After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 164: NOI opened camp, four people gathered (one more)

  Chapter 164 NOI opens camp, four people gather (one more)

  NOI Summer Camp can also be called CTSC, which is the National Team Trial.

  A total of 15 people were on the admission list, and 4 people were finally selected to participate in the IOI International Competition.

  The training location is in B next to Q.

  Jiang Fuyue did not check in. She is still living in the Q dormitory. Of course, this is also the result of filing arrangements.

   "Sister Yue!" Fanye, who had just entered the school gate, jumped and beckoned to her. The healthy wheat-colored skin in the sun seemed to be honey-glazed, and the two rows of small teeth were brightly white.

  Jiang Fuyue walked over with a smile, and took the snakeskin bag in her hand as a gesture, "Go and register, I'll help you look at things."

  The next second, Fan Ye avoided him sideways.

  She raised her eyebrows.

   Fan Ye is anxious: "Don't carry it, this one is very heavy!"

  Speaking in twos or twos, he straightened the bag and pierced it to his feet. It seemed easier and easier.

   "Hehe..." She smiled at Jiang Fuyue, "That's it."

  After finishing talking, trot over to register, got the key, and ran back.

   "Sister Yue, I'm fine, let's go up!"

  The accommodation conditions here are obviously better than those of Q large. If nothing else, the single room configuration is much better than mixed accommodation.

  At least to some extent, a lot of trouble can be avoided.

  Especially Fanye is a special case.

   Soon, Gao Zhaoming and Huang Hui also checked in, and they came to find Fanye after packing.

  Four people meet.

   Gao Zhaoming seemed to be a little fatter again, and smiled as white as a little arhat.

  Huang Hui has not changed much, he is still tall and thin.

  As for Fanye...

   "Why are you black?!" The little fat man Gao Zhao is obviously a straight man.

  Huang Hui nodded. It was not that he had a big reaction, but that he hadn't seen him for half a month. Fan Ye had indeed turned a lot darker with the naked eye.

  Draw the key point, "a lot".

  Manyye smiled and didn't get angry when he heard the words. Of course, it could also be because the fourteen-year-old girl did not have a "concept of beauty and ugliness."

  "I have been working in the field all this time, and it became like this when there was too much sun."

   "In the ground?"


   "Yes, I harvested millet with Dad, dug dry fields, ordered wheat, sprinkled pea, peas, and waited half a month to grow radishes and cabbage..."

  Gao Zhaoming swallowed: "Does all of this need to be done by humans? Can't you use machines?"

  "It is okay, but many Cunxi are not acceptable. Oh, Cunxi means "tribe" in your Chinese."

  Huang Hui widened his eyes: "Do you still have clansmen?"

   "Of course, we are a multi-float clan, not only clansmen, but also tribes."

   Gao Zhaoming: "Are they all living in tents?"

   Fanye: "We don't live in tents, we live in bamboo buildings."

  "Is it the kind that uses bamboo overhead to avoid moisture."


   "That must be very beautiful." Gao Zhao brightly yearned.

As soon as Fanye mentioned his hometown, both eyes were bright, and he immediately turned on the tuberculosis mode: "In our place, you can see the morning sun at six o'clock every day, and it just rises red like a salted duck egg yolk, but light It’s not glaring at all. At this time, you can lie on the table outside the bamboo building and listen to the song while watching the sunrise. This song is not a pop song on your mobile phone or stereo, but it comes from the temple every day. After listening to the song, you will feel that the whole person is washed from body to soul... When the sun is higher, you can eat breakfast. After breakfast, eat one more floating fruit to help digestion and quench your thirst. ..."

  Gao Zhaoming: "What is Dufuguo?"

   Fanye seemed to think of something. He opened the snakeskin bag at his feet, and pulled out a bunch of round black fruits from the inside. The shell was hard, with oil in the black, the size of an adult's fist, and the weight was not light.

  Jiang Fuyue was stunned at first sight.

   Memories keep flashing in my mind, but I didn’t expect that after 20 years, the fruits will be bigger than before.

  Prosperous guy should be happy from ear to ear, right?

  After all, he kept the fruit just like the snow lotus in Tianshan Mountains back then, he was reluctant to eat it, and he was afraid that others would eat it.

  Huang Hui poked a finger and asked, "What is this?"

   Fanye: "Many floating fruits!"

  Speaking, picked up one, and opened it with bare hands. The black shell cracked, revealing the pink flesh inside.

  It is not the red-hearted dragon fruit that is as peachy as blood, but the pure cherry blossom powder. Not to mention the taste, it is very appetizing just to look at it!

  Gao Zhaoming swallowed unconvincingly. In fact, Fan Ye began to describe his salivary glands in protest at sunrise.

   "Good, delicious?"

   "Of course! You taste--" Fanye handed him the shelled pulp, which was easy to get.

   Then he broke off for both Huang Hui and Jiang Fuyue.

