After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 209: Evil is rewarded, there is light in the eyes (two more)

  Chapter 209 Evil is rewarded, there is light in the eyes (two more)

  Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived.

   "Jin Mingyu, do you still know how to come?" The fat director's fat fingers almost touched the man's face.

  The man raised his eyes in hindsight, but he was dull inside.

   Watched by such gazes, the fat director felt cold on the back of his neck. Thinking of the things he saw on the Internet, he just wanted to send away the plague **** quickly.

   "Everything is packed for you, and the car is ready, you can go."

   "Wait..." The man's voice showed a tired hoarse, with a little dazed, "Why are you moving my things?"

   "Why?" The fat director said in a high tone, "Did you not receive the email? The personnel department also called to inform you, Jin Mingyu is no longer an employee of our unit!"

  The man suddenly recalled something.

Yes, on the day when the poisoning incident was reversed on the Internet, his personal information was dug up by netizens. Numerous harassing calls were made to the cell phone. Some people called the murderer and some directly greeted the eighteenth generation of their ancestors. Someone cursed him to be hit by a car...

  Jin Mingyu is stupid.

  When he finally figured out what happened, he was flustered.

  The video was deleted tomorrow morning, and even the cloud account was also cancelled.

  And Jiang Ke, isn’t he a fugitive? Since you have escaped, then continue to escape. Why do you want to come back?

  He can handle everything that happened in front of him.

  So, Jin Mingyu escaped, ran to the casino he frequented, gambled for two days and two nights, did not go to work, did not answer the phone, and was completely isolated from the outside world.

  When he loses completely and can't borrow the money and can't get the equivalent collateral, he is directly thrown out of the door by the bodyguard.

  He then came to the unit in a muddle-headed manner.

  Unexpectedly, but was told...

   "Why fire me?"

Director Fat did not expect him to have such a thick-skinned face, "Why? Heh, the "Notice of Dissolution of Personnel Relations" is written in black and white, and it is written clearly-misbehavior, violation of morals, and damage to the image of the unit! What have you done yourself, No points in mind?"

Jin Mingyu's expression was hateful, and angrily flashed in his eyes: "What did I do? Kill or set fire? Why didn't the police come to arrest me? The law didn't convict me, but a small electric company dared to buckle. hat."

  "You are dismissed for no reason, it is slander, and violates the "Labor Law"! I am going to sue you!"

  The fat director finished listening, and laughed on the spot: "Jin Mingyu, where is your face? If I were you, I would walk quietly, at least I can leave a little bit of dignity."

"Go? Why should I go?" The man's eyes flushed, "It's not me who is wrong! If you expel me because of the online incident, it's not reasonable at all. It's just a moral error, and I didn't commit a crime. ...Yes, I didn't commit a crime!"

  The fat director flashed contempt in his eyes and snorted: "Who said it was because of the Internet that you fired you?"

  Jin Mingyu frowned: "What do you mean?"

"You are fired because you are a gambler. The debt collectors have found the unit and the impact is extremely bad. According to the current regulations, firing you is just a normal operation. Oh, what is the violation of the "Labor Law"? You can sue if you are capable."

  "Since you are here, just take care of these things by yourself." The fat director finished speaking, and left with the two young people.

  Jin Mingyu stood under the sun, but got cold all over.

  The van driver waited a little impatiently: "Have you finished loading? You will have to add money for overtime!"

  Jin Mingyu put the things in the car in a muddle-headed manner, and then walked towards the bulletin board, only to be stung at a glance, as if back to five years ago, when the national team was selected, he couldn't find his name in it.

  In fact, where do I need to find?

  Four places, four names, is it clear at a glance.

  But he was not reconciled. He sentenced Jiang Ke to death. That was a living life!

  I did so much without my conscience, and in the end I couldn’t make it to the national team. What about the mistakes and sins he committed?

  Break committed?

  I made it for nothing?

   "Hahaha..." He laughed suddenly, leaning forward and backward, and tears came out, "I'm right! I'm just fighting for what I want..."

  Suddenly, he noticed someone behind him, and suddenly turned his head to look, only to see a man in a sweater and a cap standing not far away.

  Because the brim of the hat was pressed too low, Jin Mingyu could not see the upper half of his face, and subconsciously showed vigilance: "Who are you?"

