  The younger brothers began to talk, some threatened to speak harshly, and some were persuaded to try to persuade...

  To some extent, the situation has begun to mess up.

  Wei San couldn't believe that Liu Sisi had the strength to resist, and it was precisely because of this "disbelief" that caused his negligence, and now he was held hostage by a woman in public.

  "Sisi, I always thought you were a smart girl, but you just did it..."

  "Shut up!" The fragments pierced into the flesh, blood was already leaking out of the pierced small mouth.

   Wei San's eyebrows twisted, and the killing intent flashed across his eyes.

  I thought it was a caring parrot, but I didn’t expect it to be a starling who would only bite people, so I don’t have to stay anymore!

  Liu Sisi: "I’ll say it again. Either let them go, or we’ll die together! I’ve been forced to do nothing by you. Since everything is dead, I’ll try my best to get back!"

  After finishing speaking, the fragments will score two more points.


  Wei San took a cold breath, his rather calm expression cracked at a speed visible to the naked eye, "If you have something to say, isn't it just letting people go?"

   "Let's talk about it!"

   "Let them go."

With an order, Jiang Han and Ge Meng were free and quickly retreated behind Liu Sisi.

   "Go! Leave me alone."

  Jiang Han: "To go together, the three of us will take him out. When we get to the road, these people will not dare to mess around."

   "Yes," Ge Meng nodded, "We came here to save you. Now we have the opportunity to go together of course."

  Liu Sisi's eyes burst into tears: "Sorry, I used to..."

   "Don't mention these, go out first."


  The three of them worked together to hold Wei San out, they took a step further, and the younger brothers took a step back.

  She could leave the alley immediately, but suddenly a wild cat jumped out.

  The sudden movement was undoubtedly a huge shock to people with high nervousness. Liu Sisi shook her hand and was immediately suppressed by Wei San's backhand by seizing the opportunity.

   So fast that Jiang Han and Ge Meng have no time to react!

   "Bitch! Shameless!" He pushed Liu Sisi hard against the wall, and the back of his head hit the hard brick wall with a muffled noise.

   Liu Sisi's eyes turned black, and the pain struck.

  The man in anger had no reason at all, and the next second he took out a Swiss knife from his pocket...

  The blade's blade refracted the cold light under the moonlight, and it pierced directly at Liu Sisi!

   "Don't!" Jiang Han's eyes were torn apart.

  Ge Meng could no longer make a sound, so she could only shake her head frantically.

  At the moment of his death, a black figure suddenly appeared, kicked Wei San's hand, the tip of the knife was inserted into the crack of the brick, and he couldn't pull it out.

  You can imagine how dark it is to start!

  Wei San became angry from shame, and immediately gave up drawing the knife after two attempts to no avail, turned around quickly, and looked at the incoming person vigilantly.

  I saw black shadows in long dresses and trousers, a peaked cap covering almost the entire face, and the figure is not burly among men, and even a little thin, but the power of that foot is not to be underestimated.

  His mouth is numb now!

  Wei San couldn't help but show his dread: "Who are you?"

  Jiang Fuyue didn't even look at him, and walked straight to Liu Sisi.

  The girl is already sitting on the ground sliding along the wall, her face is full of blood, she can't see her original appearance.

  The clothes were torn in the struggle, and the neckline was wide open, revealing half of the shoulder, stained with blood and gray, and the red and black were in a ball.


  But those eyes were very bright, and they were sharp in the moonlight.

  Like a lone wolf on a mountain col.

  Liu Sisi looked at the man approaching in front of her. The moonlight was too dark to illuminate his face, only a rough outline.

  She was a little defensive, even though the other party had just rescued herself from Wei San.

  So, she calmly touched the fragment, then quietly grabbed it into her palm and gathered it.

  At this moment, the man suddenly squatted down.

  She smelled a faint scent. Before she could tell what it was, the man had grabbed her hand and gently applied pressure. The five fingers opened uncontrollably, and the fragments fell to the ground.

  The next second, Liu Sisi only felt her shoulders warm.

  The man took off his coat and put it on her, which also covered the embarrassment and embarrassment.

