After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 148: Her courage, bright moon and heart (three shifts)

  Chapter 148 Her courage, bright moon and heart (three shifts)

   "What is the significance of physics research?" Jiang Fuyue asked.

  The audience is silent.

  Xu Kaiqing's expression was shocked, and he subconsciously held his breath.

   Yan Zhenfeng's eyes burned.

  "As early as thousands of years ago, Zhuangzi said: Judging the beauty of the world and analyzing the principles of all things. If the eyes are used to discover and appreciate things, then thinking is used to discriminate and study the truth."

  Fluent English as soon as you speak.

  The words are accurate and the pronunciation is authentic.

  "There can be many manifestations of things, but there is only one essence. I think the significance of physics research is to peel off appearances, discover the most essential things, and unify everything into reason."

  "Before explaining the physical properties of quasicrystals, we must first know what quasicrystals are."

"In 1982, 41-year-old Danielle Shechtman discovered a 10-degree symmetrical diffraction pattern when studying aluminum-manganese alloys with X-rays. As we all know, in natural crystals, atoms and molecules are periodic. Arranged. And the periodic crystal structure diffraction pattern is impossible to appear quadrilateral, hexagonal, and five-degree symmetry."

   "Because," Jiang Fuyue paused for a moment, and Qing Ling's eyes slowly swept across the crowd, "Mathematically it can be proved that a five-degree symmetric periodic structure cannot fill the entire space."

"Shechtman's discovery unexpectedly caused great shock in the field of crystallography research and related academic circles at the time. When a new discovery broke the old rules, the ensuing doubts and exclusion can be imagined. Of course. , This is not the focus of our discussion today."

  She spread her hands and shrugged her shoulders. Her unique humorous way reflects her strong personal charm.

  She has a relaxed posture and is easy to do. At a certain moment, it is enough to make people forget that this is just a small lecture hall, but more like an auditorium hall where thousands of people gather.

  Unfortunately, the audience is not qualified.

"What is she saying?"

   "I am deaf."

  "Isn't it said that Linhuai is learning'dumb English'? She... I don't believe it if she hasn't been abroad for more than ten or twenty years."

   "It feels like she is more like a trained one than Huo Fanjin."

   "Then what... can I ask for an English translation?"

   "I suspect she is showing off her skills."

"Oh, a **** is hypocritical. At first, I asked to follow the IPhO standard, for fear of embarrassing the other party; now that people strictly follow the standard, she feels that she is showing off her skills. So it can be made, why can't we go up to the sky and stand side by side with the sun? Really? When the summer camp was run by her family?"

   "Maybe this is called... Can't eat grapes and say grape sour?"

   "Hey, that's so sour!"

  "Is it so difficult to admit that others are good?"

   "It's not difficult, I think Jiang Fuyue is special Niu X, it's like hanging from the sky."

  The person: "..." Quietly Mimi didn't dare to open her mouth.

  On the stage, Jiang Fuyue has already paced to the second whiteboard: "Back to the topic itself—Explainthephysicsofquasi-crystalswithdatasupport."

"The degree of generality of this question is tantamount to asking a bubble rising from underwater to the surface, and analyzing the force of the bubble from a physical point of view. No number, unconditional, and the respondent needs to set up his own situation, hypothetical analysis, and also consider various external sources. The influence of factors, such as changes in temperature, the effect of wind, and even the density of water."

"How to do?"

  This question, I asked everyone's heart.

  Yes, there are many threads and threads, it seems that you can cut from any angle, but I dare not start easily.

  Jiang Fuyue gave everyone five seconds to think, and then continued: "This requires us to build a new theoretical framework in our minds!"

  As soon as this remark came out, the scene was in an uproar.

  Even Yan Zhenfeng couldn't help but stare, as if he heard some fantasy.

  He even wanted to laugh a little, laughing at her ignorance and ignorance, and talking loudly.

  Listen to "Building a new theoretical framework system"?

  What kind of naive and stupid words are this?

  Newton built a system of classical mechanics, and Planck created quantum mechanics, but what is Jiang Fuyue?

   Is she Newton? Is it comparable to Planck?

  Why not hesitate to build a new system?

   "I just want to know who gave her the courage?"

   "You have to have a degree of bragging. I'm really not afraid that the wind will flash my tongue."

  Su Qing disdains Leng Chi: “If you do the right two questions, it’s just like that. Nothing like the goddess of learning.”

  Liu Ling Nene: "But I think she is very good like this."

  Chen Sichang: "Huh?"

   "After all, we don’t even have the courage to stand on stage and speak big words..."

  There was a moment of silence all around.

  On the stage, Jiang Fuyue smiled openly, accepting all doubts and ridicules calmly, acting like an outsider.

  She said: “If scientific research is a maze, then I don’t mind walking through every wrong path, because only by constantly trying can it be possible to find the right one.”

  "If a person walks out of the maze, then please believe that he must have a pair of callused feet; if he unfortunately falls in the middle of the road, he will continue to walk the rest of the way later."

   踽踽 to stagger, corpse and foot.

  This is the scientific research attitude Xu Kaiqing wants to express with this question.

"Physics was born in the world and has never been alone. He has the foundation of chemistry, the support of mathematics, and the sweat and blood and tears of countless scholars, so that he has the appearance of the tall buildings I see today. And all I can do is to do my best. Do what you can, add bricks and tiles."

   "My explanation is over, thank you."

  Jiang Fuyue bends down and bows. The moment he leaned down, his slender back fell in the eyes of everyone. It was so thin that it could be broken, but he seemed to have the huge energy to carry science and shoulder civilization.

  The scene was quiet, there was no discussion or applause, as if entering a vacuum zone, forgetting how to react.

  Naturally, no one noticed. At the door, there were two figures standing there for a long time—

  Shen Wenzhao’s eyes were stunned: "...A Yuan, this female doll reminds me of you back then."

   Said that I am worthy of you, and the blue bird has my heart.

  Xie Dingyuan didn’t speak, he just looked at the stage and sank to the bottom, faint and deep...

    Three changes are coming! Everyone has been waiting for a long time, and the writing is a bit stuck, but I am very satisfied, because this is the most flaming and explosive Yue sister in my mind: a sincere heart, a bright moon!



  (End of this chapter)

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