After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 205: Fugitive Jiang Ke, once a genius (three shifts)

  Chapter 205 Fugitive Jiang Ke, once a genius (three shifts)

  Niu Rui noticed his eyes, sneered, and directly stepped forward and kicked him over.

   Condescendingly: "Just relying on the thought that you have just moved, it is enough for you to die a hundred times, and the method of death will not be repeated!"

  The man's pupils shrank, and he let out a beast-like growl: "Who are you anyway?! What do you want to do?!"

  Jiang Fuyue waved back Niu Rui, walked to the man under the latter's slightly worried gaze, squatted down, his eyes were level with him.

  The man turned his body sideways in a panic, his long hair just covering his right half of his face.

  Unfortunately, it's still too late.

  Jiang Fuyue has seen the terrible scar on his right face, without eyebrows, and even his eyes are melted to the point of only a single seam.

  Before, he buried his head, and later, with the help of hair to cover it, no one in the room actually noticed it.

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows, except for the surprise that appeared at the beginning, but then there was nothing but peace in her eyes.

  The man was at a loss: "You, aren't you afraid?"

  The little girl of this age, when she saw his right half of his face, she either screamed or fled, as if she saw an evil spirit.

  Some people are directly scared and fainted. After waking up, they must receive regular psychological treatment.

  Jiang Fuyue heard the words and suddenly curled her lips: "What do you mean?"

  The man was a little at a loss: "My face..."

   "What's a half face compared to freedom? Huh?" The tone was leisurely, and the ending sounded upward.

  The man became stiff, and the fierceness and murderousness returned.

Jiang Fuyue seemed to see something "interesting", her eyes became enthusiastic: "It is said that reality can change bad people, and also make good people completely different. Just now, including before, did you want to kill people? That just kill me. One may not be enough, there are still so many people here who know your identity..."

   "Could it be..." Jiang Fuyue blinked, smiling at her eyebrows, "Are you planning to kill us all?"

  The man gave a startled expression.

  At a certain moment, he really thought so.

"Then you have to figure out whether you have the ability to do more than one enemy." Jiang Fuyue stopped beside him, whispered softly, and smiled: "You can't kill, but it's easy to be counter-killed." ."

  The man suddenly stiffened.

  The next second suddenly stretched out his hand to attack Jiang Fuyue's neck.

  At this time, there is only death in the depths of his eyes.

  Although you can't have more than one enemy, you can capture the thieves and capture the king. The blame is that this woman is so stupid that she is so close.

  Don’t blame him for being cruel!

  As he said, for the sake of freedom, even his appearance can be destroyed by his own hands. What is it to hold a hostage?

  The man planned very well and made his shots quite decisively. The words "courage" and "ruthlessness" were contradictory and harmoniously blended in him.

  Unfortunately, Jiang Fuyue is faster than him.

  At the same time the man stretched out her hand, she also moved, and instead of retreating, she moved forward and directly swiped her fist towards his cheekbones.



   Then the second punch, the third punch...

  The man was slammed directly against the wall, tilted his head, and blood was constantly dripping from his nostrils and corners of his mouth.

  Night pull the machine and can't bear to look straight and turn your head away.

  Oh, what's going on with these people now? Are your eyes blind? Who should provoke, who should not provoke, there is no ability to judge! If people are not beaten, who will be beaten?

what! His little moon looks more handsome than before!

  Niu Rui Nane swept through Jiang Fuyue's still clenched fist, and stared at the man with a swollen nose and swollen nose. She was worried that she had paid wrongly.

   "I said, think about it before you start, but unfortunately you didn't listen to it." Jiang Fuyue got up and clapped his hands.

   "Hey, Little Moon will give you wet tissues."

  Jiang Fuyue instantly smiled: "Thank you, Master~"

  Niu Rui: "..." This ability to change face is absolutely amazing.

  The man knew that there was no hope of escape, and fell to the wall with a smashed can, his head slumped, his hair covering his disfigured right face.

   "What do you want to do? It doesn't matter if you want to kill or pluck it, whatever."

  After finishing speaking, he simply lay down, as if he had no desire to survive.

   "Why are you—" Niu Rui was stopped by Jiang Fuyue's eyes as soon as he spoke.

   "Give me something." She stretched out her hand.

  Niu Rui reacted, and immediately found a copy of the information from behind and handed it to her.

