After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 210: Two choices, I will come back (three shifts)

  Chapter 210 Two choices, I will come back (three more)

   "You won't go back to school after this point? I heard that it will be the ultimate assessment soon. You really don't look like you are going to enter the national team." Niu Chunhua played with the pen, sitting on the sofa, and said leisurely.

  Jiang Fuyue hooked her lips: "Don't worry, wait a minute."

   "Hey, it's eleven o'clock soon, and one hour is the next day."

"so what?"

  She can afford to wait.


  At this moment, Niu Rui opened the door and came in.

   Under the gaze of the two women, he coughed slightly, "Someone is looking for it."

  Niu Chunhua raised her eyebrows: "Who?"

  Jiang Fuyue smiled peacefully, as if she had guessed it.

  Niu Rui: "Jiang Ke."

  Niu Chunhua: "..."

  Jiang Fuyue: "Let him come in."


   followed Niu Rui to the second floor. Compared with the hustle and bustle of the lobby, it seemed like two worlds.

  Jiang Ke paced calmly without squinting.

   "Go in." Niu Rui pushed the door open for him, but stayed outside.

  Jiang Fuyue sat behind her desk, with her hands folded on the table, a smile appeared on her lips.

  She asked: "Looking for me?"

  Jiang Ke nodded: "Well, I'm looking for you."

"What's up?"

  He curled his mouth, and blamed her for asking, and the genius's response and insight were naturally extraordinary.

   "Did you deliberately?" He said hard.

  Jiang Fuyue smiled and nodded: "Yeah."

  Jiang Ke: "?" She might be playing with me.

   "I have to listen to you to say it in person to be at ease. Then if I guess wrong, isn't it a passion?"

  Jiang Ke's complexion slowed down, and he muttered in a low voice: "You women are in trouble..."

   But in the next second, "Okay, then I will just say it once, listen carefully."

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows and waited for the following.

   "Cough! Didn't you say that I should be used by you? Well, I thought about it and agreed."

  She leaned forward: "Really?"

  At that moment, the girl's eyebrows were so beautiful that they were as bright as the summer sun.

   "Dang, yes! If I don't agree, I won't agree; since I agree, I will do what I say."

  Jiang Fuyue: "Don't ask me what I want you to do?"

  Jiang Ke: "It’s not too late to ask. What are you going to let me do?"

"what can you do?"

   "As long as I am willing to learn, I can do everything."

  Very good, the confidence from genius.

   "I'm not afraid of my overkill, let you sell vegetables and feed the pigs?"

  Jiang Ke snorted: "Even if I sell vegetables to feed pigs, I sell more than others, and I feed them fatter."


  Niu Chunhua almost laughed.

   Jiang Fuyue's mouth twitched.

   "Don't worry, you are not selling vegetables to feed pigs, just kidding."

  Jiang Ke frowned: "Have you seen me selling vegetables to feed pigs? Never, how do you know that I am not that piece of material?"


   "Drawing conclusions without facts, not rigorous or scientific."

  Jiang Fuyue: "?"

  Hello? She was taught?


  Niu Chunhua is calm on the surface, but her heart is: hahahahahaha...

   "Two choices," Jiang Fuyue closed a smile, and suddenly turned upright, "Do you want to continue studying, or come out?"

   Jiang Ke pondered for a moment: "The campus is no longer suitable for me."

  There is no inferiority complex, no regrets, just a simple statement of facts.

  Although he is only 20, about the same age as an ordinary student who has completed the high school entrance examination, but after those four years, his mentality and thoughts have long been ahead of his peers.

  Even if you regain the books, it is difficult to integrate into the group.

   "...Besides, my face is a trouble."

  Niu Chunhua suddenly said: "You can do cosmetic repairs. Although you can't restore the original appearance 100%, it will be much better than you are now. I have a doctor I know, and I can introduce it to you."

  Jiang Ke looked sideways at the woman sitting on the sofa. The pink cheongsam, with high slits, and the pearl necklace made her ruddy and she couldn't see her true age.

   "Thank you, but no need."

  "You don't want to make yourself look more...?" Niu Chunhua paused for a moment, with some bad words.

   Jiang Ke added: "More normal?"

   "Ah... almost what it means."

  He shook his head: "I'm not showing up by accident."

  Niu Chunhua: "But others will care."

  "Then what I can do is to make others care about it or not, it is just subjective likes and dislikes, and does not affect objective decision-making."

