After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 129: Disqualified and moved (two in one)

  Chapter 129 Disqualification, move your hands and feet (two in one)

   "Why?" Jiang Fuyue opened her eyes.

The other party was surprised at her calmness, but still showed an official attitude: "In principle, we do not accept the behavior of participating in two discipline competitions at the same time. This time the competition summer camp and the NOI summer camp collided, we did not receive Your reply that you clearly chose to participate in the summer camp of the sports competition, so you give up by default, the Telecom Union today informed."

  Jiang Fuyue: "First, I have not received your notice, so I don’t know I need to reply."

  "Secondly, you didn’t try to contact me again without receiving my reply. Don’t say the phone can’t get through. Isn’t it working now?"

   “Third, it’s been more than half a month since the summer camp list came out, and it’s been nearly ten days since the NOI results were announced, but you only called the so-called ‘information call’ the day before the camp started. Is it reasonable?”

  Faced with Jiang Fuyue’s successive questions, the other end choked: " just need to know that it is absolutely impossible to participate in two subject competitions at the same time!"

"why not?"

   "The intensity of summer camp training is so high that students can't afford it. Do you still want to take two subjects?"

   "If you have this strength, why can't you try to take care of it?"

   "Heh... Classmate Jiang, what do you think of international competitions? You still want to take care of it..."

  International competitions and domestic competitions are one word difference, but the difficulty is very different.

  "I know that you performed extremely well in the two domestic selections of physics and informatics, and your results are even among the best, but do you know how difficult the international competition is? Do you know how high the sensitivity of students' thinking is required?"

  Jiang Fuyue frowned, she didn't like the condescending and instructive tone of the other person.

  But the other end is still going on: "New rules, new question types, and higher levels of difficulty, all of which need to be re-adapted during the summer camp. What do you take care of?"

  "I have been in the office of the Competition Committee for so many years. Every year, the so-called genius prodigy appears. Which one is not with high eyes and full of self-confidence? But in the end, he encountered Waterloo in the international arena and disappeared.

   "And you are not the first, nor will you be the last."

  Jiang Fuyue: "What on earth do you want to say?"

  The tone on the other end was a little slow: "Student Jiang, people have limited energy, we just hope you can focus more and do one of the things well."

   "So, you made the decision for me without consent?"

  "We are also after careful consideration..."

  Jiang Fuyue's eyes colded: "Sorry, I don't accept it."

  After speaking, hang up directly.

  She checked the time, seven o'clock in the morning.

   "Sister..." Jiang Chenxing's vague murmur came from the upper bunk, accompanied by the sound of turning over.

   "Did you wake you up?" She lowered her voice.

   "...No, I was about to wake up. Then, can we sleep a little longer?"

  The former sentence is false, and the latter sentence is true.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Okay, go to sleep."

  After finishing speaking, she went back by herself.

  I will talk about the big things when I wake up.

  In this way, the siblings returned to sleep until half past eight.

  When Jiang Fuyue finished washing, Brother Jiang brought the cooked breakfast to the table——

  A bowl of hot noodle soup!

The top is drenched with scumbags, and the lean meat is very chewy. There is a fried egg next to it. The white is white, the yellow is yellow, and the shape is quite beautiful. It can be seen with chopsticks in the middle. To a little bit Liuxin.

  Not old and tender, just right.

  Jiang Fuyue took a sip, and immediately praised: "It's delicious!"

  Young brother Jiang looked at her with **** eyes in surprise and shyness: "Really?"

   "Of course. Chen Xing's craftsmanship is more than enough to open a noodle restaurant alone."

  The little boy has red cheeks.

  啧, it's still so unbearable.

  Jiang Fuyue sighed suddenly, deliberately teasing him: "Is this just called the hall and the kitchen? I will find a girlfriend in the future..."

   "Sister!" Brother Jiang opened his mouth into an "O" shape, "You, you talk nonsense..."

