After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 194: Almost pitted, his changes (one more)

  Chapter 194 Almost pitted, his changes (one more)

  City center, a bar, in a private room.

   "Zhong Shao, although you haven't been in the imperial capital for half a year, your legends are everywhere in your circle."

  Zhong Ziang put down his wine glass with enthusiasm: "Tell me what?"


  I’ll be polite, are you serious?

   "Just, your glorious deeds!"

  Zhong Ziang's eyes beamed: "Let's talk and listen."

  "Basketball is good, long and handsome," the man racked his brains, "and is bold and righteous, loves to fight injustice..."

  Zhong Ziang's smile faded, he slumped back on the sofa, and said casually.

  Playing basketball well is equivalent to not learning and skillless.

   Looking handsome, it's imaginary.

  The subtext of boldness and righteousness: people are stupid and have a lot of money.

  As for love to fight and hug injustice, the impulse that can't escape from left to right is irritable and short-tempered.

  Zhong Ziang suddenly felt that such a game was quite boring.

  When he was still in the imperial capital, he was accustomed to this group of people. He just listened to what he said, never thinking about the meaning inside.

  Now I have been to Linhuai Xiao for half a year, as if I have opened up the two lines of Ren and Du.

  He didn't feel harsh before, but now he doesn't want to bear it for a second.

  Zhong Ziang stood up, his eyes were very pale, and his tone was lighter: "Suddenly remembered that there is something else, you guys play slowly and leave first."

   "Hey! Shao Zhong stays away..."

  Zhong Ziang paused and looked up at him.

   A second of guilty conscience and panic flashed on the man’s face, but he was soon overshadowed by flattery and flattery: "Don’t, how can I go and leave? This is just the beginning, and I haven’t gotten to the point yet..."

   "The topic?"

   "Yes," the man's eyes were full of vague teasing, and suddenly he raised his hand and patted it like a clap.

  As soon as the sound fell, the private room door was pushed open, and a group of young girls filed in, all dressed in cool clothes.

  Zhong Ziang was taken aback.

  The man leaned in his ear familiarly: "Young Master Zhong, these are all for you. Choose one?"

  Zhong Ziang has no expression on his face, but if you look closely, you will find that his eyes are cold.

  Seeing that he didn't answer, he thought he was not satisfied with the quantity.

   "Of course, if you like it, let alone one, just pick all of them, no problem! Hey... just don't know if you can stand it..."

   "As the saying goes, it is the most difficult to accept the beauties." After speaking, he laughed humorously.

  Zhong Ziang did not smile.

   He lowered the emotion in his eyes, turned his head, and glanced at the other side lightly: "Zhao Chengzhi, we are all still students."

  One word at a time.

  "What happened to the students?" Zhao Chengzhi disapproved, "Which law stipulates that students cannot go to bars and drink for fun?"

  Zhong Ziang looked at him without speaking.

  The emotion in the eyes is lighter than before.

  I learned this trick from Jiang Fuyue.

  Sometimes, she just looks at you so calmly and calmly, without eyebrows or hysterics, but it just makes people feel pressure inexplicably.

  Then that person will become embarrassed, and finally feel guilty and ashamed, and take the initiative to defeat.

  Unfortunately, I don’t know if Zhong Ziang's skills are not enough, or Zhao Chengzhi is too thick-skinned.

  The other party is neither embarrassed nor ashamed, he is still energized——

"Young Master Zhong, it’s not that I said you. After staying in a small place like Linhuai for a long time, how can you wear down your ambition and courage? What kind of students are not students, you never said these bad things that are not as good as four or six. .

"Okay," he put on Zhong Ziang's shoulders, looking like the two brothers are good. "Not much nonsense, this row is full of top-notch goods from Shanghua Royal Pavilion, the plan is straightforward, and there are many tricks in the key meeting. , You pick, don't go back tonight, hehe..." He lowered his voice, "The rooms upstairs are all opened for you."

  Zhong Ziang swept across the group of girls, suddenly, his eyes fixed on the last one.

  Zhao Chengzhi followed his gaze, his eyes flashed slightly: "As expected, it’s Young Master Zhong, who knows the goods very well! This girl is not over fourteen..."

  Zhong Ziang's sharp eyes shot at him: "Zhao Chengzhi, what do you mean?"

  The other party was shocked by his sudden questioning, thinking that Zhong Ziang had discovered something, and couldn't help being frightened.

  You can think about it again, this is just a straw bag, with a mere appearance and empty mind. If he had this consciousness, he would not be sent to the poor country by Zhong Yunyi.

   Immediately, he calmed down and showed doubts: "Zhong Shao, what do you think of me like this?"

