After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 130: The prelude to the abuse scum, I came in person (one more)

  Chapter 130 Prelude to the abuse of scum, come in person (one more)

   " someone really asking?" Zhao Yongtao took a deep breath and barely calmed down.

"Can I lie to you?" Li Xingfang was already panicked: "Just ten minutes ago, the opposite office received a call from the agency and asked Jiang Fuyue by name. They didn't have the list of this summer camp, so they turned around. Come and ask me."

   "Then what did you say?"

"What can I say? Before I figure out the situation, how dare I say it?! I can only find an excuse to procrastinate, but it can't be procrastinated for too long. There has been urging! Director Zhao, what do you mean? Was it discovered by someone who leaked the wind? I won't be punished, am I?"

   "What's the rush? I haven't figured out the matter now." Zhao Yongtao was afraid that her mentality would be unstable, and she showed herself, so she put a bit of strength in her words to show her composure.

  Sure enough, Li Xingfang felt a lot at ease.

  "You just said the agency phone number? Which unit is calling?"

  Li Xingfang: "It seems to be from the Urban Construction Bureau."

  "Why did the urban construction call reach the Competition Committee?" He couldn't make the call.

  Li Xingfang: "I also find it strange, but the opposite office said that it was inquiring, and only asked Jiang Fuyue. It looks like walking in private to ask for something..."

  Zhao Yongtao breathed a sigh of relief.

  As long as it is not from the Education Bureau, then this matter can still be dealt with.

  Li Xingfang: "What does the other party mean?"

   "If I guessed correctly, it should be your phone call that morning worked."

   Li Xingfang still doesn’t understand: "... Director Zhao, my brain is not so good, you can tell me something, so I have a bottom in my heart, otherwise I’m so panicked..."

   "Most of the city construction is affected by Jiang..."

   "Jiang Fuyue."

   "Well, I was commissioned by Jiang Fuyue to inquire about the specific situation."

   "Hiss..." Li Xingfang gasped, "Then she has already begun to doubt?"

  Zhao Yongtao sneered: “What’s the use of doubt? Now it’s a society ruled by law, and everything is evidence.”

   "But since she can make this call from Urban Construction, does that mean Jiang Fuyue has a backer? Isn't it that easy to fool?"

  In the imperial capital where “the powerful and powerful are walking in the streets and the second generation is as numerous as dogs”, it is normal for Li Xingfang to have such concerns.

  Who knows if there is an iron plate hidden behind Jiang Fuyue? If someone offends someone who shouldn't be offended, then her peace and stability will come to an end.

  Although she has been thinking about the position of deputy director for a long time, she must first make sure that she has all her hair and tail, right?

  Zhao Yongtao saw her little thoughts in his eyes, faintly disdainful, and said to his heart: Isn’t there no reason for not being able to climb for so many years, what can be done with just this little courage?

But he said soothingly: "Who doesn't have three relatives or six relatives these days? Maybe someone in the family works in urban construction, so you can just make a phone call to check the situation. Then you have to be polite. Waiting for your reply, isn't it? "

  Li Xingfang thinks it makes sense.

  Looking at the attitude of the opposite office, she shouldn’t be an important person either. Otherwise, how could she be allowed to procrastinate like this? Didn't you drive mad early?

   "If Jiang Fuyue really has a backer, then this call won't be from the urban construction side, understand?" Zhao Yongtao's tone was mysterious.

   "Hey! Or you are thoughtful, I'm too uncomfortable. Then, according to your opinion, how can I reply there?"

  "Do you still need to teach me? You follow the process, one is not against the law, and the other is not against the rules, what is your guilty conscience?"

  Li Xingfang immediately blessed his soul: "I understand."

  The call is over, Zhao Yongtao puts down the phone.

  Zhao Lulin hurriedly brought the tea cup to him, "Dad, is there a problem with Tongtong...?"

  Zhao Yongtao waved his hand as usual: "The problem is not big."

   "The one who was replaced...has some connections?"

   "Heh, what kind of network is that? An urban construction bureau wants to take care of our competition committee? As long as the Education Bureau does not intervene, this matter is settled."

  It is not that he is blindly arrogant, but that when Zhao Yongtao locked Jiang Fuyue before, people checked her family background.

  Parents are self-employed in small businesses, and few relatives in the family work within the system.

   To put it bluntly, just a flat-headed ordinary people with better grades, where can they get any contacts?

