After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 128: Blast her waistcoat and be her sword (two in one)

  Chapter 128 Blasts the waistcoat and acts as her sword (two in one)

  Jiang Fuyue turned around slowly, the indoor lighting was bright, and her face could be clearly seen even if she was wearing a hat.

  Jiang Han: "?!" Am I dazzled?

  Ge Meng: "?!" How does this big guy look like sister Yue?

  Liu Sisi's eyes are full of complexities, and it is unclear whether she is shocked or disappointed.

  The two sides were so dumb, there was no movement for a while.

   "... Yue, sister?" Jiang Han tentatively yelled.

  Jiang Fuyue hooked her lips: "Have you learned how to put a sack on someone? Would you like me to praise you for being awesome?"

   "Pour it down, it doesn't work."

   "Summer vacation homework finished?"

  Jiang Han and Ge Mengdeng were agitated at the time, and the fear of being forced by the big devil to make a question came back.

   Even Liu Sisi couldn't hold back, and subconsciously sat up straight, her scalp tightening.

  The doctor glanced at her, "Don't be nervous, relax your muscles."


   "Let you relax."

   "I relax."

   "Lose a little bit more..."

   Liu Sisi: "...I try my best." But it's so difficult!

  Since the identity has been revealed, Jiang Fuyue simply took off her cap and put her hair down.

  Jiang Han has already started to look around, touch it here, take a look there, it is completely different from the appearance of the previous students.

   "Sister Yue, is this made by Redwood?" She tapped on the desk.

  "It's not mahogany, it's lobular red sandalwood."

   "Oh oh. Then this painting..." She pointed to the wall.

  Jiang Fuyue: "The real thing."

  Jiang Han's eyes lit up, and he leaned in front of her like a dog: "Hey...Are you the owner of this bar?"

   Before Jiang Fuyue could answer, there was a knock on the door.

  She immediately stood up straight.


  The tiger rushed into the door and walked in front of Jiang Fuyue without squinting. Seeing that she had taken off her hat, he respectfully called: "Miss."

  "Is everything done?"


   "What's left?"

   Tiger Ben: "Hands."

  Jiang Fuyue nodded, with the same tone as usual: "Good job."

  The man lowered his head, his posture became more and more humble.

  "Go and find out who is behind Wei San. Keep your hands and feet clean and don't let anyone catch the handle."


  The tiger ran in a hurry, and went in a hurry.

  In addition to investigating the people behind Wei San, the matter tonight will also have to come to an end.

  All night is inevitable.

  When the door was closed again, Jiang Han's pretentious appearance instantly collapsed, and the little milk dog pestered Jiang Fuyue like: "Sister, was that Tiger Ben just now? How did he become like this?"

  In suits and shoes, he is not prestigious and angry. From head to toe, there is a "big brother fan", which is different from the "hustle head" who brought a group of younger brothers to the school gate not long ago to block them.

   "Does he still have a twin brother?! It shouldn't be, the brother has to be so good, but he is a little rascal, the gap is too big."


  "Or did he deliberately? Be the big brother enough, go and experience life as a gangster?"


   "Neither? Don’t tell me that he was chased by the enemy, so the woman pretended to be a man and hid in Linhuai, is she actually a sister?"

  Jiang Fuyue can't say enough: "...It's a pity that you don't write a novel."

  Without supporting the wall, he persuades Jiang Han to open his brain hole in the sky.

  Ge Meng listened to the side for a while, Jiang Han was talking, she nodded, one dared to blow, the other dared to praise.


   Liu Sisi listened quietly and did not say anything. Of course, the doctor was still dealing with the wound and would not let her talk casually.

  Jiang Han did not struggle with Hu Ben for too long, and he seemed to have forgotten the question about whether Jiang Fuyue was the boss or not.

  "...Do not get water on the wound. I have kept anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers. If you have a fever, you must seek medical attention in time. Once the wound is infected, it is easy to leave scars, so pay attention to yourself."

   After finishing speaking, I packed up my things, and finally nodded towards Jiang Fuyue, turned and left.

  In the huge office for a time, there are only three people left.

  It's too quiet.

   "Let's talk, what's going on." Jiang Fuyue leaned against the edge of the table, with her legs close together, arms around her chest, unspeakable, but also faintly oppressed.

  Jiang Han swallowed, his eyes rolled, but he didn't dare to speak.

