After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 163: Five full marks, she is very flowery (three shifts)

  Chapter 163 has five full marks, she is very flowery (three shifts)

  The test paper is based on the fifty-point scale, all in English, with three theoretical questions, plus two experimental questions.

  10 points for each question.

  The five sets of test papers have different questions and different levels of difficulty. They can be assigned by themselves within the group.

  Yan Zhenfeng stood on the podium, his eyes slowly sweeping over the crowd: "The results have come out."

   There was a commotion in the audience, accompanied by whispers.

   "There are five full marks, exactly one for each set of test papers."


   "Are you got a perfect score?"

   "This time the problem is not small, it is not so easy to get full marks."

   "Who are they? Five full marks, no matter how our group should have one?"

   "I think our group should have it too."


   Talking about each other.

  At this time, Yan Zhenfeng said again: "It's a coincidence that these five full marks are from the same group."

   "Damn! Full marks for all members?"

  "Want to be so exciting?"

   "That shouldn't be our group. I didn't make the last question of the third question..."

   Yan Zhenfeng smiled, and suddenly turned his eyes to the last row.

   "It's not what I thought, right?" Someone looked along his line of sight and saw Jiang Fuyue and Lin Shumo sitting in the corner.

   "That's a bit scary."

   "Two people? Five full marks? How is it possible? Fantasy novels?"

   "As long as I don't listen or believe it, sadness won't catch up with me."

  But the next second--

  Yan Zhenfeng: “Congratulations to Teacher Sun’s group. Two students scored five full points. The final group score is 50. Counting individual scores, Jiang Fuyue adds 60 points, the total score is 110, and Lin Shumo adds 40 points, the total score is 90."

  The classroom fell into a weird silence, and after five seconds, the pan was completely fried.

   "Grass! Sad it has caught up with me."

   "It is said in the original fantasy novel."

   "It's a bit fascinating."

   "If I remember correctly, they will hand in the paper in less than an hour? Five sets of questions, less than an hour? I can't even dream of it."

   "I haven't finished one set yet, but I have finished all five sets."

   "Is it too late to sign up for Teacher Sun's group now?"

  "I suspect that they had planned a long time ago. First weed out everyone, and then secretly formed the team. This way, we can ensure that no one is behind!"

  If there are only Jiang Fuyue and Lin Shumo, under the premise that both of them can guarantee full marks and all five sets of test papers are completed, then the group score is a proper full mark.

  But if you add other people, that person will not reach the full mark, even if it's nearly one point and one point, it's still tasteless to them.

  This is like a pot of bluegrass worth a lot of money. Why does it appear in the same pot with a bunch of wild flowers at the same time?

  Isn’t this self-defeating?

   Yan Zhenfeng had long expected the results to cause a series of questions, and immediately cleared his throat——

"Did I talk about a group of five people when forming a team? The first few groups grabbed quickly, leaving Teacher Sun's group to be selected. At this time, some people were unconvinced and came to me to reason. Okay, I made an exception. Let them re-elect. Why, now that Teacher Sun’s group has something to do, everyone is not convinced again?"

  This was so blunt and sharp that everyone was blushing.

  Yes, when I chose, I suspected that Teacher Sun was born in the Department of Chemistry and was not professional enough. At this moment, seeing Jiang Fuyue and Lin Shumo's two big killers are infinitely powerful, I regret it again and want to come to the spotlight.

  Heh, how can there be such a good thing in the world?

  Finally, Yan Zhenfeng made a final decision: “Keep the current group unchanged, and no one can change it. Now that you have made a choice, you must kneel down for the entire course. This is the attitude that the competition should have.”

  Next, the results of other groups were announced one after another.

  At present, Sun Qun’s group ranks first with an absolute advantage, followed by Yan Zhenfeng’s group and Qin Libin’s group...

  After class, someone asked: "Teacher, can we take a look at the answer sheets of Jiang Fuyue and Lin Shumo?"

  Is this still not giving up?

   Yan Zhenfeng smiled, "Of course."

  After finishing speaking, directly pull out the test paper from the teaching aid materials and pass it over.

five minutes later.

   "Sorry, when I haven't been here."

   "I'm leaving, I can't afford it."

  "Please give me time for a song. I can hypnotize myself and forget that I have done such a stupid thing."

   "Thank you, excuse me."

  A group of people walked away dingy.

  Five sets of test papers, twenty-five major questions, and nearly one hundred small questions, none of them made a mistake.



   "Oh, why is the weather so good today?" Sun Qun took a sip of tea and smiled.

The corner of Qin Libin's mouth twitched: "Old Sun, it's almost done. Since the results came out, you have praised the weather ten times, the tea is so fragrant twelve times, and the potted plants grow luxuriantly sixteen times. Can we stop poisoning our ears? Thank you?"