Zhao Lulin sighed lightly: "That's good. Originally, this kind of thing is not uncommon, and it is not what our family does, as long as the tail is well hidden. But I am afraid of mistakes, if I stabbed it out, now this society is the Internet again. It's public opinion again, it's really hard to deal with..."

  Zhao Yongtao nodded: "You can understand. Go back and remember to tell Tongtong to keep a low profile after entering the camp. You should know what you should say and what should not be said."

   "Don't worry, I've explained to her usually, and if you tell your face, you will definitely not go wrong."

   "Well, let's eat then."

  In this case, Zhao Yongtao raised half of his heart steadily and fell back to the original place, and that case Li Xingfang quickly responded to the office next door.

  The office next door relayed it to the people from the urban construction side.

  And after this person received the message, he immediately dialed Xu Jing’s mobile phone number——

   "I asked it for you, and the other party said that there is no problem, everything is done according to the process."

  Xu Jing's brows clenched, and the tone suddenly rose: "Are you sure? That's what the original saying is?"

   "I recorded it, do you want to send it to you?"

   "Okay, send it."

   "...I'll go! Old classmate, are you serious?"

  Xu Jing's mouth twitched: "Do you think I look like a fake?"

   "Oh, then this student is not ordinary, it can make you so concerned."

  Xu Jing sternly said: "It's really unusual."

   "..." Saying you are fat, are you still breathing?

  "I’ll confirm it again, the Imperial Capital Competition Committee really made it clear that there is no problem, everything is in accordance with the process?"

   "Yes, yes, I'm pretty sure, I'll post the audio to you in a while, lest Ya always suspect me."

   "That shouldn't be..." Xu Jing murmured.

   "What shouldn't?"

"The other party previously called and said that double subject competitions are not allowed, but our side has complete procedures. If everything goes according to the process as the other party said, then the summer camp qualification should not be cancelled. It’s just a suspicion, now it’s basically certain that the imperial capital’s competition committee has produced a moth!"

   "Then what are you going to do? It's okay for me to call and ask for help as soon as I am engaged in urban construction, but I can't interfere with the internal decision-making of the competition committee. So, sorry old classmate..."

   "Don't say that, it's already a lot of trouble for you. At present, it seems that you can only contact the Education Bureau to come forward."

   "Can it work? Just for a student?"

  Xu Jing once again emphasized: "This is not an ordinary student."

   "Okay, then I will wait to see how unusual she is..."

After Xu Jing hung up, he immediately contacted Meng Zhijian and Yu Wenzhou and told them the news they had just received.

  Meng Zhijian: "I knew it was done by the Imperial Capital Competition Committee! I even dared to be sloppy!"

  Yu Wenzhou: "You said there is such a tossing over there, what is the picture?"

   "...It's not a fair thing anyway."

   "Then what should I do next? You can't just sit like this! I am worried that if Jiang Fuyue does not arrive at the camp opening ceremony tomorrow, then we will become unreasonable."

  Meng Zhijian fully agrees: “We must implement this unilaterally before the ceremony begins, so that we can cope with the subsequent changes that may occur, otherwise we will be too passive.”

  Xu Jing: "You come forward and contact the Municipal Education Bureau directly."

  Meng and Yu were surprised.

   "... After this step, there is really no room for change."

   "I am worried that the municipal competition committee will not be able to explain it."

Xu Jing smiled: "Okay, if you are willing to watch Jiang Fuyue withdraw from the summer camp and miss the international arena, then continue to hesitate. I think that kid is quite calm. It doesn't matter if he participates or not, anyway, there is no sports competition. There is also NOI. The Olympic Mathematics Preliminaries will also begin in mid-October..."

  Meng Zhijian heard it, so what?

  "Why can NOI and your Olympiad be able to compete, am I not worthy of competition? Contact the Education Bureau, right? Yes, I will fight now!"

  Yu Wenzhou nodded frantically: "Fighting! If Jiang Fuyue misses this summer camp, I, I will..."

  Xu Jing: "What are you doing?"

   "I will post and expose, and then cry for the people of the whole country to see!"

  "..." is really promising.

  In that room, Meng Zhijian had already dialed the phone, but no one answered it for a long time.

"what the hell?!"

  Xu Jing reminded him: "At this point, people are already off work."

   "...! What should I do?"

   "Let’s call tomorrow, and don’t worry about this moment."

  The three of them discussed it, but in the end they had no choice but to do so.