  Ge Meng is even more daunted, after all, she always regards Jiang Han as the leader.

  Big fish are trembling, what else is her little fish bouncing about?


   "Let me..." Liu Sisi's calm voice sounded.

  Things are not complicated. It's nothing more than a beautiful girl who has no power and power and comes to a bar during the summer vacation to do part-time jobs, and is unlucky enough to run into a "big guy" who covets her beauty.

  The man was very generous at first, and only took the drinks from her, and even the performance of opening the stage was named and written on her head.

  The girl is very happy, good performance means high income, then her living expenses for the next semester will be reduced.

  Although men often look at her with lustrous eyes, and sometimes start to wipe oil, in order to make money, the girls have gritted their teeth.

  Before entering King, Liu Sisi knew the rules here. Guests can't do anything to the bar staff without permission. Once discovered, let the bodyguard throw it out regardless of what kind of senior official you are.

  She expected that Wei San would not dare to treat herself in the bar. With no worries, Liu Sisi wanted to earn performance from him.

"...I don't deny that I wanted to catch him from the beginning," Liu Sisi twitched her mouth, and did not hide her cautiousness. She was a bad girl at first. , I picked a place outside the bar to start..."

  Wei San tricked her into the parking lot that day, planning to give her the medicine drink, but it happened that Jiang Han and Ge Meng witnessed the whole process.

  The two took the first step to take Liu Sisi away, but the other failed.

  Originally, since the tiger rushed to block the river, Fuyue Liu Sisi refused to help that matter, their relationship is not as good as before, and even to the point where they don’t communicate with each other.

  Jiang Han blamed her for being lack of loyalty.

   Liu Sisi felt that the two had been drenched in ecstasy by Jiang Fuyue.

  But as time passed, everyone calmed down and realized that it would not be the point of breaking up.

  Has a heart of reconciliation, but no one is willing to bow their heads first, so they procrastinate again and again until now.

  After this incident, the three of them also had an opportunity to reconcile.

  Jiang Han heard that Liu Sisi was bullied by an old man, how could he sit still?

  Together with Ge Meng, they simply do nothing, find a time to put a sack on the other party, and have a black beating.

  It was cool at the time, but there was no experience in the end, and the hands and feet were not clean enough. It was found by Wei San's people, which incurred revenge.

  Liu Sisi didn't know, and they told her after they finished it, but it was too late.

  "...That's how it happened."

  Jiang Fuyue was a little surprised by Liu Sisi's calmness. She had always felt that among the three, Liu Sisi was the one who could hide the true emotions the most.

  Now it proves to be true.

  The scarred girl talked about what happened to her without any fluctuations. Her arrogance, her scheming, and her gloom were all told.

During the    period, there was still a smile on the lips, and there was a kind of sadness and irony that could not be said.

  Understanding the cause and effect, Jiang Fuyue has a good idea.

  It was early in the morning, Jiang Han and Ge Meng could not stay anymore and were ready to go home.

   "Sisi, how about you?"

   "Let's go first, I'll take a taxi back later."

   Jiang Han was a little worried: "...Can it work?" She was mainly afraid that Wei San would retaliate when he picks Liu Sisi again.

   "Don't worry, there is King covering me now."

   "...Okay, then keep your mobile phone open and contact us if you have any questions."

   "Okay." She is kind.

After Jiang Han and Ge Meng left, Liu Sisi did not intend to leave.

  Jiang Fuyue didn't urge, but waited for her to speak quietly.

   "I'm sorry." This was the first sentence Liu Sisi said.

   "Why apologize?"

   "Last time the tiger rushed to stop you, Jiang Han and Ge Meng went to help. I was with them at the time, but I didn't go."

  She is honest.

   "I don't think I was wrong, because I was not familiar with you at the time. You may think I am timid, or selfish, it doesn't matter, it's all facts anyway, I accept it all."

  Liu Sisi is a cautious and vigilant person.

  She worked so hard and worked so hard to live until now, and it is impossible for her to risk her life for an "unfamiliar person".

  She admitted that she did not have Jiang Han's upright loyalty, and she was not as simple as Ge Meng. She was used to weighing the pros and cons and calculating the pros and cons before making a decision, so she was destined to live carefully and cramped.

  But these are not important, the important thing is-she is alive!