  He is afraid of meeting those crazy netizens.

  But the man turned around and left without saying anything.

  Jiang Ke originally wanted to find him to "remember the old", but when he really saw people, he suddenly felt bored.

  The modest and simple, blushing and shy Jin Mingyu back then has long been beyond recognition.

  Dark circles under the eyes, beer belly, Mediterranean Sea-he has lived like a social man.

  But Jiang Ke still wants to continue to be a genius.

  What about after five years of losing?

  His future is still very long——

  This is what Jiang Fuyue said in his ear.


  After all the major media's visits were unsuccessful, Jiang Ke accepted an interview with an official channel.

  The one who came that day turned out to be a very famous female reporter in the circle.

  In the past, her interview subjects were not diplomats, or famous scientists around the world. She is known in the industry for her “wide range of knowledge” and “extensive knowledge”.

  Jiang Ke knew about her and saw it once during a foreign-related interview with a reporter from the News Network.

   is very professional and sharp.

  She said: "Hello Jiang Ke, I took the initiative to fight for this interview. Do you know the reason?"

   Jiang Ke calmly said: "You are interested in me."

  Today, he put on a suit, and even if he was bent over and lived for four years, as long as he wanted to, he could still appear upright and decent in front of the camera, facing a national audience.

  Just that face...

  He did not make any concealment. When the light hit, the scars of the burned skin appeared, or it could not be called "skin" at all, it was just a layer of burnt skin.

  Rao is a female reporter who is used to seeing wind and waves, and her pupils can't help but shrink.

   "Sorry, it may make you uncomfortable."

   "I heard that you did it yourself."


  Female reporter: "Doesn't it hurt?"

  Jiang Ke: "Compared to death in vain, this pain is not hard to accept."

  Female reporter: "Before I came here, I met your former teachers. The most common word from them is ‘genius’. Do you think you are a genius?"

  Jiang Ke curled his lips, and the left side camera shot his intact profile face in. The upward arc was like a young man, proud and indestructible.


  It used to be, and it is the same now!


  This interview video was edited by overtime in the early morning that night and posted on the official website.

  In less than 30 minutes, I received 100,000 reposts, 50,000 comments, and nearly 300,000 likes.

  The heat is still rising.

  And Jiang Ke's current appearance is finally exposed.

Is it scary?

   To be honest, it's scary.

  That is the most intuitive human feeling about “beauty” and “ugliness”.

  Some netizens even left a message. When she clicked on this video, she screamed in the bedroom, thinking that she had caught a ghost movie.

Some netizens said that her husband was shocked and rolled out of bed at the first glance, and then sat on the floor with a dazed expression, watching her crying at the ugly man in the video, and it felt like he had run into the outside world. Star people do yoga in the gym (what is this tiger-wolf metaphor?)

  The interview is still going on, when the reporter asked him if he knew why he took the initiative to apply for this interview.

  The young man’s answer was confident and bold, with a trace of madness.

  The female reporter asked again, do you think she is a genius? In fact, the subtext of this question is: Once you were a genius, do you still consider yourself a genius?

  The young man made a noise, he said yes.

   "Gosh! So there are really such proud people in the world."

   "Even if his face is ruined, his words, speech, and behavior can still become the most shining label on him. Maybe this is the natural temperament of genius?"

   "Exoded thousands of miles, and returned as a teenager-this sentence is like tailor-made for him."

   "He is like this now, how amazing is he who used to be?"


  Tonight, I am destined to have no sleep.

  There was no grandstanding, no screaming or eyeballing. Jiang Ke completed an interview smoothly, but unexpectedly earned enough tears from the people of the whole country.

  When the female reporter left, she suddenly asked: "I saw light in your eyes, can you tell me where it came from?"

  Jiang Ke: "From the person who stretched out my hand."

   "Is she yours?"

   "Bo Le."

  That night, Jiang Ke stood at the door of "Angelica", listening to the sound of sound streaming from the bar.

   No longer hesitate, plunged into the feasting.

   also plunged into his brilliant future...

    Two more three thousand characters, there are still four more characters today~

     Three more looks like ten o'clock, see the notice in the comment area for details.



  (End of this chapter)

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