After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 193: Errands, Lin Shumo suspects (three shifts)

  Chapter 193 Errands, Lin Shumo suspects (three shifts)

  The food was put down, and the assistant was driven away.

  When I passed by Ling Xuan, I saw him collecting garbage, "Hey, brother, are you finished?"

   Ling Xuan: "Yeah."

   Still that faint attitude.

  The assistant didn’t care either, smiled and asked, “Where’s your girlfriend?”

  The young man was taken aback first, then the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously, and then he looked into the laboratory through the door.

  The assistant understood what he meant in an instant: "Hey! Those who do scientific research are like that. They get so busy and don't take care of others. Just get used to it. Besides, they are not intentional. We can forgive as much as we can."

  Ling Xuan: "...Hmm."

   "By the way, how long have you been with your girlfriend? The relationship is pretty good."

   "Ah... soon."

   "Let me just say, how can it be so gluey after a long time?"

  Hearing the last word, Ling Xuan's cheeks were slightly red.

   "Yeah! The young man is actually shy?" The assistant deliberately joked.

  Ling Xuan speeds up the cleaning, and finally put all the garbage into the bag.

  The assistant asked again: "Are you ready to go?"

   "Yeah." He nodded, obviously more friendly than before.

  "Not accompanied?"

  Ling Xuan said silently: "...she is not happy."

   "I am considerate of you! You can't enter the laboratory, you can only stand outside and wait. After dark, there are mosquitoes everywhere, why bother?"

  Ke Ling Xuan knew that it wasn't because of any "consideration". In fact, Jiang Fuyue didn't care about his stay or stay at all, just like she didn't care if anyone accompanies her to dinner, specifically who accompany her to dinner.

  In her heart, she is a runner.

  I worked hard for the dozens of test questions.

  But Ling Xuan didn't care. Just run errands. Some people don’t have the chance to run.

  For example, Lin Shumo——

  "What are you playing with Jiang Fuyue in the past two days? As a team member, I think I am qualified to know."

  It's not to blame him for thinking too much, but Jiang Fuyue's behavior during this period is really weird.

  Every day, I am in a hurry, and I am in a hurry.

  There is no fastest, only faster!

  If it’s just like this, Jiang Fuyue is a person who doesn’t take the usual path.

  In a few days, Ling Xuan also began to become abnormal.

  Just after the morning class was over, there was always a call coming in. After he answered, he hurried out of the classroom, and then did not come back for the whole lunch break.

  It's the same in the afternoon, just leave after answering the phone.

  In the original three-person group, two of them seemed to have "little secrets" behind him. Lin Shumo endured it for two days and couldn't sit still.

  He has been eye-catching and embraced everywhere from childhood to adulthood, and he felt "isolated" for the first time.

  Well, it's not very comfortable.

  So, when Ling Xuan answered the phone and turned around again, Lin Shumo quietly followed out, saw him first go to the school gate to pick up a meal, and then walked towards the laboratory building.

  He thought for a while, and continued to follow until A1 laboratory...

  Ling Xuan knocked twice, the door opened from the inside, and Jiang Fuyue came out.

  I wore a white laboratory gown, covered with a shallow layer of golden light in the sun. For convenience, his long hair was tied into a ponytail and fixed behind his head.

   Right now, he was taking the food in Ling Xuan's hand and placed it on the terrace instead.

   Lin Shumo stood in the corner, watching this scene in his eyes, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

  So, Ling Xuan is so active every day, just to do the work of taking out the little brother, to give Jiang Fuyue food?


    Three changes are coming!



  (End of this chapter)

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