After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 203: Vicious competition, Lin Yuan cheated (one more)

  Chapter 203 Vicious competition, Lin Yuan cheating (one more)

   "I..." She hesitated.

  The coach has questions.

   "Sorry, teacher," she suddenly raised her tone, her cheeks flushed, "I, my stomach is sick, and I want to go to the bathroom."

  The coach was clear and waved: "Go."

  Lin Yuan grabbed her phone and trot away.

   "Okay, let's look at the next question first, and wait until Classmate Lin comes back before continuing."

  About ten minutes later, Lin Yuan came back.

  Compared with the tension and embarrassment a moment ago, she seemed to be reborn after going to the bathroom.

   "Teacher, do you want to talk now?"


  Lin Yuan stood at her seat and slowly explained her thought process and layout structure.

  The coach nodded while listening.

   "...The above is all my thoughts."

The coach motioned her to sit down, and finally concluded: "Lin Yuan’s structure method is relatively conventional, and it should be relatively easy for everyone to accept it. Jiang Fuyue’s method requires higher thinking ability, especially the intermediate transition steps. , It involves the improvement and application of Python and Java programming thinking. Everyone chooses to understand and does not make mandatory requirements."

  After a class is over, everyone’s originally unconscious brains seem to be even more confused.

   "I can't understand what Jiang Fuyue said in the next few questions?"


   "I understand'carriage return' and'shift', should I understand it?"


   "Don't! I'm just kidding, I'm going to stun everyone together anyway."

   "I understand, but when I really went to the exam room, who would think from that perspective?"

   "Jiang Fuyue's sword can be fully matched with the slant front. If the sword goes slant, we will only die faster!"

  "Who can say no? It's called a small road, it's a shortcut; when we walk, we will definitely become a dead end, trapped in it, so we shouldn't be like that every day."

"Yes! Let's use Lin Yuan's conventional method. But have you noticed that Lin Yuan said that those are very fictitious, and the thinking process is too long, like writing a small composition, but the important steps are covered in two or two sentences. No."

  "I also found out! The teacher asked her how this step came about several times in the middle. She said it upside down, feeling that the whole thinking was not clear enough, it was in the mist."

   "I didn't see the coaches behind and only asked her to talk about the thought process without asking about the specific steps?"


  The second NOI quiz is over here, and the game training camp also ushered in the third group test.

   Jiang Fuyue continued to output, writing three sets of test papers in one breath.

  Lin Shumo and Ling Xuan each set.

  The two looked at each other, and then moved away calmly.

  There is nothing controversial, anyway, in terms of the speed and accuracy of the questions, they can't beat Jiang Fuyue no matter how much they jump.

When a higher benchmark is erected in the front, the gap between the few steps between the two naturally becomes insignificant, because they still have tens of thousands of steps to go on the way to the benchmark. What's the minutiae?

  After the results, Sun Qun's group was unsurprisingly still full marks.

  Jiang Fuyue personally adds 60, Lin Shumo and Ling Xuan each add 20.

  Five quizzes are now more than halfway through, and Jiang Fuyue is far ahead of everyone with a perverted score of 480.

  Lin Shumo and Ling Xuan tied for second place.


  The building of the School of Physics, inside the laboratory.

   Yan Zhenfeng: " accident, the three people have been selected for the national team."

   Xu Kaiqing heard this, without raising his head, only calmly: "Oh."

   "Teacher, I think you attach great importance to Jiang Fuyue, why are you so calm? Unhappy and happy?"

  Xu Kaiqing raised his eyelids: “The national team counts as a ball. If she is willing to sweep Nobel, it’s okay.”

   Yan Zhenfeng: "?" I think you're a little floating.

  Xu Kaiqing looked at his expression and knew that this person was muttering something secretly, the corners of his mouth curled, and he didn't explain much.

  Wait and see, one day...

  Time flies quickly, and in a blink of an eye, both competitions have entered a white-hot stage one after another.

  Everyone became nervous with naked eyes, and the atmosphere of competition gradually became stronger.

  As Yan Zhenfeng said, Jiang Fuyue, Lin Shumo, and Ling Xuan were considered stable. Not surprisingly, they occupied three seats in the five-member national team.

  The remaining 22 people can only compete for the last two seats, and the intensity can be imagined.

  "Have you heard? Zhang Wenhao pushed Xiao Kai down from the third floor in the same bedroom yesterday. The ambulance rang most of the night. Now the person is still lying in the intensive care unit, unconscious."

   "Oh my God! I just said why I didn't see these two people in class today."