  Some people live for enjoyment, for their ideals, and for their country and home, but when she lives, she really just wants to live desperately.

  Be able to breathe smoothly and freely, see sunrise and sunset every day, eat a full meal when you are hungry, and have a glass of white water when you are thirsty...

  Jiang Fuyue finished listening, her face didn't fluctuate too much: "Since I don't think there is a mistake, then why apologize?"

"If there was no such thing as today, I might never have said these three words. To you, I am just a stranger, just like you were to me, but you chose to give me a hand. I didn't do it."

  Jiang Fuyue: "That's because in your opinion, Tiger Ben is an existence that may threaten your life; but in my eyes, solving Wei San is as simple as crushing an ant."

  "The height of standing determines the breadth of the field of view and the range of the hand. I may make the same choice as you when I change places. Since it can't be saved, why bother to blend in?"

  It's like a person falling into the water. The person who can't swim jumped down to save people on the impulse, and eventually both were drowned.

  Useless impulse in many cases does not solve the problem, and it may be counterproductive and lead to more tragic consequences.

   "You, don't you think I am cold-blooded?"

  Even Jiang Han and Ge Meng scolded her like this.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Come, it is love; not, it is duty. After all, we are not familiar."

   "Ha ha ha..." Liu Sisi smiled low, trembling all over, and suddenly raised her hand to cover her eyes.

  She was still wrapped in gauze on her hands, faintly oozing blood.

   Soon, something glittering and bright slid down the corner of the eye to the side, and finally disappeared in the hair and disappeared.

   "...Thank you." Jiang Fuyue heard her say, "I didn't know before, but I will in the future."

What can you do?

  In the past, she didn't care about Jiang Fuyue, and she will be desperate in the future.

  "Can I understand it as...repaying gratitude?"

   Liu Sisi put her hand down, her eyes flushed, but she no longer shed tears.

  She said: "It's not a return."

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows.

   "We are familiar."

  "Which method?"

   Liu Sisi: "Friends."

   Friends like Jiang Han and Ge Meng.

  It's worth her last bit of effort. Even if Wei San is held hostage in spite of her own safety, she still has to let them get out of the black alley alive.

   Jiang Fuyue never doubted this.

  Because of the scene where Liu Sisi was holding Wei San, she saw it with her own eyes. This girl was able to save her life while cherishing her life.

  The key is whether you are worthy of her doing it.

   "On the day Tiger Ben blocked me, the police station under the jurisdiction received two alarm calls. I asked Jiang Han to call one on the spot, and the other was you, right?"

   Liu Sisi was stunned: "The public phone I obviously use..." How do you know?

  I can think about it again. Even King is talking about Jiang Fuyue. She wants to know why it’s not easy?

   "You are sane."

  Liu Sisi heard such an evaluation for the first time.

   is not indifference or ruthlessness, but reason.

  "Thanks, thank you." She was a little confused, still a little bit astonished, a pair of big and round apricot eyes were filled with flattery.

  "Can I still stay here part-time?" she asked cautiously.

  Jiang Fuyue nodded: "Yes."

   "Then Sanye Wei..."

   "Don't worry, he won't appear again from now on."

  Liu Sisi thought she was only talking about the bar, and pursed her lips: "He knows where I live..."

   "When I said'will not appear', I mean that there will be no such person as Wei San anywhere, do you understand?"

   Liu Sisi shocked all over, and suddenly raised her head, just to look at Shang Jiang Fuyue's meaningful eyes.

  She seemed to understand something. The first reaction was not to be afraid, but to smell the taste of opportunity...

   Right now!

   "Sister Yue," Liu Sisi took a deep breath, and followed Jiang Han and Ge Meng's shouts, saying every word, "Can I stay?"

   "Didn't I say it just now? Yes." King would have recruited some outstanding students to do part-time jobs.

   "Not staying in a bar," she said, "I want to follow you."

  Jiang Fuyue smiled: "Follow me?"

   "Yes." Liu Sisi didn't smile, on the contrary, her wounded face was serious.

  Jiang Fuyue gradually calmed down: "What do you do with me? Study? Test? Research? Write a paper?"

  As a scumbag, Liu Sisi shook her head instinctively, and showed horror.

   "Then you say, what can you do?"

   Liu Sisi was silent for two seconds: "...I can learn."

  "Including scientific research? Writing papers?"