   After finishing speaking, she bowed her head shyly, buried her chin in the collar, her ears moved lightly, and even her neck was covered with crimson.

   can be cute and love.

  It’s no wonder that those netizens who watch the live broadcast keep clamoring to form a group to steal children, and the sports cars and yachts are constantly brushing.

   Speaking of Jiang Xiaodi’s live broadcast career, although Jiang Fuyue went to the Imperial Capital to participate in NOI, she has always been concerned.

  Every day at 8 o'clock, she will open the APP on time and watch the live broadcast content, mainly because she is afraid that Wu Qian will let Jiang Chenxing eat some messy things in order to satisfy a small group of fans.

  Secondly, looking at the changes in popularity and the gift of props within half an hour of the broadcast, in a few days, she will have a complete statistical analysis chart in her mind. Based on this, she can judge the trend of popularity, so that she can contact Wu Qian to change her marketing point at any time.

  After a period of time, Wu Qian was surprised by Jiang Fuyue's professionalism and became more obedient to her.

  She has her own unique set of personality shaping, packaging, and marketing.

  At first, while Wu Qian was pleasantly surprised, he also had a little faint fear and defense.

  Surprise Jiang Fuyue has strong business thinking and precise business vision. The most direct benefit is doubling the income.

  But at the same time, I also feel that as a sister, is it too cold-blooded to market my younger brother as a commodity from beginning to end?

  And Jiang Fuyue's answer to him is--

   "If you want to gain a foothold in this industry, marketing is essential. Do you admit that?"


  "Since we have to use marketing methods, why not do our best? The increase in efficiency brought by assembly line production does not mean that the product is not warm or lacks sincerity."

   Wu Qian was silent.

  "In a given industry, following the established rules, I use my method to clear the way for my family so that he can walk more smoothly. Is there any problem?"


  So far, Wu Qian is convinced of her, and has no objections.

  Facts have proved that Jiang Fuyue’s method is indeed effective.

  First of all, the duration of the live broadcast.

  Every day from 8 to 9:30, fixed for one and a half hours, no matter how high the popularity is, it will never extend.

   followed by Jiang Chenxing’s live broadcast style.

  Now the whole network is discussing the snack broadcast of "holding rice cooker and rice cooker". Whenever there are three types of rice cookers at the beginning of the video, everyone will know who it is.

  Finally, Brother Jiang himself is also a big attraction.

  Who doesn’t like cute babies?

   And he is still a little handsome, super shy, fragrant eating, and timid eyes.

  Look at the comment area at this point-

  【Brother look at me! Here~]

  [I want to steal the battery car to raise him]

  [With a monthly income of three thousand, I want to deliver all the food in the world to him. I just watched him eat quietly by the side, drooling while watching...]

  【There is an internal screen】


  Of course, the comment area is not always harmonious. There are a lot of little pinks, and there are also sunspots.

  But these comments were promptly deleted and muted by Wu Qian, and even directly blacklisted.

  Even if there are occasional fish slipping through the net, Jiang Chenxing will not be seen.

  He has done a good job in protecting the healthy growth of children. This is why Jiang Fuyue chose him in the first place, and he continues to use him now.

  Obviously, Wu Qian himself knew this too, so he was particularly concerned with Brother Jiang.

   "Sister, I got my salary!" The young boy's eyes were bright and flickering.

   "Congratulations." Jiang Fuyue was very generous.

  This is the second one.

  The live broadcast income Jiang Da and his wife did not want, but Jiang Chenxing is too young after all. One is not safe with a large amount of money, and the other is afraid of his misuse. Finally, they negotiated and decided to give him a separate bank card and put the money in it.

  Only give Brother Jiang five hundred as pocket money each month, and tuition and food expenses will be calculated separately.

  In this regard, Brother Jiang said-knock, be satisfied, and be full!

Five hundred yuan is already a huge sum of money for him.

   "Sister, may I invite you to dinner?"

