After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 211: The ultimate quiz, Lin Yuan pills (four more)

  Chapter 211 Ultimate Quiz, Lin Yuan Pills (four more)


  The sound of closing the door came.

  Niu Chunhua got up lazily and stretched a comfortable waist: "That kid is a wild horse, so he can't hold it and get out of it easily."

  Jiang Fuyue glanced at her: "It's not good to speak ill of someone behind her back."


  "I want to ask you a question." Niu Chunhua suddenly came over.


  "If he chooses to go back to school, how do you plan to end it?"

  Jiang Fuyue's performance just now clearly favors Jiang Ke to venture out into society, rather than go back and continue studying.

   "How will it end?"

  Niu Chunhua is anxious: "play stupid with me, right?"

  Jiang Fuyue curled her lips: "He will go back if he wants to go back to school, and I won’t stop him."

"real or fake?"

  Jiang Fuyue twitched the corner of her mouth, opened the drawer directly, and took out a copy--

  "Admission notice?!" Niu Chunhua was surprised.

  Look at the logo again, I rely on it, it is actually Q!

  Jiang Fuyue corrected: "It is a special recruitment admission notice."

"Aren't they all the same? What's the difference? Well, I'm thinking..." Niu Chunhua's eyes rolled, "Could you send our calf to Q University for further study? Anyway, this notice looks very good. It looks like, are you his aunt... You can't always watch your child be stupid than other children due to lack of educational opportunities?"

  Niu Rui who was also shot while lying down: Am I stupid? Do you dare to say it again? !

  Jiang Fuyue turned her head and looked at her eyes... it's hard to say a word.

   "Spring Flowers."


   "I remember teaching you a word a long time ago."


  "If you are stupid, you should talk less. Twenty years later, how come you still haven't made any progress?"


"Do you know what a special recruitment is? A special method for recruiting high-level talents under certain conditions. First, the competition is the most basic; second, the applicant must have published at least two papers in related fields in international journals; finally, return It is necessary to obtain joint recommendation letters from at least eight prestigious universities in China and related professional professors."

   "These Jiang Ke have them, do we have them?"

  Niu Chunhua: "...when I didn't say it."

  "Then this recruitment admission notice, what do you plan to do with it?"

With a bang, Jiang Fuyue tore it in half.

  Niu Chunhua's eyes widened suddenly, as if her admission notice had been destroyed, she almost screamed: "You, you, you...what are you doing?!"

   "If Jiang Ke doesn't go, this is like a piece of waste paper."

   "That's right, but you must have spent a lot of time and thought to help him get this. How can I ruin it?"

   Violent and violent!

  Niu Chunhua, who has been a scumbag since she was a child, said: If you don’t want it, you can give it to me! It’s okay to mount it up and admire it!

  This may be the time when she was the closest to China TOP2 Academy in her life.

  The result is just gone...

  The key point, Jiang Fuyue even thrown into the trash can next to him, the look of "the full man does not know the hungry man is hungry" is really-too, owe, too much!


  The day Jiang Ke left, it happened to be the last quiz for NOI training.

  After the exam, the IOI national team list will be officially confirmed.

   Judging from the results of the previous quizzes, the top four are: Jiang Fuyue, Lin Yuan, Fan Ye and Gao Zhaoming.

  Among them, Jiang Fuyue and Lin Yuan tied for first place with full scores on all four quizzes.

  Finally, as long as there are no problems, you will be stable! Lin Yuan couldn't restrain her excitement when she thought of this.

  She sent a message to the person named [K] on WeChat——

  "This is the last time, you must ensure that you get full marks! Money is not a problem!"

  Replied on the other end: "Don't worry."

  Lin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, with a finger movement, she habitually cleared the chat history, and then smudged her brows and eyes.

  She put away her mobile phone and was about to leave the bathroom. As soon as she turned around, she ran into Jiang Fuyue and Fanye who came in.

  The two passed her without squinting, treating her as air.

  Lin Yuan was upset, and immediately sneered: "This is the last evaluation. You have to be careful not to be squeezed by me."

  Jiang Fuyue's eyes were calm, without any unnecessary reactions.

  It is Fanye. She is young and impulsive, and hit back on the spot: "I will give you the same thing, and finally got four full marks. Don't turn off the chain at the last time, otherwise all the hard work in front of you will be wasted!"

   Is it hard to cheat?

  Of course hard work!