  At that moment, Liu Sisi saw the moon hanging high behind the man, and the dim and dim light fainted around him, which seemed to have put a halo on the man.

  Like a **** descending.

  In the first half of her moldy and smelly life, she finally had something to remember and miss.

   "Oh, buddy, do you want to be a hero to save the United States?" Wei San wiped the blood off his neck, his tone was arrogant, "I'm afraid he is in the wrong place!"

  Jiang Fuyue motioned to Jiang Han and Ge Meng to come over to take care of Liu Sisi, and she slowly got up and faced Wei San.

   "What if I must save it?" She lowered her voice, looking hoarse and magnetic.

   "Then it depends on whether you have this ability!" After speaking, a gesture summoned all the boys, ready to fight at any time.

  Jiang Fuyue curled her lips, the hole under the shadow was always fuzzy, revealing a secret: "Do you think you have a little brother?"

  As soon as the voice fell, a group of well-trained men in black quickly swarmed into the alley and surrounded Wei San and his people.

  The sound of footsteps was heard in the distance, and a gap was automatically left in the encircling circle. The tall figure of a tiger rushed over the moon, and his black suit made him more and more awe-inspiring.

  But such a character walked straight behind Jiang Fuyue, and looked down: "Boss, everyone is here."

  "Boss?!" Wei San was shocked.

  Not long ago, he left from King, and today he met the new owner of this bar as a regular customer-Brother Tiger!

  Wei San knows that this bar can stand upright in Linhuai, and there must be someone behind it, and this "Brother Tiger" who suddenly airborne is a figure he cannot afford to offend.

  Therefore, it is inevitable to bring a bit of flattery between the words, and the two sides also talked very happily.

  Unexpectedly, just a few hours later, he witnessed this tiger brother calling another person "the boss".

  And these people in black are obviously the bodyguards hired by King at a high price. Not only can they beat each other, they are also known for their loyalty.

  Otherwise King can be so calm? No one in the surrounding area dared to provoke trouble?

  These people have at least 60% of the credit!

  As for the level of his little brother, Wei Sanyi knows exactly what he is, he can't please him!

   "...Brother Tiger, what do you mean? I didn't make trouble in King's reserve!"

  Hu Ben had no expression on his face, as if he did not know him at all: "You moved King's person."

   Liu Sisi works part-time as a waiter in King. Wei San's attack on her is a challenge to King.

  "This is wrong. For emotional matters, if you love me, how can you tell me to move her?"

  Hu Ben: "King never listens to sophistry when dealing with problems."

   After finishing speaking, slightly raised his hand, a bodyguard stepped forward, punched Wei San directly in the abdomen, and kicked him in the knee.

  The two moves make people kneel on one knee, hold their abdomen and bow into a shrimp-like shape, and make a painful snoring in their mouths.

  A group of younger brothers looked at each other, the other party was too simple and rude, but they did not dare to act rashly.

  Wei San suddenly raised his head, his eyes congested with pain, looked straight at Tiger Ben, and gritted his teeth: "Don't go too far!"

  "Do you still dare to say something cruel?" Hu Ben sneered and glanced at the bodyguard.

  The latter stepped forward, another punch and kick.

  Wei San had a mouthful of blood in his mouth: "Don’t think that only you have the backstage, and I also have it. If you dare to move me today, you will be ready to be liquidated tomorrow—"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Noisy."

   Tiger Ben: "Go, gagged his mouth."

   Soon, the annoying beeping disappeared, leaving only the snoring of fists and fists.

  Jiang Fuyue listened comfortably.

  Jiang Han and Ge Meng cheered wildly on the sidelines-beat beats! Kill this scumbag!

  And Liu Sisi leaned against the corner, staring at the figure intently.

  Five minutes later, Wei San was lying on the ground like a dead dog.

  A group of younger brothers saw that the situation was not good, they had already wiped the soles of their feet and ran clean.

  Everyone is not stupid, knowing that San Ye has kicked the iron plate this time, and if he doesn't want to be pushed out as cannon fodder, he has to escape.

   "Woooooooooooooooooo-" Come back! You all come back to me!

  A bunch of waste!

  Jiang Fuyue paced forward, Hu Ben followed closely, and the bodyguard wisely stopped and stepped aside.