   "Why invite me to dinner suddenly?"

   "I just want to invite you to eat, can't you?" Just like every time you invite me to eat, there is no need for any reason.

   "Of course it can." Jiang Fuyue smiled and nodded, "The little brother still loves me..."

  Jiang Chenxing blushed again.

   secretly vowed: He will treat his sister better in the future, and spend all the money he earns!

  Brother Jiang is going to do something, and the two brothers and sisters will go out to eat at noon.

  Jiang Fuyue chose a nearby home-style restaurant with a good reputation. The taste is good and the price is affordable.

  When ordering, Jiang Fuyue handed the menu to Jiang Chenxing: "Little gold master, come on."

  He blushed again.

  Waiting for all the dishes to be served, Jiang Fuyue realized that most of them were her favorite.

   "Sister, you taste... how does it taste? Is it delicious?"

"good to eat."

  Brother Jiang grinned happily before moving his chopsticks.

  Well, it's really delicious!

  At the checkout, the waiter watched the little boy pull out five red tickets from his trouser pocket: "...A total of four hundred and twenty-nine. Find me seventy-one."

   "Kid, are you sure you want to check out?" The waiter asked again and again.

   "Of course! I have money!" He was serious.

   "...Alright." The waiter reluctantly collected the money, and when he left to go to the cashier to make change, he couldn't help but glanced at Jiang Fuyue who was sitting across from him.

  I'm such a big person, I actually asked my children to pay when I came out to eat.


  Jiang Chen Xing seemed to perceive the hostility of the other party, and explained: "Don’t get me wrong, it’s me who invited my sister to dinner today~"

   "It turned out to be like this, what a good boy."

  Jiang Chenxing pursed his lips shyly.

  He said: "My sister is also very good."

After the siblings finished their meal, Qian Wu drove over to pick Jiang Chenxing to pick a few dishes to be eaten live tonight. I heard that he recently discovered several newly opened private kitchens, which are not only hygienic, but also of high nutritional value. It is suitable for younger brother Jiang who needs to grow up.

  Jiang Fuyue took a taxi to a teahouse in Sanhuan.

  She made an appointment with Xu Jing, Meng Zhijian, and Yu Wenzhou.

   "Excuse me, have you waited for a long time?" Jiang Fuyue entered and found that the three were already there.

   is fighting the landlord.

   "Five six seven eighty-nine, straight! Want?"

   "Four three, blow it up!"

   "Oh, sorry, there are exactly four fours, no waste at all, hehe!"


  Hearing Jiang Fuyue's voice, all three of them were taken aback, and then began to close the cards in a hurry.

   "Cough!" Xu Jing cleared his throat and sat down tightly.

  The temperament is very tight.

  Meng Zhijian took a sip of tea under the guise: Who was it that just played cards? It's not me anyway.

  Yu Wenzhou, who is still receiving the stolen goods from the licensee: "?"

Depend on! These two animals! I'm going to top it all by myself!

   "Classmate Jiang, listen to me, I am not, I don’t, I..."

  "The qualification for the Summer Camp of the Sports Competition has been cancelled."

   "I really..." Yu Wenzhou was taken aback, "What did you say?!"

  Meng Zhijian stood up and almost overturned the coffee table: "What was cancelled?! You say it again?"

  Xu Jing also stared at her, as if there was a problem with her ears.

  Jiang Fuyue scanned three people: “I received a call from the Office of the Competition Committee this morning. The other party told me that I was not allowed to participate in two subject competitions at the same time. They helped me withdraw from the competition and chose NOI.”

  Meng and Yu looked at each other, shocked.

  Yu Wenzhou: "Fart! I have already told the city, they will adjust from it. They had promised well before, how could they change their minds the day before departure?"

  Yes, according to the original arrangement, Jiang Fuyue should take part in the opening ceremony of the Fei Didu camp tomorrow.

  But at present, it seems that this is unnecessary...