  "In this aspect...I may not be talented enough, but I can also try." She bit her head.

  Hearing this answer, Jiang Fuyue didn't know whether to admire her courage or to affirm her charm.

  After all, it is incredible to be able to make the tofu dregs in a school dregs show such a determination.

Among the three of Jiang, Ge, and Liu, Liu Sisi has the lowest foundation, the lowest understanding, and the weakest learning ability. The only advantage may be average——

  On average, every subject has no talent and never fails.

  Looking at Jiang Fuyue's constantly changing face, Liu Si couldn't help feeling anxious.

  She tried to find a few things that Jiang Fuyue could see from her few skills.

  Unfortunately, no.

  But she didn’t want to give up——

   "What do you need, I can learn from scratch. Maybe I am not so sensitive to subject knowledge, but the hands-on ability is okay!"

   Liu Si wanted to prove herself, but after she had finished speaking, she couldn't come up with anything else, so she could only wait quietly for Jiang Fuyue's decision.

  At that moment, she heard her tense and cramped breathing, and her heart beating obviously too fast one after another.

  It was also at that moment, she touched the future very clearly and saw the way out.

  I don’t know how long it took, she heard a sigh from her head, helpless and gentle.

   "Then stay..."

  Of course, whether to stay or not, is not just a sentence from Jiang Fuyue.

  Liu Si's thoughts are left, so there must be meaning and value left.

   "Go to Yufeng Kitchen to find this person tomorrow, and he will arrange everything for you."

   Liu Sisi took the business card and glanced roughly, only to see "Liu Jinzhong" written on it, and directly below it was a string of phone numbers. There was nothing else.



   is night, everything is silent.

After Liu Sisi left King, he stopped a taxi: "Thank you, go to Sanliu Street."

  Hearing the place name, the driver couldn't help but glanced at her through the rearview mirror.

  Liu Sisi had long been used to looking like this, and looked back blankly, shocking the driver.

  Sanliu Street, also nicknamed "Sanliu Street", gathers the three religions and nine liu in Linnan District. The environment is harsh and mixed.

When    arrived at the place, the driver immediately turned around and left after receiving the money. There was a black light, and he did not dare to stay here for too long.

   But Liu Sisi did not seem to feel the darkness, and walked straight through a dark alley without street lights, towards an old unit building.

  At the door of the house, she took out the key, and before inserting it into the keyhole, the sound of ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong was heard in the room. Accompanied by the screams of men and screams of women, it was particularly ear-piercing in the quiet night.

  Sure enough, the next door quickly turned on the lights and poked their heads from the crack in the door——

   "Why did it start again? It's midnight, so let people not sleep?!"

   "Come on! Liu Laoqi is drunk again, and Xiuhua is also suffering, so why did he follow him?"

   "Sisi, why are you outside? Don't you go in and persuade you?"

   "Hurry up! According to your dad's troubles, the whole building should wake up. Everyone has to go to work tomorrow. It took eight lifetimes to live in a unit with this kind of people..."

Liu Sisi apologized to everyone, then took a deep breath and opened the door.

  When she went in, she heard someone say--

   "Okay, let's not complain. It's not easy for people and children to share a dad like that. Let us be considerate of each other."

  "If I consider her, who would consider us? Sister Zhang, it's not that I'm mean. How many times have you seen this month? Once or twice, I tolerate, but he makes trouble every few weeks, who can bear it..."

  The door closed while isolating neighbors’ complaints, but the sound of cursing and crying in the room became clear and audible.

Liu Sisi changed her slippers blankly and walked to the living room.

Seeing her daughter come back, Liu Laoqi's eyes suddenly brightened, and he didn't even bother to teach his wife, he squeezed her into the corner, and greeted her with alcohol, "Good girl, are you back? Are you earning a lot today?" I’m a little tight lately, can I..."


  The man frowned: "What did you say?"

   "I didn't go part-time today, so I didn't make any money."

   "Fart--how can you not make money when you look like this? Wouldn't it make people sleep in vain? Who is it? I'm looking for him!"

  Oh, it turned out that she didn’t see her injuries, but she didn’t care, and she was full of money with only money.

   "Don't say I didn't make any money at all, I won't give it to you even if I make it." Liu Sisi sneered.


  The man slapped him over the face with a slap in the face: "If you turned you back, dare to challenge Laozi?! Say it again, take out the money, otherwise no one will think about peace tonight!"