  Sun Qun didn’t mind, he covered his teacup, shook his legs, and swayed: “Hey, I’m not happy.”

  Qin Libin: "..."

  "Do you know what it feels like to change from rotten vegetable leaves to emerald cabbage? Have you experienced the subversive reversal from worthless to hard-to-find?"

   "I don't know, I didn't understand it." Professor Qin was expressionless.

  Sun Qun straightened the hair set on top of his head, "Then I can tell you responsibly, this feeling-thief, cool!"

"Come on, if it wasn't for Jiang Fuyue and Lin Shumo to fall into your hands by mistake, you might be hiding in which corner to cry at this moment, and you don't want to push your nose and face, saying that you are fat and really panting? Virtue!"

  Sun Qun laughed and said, "You are great, so why don't they both fall into your hands?"

  Qin Libin: "?"

   Kill with one blow.

   Yan Zhenfeng came back from get out of class, drank slobber, just sat down: "Oh, why is Lao Qin's face blacker than coal?"

  Qin Libin curled his lips, don't ask, you just roll your eyes.

  Sun Qun was aside: "Hey..." He laughed from ear to ear.

   Yan Zhenfeng: "?"

  Sun Qun: "My two team members are amazing, right?"

   Yan Zhenfeng: "?"

   "Envy or not?"

   Yan Zhenfeng: "..." Knock!

  Qin Libin said in a faint tone: "I asked you to give Jiang Fuyue to me during the opening ceremony. I didn't agree with it all the time. It's all right now. The flowers are matched with a big urn, and it's not overwhelming."

  Da urn Ben urn Sun Qun: [Keep smiling] JPG

  It’s okay, he’s sour, I’m happy.

   Yan Zhenfeng’s mouth twitched wildly: Why, it’s your old Qin who wants a good seedling? I don't want to?

  Jiang Fuyue, the person involved, knew nothing about everything that happened in the office.

  And those who tried to get close to her because of their grades were also ruthlessly rejected, including Su Qing, Liu Ling, and Chen Sichang.

  Don’t ask, just one sentence: Sister is very busy, the kind of flying.


  NOI summer camp is about to start.

  Jiang Fuyue first reported to Yan Zhenfeng, and got the entry and exit slip.

  In principle, during the training camp, it is not allowed to leave the camp without authorization, but Jiang Fuyue is in a special situation, and there is a special letter from the higher-level department that allows her to participate in two subject competitions at the same time.

   Yan Zhenfeng wanted to stop, but couldn't stop it.

   Out of selfishness, he still wants such a good seedling to be able to concentrate on one place, instead of risking both ends to be empty.

  But how did Jiang Fuyue answer?

  She said: “I didn’t have anything at all, and it might be nothing to specialize in sports. In that case, why not put my extra energy in other places where I can play?”

  "Investment studies teach us not to put all our eggs in one basket. The same applies to investing in ourselves."

  One road to black, or all roads leading to Rome?

  I believe that smart people know how to choose.

   After listening to Yan Zhenfeng, he was silly on the spot, and suddenly said: "Don't you think you are a flowery?"

  Jiang Fuyue's eyebrows were calm: "Oh." Don't love me, to no avail.

  So, after only five days after the start of the Wujing camp, Jiang Fuyue was absent from the training session with a dignity and turned around to embrace another training session.

  "Teacher, where is Jiang Fuyue?" a student asked.

  Since the appearance of the shocking score of five full marks, Jiang Fuyue's every move has received unprecedented attention.

  There are people who admire, admire, envy, and jealous, and of course there are people who wait to grab her pigtails all the time.

   Yan Zhenfeng wanted to reply "She spent it all gone", but his rationality makes people sober——

   "She has gone to the NOI summer camp. We will communicate and arrange with there in the next time. Of course, this will not affect our original training progress."

  Yes, when Jiang Fuyue was shortlisted for the two competition summer camp, there was a lot of trouble. Everyone knew that she "stepped on two boats", but she did not expect that she actually planned to continue to step on it.

  "Should she praise her for being brave or naive? Did she think she was a joke on the two competitions? Don't lose the watermelon or sesame seeds."

   "I'm happy, I want you to be in charge? You live on the beach? Let's just wait and see."

   "Uh... what do you see?"

  "How did the boat turn over!"

   "Hahaha... this is good! Sit in the front row."

  Not far away, Lin Shumo looked up from the book, glanced at the empty seat next to him, frowned...

    Three shifts, fat three thousand words, everyone has been waiting for a long time!

     Yue sister: I am a flower?

     Thank you 99: Yes! You spend a lot of money.

     Author: I don’t spend, I’m the most loyal and love to read and follow the text of the little sisters, and then... ask for a monthly pass~【Shy】



  (End of this chapter)

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