  Meng Zhijian is still calm: "Which level of competition committee is calling you?"

  "The Imperial Capital."

   "It doesn't make sense...Professor Xu values ​​you so much. His old man is also the director of the competition committee. How could he just cancel the qualification and push you to the NOI?"

  This is also Jiang Fuyue's doubts.

  Even if there is no such relationship as Xu Kaiqing, based on her performance in the preliminary and semi-finals of the competition, the opponent has no reason to push her out. If at least one of the two is selected, always fight for it, right?

  Yu Wenzhou: "Did you just say that the other party helped you withdraw from the competition?" He bit the word "help" very hard.

   "Well, before this, the other party has not contacted me, and the call is an outgoing notice."

  This is not to help make a decision. What is it?

  In the conversation this morning, she didn't even mean to make her think about choosing again, as if... the other party was eager for her to give up the game.

  Meng Zhijian: "This is too weird."

  Don’t want such a good seedling as Jiang Fuyue. Did the competition committee get water in their heads, or were they caught by the door collectively?

   Xu Jing, who has been silent for a long time, suddenly said: “This matter must be weird, probably something went wrong in the middle.”

   "Then what should I do now? Only one day left."

Xu Jing pondered for a moment: "In this way, you can contact the Municipal Education Bureau to inquire about the specific situation and see if Jiang Fuyue's application to participate in two subject competitions at the same time has come down; Old Yu, you contact the Municipal Competition Commission and ask them to come forward Communicate over the imperial capital."


  The two act immediately.

  Xu Jing was not idle either, he also started calling.

  Jiang Fuyue listened to her ears, and he was probably mobilizing the connections in the imperial capital to find out what was going on.

  A quarter of an hour later.

  Meng Zhijian: “The Municipal Education Bureau replied that the application for the dual-disciplinary competition had come down five days ago. It was signed and stamped, and the case was kept in the archive. It is absolutely impossible to make a mistake.”

  Yu Wenzhou: “The municipal competition committee has already started contacting the Imperial Capital, but it hasn’t been contacted yet.”

  Xu Jing: "My acquaintance in the Imperial Capital went to check it, and the result will be known by tomorrow afternoon at the latest."

  "Tomorrow afternoon? That's too late. She will be flying to the Imperial Capital tomorrow morning."

  Yu Wenzhou rubbed his chin and suggested: "Then not fly for the time being?"

  The three looked at Jiang Fuyue and asked her what she meant.

  The latter has a firm gaze, obviously he has already thought about it a long time ago——

   "No, fly."


  At the same time, the Imperial Capital, the Office of the Competition Committee.

  Li Xingfang looked at the door several times, but did not see anyone, and then retracted his head, sitting slanted in the office, looking uninterested.

  Colleagues joked: "Why don't you stay away from home early in the morning?"

  Li Xingfang rolled his eyes, "Why don't you stay away from home...I'm looking at whether Director Zhao has come."

   "What are you looking for Director Zhao for?"

  The woman's eyes flickered slightly: "What else can I do? Report to work!"

   "That's right, we are also idle when we are idle. It is not a bad thing to hang around in front of the leaders."

  Suddenly, a figure passed by the door.

  Li Xingfang's eyes lit up: "Director Zhao is here, I'll go to the next office."

   "Okay, go, go. I haven't seen you so active..." The colleague shook his head and didn't think much.


   Soon, a gentle man said from inside: "Please come in."

  Li Xingfang pushed the door in, then closed it with his backhand.

   "Hello Director Zhao!"

  Zhao Yongtao was bowing his head to sort out the draft paper on the table. Hearing the words, he raised his head with a smile, with obvious wrinkles squeezed out of the ends of his eyes, and there were also some age spots on his face, "Xiao Li, what's the matter?"

  Li Xingfang stepped forward and pressed his throat: "The things you explained before have been done."

   "Oh?" The man raised his eyes, his smile remained unchanged, "When?"