  After finishing speaking, he made a drunk hiccup.

   Liu Sisi turned her head back blankly and said: "If you want money, you can make trouble if you want. When the neighbor calls the police, the police will naturally come to sober you up."

   "You little bastard! Dare to call the police?! The wings are hard, right?" The man raised his hand again.

  Liu Sisi does not dodge or hide, her eyes are full of hatred.

   The man flushed with anger: "I dare to stare at Lao Tzu, you don’t know how great you are if I don’t teach you a lesson today..."

   Seeing that the slap was about to fall again, the woman who was crying in the corner suddenly rushed forward: "Don't hit her..."


  The last slap fell, but it slapped the woman's back, causing her to let out a painful grunt.

   "Mom!" Liu Sisi's numb face finally fluctuated, "How are you? Are you okay?"

   "It doesn't matter." The woman squeezed a smile at her.

"Okay! You mother and daughter are planning to unite against Lao Tzu? Okay..." The man was so angry that his eyes turned red, and he began to look around. After a long while, he didn't find a handy tool, and simply pulled out the belt around his waist to face the mother and daughter. People throw away.


  The belt broke the wind, fell on the woman's shoulder, and then screamed.

   "Mom! Go away, leave me alone!"

  The woman shook her head in tears.

   Another whip came over, this time directly on the woman's arm, without any cloth covering, immediately left a red mark, which was swollen visibly with the naked eye.

   "Liu Kaibing, are you crazy?!"

   "The little **** dares to call Laozi with his first name and last name. I owe it!"

   Liu Sisi had a whip in the middle of her chin, followed by a taste of blood in her mouth.

   "Where is the money? I know you have it, take it out!"


  The man stepped forward and grabbed her hair: "Say it again?!"

"I have no money."

  "Who are you lie to? You sell alcohol and meat all day, but can you still be short of money to spend?"

   "Put your mouth clean, I'm going to be a waiter!"

  "Bed service is also a service. If you don't have any money, you can make money for Lao Tzu! Whether you do business or sell yourself, Lao Tzu only recognizes the money! Understand?"

   Liu Sisi gritted her teeth, and said every word: "Dream, dream!"

  The man became angry from embarrassment and threw his belt harder.

   "Let me ask again, where's the money? If you don't say anything today, I will kill you both mother and daughter!"

   Liu Sisi sneered: "Fight! You can fight if you have the ability!"

  "Sisi, don't say it!" The woman burst into tears, her eyes filled with panic, "If he wants you, give it to him. Give it to him..."

"Mom! That's my living expenses for the next semester! What did I eat for him? What do I use?" Although I knew it would be the result, it was like being beaten countless times before. It fell short, but Liu Sisi was still extremely angry.

  She didn’t understand.

  I really don’t understand.

  Why does Li Xiuhua always compromise again and again? Why indulge this disgusting man?

  She clearly knows that if there is one domestic violence, there will be a second, up to countless times.

  She also knew that Liu Kaibing would never be able to change his life and become a responsible man.

  She knew better that her weakness would only make men worse.

  But she still didn't do anything, crying silently and took it all.

   Once Liu Sisi felt sorry for her and felt that her mother was too bitter.

  As she grows older, she feels that her mother is asking for this suffering, and she deserves it!

  There are only eight words left now——

  Sorrow for its misfortune, and anger its indisputable.

   "Oh, I said that I don’t have any money, so I can’t get it after a beating?" After saying that, he pulled Li Xiuhua by the hair and dragged him up, "Go, get the money!"

   Liu Sisi shook her head: "Mom, don't give him..."


  The man threw his belt over and knocked him to the ground. He couldn't get up for a while, and he cursed: "Little bastard, dare to slap your mouth, let me say I won't kill you!"

  The woman was frightened, and hurried to the bedroom, and quickly came out with a crumpled envelope: "Don't hit it, it's all here..."

  The man snatched it over, held it in his hand, and looked at it with satisfaction.

  Tie the belt back to his waist again, and he went out with money in his pockets.

   And Liu Sisi was lying on the floor, her eyes full of despair.

   "Good girl, are you okay? Don't scare mother..." The woman started crying again.

  She is made of water, so she can easily shed tears.

  And these years, crying seems to be her only way of venting.

