After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 149: Absolutely crushed, another day (one more)

  Chapter 149 Absolutely crushed, another day (one more)

  A temporary game finally ended with Jiang Fuyue's unilateral crushing.

  The opening ceremony of the camp was held as usual, and Jiang Fuyue was no longer opposed to speaking on stage.

After   , everyone filed out, but the legs were soft and the noodles were delicious——

   "You may not believe it, but my mind is still buzzing."

   "I feel like I listened to an academic report."

  "It is also nine-year compulsory education, why can Jiang Fuyue show up like this?"


  They can be selected for summer camp, to some extent, they are already rare geniuses.

  And genius is so arrogant.

   can even be said to be arrogant.

  Can these proud and conceited geniuses now collectively recognize it?

   "Jiang Fuyue is still amazing..." Ren Xinghe sighed to himself.

  The voice was not too big or too small, just reaching Ling Xuan's ears, and the latter was unmoved.

  "She usually does" He seemed to find no suitable adjective, and he pondered for a moment before speaking again, "So sharp?"

  Yes, Jiang Fuyue standing on the stage is like an unsheathed sword, shimmering with cold light, as if it would hurt people in the next second.

   Ling Xuan paused: "Ren Xinghe, you should have inquired very clearly about this, so why bother to ask me?"

   Ren Xinghe smiled and said, "Maybe I am trying to get close to you?"

   "This is not necessary."

  "Why? Everyone is from Linhuai, is it okay to have multiple friends?"

   "We are not the same kind of people."

   "Ling Xuan, if I remember correctly, you were the number one in the first grade, right? Jiang Fuyue suddenly appeared a few months ago and squeezed you out." Ren Xinghe pointed out.

   "So what?" Ling Xuan asked rhetorically, speaking calmly.

  "When a person is used to standing high, he can't watch others stray wildly on his head."

  Ling Xuan smiled: "That's you, not me."

"it's the same."

   "Send you a word."

  Ren Xinghe: "?"

   "A mountain is still a mountain high, and a strong player has a strong midfielder."

  It is not Jiang Fuyue, there will be others.

  Ling Xuan hadn't done the Zhonger dream of "being at the peak, no one surpassed" for a few years.

  After meeting Jiang Fuyue, I didn’t even want to think about it.

  Human, is it not good to live realistically?

  At this time, a man and a woman passed by, and the sound of conversation followed closely——

   "I just want to know how Jiang Fuyue's brain grows, and the computer has to be programmed first, but she doesn't even type the draft, so she gives the answer directly, Resby!"

   "This is a talent, I can't envy you..."

  The two of them walked farther and farther, and the conversation became inaudible.

   "Have you heard?" Ling Xuan curled his lips, and there was a bit of sympathy hidden in his words, "You can't envy things like talent."

  After finishing speaking, no matter what Ren Xinghe reacts, he strode away.


  After the opening ceremony, the training camp officially began.

  A total of 25 people, not too many, a small classroom can fit them.

  Three coaches take turns to give them lessons. In addition, there is a female teacher who specializes in language training.

  As I said before, IPhO has four universal languages-English, French, German and Russian.

  Considering everyone's original language foundation and short-term adaptation situation, English was finally selected as the fixed language for intensive training.

  Therefore, the test papers sent to everyone can no longer see a single Chinese character, and they are densely packed in English.

  At first, half of the people could not adapt.

  Almost all of them are students in Beijing circle who have adapted well.

  Of course, Jiang Fuyue and Ling Xuan are the exceptions. Although both of them are from other provinces, one is talented and the other is educated by elites since childhood. Can he still be stuck in a small language?

  However, Ren Xinghe is not so lucky...

  He is extremely uncomfortable with language switching. The questions he would have done before were changed to English, but his eyes were blackened, and he didn't know anything.

  The teacher asked him how he usually scored in English.

  He replied: I have never played 140.


  Of course, he is not the only one who has the same problem. Almost all the people from other provinces have been recruited.

   Yan Zhenfeng was very worried about this.

  To say that this level of English cannot be raised in a day or two, but this group of students is in a special situation. It is not that they have a poor foundation and poor grades, but do not know how to use it!

