After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 204: To catch the mouse, the master goes out (second shift)

  Chapter 204 Going to catch mice, the master goes out (two more)

  I saw the plain white fingers, which obviously should be gentle and soft, but every moment of typing on the keyboard brings out sonorous and killing.

  Where does that posture look like poke letters?

   is clearly commanding thousands of troops.

   And Jiang Fuyue is the general who commanded the three armies and the emperor who opened up territory.

   Fanye was stunned, and an obsession appeared in her eyes unconsciously.

  Inner heart began to cry crazy: ah ah ah ah! Sister Yue A burst!

  Under Jiang Fuyue's operation, the screen suddenly went dark, and she quickly typed the code, and Fanye was dazzled.

  I only know that this is an intrusion page. As for who the intrusion target is, huh... she didn't understand it.

  At this moment, Lin Yuan's screen slanted forward suddenly went black, but it returned to normal after two seconds.

  She breathed a sigh of relief, put her heart back in her stomach, and then swept around vigilantly, making sure that no one noticed her, and then started typing on the keyboard again to cover up.

  As everyone knows, in the two seconds of sudden darkness, Jiang Fuyue has implanted a temporarily written tracking Trojan into her host.

  As long as the remote control continues, the Trojan horse virus will follow the connection between the two computers and invade each other's host.

  Because this type of Trojan is not highly offensive, and Jiang Fuyue deliberately made a layer of disguise when writing it, so it can easily pass through the firewall without disturbing the other party.

  As for the effect, it is very simple.

  Neither can the bank card password be stolen, nor can the opposite camera be opened automatically, it is only for positioning.

   But, that’s enough...

  Jiang Fuyue raised her lips, hit the Enter key with her middle finger, the code page disappeared instantly, and the screen returned to the examination system.

  She clicked to hand in the paper, got up quickly after the coach nodded and agreed, and strode out of the computer room.

   Fanye chased it out one step later: "Sister Yue! Where are you going?"

   "Catch a big mouse."

   "Huh?" Fanye was surprised, "Mouse?!"

   "Yes." And it's a mouse who only hides in the gutter and dare not come out.

   Fanye's scalp numb: "Then...Lin Yuan cheating, don't hesitate?"

  "Don’t worry, catch the thief, get dirty and expose it rashly. She refuses to admit it, or bites back and says we are slandering, what should I do?"

Fanye tightened her brows: "Yes, what should I do?"

  Jiang Fuyue smiled at her: "Don't worry, it will be easy when you catch the mouse."

   Shigeba: "?"

  No... Does Lin Yuan have anything to do with mice?

  How can she not understand a word?


  Jiang Fuyue called Ye Qianji while walking out.

After    beeps twice, the other end answered: "Little Moon, what are you looking for? Did you miss me? I miss you too!"

  Jiang Fuyue twitched the corner of her mouth. If there was no beeping mouse or whirling keyboard on the other side, this would be more convincing.

   "Yes, I miss you." Jiang Fuyue complied with kindness.

  At this time, she had already left the school gate, asked to stop a taxi, opened the back door and sat in: "Dongcheng Renhe Street."

  When I listened to the camera at night, the beauty suddenly bubbled: "Hey, I know you will miss me, and I also miss you, but I have been too busy recently..." He was busy chatting with his teammates.

   "Cough! Otherwise I'll see you long ago! There is a delicious dessert nearby, the mango layer is great, I will bring you next time~"

   "Okay," Jiang Fuyue looked out the window, and the corners of her mouth suddenly rose, "Master, you can help me with things."

   "Huh?" The keyboard crackled and rattled, showing how intense the battle was, "What's the matter?"

   asked, while the snakeskin walked, and then opened up, brushed three consecutive kills, slay was all over the court.

   "It's not difficult," he heard Jiang Fuyue say, "It's very easy, and it's still close to you, it can't be far, and it will be done soon."

   "Okay!" Ye Qianji agreed, "Let's talk, what's the matter?"

  "Go to the Jiangnan Internet cafe opposite to help me catch a mouse..."

  The driver's eyes widened when he heard the words. Looking at Jiang Fuyue through the rearview mirror was like looking at a neuropathy.

  Internet cafe? Catch a mouse?

  In the next second, unexpectedly he met the girl's gaze in the rearview mirror, his neck shrank, only to feel the chill on his face, and his spine became cold.