   "How is it? Is it delicious?"

   "Hmm!" The little fat man Gao Zhaoming nodded frantically. What kind of delicacy is this?

  Sweet but not greasy, there is also a delicate fragrance. After eating, it feels that the whole stomach is exuding a charming taste.

  Huang Hui took a bite, his eyes brightened, he could not help speeding up his eating speed, Fan Ye asked, his mouth was not empty, only a chicken pecked the rice to show his approval.

   "...I have never eaten this kind of fruit, it's so delicious!"

Fanye raised his chin proudly: "We are everywhere on the island, you can pick it easily, and there are bigger ones, and the fragrance can float for tens of meters. We pick them off to make more floating cakes, which are also powdery."

   "Oh my God! The Garden of Eden on earth! I really want to go." Gao Zhaoming took the second multi-floating fruit handed by Fanye, and sighed with emotion.

  Fan Ye immediately answered: "Okay, okay! Welcome you all! In fact, my father really wants to develop tourism. He said that this industry can make a lot of money, but people outside seem to dare not go to the island..."

  Thinking of the comments on the Internet that are like avoiding snakes and scorpions, Gao Zhaoming and Huang Hui would not dare to go if they had not listened to Fanye’s personal description today.

  They belong to the main consumers of the youngest generation. They are still knowledgeable, educated, and fresh students. Even they dare not set foot. Others can imagine.

   "Fan Ye, you just said that your father wants to develop tourism?"

  Can the tourism industry of an island be developed by ordinary residents who want to develop it?

  Huang Hui felt strange and asked directly.

   "My father is the chief of the tribe. His duty is to lead all the tribesmen to become rich and live a good life!"

   "Wow-Chief?" Gao Zhaoming looked fresh, "Isn't that amazing?"

   "Yeah! My father is very good. He knows many things that people don't know, and he teaches them patiently and carefully. I learned from him in the information competition!"

   "Wow, then your dad is at the forefront of the times, and you know how to compete."

  Fan Ye ranked second after Jiang Fuyue with a total score of 193 last time, which was better than both of them.

   "Does your whole family have a complicated surname?"

   "No, I and Daddy are the only surnames in the whole clan."

   "Ah...Then can I ask what your dad's name is?" Fan's last name is not easy to name.

   Gao Zhaoming hadn’t even heard of it before.

   Fanye generously said: "My father is called Fansheng!"

Sure enough, both of them couldn't help but bend their mouths.

  Even a smile flashed in Jiang Fuyue's eyes.

  "What are you laughing at?" Fanye was anxious. "My father said that this is the name given to him by Agata, which means descendants, grandchildren, relatives, prosperous, and luxuriant branches!"

  Huang Hui: "Agta? Who is this again?"

   Shigeba: "Who is this, it is the goddess of the moon!"

  Daddy said, his name is the best in the world, it is God's descendant, it is a blessing.

   Gao Zhaoming: "Is the Moon Goddess beautiful?"

"Yeah!" Fan Ye nodded heavily. "My father said, Agata is the most beautiful incarnation in the world. There is ice and snow in her eyes, and fire is buried under the ice and snow. The fire has brought new hope to the multi-floating people. "

   "Have you seen her before?"

   "I have seen it!" Without even thinking about it, she blurted out.

  Gao Zhaoming and Huang Hui glanced at each other, neither of them believed, but no one said clearly that they chose to respect Fanye’s beliefs.

  After eating the fruits, Fanye divided the other local products into the hands of the three.

  "This is Mu Lily of the valley. Soaking in water is particularly good."

  "This is a paulownia glaze pillow. It is fired by a special process. Although it is not very good-looking, it is a bit heavy, but it will help you fall asleep."

"this is……"

  A few people stood by, watching Fanye empty out the bulging snakeskin pockets one by one. In the end, only a few simple luggages were left, and the mood was suddenly complicated.

  The little fat guy Gao Zhaoming's eyes are red. His skin was originally white, but the red circle became more and more obvious: "Why did you give it to us?"

   Shigeba laughed: "It was originally brought to you!"

  Huang Hui took a deep breath, suppressing the surging emotion and inexplicable warmth in his heart: "So many things, aren't they sinking?"

   "Not sinking, I am strong!"

  Gao Zhaoming was holding Duofuguo in one hand and wanted to wipe his eyes, so he put the Tong-glazed pillow in his other hand on the table.

  Jiang Fuyue sensed his intention and subconsciously stopped it: "Don't let it go!"

  At the same time, Fanye also found out: "Hey! Can't be like this..."

  The two spoke almost at the same time.

   Gao Zhaoming froze and did not dare to move.

Fanye paused for two seconds, as if reacting, Liang Zhengzheng's gaze suddenly shot at Jiang Fuyue: "You know?!"

    One more three thousand words, two more tentatively scheduled at 4 pm, there will be notice of changes in the comment area~



  (End of this chapter)

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