After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 213: Lin Mu was troubled and questioned on the spot (two more)

  Chapter 213 Mother Lin's troubles, questioned on the spot (two more)

  At any time, the appearance of "extreme" can attract the most attention.

  The top score is extreme, and the bottom to zero is even more so!

   Soon, the parents discovered that among the fifteen people, there was one person with five blank grades, and the total score was zero?

   This sensation is no less than the impact brought by Jiang Fuyue’s full scores every time——

   "Even zero points? Did you hand in a blank paper?"

   "This kid never came to the training camp, right?"

   "Impossible! Just now the head coach said when he was speaking-fifteen students were present! There were also fifteen people on the report card, and no one was absent."

   "That's it...Is Lin Yuan's parents here? Who are Lin Yuan's parents?"

  You look at me, I look at him, he looks at her.

"not coming?"

   "Well, maybe because I am afraid of embarrassment, I will not show up at all."

  "Will the score sheet be mistaken? No matter how you test it, you won’t get zero points!"

  "Who knows? Children nowadays are much smarter than we were back then. When I think about it, I think about it. It's not easy to manage."


  A group of parents whispered and talked about with zero points, degrading her daughter to nothing. Lin's expression became darker and deeper when she heard it.

  Originally, she wanted to wait for the head coach to ask for clarity after it was over. It would not be too ugly to negotiate a settlement in private, but she didn’t want it to be spread among parents.

  According to the current posture, even if the truth comes to light and her grades are restored, Na Yuanyuan’s reputation will be almost destroyed.

  In this case, there is only...

  Mother Lin's eyes darkened, and she suddenly stood up: "Sorry, teacher, I may need to interrupt you for a few minutes."


   "What's the matter with this parent?"

"Why does my daughter have a total score of zero on the transcript? Obviously she got full marks in the first four quizzes. The last time she was pretty sure, it should have been a full score without any accident. Then, my daughter has a good score of five full marks. Why did it become like this? Did something go wrong when you entered the system, or was I dizzy and misunderstood?"

  The head coach was taken aback, and quickly reacted: "Are you Lin Yuan's parent?"

   "Yes. Today you must give me an account in public, otherwise it would be a great insult and disrespect to me and my daughter!"

   "Parent Lin Yuan, don't get excited, this matter..."

"Not excited?!" Mother Lin suddenly raised her tone, as if she was offended, "How could I not be excited? This is my daughter, and now she has been treated unfairly. You are not excited because the knife was not cut. On you!"

   "You calm down, I didn't mean to..."

  "This kind of thing happens, how do you calm a mother?"

   "..." The coach's eyes twitched wildly, can't this woman listen to him to finish?

  It seems to be knowledgeable, but it turns out to be more difficult than the middle-aged women selling eggs in the vegetable market.

   "Mother Lin Yuan!" He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Do you have any questions? Of course you did raise them. Shouldn't that give us a chance to answer your questions?"

Lin Mu was taken aback.

   "You can't solve any problems by yelling and hysterically like this now."

  She realized that her behavior seemed to be...not decent enough.

   "Okay," she gritted her teeth and calmed down, "how do you explain?"

  At this time, the parents got together again and began to whisper--

   "It turns out that she is Lin Yuan's parent. She is sitting next to me. We can definitely hear when we are so close. When I asked which Lin Yuan's parent was, she could sit still without saying a word."

   "Otherwise, what should I do? How embarrassed to admit on the spot?"

   "She has stood up right now, very strange."

   "No surprise, I can't sit still after listening!"

   "Looking at her speaking loudly and eloquently, can't she be mistaken? She should have got the first full score?"

   "Where do you get so many full marks? You are the Chinese cabbage in the market, you can pick and choose?"

   "But her tone is not like a fake..."

  "Listen to what the coach says, since it gives zero points, there must be a reason."


  Mr Lin didn’t expect that she had clarified in public, and these people’s mouths were still so broken!

  She couldn’t help but urged: “Coach, I’ve given the opportunity, but you said it.”

Chief Teacher   's eyes flickered: "Mother Lin Yuan, we can wait for this matter to be over and negotiate in private. After all, it involves student privacy. Now in front of so many classmates and parents, I am afraid...not suitable."

  Mr Lin sneered: "Why do we have to negotiate privately? Is there anything that can't be put on the table?"

  The chief teacher frowned: "I did this to—" Lin Yuan is good!

  The cheating scandal, which broke out in public, will be a devastating blow to children. As teachers, they met overnight to discuss, and finally decided to give the kid who went astray a chance to change.

   But apparently, Lin Mu did not think so.

Just listen to her sneer, bring the aggressive superiority of the upper class, and use the most soft tone to spit out the most malicious speculation: "What a'involving student privacy'! May I ask which student and what kind of privacy is involved? And you as coaches and teachers? , Who do you want to protect?"

    Lin Mu: Watch me perform a trick for everyone.

     Before twelve o'clock in the third shift, I must finish this scum tonight, otherwise I, sleep, don’t, stay!



  (End of this chapter)

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