  Jiang Fuyue turned to the first page, reading while reading——

"Jiang Ke, born on January 14, 2030, just turned 20 this year. At the age of 15, he was specially recruited into the undergraduate juvenile class of Southern University of Science and Technology because of his amazing computer talent. The national team was involved in the'dormitory poisoning case' on the eve of the selection..."

  The person lying motionless, but his fingers curled subconsciously, and his joints turned bluish white.

Jiang Fuyue continued: "After investigation, there is sufficient evidence that Jiang Ke poisoned his roommate and killed him in the first instance, and the sentence was maintained in the second instance. But the day before the execution, he ran away and was wanted nationwide. I couldn't catch him."

  "Who would have thought that the once genius boy, in order to survive, actually ruthlessly ruined half of his face with his own hands, disguised as a middle-aged uncle, and wandered at the foot of the imperial city for four years?"

   "Heh..." Jiang Ke chuckled softly.

As early as when the other party called out his name, he knew that there would be such a moment: all the disguise was torn, all the concealment was exposed, and Chi Guoguo was exposed to the sun, so that the gloomy mouse could no longer escape, his original form Be exposed!

   "Since you know who I am, what do you plan to do next? Give me to the police? Or use lynching directly?"

  He grinned, looking heartless, but there was a sparkle in the corner of his eyes flashing under the lamp.

  After so many years of escaping, is it finally over?

   is also good.

  Scared for life without people and ghosts, seeing the police is like a mouse seeing a cat. He used to live so proudly and defiantly, even arrogant, but now he is not as good as a dog.

  But he still couldn't bear to die.

  Today, someone can finally put an end to him, okay.

   Jiang Ke put his hands on the back of his head, for the first time in four years to relax like this.

  Niu Rui smiled angrily at his covetous look: "I said, why are you still online?"

  "Aren’t you trying to catch me? Catch it."


When Niu Rui used the intelligence network of Qianji Pavilion to find out his identity, he couldn't help being surprised. Jiang Fuyue never thought that Jiang Fuyue would let the arrested person be a fugitive.

  He went down to investigate the “dormitory poisoning case” that year when he was curious, and Jiang Ke’s wanted order as a first-degree fugitive was still on it.

  Unexpectedly, it was the "middle-aged uncle" who looked like a tramp in front of him.

  Are you sure this person is only twenty years old? Not forty?

  Jiang Ke: "Although I am going to die, I am still curious, who are you guys? How did you find me? Can I be a ghost and go on the road with peace of mind?"

  Niu Rui turned to see Jiang Fuyue.

  Ye Qianji also looked at her.

   Jiang Ke thought, he didn't guess wrong, this girl is the one who can call the shots.

  So he didn't look at Yezhaoji, nor Niu Rui who was talking to him, but stared straight at Jiang Fuyue.

  She looks really young, maybe younger than him...

  "The reason why I can find you is because when you were remotely controlling Lin Yuan to help Lin Yuan do the competition questions, I hit a Trojan horse in her computer, the main function is to track and locate."

  Jiang Ke frowned, and the intact left half of his face could vaguely see the handsomeness of the boy.

   "Lin Yuan? Who?"

  Jiang Fuyue's mouth twitched: "Are you still helping the second person to do the contest remotely?"

"Yes, who knows which competition you are talking about. The order I have received now is to help with NOI summer camp training questions, ICPC programming, and robot programming sponsored by a foreign Internet company. These can be counted. Competition. Which one do you mean?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "...NOI summer camp set."

   "Oh! It turns out that that person has a lot of money and is jealous. The girl who has tried his best to get the top score is called Lin Yuan? It sounds pretty good."

   Jiang Fuyue's eyes twitched.

   "However," he suddenly reacted, "You said you planted a Trojan horse in her computer. What does it have to do with finding me?"

  "Don’t you know that there is a word called——Shun Teng Mo Gu?"

  Jiang Ke frowned: "So you mean, you poisoned her host and poisoned me again? Then use that Trojan to locate my location?"

  Jiang Fuyue nodded: "It can be explained like this."

   "Impossible! No Trojan horse in this world can penetrate my firewall!"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Facts have proved that mine can. Otherwise, you won't be like this now."

  In the previous sentence, Jiang Ke wanted to say that she fart.

  The latter sentence made him unable to refute.

   "What on earth do you want to do? Walk the way for the sky? Kill demons and slay demons?"

    four hours before twelve o’clock.



  (End of this chapter)

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