  Niu Chunhua smacked for a moment, only to understand what he meant by coming over.

   To put it plainly, even if I am ugly, you can only bear it if you are upset.

   sounds very refreshing, but to really do it, it must mean that the meaning of the two words "Jiang Ke" goes beyond him, and indicates something more attractive.

  For example, interest.

   Another example, power.

  Only in this way, will the other party ignore the beauty and ugliness, restrain their own likes and dislikes, and do their best to please.

  Niu Chunhua suddenly felt that this kid was a bit nasty.

  I'm still a bit crazy.


   "Since you are not surprised, why did you say that your face is a trouble?"

Jiang Ke: "I'm just telling the truth. I wander in school like this all day, from the light to the ghost stories, to frighten the teachers and classmates. Although I don't care, but if something happens, I will be responsible. Yes. This is one of them."

  “Furthermore, the campus environment is too simple, and there is no obvious sense of hierarchy among students. In this case, the appearance that can be seen by the naked eye becomes an index to judge a person’s good or bad, too naive and too superficial."

  Real competition will only be staged on the cruel stage of life, and the criterion for judging a person is no longer appearance, but replaced by other more important and realistic indicators.

  For example, wealth and wealth, ability to talk, personality thinking, and life and so on.

  Jiang Ke: "I know where my strengths are. Why do I waste time going to school?"

  Niu Chunhua slapped her lips and found that she could not argue with this stinky boy.

   then died down and stopped talking.

  Jiang Fuyue nodded in agreement: "Actually, I don't recommend that you go back to school."

  Jiang Ke: "So what should I do next?" How to break into society?

  Actually, he has a lot of ideas, and he is eager to speak.

  As long as the other party is willing, he can definitely help him with funds-I don't know why, Jiang Ke has this intuition.

  Unfortunately, Jiang Fuyue did not give him a chance to speak.

  Take out a ticket and a business card from the drawer, stack them on top of each other, and push them in front of him with one hand.

  Jiang Ke: "?"

  "Here is a direct flight to Linhuai in two days. After arriving, contact the person named Liu Jinzhong on the business card, and he will take you to Camp A to report."

   "A camp?" What is it?

   "You will know when you go."

  This time, Jiang Ke was silent for a long time, then raised his head and his eyes became calm: "After I report, what do I need to do?"

  "You are very talented in computer science, but the knowledge structure is still five years ago and has not been updated in time..."

  Jiang Ke frowned and interrupted her: "When I was in the juvenile class, I had completed the undergraduate course ahead of time and read all the papers in related fields."

  Jiang Fuyue asked: "How many do you remember now?"

   "Ninety-five percent."

  "Okay, then I ask you, what is the SGD source code? What are the common expressions of the POK algorithm in the field of supercomputer research?"

  SGD source code?

  POK algorithm?

What is this?

  Jiang Ke's brow wringed again and again.

  Niu Chunhua couldn’t stand it anymore and reminded him: “No matter how tight it is, the mosquitoes will be caught.”

  He just realized it and looked at Jiang Fuyue and shook his head: "I don't know."

  "These two concepts were developed three years ago. Even if you write down 100% of the papers you have read before, you will not be able to answer my question."

  "Technology is developing, society is progressing, and you," she said every word, not afraid of hitting the other side, "has been too far behind."

  Jiang Ke was shocked, "...Okay, I'll go!"

  Jiang Fuyue curled her lips and said, "That's right." Touching his fingers on the table, under the light, the beauty exuded by calmness made people think of the word "powerful".

  Yes, only powerful people can be so calm and comfortable with everything.

  "A camp has world-class algorithm madmen, unsuccessful empire hackers, supercomputer developers, artificial intelligence developers... believe me, you can learn more from them."


  Jiang Ke grabbed the ticket and business card and put it in his pocket.

  The next second, suddenly raised his eyes to look at the opposite girl: "I don't know your name yet."

   "Jiang Fuyue."

  "If you give me a plane ticket, then I will give you a small gift."

  She raised her eyebrows.

   "No hurry, I'm not ready yet, you'll know when I send it out."

  Started to learn from her.

  It's really mean and grudge...

   "I'm leaving, Jiang Fuyue, but I will be back. By then, all algorithm madmen and imperial hackers can all retire."

  After speaking, he left in a big stride, with wind from his back.

    Three shifts, three thousand words.

     Fourth, before twelve o’clock, the diligent fish can be confidently begging for votes today, hehe~



  (End of this chapter)

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