"Just this morning, I called the student to inform the student that she had been disqualified from the summer camp. The feedback form was filled out voluntarily, so that we can justify adding a player to the camp. According to the ranking of the semi-finals, congratulations to Tong first. It's red!"

  Zhao Tong, Zhao Yongtao’s granddaughter, studied in Hailin No. 2 Middle School, and the third year of high school starts in September.

  I was particularly interested in physics under the influence of Zhao Yongtao from a young age. I also participated in a competition the year before, but unfortunately I missed the summer camp.

  I signed up last year, but missed the exam due to physical reasons. This year is the last chance. If I still can’t be shortlisted, then the pass will be gone.

   But the final results came out, still one place short.

  If someone withdrew in front, then ninety-nine percent of the additional quota will fall to her.

  That’s why Li Xingfang gritted his teeth under Zhao Yongtao’s several hints and did it for him.

  It’s a coincidence that the student actually participated in two competitions at the same time, so there is no need to look for a reason now.

  Zhao Yongtao nodded in satisfaction: "What did the other party say?"

"I wasn't convinced at first, but one, two or three were listed and planned to break, and then it was not compromised?" The woman said with a proud look, "She can't do anything if she doesn't compromise. Who made her participate? Information competition? Our terms clearly stipulate that there is no special approval from the superior department. In principle, it is not allowed to participate in two subject competitions at the same time."

   "Hmm. Good job."

  Li Xingfang rubbed his hands: "Then look at the lack of the deputy director of the office..."

   "Don't worry, as long as the follow-up progresses smoothly, there are many promised to you."

  This is what women want!

   suddenly smiled: "Thank you Director Zhao! Thank you so much!"

   "If there is nothing else, go out first."

  "Hey! You are busy..."

  Li Xingfang nodded and bowed back, humming and returned to his office.

   "I'm back! The phone rang several times just now, do you want to go back."

  Li Xingfang glanced at the number, it was not from the imperial capital.

   immediately waved his hand: "Don't worry, it should be a local call."

  The colleague said "Oh". The division of labor between the two is different. She doesn't know if Li Xingfang is doing this, but it shouldn't be a problem to look at her with ease.

  At this time, the phone rang again.

Li Xingfang took the cup and was about to pick up the water. Everyone stood up, thinking that the call to the outside world would definitely not be the leader's call. It doesn't matter whether she accepts it or not, she should drink water first... …

  Linhuai, the office of the local competition committee.

  The clerk put down the phone again, and the director on the side stared straight at him, and the pressure was suddenly overwhelming.

  Director: "Still no one answered?"

  The clerk shook his head: "It's already the seventh one."

  The director frowned: "Normal workdays, not weekends, so it shouldn’t be..."

   "It really shouldn't."

  At this time, another clerk trot in: "Director, just a call from the Education Bureau!"

"How to say?"

   "Jiang Fuyue has all the approval procedures in place, and they are sending proof materials. Let us get in touch with the Imperial Capital Competition Committee as soon as possible to restore Jiang’s summer camp qualifications, otherwise..."

  The director's eyelids twitched: "Otherwise?"

   "They will communicate directly with the Imperial Education Bureau."

  At that point, the competition committee’s face is gone!

  The director gritted his teeth and directed the clerk: "Don't stop, keep fighting!"

   "And you, let's help together and make another call! I don't believe I can't get through today..."

  People on this side turned their backs on their backs, but Jiang Fuyue was extremely calm.

  It is Xu Jing's trio, and they were still worried when they left the teahouse.

  Since she can't fly to the Imperial City tomorrow, she simply refunded the ticket, went to the bank to withdraw 100,000 yuan, wrapped it in a paper bag and took it home.

  In the evening, Jiang Da and Han Yunru thought that their daughter would go to the imperial capital tomorrow, so they closed the store early and returned to accompany her for dinner.

   "Mom, this is one hundred thousand yuan, you take it."