   "Why give him the money?" Liu Sisi stared at the ceiling motionlessly, her voice stiff.

   "If you don't give it to him, he will kill you!"

   "He doesn't dare. I will call the police."

   "What's the use of calling the police? This time the police are here, what about next time? What about next time?"

   "Then you divorce him, and I will follow you."

  The woman began to hesitate: "Nun, he is your dad after all. When he was a kid, he liked you very much. He took you out to play and buy you sweets..."

  Sure enough, it's like this again.

   Liu Sisi pulled out a sarcastic smile.

The woman continued: "Which family has no conflicts? If you get divorced, then the family will be gone... Mom doesn't want you to be a child of a single parent family, otherwise your classmates will laugh at you and find a boyfriend and the other parents. I will look down on you too..."

  The above dialogues, every time Liu Kaibing is over, it will happen once between mother and daughter.

  The words "divorce" Liu Sisi said that she was tired.

She explained to Li Xiuhua over and over again that some classmates in their class came from divorced families, but they lived happily, and no one would laugh at him. In modern society, love is free, and most parents are open-minded and reasonable. One party came from a divorced family and rashly interfered in the relationship between the children.

  But it's useless at all, Li Xiuhua can't listen.

  She always stubbornly believes that she is right, she is selfless and selfless.

   "...With such a pair of parents, such a family, I will be laughed at and looked down upon, right?" Liu Sisi murmured, and a tear fell down the corner of her eyes.


  The next day, Liu Sisi went out early.

  Although she experienced the despair of last night, she does not look abnormal today.

  "Is it Yufeng Kitchen?"

   "Sorry, you came too early, we haven't officially opened yet."

   Liu Sisi: "I'm not here to eat."

  The waiter was puzzled: "Then you are?"

   "I'm looking for someone, please take me to see him." As he said, he passed the business card in his hand.

  The waiter looked at it, secretly surprised, and his attitude became quite respectful: "Please follow me."

  Liu Sisi led the other party into the elevator, and when the metal door opened, her eyes suddenly brightened——

  Gorgeous hall, red carpet floor, green jade ornaments.

  The crystal lamp casts a shining light on the top, and a group of leather sofas are placed not far away. In the middle of the sofa is a small purple round table.

  Further inside, there seems to be a huge screen with densely packed small squares full of surveillance videos from different locations.

After Liu Sisi sat down, the waiter left.

  She looked around and suddenly felt a sense of unreality.

   And there was a lot of fog in Jiang Fuyue's identity.

   Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps, and Liu Si followed his reputation. He saw a middle-aged man coming, tall, in a suit and leather shoes, but he did not hug him. He was the only one.


   "Sit, don’t be cautious. My last name is Liu, the person on the business card."

   "Boss Liu, sister Yue said...Can you arrange for me?"

   "Yes." He nodded, smiling like a spring breeze, and it was easy for people to put down their guard, "but you have to tell me first, what is the thing you most desire or want to accomplish."

  Liu Sisi did not take the other side's friendly attitude lightly, but was more cautious: "...make money, make a lot of money."

   "No," Liu Jinzhong shook his head, "You didn't tell the truth."

   Liu Sisi is not embarrassed by the slightest lie being exposed: "I'm afraid that telling the truth will scare you."

   "Then I really need to listen."

   "...I want to die alone, please?"

   "Of course, and the goal is clear." Liu Jinzhong replied calmly.

   Liu Sisi: "But I don't want to lose my life and put myself in, is there any good way?"

   Liu Jinzhong nodded: "Yes, and many."

   "Then I will learn this."

   "Little girl, think it over. You have to be a knife after you learn it, and you must be sharp, otherwise you will not be able to graduate." The words are sincere and meaningful.

   "I have a good idea. This is what she expected, isn't it?"

  Liu Jinzhong was taken aback, and then laughed in a low voice: "Yes, she always has a charm that makes people willing..."

  The attractive person is being woken up by a phone call, "...Hello?"

   "Is this classmate Jiang Fuyue?"


  "This is the office of the National Physics Competition Committee. I regret to inform you that your summer camp qualification has been cancelled..."

   8,000 words, two more together.

     is here, it is here again~

     Hmm... By the way, ask for a monthly pass! If you don’t vote, she doesn’t vote, when will Xiaoyu be able to come forward [cover her face]



  (End of this chapter)

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