  This box ended the conversation with Ye Qianji, and Jiang Fuyue changed hands and dialed Niu Rui.


  "Use the fastest time to help me check the person, and the information will be sent to your mobile phone in a while. Also, bring someone to Dongcheng District..."

  Yezhaji talked to his teammates, and then went offline quickly.

   was about to leave, passing by the front desk, she was surprised to see the aunt: "My old man is so early today? It's not like your usual style? Didn't you mean to spend the night?"

   "No way, no, I have to go and help the children at home."

   "That's it... Then I will refund you five yuan."

   "No, just keep the account. I will pay five yuan less for the next package night."


  The night lead machine took two steps, and then came back: "Xiao Zhang..."

"What's wrong?"

   "I remember, you seemed to say that the Jiangnan Internet cafe opposite was opened by your friend?"

   "Yes, I am an old sister, retired like me, boring at home, driving and playing."

   "Cough! Let your old sister do me a favor."


   "After I get in, let her close the front and back doors. She'd better avoid it herself and don't stay inside."

   "No...Father, what do you want to do?"

"Catch the mouse."


  When Jiang Fuyue arrived, Niu Rui had already joined Ye Qianji in advance.

  In the Internet cafe, a figure is curled up in the corner.

  It happens that the light is not very bright, and at first glance, it looks dark.

   "Little Moon, you are here!" Ye Qianji greeted him happily, "Is the task completed okay?"

  It looks like I got a little red flower at school, and I can’t wait to be praised when I see the parents after school.

  Jiang Fuyue nodded heavily, and said sincerely: "How can it be called ‘okay’? That must be ‘quite good’!"

   "Hey... I'm embarrassed if you want to say that." Even so, the face, the smile, and the expression are clearly written in five big characters——

  I am so interesting!

   Witness Niu Rui throughout the journey: "..."

  One dare to praise, the other dare to take, awesome!

  Jiang Fuyue: "Where are people?"

  He reacted immediately and pointed to the corner: "There."

  Jiang Fuyue looked up and glanced around: "Go and turn on the lights."

  Niu Rui gestured to the black-clothed man aside, and soon the whole room was brightly lit.

  And everything in the corner is naturally invisible.

  When the man saw the light at first, he subconsciously hugged himself tighter, arched his back into a curved arc, buried his head between his knees, and refused to lift his face.

  From Jiang Fuyue's perspective, one can only see a messy and greasy top of her head that has obviously not been washed for a long time.

   "Raise your head," she said lightly, "Jiang Ke."

   Hearing the first half sentence, the man was unmoved.

   can be used as the word "Jiang Ke", he raised his eyes suddenly, and his aura became fierce and fierce.

  "Who are you?" His voice was hoarse and his expression was harsh.

  In my impression, I didn’t know such a young girl.

   But obviously the other party came prepared and wanted to catch him.

  A moment ago, an old man rushed up from behind, and put him on the table without saying a word.

  At that time, he was helping a high school student to do an informatics competition problem remotely. He was stuck in a certain step, and the trial operation has been unsuccessful.

  I was attacked when I was meditating.

   Finally broke free, trying to escape, but found that the front and rear doors were locked and could not be opened at all.

  He can only use a stool to smash the window, jump out, and slide all the way down the drain.

   But I didn’t want to just land, so I ran into a group of people in black and caught him straight.

  At that moment, countless possibilities flashed in the man's mind, but he calmed down after being tied up, and he denied them one by one.

  The origin of these people is unknown, but fortunately, they did not kill them.

  This made him feel a little relieved, at least for the time being.

  The other party caught him, but he did nothing. Just when he was puzzled, another person came.

  It suddenly dawned on him that the other party was not inactive, but was waiting for the person who could call the shots, and this person must be the one who ordered him to be tied!

  But I didn’t expect...

  This person is actually a female, so young and beautiful, at first glance, looks like a childish high school student? !

  The man felt that what happened before his eyes was simply ridiculous.

  "Who are you?" He heard his voice asking again.

   Calm, yin, and show a trace of defense and vigilance.

  This woman not only knows where the other person is, but also knows the name "Jiang Ke".

  It seems that I can’t stay.

  Everyone here, can’t stay...

  The killing intent passed through his eyes, his knuckles creaked.

    Two more, three thousand words.

     Xiaoyanger has a murderous intention, hey! It is commendable courage.

     Today is still four shifts~ the third shift is about ten thirty.



  (End of this chapter)

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