It was Jiang Fuyue who was supposed to be at the center of the storm. No matter what the chaos outside, she ate and drank as usual at home. She slept steadily until she woke up naturally. She also ate the egg noodles made by Han Yunru himself. Cozy.


  Ten o’clock in the morning, Linhuai Airport.

  Ling Xuan raised his wrist for the Nth time to see the time, and looked at the entrance for the N+1th time. Unfortunately, the person still did not appear.

  He couldn't help frowning.

  We will stop check-in in half an hour. Jiang Fuyue is flying to the Imperial City on the same flight as him today, but now she hasn’t even seen a personal picture!

  Ling Xuan wondered if the other party overslept.

  He wanted to make a call to ask, but only when he picked up his cell phone to find that he didn't have Jiang Fuyue's number at all.

  Can't help but smile.

  In a blink of an eye, another ten minutes passed, and another boy arrived, but Jiang Fuyue still did not come.

  "Did you get delayed on the road?" The boy suddenly said.

  His name is Ren Xinghe, a student in the third middle school, ranked second in the province in the semi-finals, and his total score is five points higher than that of Ling Xuan, only below Jiang Fuyue.

  He occupied one of the three summer camps in Linhuai this time.

  When the tickets were purchased together, the Education Bureau booked a flight for three people, even the seats were next to each other.

  Ling Xuan: "I don't know. I didn't reply to the message."

  Ren Xinghe: "Call her directly!"

  Ling Xuan: "……"

   "Don't tell me you don't have her phone, aren't you classmates?"

   "Students must have a phone?" Coolly.

  Ren Xinghe touched his nose: "...not necessarily."

   "In fact, you can call the teacher and ask the teacher to contact her."

  Ling Xuan was taken aback, and silently took out his mobile phone...

  Yes, why didn't he think of it.

At that time, Meng Zhijian was explaining the situation to the leaders of the Education Bureau. When Ling Xuan called in, he said in a righteous and indignant manner: "...This is clearly framed, discriminated, and non-rule! I have every reason to suspect that the Imperial Capital Competition Committee is engaging in it. I don’t know the specific purpose of the black-box operation, but my students have been treated unfairly because of this. I hope the leader can give an explanation to balabala..."

  Naturally, Ling Xuan could not receive this call.

   turned his head, Ling Xuan continued to call Yu Wenzhou again, this time it finally got through——

   "Ling Xuan? What's the matter?" He was busy arguing with the municipal competition committee at the moment, and he had no time to deal with the kid.

   "Teacher Yu, today we are flying to the imperial capital, but Jiang Fuyue has not arrived at the airport yet..."

   "Oh, she won't fly today, don't worry about her."

  Ling Xuan was taken aback: "Why?"

   "Something went wrong, and I couldn't tell it for a while on the phone. You can participate in the opening ceremony with peace of mind, and we will take care of it."


   "I have something to do, I won't tell you for now, I have a safe journey."

  "Hello? Teacher Yu?!" It really hung up.

  Ling Xuan cursed in a low voice.

  He did not miss Yu Wenzhou’s phrase "We will handle it well", and set the key point-us!

  What happened to Jiang Fuyue, how many teachers need to help deal with it?

  He suddenly had a bad feeling.

  Ren Xinghe: "How about? Is it clear? Is she coming?"

  Ling Xuan raised his eyes, and scanned the opponent with a cold look, with a bit of scrutiny and judgment: "You seem to care about her?"

  Ren Xinghe was taken aback, and smiled: "...Everyone is in Linhuai. When we arrive in the Imperial Capital, we must take care of each other. Isn't it normal for me to care about and care? But I think you seem to care more?"

  Ling Xuan's eyes sharpened.

  Ren Xinghe has already looked away, as if the last sentence was just casual.

  At one o'clock in the afternoon, the two arrived in the imperial capital.

  Two o'clock, check in.

  Received the notice at 2:30, all members will gather in the lecture hall, and the opening ceremony will be held on time at three o'clock.

  "Have you heard? Professor Xu will also attend the opening ceremony!"

   "Professor Xu? Who?"

  "Xu Kaiqing! National treasure-level physicist! I don’t know what summer camp you are still attending?"

   "It is said that in previous years, he used pre-recorded video as a speech. He didn't come in person. I didn't expect to come this year! It's strange..."

    4,000 words, a change first, the eyes are so irritated and itchy, I only wrote one change yesterday.

     three o'clock in the afternoon, two more.



  (End of this chapter)

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