   "She is not over fourteen, you are breaking the law!"

"Heh," Zhao Chengzhi seemed to hear a big joke, "I don’t steal anything, I don’t grab it, and I don’t buy it. If people dare to sell, I dare to buy it. Why did I break the law? What did I commit? Faith?"

  Zhong Ziang's face was expressionless, if he had just thought that such an occasion was dull, then it has become completely disgusting now.

  He couldn’t help but look again at Zhao Chengzhi, the man who had been behind his **** for two years since the first year of high school.

  Suddenly realized that he had never really seen him clearly.

   "Play slowly by yourself, I'm leaving."

  After finishing speaking, no matter how the other party keeps, he will never look back.

  Zhao Chengzhi stood on the spot, watching him walking away from the back, the flattery floating on the surface in his eyes gradually disappeared, revealing the original disdain and ridicule.

   "What kind of attire? A person who obsesses school flowers will become a gentleman when he visits Linhuai? Huh..."

   "Brother Zhi! How did Zhong Shao go?"

  Zhao Chengzhi sneered: "People come out of the silt but don't stain them. They don't bother to mix with the mud of our pond, and they are going to be a white lotus!"

   "No...what is the mud in our pond? Zhong Shaozhen said that? The original words?"

  Zhao Chengzhi's face was not red, and he was not breathing, "Isn't that? Should I lie to you?"

  The audience fell silent.

  Someone whispered: "Then it's not kind. The crows in the world are as dark as the crows. Where can he get better than us?"

   "It's alright, he will leave as soon as he leaves, let's continue to hi! That girl, just you, come over to the little master..."

  The original stagnant atmosphere gradually warmed up, but everyone was more or less stinged on Zhong Ziang.

  Leaving this circle for half a year, does he think he is still the center?

  Who is going to turn around him?

  Zhao Zhicheng snorted: "You pick first, and I will pay the bill later, and go to the bathroom if you drink too much."

   "Brother Zhi, you can't do it! This is just a few cups hahaha..."

  Zhao Zhicheng smiled and waved his hand and took his mobile phone.

  Go into the bathroom, close the door, release the lock, and move in one go.

  Only in the next second, Zhao Chengzhi lost all smiles on his face, and his eyes began to show some obvious anxiety.

  Hesitated again and again, and finally dialed that person’s cell phone——

   "What's the matter?" Hoarse and cold, I can feel the yin bird from the other end through the phone.

  Zhao Chengzhi's scalp was numb, and the back of his neck was cold: "Zhong Ziang... didn't take the bait tonight."


   "..." Two tremors.

   After a while, the other end asked: "What's the matter?"

  Zhao Chengzhi breathed a sigh of relief: "I don’t know why, he just sat for less than 20 minutes and left. I can’t help but call the group of women in before I can get him drunk..."

   "Fool! Are you stupid with the surname Zhong?"

  Zhao Chengzhi disagrees, in his eyes, Zhong Ziang is stupid!

  The kind that is so silly!

  Otherwise, he would not easily calculate it...

   "Second Lord, what should I do now?" Zhong Ziang left, the room he had prepared behind him, and the high-definition cameras were all useless.

   "Find a way to ask someone out again."

  Zhao Zhicheng hesitated to say: "I'm's not that easy."


   "I found that Zhong Ziang seems to be different from before..." Although he was still lacking one, he always felt that something was wrong.

   "Oh?" He asked slightly on the other end, "Where is it different?"

   "I can't tell, it's just the way he looked at me, as if..." I guessed something.

  But it shouldn’t be!

  That's a fool...

  Zhao Chengzhi shook his head: "Maybe I read it wrong..."

   "Unfavorable work means unfavorable work, so don't look for these messy excuses!"


  But said that Zhong Ziang, who had escaped a disaster, stepped out of the bar, and the refreshing night breeze blew on his face, and he felt that his whole person was energetic.

  Just then, a WeChat message came in.

  He took out his mobile phone while walking towards the parking lot.

  Lin Shumo actually sent him a message at this time?

  Zhong Ziang thinks it’s quite amazing. Usually at this point, he is either reading books, doing questions, watching movies, listening to music, and every time he plays games, he pretends to be dead.

  Three good students are not worthy of him.

  Are you afraid of being "captured a strong man" today?

  Zhong Ziang thought, he clicked on the dialog box, a picture without beginning and end.

  He clicked to open it, loading——

  The next second, Young Master Zhong's eyes widened suddenly: "Grass!"

    One more, three thousand.

     Two more at four o’clock in the afternoon, see the comment section for details.

     There are four changes today~

     So, what did Zhong Ziang see?



  (End of this chapter)

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