   "Now know if I have this ability?" She laughed, condescending.

  The man's pupils shrank.

  The tiger rushed off his mouth so that he could speak.

  "Are you the boss of King?"

  Jiang Fuyue is noncommittal.

  Wei San: "I don't think I have offended you." So, why do you want to use the topic?

  Yes, in Wei San's opinion, King's behind-the-scenes boss can't just act to save Liu Sisi and her two little sisters. There must be other reasons.

   "I thought it was a personal thing, but that's nothing more." Jiang Fuyue completely lost her patience, turned around and left, leaving the rest to Hu Ben to take care of.

  Suddenly, when she saw Jiang Han, she seemed to think of something, and she had a meal at her feet: “It’s hard to come here. You can’t leave empty-handed.”

  Hu Ben was stunned for a while, not understanding what she was trying to express, and then a light and fluttering word came to his ears——

   "Then save something as a souvenir."

  The tiger rushed and shook his body, already cold sweating like a note: "...Yes."

  What to leave?


  Jiang Fuyue glanced at the corner of the wall, and met three pairs of bright and black eyes: "What are you doing in a daze? Why don't you follow me?"

   "Oh! Go! Go now!" Jiang Han immediately responded, helping Liu Sisi.

   "Hmm!" Ge Meng nodded hurriedly, holding on to the other side.

   And Liu Sisi looked at him and frowned slightly, "Your voice..."

  Jiang Fuyue directly turned around and strode out.

Oops! I just used the original sound!


  King, second floor.

  Liu Sisi was sitting on the sofa, and her personal doctor was helping her treat the wound.

  Rupture of the corners of the mouth, damage to the capillaries of the nasal cavity, additional glass **** from one hand, and head trauma that may cause a slight concussion.

  Not counting the scratches and bumps on her body.

  Jiang Han: "The dog surnamed Wei! It's not a human being! I had known that when I was putting on the sack, I should punch him a few more times."

  Ge Meng: "You can tap it directly with a stick."

  Jiang Han: "I think bricks are fine too."

  Ge Meng: "But the bricks do not work well without sticks."

  Jiang Han: "Okay, it's still a stick."

   Jiang Fuyue with her back to several people: "..."

  Liu Sisi who is suffering: "..."

  The doctor who handled the wound carefully: "..."

"Hello." Jiang Han suddenly walked behind Jiang Fuyue and saw him staring at the painting on the wall. Maybe the big guys like "stand with your back to the door and stand with your hands behind", so they didn't get too close. , For fear of offending the other party.

   "Thank you for your sudden appearance today for saving us, otherwise the three of us will be dead!"


"Although I don't know why you helped us and treated us so well, you took us to treat the wound, but thank you. But, I have nothing to give away, there are quite a lot of houses at home, or I will give you three... …Uh…Five sets?"

  It is not Jiang Hanpu, but there are only so many under her name.

   There should have been seven sets originally, but this time the final exam chemistry regressed, her father deducted two sets of her, stingy!

  Jiang Fuyue: "Are you sure you want to give me a house?"

  Jiang Han: "Sure! Compared to fate, what is a house?"

  Jiang Fuyue said in a cool tone: "Didn't you buy insurance? Aren't you afraid of death?"

   "Hey, who can live and die? Insurance is the last step."

  "Several hundred million?"

"What about them, a bunch of silly X's actually believed it. It was only tens of millions, not enough for my dad to buy two river view villas..." Then, she sighed regretfully, "I decided That’s it! I’m going back this time to increase the amount of insurance, and then increase it, and strive to compensate several hundred million!"

   Jiang Fuyue's mouth twitched: "Then call the police in advance?"

   "Who knows it's so dangerous? I haven't had time to report it... No, sir, why do I think your voice is a bit familiar?"

  At this time, Liu Sisi, who had been lowering her head to cooperate with the doctor to treat the back of the brain wound, suddenly raised her eyes, and her face was shocked: "You..."

   8,000 words, two chapters are updated together.

     Today’s sister Yue is a "feeling deception" that made the little girl excited~

     Liu Sisi: I fell in love with loneliness.



  (End of this chapter)

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