  Specifically, let them do English test papers with higher scores one by one, so that they can use English to do math problems immediately.

  In desperation, Yan Zhenfeng had no choice but to separate this group of people and conduct targeted high-intensity language training.

  The rest will receive classroom training according to the normal schedule.

  As a result, Ling Xuan and Jiang Fuyue are particularly prominent among the surrounding brothers in the Beijing circle.

  "Does it look like two sheep have entered the wolf pack?" Ling Xuan joked.

  Jiang Fuyue did not raise her head, and concentrated on the test paper, but still took the time to return to him: "Why didn't the weasel enter the chicken coop?"

   "Haha..." The young man laughed in a low voice, his clear voice was a little bit magnetic.

  Sunlight shone in from outside the window, hitting his side face, making the youth more clear and gentle.

  Unfortunately, Jiang Fuyue has only questions in her eyes.

  She was stuck at the last question, and it seemed that she always felt that there was a bad condition.

   "Teacher——" She spoke directly and called people to her.

   is a coach in charge of mechanics, thermodynamics and molecular physics, named Qin Libin.

  The middle-aged man is blessed with a big belly, but he is humorous and lively lectures, and he pays special attention to Jiang Fuyue.

  So, when she heard her calling someone, she passed by with a smile.

   "Student Jiang, are you done again? I'll change one for you..."

  In the past two days, Jiang Fuyue’s speed in questioning and his **** correct rate have become a nightmare for all the brothers in Beijing.

  At present, everyone is not surprised, and calmly looked away, but the pen in his hand is getting tighter, and the pressure has doubled.

  They want to hurry up, hurry up, but when they look down, they are still stuck in the same small question, complicated calculations, and huge formulas, making people bald.

   But this time, Jiang Fuyue is not going to hand in the paper.

  She pointed to the last question of the last question, in a positive tone: "The conditions are bad here."


  "The oblique section of 300, with a mass of 4kg, a light rope connected to a solid cylinder, with a mass of 8kg...acceleration when the object is released...if the rope is under force, the cylinder and the body will accelerate at the same acceleration... Finally, the torque is required to be calculated."

  Qin Libin finished listening and nodded: "Yes, is there any problem?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Lack of friction coefficient."

   "What?" Qin Libin leaned closer and read the title carefully again, "No, this is the original IPhO question in previous years. How could it be lacking?"

   But in fact it is missing.

  At this point, Jiang Fuyue is very sure.

  Someone in the front row turned their head and said in a cool tone: "Student Jiang, although you are very good, you don't have to use the way of questioning the real question to set your own rough man? Be careful of overturning."

  Jiang Fuyue didn't even give him a corner of her eye.

  Qin Libin also found the problem soon, nodded, and gave Jiang Fuyue a full affirmation: "There is indeed a lack of conditions."

  The person in the front row: "..." The face slap came too fast, like a tornado.

  Ling Xuan: "Since it is a real question, it stands to reason that there shouldn't be such a mistake."

  This is also what Qin Libin can't figure out.

  Jiang Fuyue pondered for a moment: "Can you find the original question?"

  "Isn't this the original question?"

  She shook her head: "If I remember correctly, this question should be provided by Country D in 2033 and was finally selected as the first question in the theoretical part of the year. The original text should be in German."

  And now they have the English version.

  Qin Libin swallowed, his focus is not on this question, but...

   "You, remember so clearly?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "I have done the Chinese version."

   "You know the year?"

   "Usually I have done it, and I have impressions."

  This is called "Impression"? !

  Special, you can even blurt out the question, is it interesting?

  Qin Libin's heart is turbulent, but his face is not obvious, "How many times have you done the original question?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "I have done it."


  Eavesdropping classmate eating melon: "?!"

   "Teacher, we are now discussing this question, not that I have not done it." She reminded.

  Qin Libin forcibly endures the action of wiping sweat, ah, the teacher’s frame can’t collapse, hold on!

  "Wait a minute, I will find the original question!"

  After finishing speaking, walking like flying vigorously, at first glance, it seems a little bit of escape.

  About ten minutes later, Qin Libin came back.