  Han Yun was surprised: "Where do you get so much money?"


  "Then you should keep it for yourself, what do you do for me?"

  Han Yunru would not favor one another, she did not move the money her son made, and her daughter would still not be greedy.

"Originally, your dad and I have never taken care of you since I was young. First, I was too busy and didn’t have time to do it. Second, you didn’t let me do it. Now it’s still the same as before, and we don’t interfere with you too much. Because mom knows what you can do and what you can’t do, you actually have a sense of measure in your heart."

  "The same goes for money. Where and how much you spend, you can figure it out."

   Jiang Fuyue's heart warmed: "Mom, don't worry, listen to me first."

   "Okay, you say it."

  "This money is mainly for you to expand the store."

  Jiangda: "The store is very good now. The place is big enough and spacious. What else to expand?"

  Han Yunru was not in a hurry to express his position, with a thoughtful look on her face.

  Jiang Fuyue knew that their mother and daughter had wanted to go together: "What I mean by'expansion' is not to make the current one bigger, but to be a second one."

  Han Yun raised her eyes sharply.

  Jiang Fuyue met her gaze, smiled and blinked, the woman laughed and looked helpless.

   "What, what do you mean?" Jiang Da was not alone, and his eyes were dumbfounded, "The second one? Do you want to open a branch?"

  Jiang Fuyue nodded.

  Jiangda did not believe in his daughters and relatives, so he turned his inquiring eyes on his wife, who gave him an affirmative smile.

   "But...there is not enough manpower, I can't manage it!"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Then recruit people."

   "In case those people have bad skills and smashed their signs..."

  Han Yunru: "Technology can be taught slowly."

  Jiang Fuyue: "The branch is not open as soon as it is opened. The preparatory work is very complicated. Don't worry, dad. Just have this awareness first. Let's do it step by step, right mom?"

  Han Yunru nodded: "Daughter has more plans than you."

  Jiang Da smiled and scratched his head: "You and your daughter can be smart, and there must be a dumb family in the family."

  The forgotten brother Jiang: "?" Huh?

  Just, very confused.

  In the end, Han Yunru accepted the money, but it could only be used to open a branch, and could not be used for other purposes.

   "Yueyue, are your luggage packed?" Han Yunru came into the room of the brothers and sisters after taking a shower.

  "Not yet. The time has changed temporarily. I won't go to the Imperial Capital tomorrow."

   "Then be prepared too, what if you want to leave?"


  Jiang Fuyue didn't tell her family about the disqualification of the summer camp. Han Yunru saw her look as usual and didn't ask much. On the contrary, she was a little happy because she could stay at home for an extra day.

   "Tomorrow Mom will make breakfast for you, what do you want to eat?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Tomato and egg noodles."

  Jiang Chen Xing: "I am just like my sister!"



  Under the same night, a villa area in the Imperial Capital.

   "Dad, you are back."

   "Hmm." Zhao Yongtao put on slippers, turned around and hung the briefcase on the coat rack.

   "Sit down first, and you can eat right away."

  Zhao Yongtao glanced at his daughter. The girl who got married was just the water that was poured out. She was not so diligent in normal times. Recently, she has come here often.

  For what, he knew it well.

   "Tongtong’s affairs are all done, let her prepare well and report to the camp tomorrow."

   "Really?!" The woman's eyes burst out with surprise, "Great! Dad, you are so kind..."

   "It's okay, less numbness, I feel sorry for my granddaughter, only one short of..."

   "No wonder Tongtong always said that grandpa is the best person to her in the world, isn't it, everything has been considered and arranged for her?" The woman smiled.

  At this time, Zhao Yongtao's cell phone rang.

  He touched it out, swiped his fingertips, and connected: "Hey..."

  The complexion will change in the next second!

    seven thousand words, two more together.

     The next chapter is warning of abuse and scum! Dick dick~



  (End of this chapter)

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