   "Does Zhang Wenhao and Xiao Kai usually have a good relationship? They both eat together, why did he push others?"

  "Who knows? Zhang Wenhao has been taken away by the police. Someone asked the coaches, and they all said uniformly that the cause of the accident is still under investigation, and it is inconvenient to disclose it before the police issued a notice."

   "It's so mysterious? It seems that things are not trivial."

   "That... I seem to know a little bit."


"It's actually a very small thing. Xiao Kai made the final finale of the homework after class. Zhang Wenhao got stuck for a long time. Everyone was ready to turn off the lights and go to bed. He didn't give up. Xiao Kai persuaded a few words, and the result was Zhang Wenhao suddenly became violent and pushed him into the hallway, still saying something crazy,'You did it, you don't want to watch me do it','You deliberately said this so that I would give up and enter the national team by myself' etc. of……"

   "The two were fighting together. When we reacted and ran out to fight, Xiao Kai had been pushed down and his face was full of blood..."

   "Oh my God! Is Zhang Wenhao crazy?"

   "In my impression, he seems to be working hard, and he doesn't talk much, so he looks quite honest."

  "The more this kind of person, the more terrifying the madness. The murderers who haven't seen the movie are often the most inconspicuous kind of people, and no one can guess."

   "Then Xiao Kai is too unlucky. Both of them are finished together, and no one can enter the national team."

  Although it has been dealt with in a low-key manner, this incident eventually alarmed the Q-University.

   Yan Zhenfeng was even more devastated. While comforting the parents of the injured students, he had to cooperate with the police investigation.

  Soon, everyone received the "Notice of Sleep Adjustment".

  In order to prevent similar things from happening again, we now arrange single-room dormitory living.

  Even the class stopped first, so everyone went back to pack up and prepare to move the ground.

  Jiang Fuyue moved out of the quadruple room that day, and went to class B as usual in the afternoon.

  Competition has always been cruel, which she has fully understood in her previous life.

  Your superior position also means another person's failure.

  If there is no strong heart to bear all this, the tight string in the brain suddenly breaks, and it will become the next Zhang Wenhao.

   In a competitive environment, the result of being unprepared for the people around him is just like Xiao Kai. If he is lucky, he can save his life. If he is not lucky, he just hangs up.

  As the saying goes, there must be no harm or defensiveness.

  Jiang Fuyue’s vigilance kept herself away from danger, but she seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

  For example, at this moment, at the fourth quiz site of NOI, her camera is diagonally behind Lin Yuan.

  After finishing all the questions, Jiang Fuyue was not in a hurry to hand in the paper, but with one hand, she faintly looked forward to the right.

  I don’t know, she laughs when she sees it.

  This answer interface is really interesting——

  I saw Lin Yuan’s hands cracking on the keyboard, and the program language appeared on the display screen. This should be a harmonious picture for good students to answer the questions seriously, but the premise is to ignore the actual situation of "beef is not right."

What is wrong with   ?

  For example, the screen shows that turning the page into the next question is an operation that should be done by the mouse, but Lin Yuan is still typing on the keyboard.

  For another example, the program steps are stuck in the trial run, and then the source code interface is in a static state. Obviously the programmer is looking for bugs. At this time, only the eyes and brain are needed, but Lin Yuan is still working tirelessly on the keyboard.

  Jiang Fuyue: "?"

  Soon, Fanye who completed the problem looked at her and found something wrong.

  The two looked at each other.

  Jiang Fuyue's expression was faint, she had calmed down from her initial surprise a long time ago.

Fanye may have seen this blatant cheating method for the first time, his eyes widened, and it was Risby who expressed Lin Yuan's courage from the heart.

  In fact, the principle is very simple.

  As long as Lin Yuan’s computer is controlled remotely, the other party can answer the questions on her behalf, and she only needs to tap on the keyboard, and finally click to hand in the paper, and she can get full marks without any effort.

   Fanye: It’s awesome!

  She intends to raise her hand and let the coach come to catch a manifestation.

   was stopped by Jiang Fuyue's eyes.

   Shigeba: "?"

  Jiang Fuyue hooked her lips, under her puzzled gaze, minimized the answering interface, put her hands on the keyboard, and everything that happened next could not be understood by Fanye...

    One more, three thousand words.

     In the comment area, everyone is Detective Conan. The reasoning is decent. Give the little sisters a thumbs up!

     So the answer is B, Lin Yuan asked someone to remotely control the computer to write the test papers.

     2 is tentatively scheduled for 5 pm, please refer to the notice in the comment area for details~



  (End of this chapter)

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