  I didn’t see that Lin Yuan had to tap the disabled keyboard for several hours every time. She didn’t take a break in the middle?

  I don’t know how she persevered and didn’t doze off.

  There was a hint of innuendo in these words, Lin Yuan's heartbeat was beaten up, her eyes flickered slightly.

  Did they notice something?

  No, it's impossible.

  If you really find out, why don’t you tell the teacher?

   Thinking of this, Lin Yuan felt relieved for the time being, and left a sentence: “Don’t say it too early, it’s not always true who wins and who wins!”

   Then, turn around and run away.

  Looking at the back, there is a sense of fleeing.

  Jiang Fuyue and Fanye glance at each other, tacitly telling each other.


  As soon as the bell rings, the quiz officially begins.

  Lin Yuan still received the questions from the coach's host as before, and then waited for the computer to be controlled remotely.

  But five minutes passed...


  Ten minutes passed...

   Still nothing happened.

  And the exam time is passing silently.

  She panicked.

  I want to take out the phone on the spot and send a message to ask the other party what the **** is doing, why not help her with the question?

  But this is the examination room. There are many eyes staring around, and there are coaches on the stage. She doesn't dare to act rashly.

  Seeing that twenty minutes have passed, the computer in front of me is still motionless.

  Lin Yuan has fallen from the first level of despair to the ninety-ninth level, and she will completely collapse before the last level.

  At this time, the coach noticed that Lin Yuan’s computer had not moved, and the progress of the question from the background was also zero, so he walked off the stage and asked with concern——

   "Student Lin, are you okay?"

  For Lin Yuan, the current situation is just worse.

  On the one hand, Deco disappeared inexplicably, and on the other, the coach kept asking.

   "I... I have a stomachache..."

   "Stomachache again?"


   "My stomach is not good, and I often do this."

  Coach: "Can you hold on? Do you want to send you to the infirmary?"

   "No, no more!" Lin Yuan has finally made it to this day, how could she give up easily.

  Just like Fanye said, this time it's over, then the four full marks she has worked so hard to get before will be discarded?

   "Teacher! I'll just go to the bathroom."

   "Okay, then go back quickly, don't delay the exam."


  Lin Yuan hid in the cubicle of the women’s toilet, took out her mobile phone, clicked on WeChat, and her words were rather rude, driven by anger——

【Are you dead? ! Why didn't you help me with the problem? Now the exam has started for almost half an hour! 】

【you liar! Poor ghost! No professional ethics at all! I want to report you! 】

【your mother died! Your whole family is dead! No dead body! 】


  Airport, rest area.

  Jiang Ke looked at the constantly vibrating mobile phone and the foul language sent over there.

  Originally, he was just a joke, and he made up his mind not to reply to the news.

  But the phrase "Your mother is dead! Your whole family is dead!" Still provoked him, under the peaked cap, a cold light flashed across his eyes.

  He changed his mind. Since the other party greeted his family, he should also "communicate with courtesy", which is fair.


  The most vicious words in her life were also over. Just when Lin Yuan was in despair, she actually replied on the other side? !

  "Sorry, there was a problem with the network just now, and the remote control failed. Now that the bug has been fixed, I can help you with the problem."

  At that moment, Lin Yuan seemed to return from **** to heaven.

   She immediately emphasized: "Remember! You must get a full score! Less than one point and one will not work!"

  The coach saw that Lin Yuan returned from the bathroom and she returned to normal, and the progress of answering questions was also advancing rapidly. This was a sigh of relief and relieved.

  When Lin Yuan "completed" the first question, two voices of paper handover sounded behind her.

   is Jiang Fuyue and Fanye!

  She couldn't help gritting her teeth. Whatever she did fast, accuracy is the most important thing.


  Out of the computer room, Fanye frowned and mumbled: "I thought she was honest this time, but I didn't expect to go to the bathroom and come back to cheat again...Shall we just let her get through it?"

  Jiang Fuyue didn’t know why Jiang Ke had to help her take the exam, but...

   "Don't worry, she won't take the full score again this time."

   "Huh? Why? The person opposite is quite good, almost like you."

  "Because the mouse was caught last time, now this mouse is teasing her."

   Fanye: "?" Started to be confused again.

    The four shifts are coming, there is no five shifts today, so don’t wait.

     See you tomorrow morning~ See how Lin Yuan is finished! hhh



  (End of this chapter)

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