  Along with Yan Zhenfeng.

  "Is this the question?" He spread the pages and pointed to one of them.

  Jiang Fuyue dazzled her eyes and gave an affirmative reply: "Yes, this is the original German version."

   Yan Zhenfeng: "Did you just say that the English version lacks friction coefficient?"

   "Hmm." Jiang Fuyue has already begun to compare the two editions.

  "You may not know that all our test paper translation is done by AI intelligently, and the probability of error is as small as 0.1%."

  The implication is that if the English version is not available, then the German version will definitely not be available.

  As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Fuyue pointed to a place in the German version, with a leisurely tone——

"found it."

   Yan Zhenfeng: "?" As long as my skin is thick enough, my face won't hurt.


Jiang Fuyue: "The people of D country are rigorous and have an almost abnormal pursuit of the accuracy of drawings. One of the manifestations is to mark all the parameters. The friction coefficient that is not given on the question stem is annotated on the icon next to it, but it is translated into It was missed in English."

   Yan Zhenfeng's eyes twitched wildly.

  In just two days, I don’t know how many times it was the first time that Jiang Fuyue could not get off the stage in public.

  But he is wrong, so he likes to move forward, just like being poisoned, he wants to see what other moths can be produced in this little girl movie.

   Yan Zhenfeng is worried, how much will he keep as the head coach if this continues?

and many more……

  He suddenly thought of something, he glanced at Jiang Fuyue, and then at the original question in her hand. The next second, it was almost broken.

  "Do you know German?!"

  The girl nodded, seeming a little surprised at his reaction so intensely.

   Yan Zhenfeng took a deep breath and tried to stay calm. Suddenly he was choked at the suspicious look in Shang Jiang Fuyue's eyes.

   Then, another even crazier guess occupied his brain——

   "Don't tell me that you can speak French and Russian as well."

  Jiang Fuyue smiled, and replied in a good voice: "Know a little bit."

   Yan Zhenfeng sighed lightly. Fortunately, it was just "a little bit".

  "Are you proficient in answering questions?" He asked casually.

  Jiang Fuyue’s eyes lit up: “Yes. I think French is faster than English, so, can I answer questions in French later?”

  In the pursuit of minimalism (lazy), she always spares no effort.

  One minute faster, one minute earned, time is money.

   Yan Zhenfeng: "?"

  What the **** is called "a little bit"? !

  I suspect that you are washing me.

   Jiang Fuyue showed expectation, and asked again: "Can you?"

   "No." Yan Zhenfeng said with a solemn face, expressionless.

  She frowned: "Why?"

   "..." Because we don't know French, grandma! You have done something special, who will correct it for you?

  Who can give you corrections?

  At this time, a soothing voice came from the front left, "Teacher, I'm done, hand in the paper."

  Speaking, he got up from his seat, and his height of 1.8 meters instantly stood out from the crowd.

  The teenager is wearing a white T with headphones on his neck. His appearance is eye-catching. At this moment, he has a warm and indifferent expression on his face, with a calm, unintentional coldness.

  He walked up to Qin Libin, handed over the test paper, and then nodded to Yan Zhenfeng who was aside.

  After doing all this, turn around and leave, and walk straight out of the classroom.

  The back is clear, and the temperament is indifferent.

  Qin Libin retracted his gaze and looked down at the last question. Jiang Fuyue realized that one parameter condition was missing. How could he finish it?

   Yan Zhenfeng also looked at it.

  The next second, the two were shocked again.

  I saw the blank space next to the title, and added a condition by hand-friction coefficient u=0.2.

  The missing parameter conditions were directly added by him!

  This shows that he not only read the original German edition, but also wrote down all the questions.

   Yan and Qin looked at each other, and they both saw the caution on each other's faces.

  This class of students really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows, dazzled her eyes, scanned the name column at the beginning of the test paper, and saw three words written with a black pen on it——

   Lin Shumo.

    One more four thousand words.

Sister      Yue: I’m just an ordinary language genius.

     The genius boy who is faintly with Yue Jie has officially revealed his name~

     When I hear this name, I’m very impressed.

     two more time, wait for notification in the comment area



  (End of this chapter)

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