After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 214: She cheated and slapped her face on the spot (three shifts)

  Chapter 214 She cheated and slapped her face on the spot (three shifts)

  The chief teacher is confused.

It took a long time to taste the meaning of the other party’s words, and his face suddenly fell: "Parent Lin Yuan, please pay attention to your wording! There are four coaches including me, and you directly deny our teacher's ethics when you say "protection". . Here, I want to remind you that you have to speak responsibly, and making up slander is tantamount to slander!"

  Mother Lin hooked her lips: "Since you have done it well, are you afraid of being said?"

   "What did we do? Don't talk about it!"

   "Huh! Exchange my daughter's grades to the student named Jiang Fuyue, you are so brave! Are you good to be a bully in our family?"

  The chief teacher is stupid.

  Other parents are confused.

  Jiang Fuyue suddenly heard her name popping out of a woman's mouth: "?"

  Maybe this is the legendary...laying gun?

   Shigeba snorted: "I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back, but that aunt is really funny."

  Gao Zhaoming pondered for half a second, his white fat face was serious: "I think this aunt is suitable for writing novels."

  Huang Hui smiled and turned to look at Jiang Fuyue: "Be careful, you are being watched by the black widow. So ah, full marks are not superficial, like me, I don’t have this trouble."

   "Hey, I didn't get a full score on the test, so it's quite glorious to say."

  In that side, Mother Lin is still going on, and she has a tendency to reluctantly and not forgive——

"I will leave the words here today. No matter what the background and the background of the surname Jiang, my daughter's grades must be my daughter's. No one should think about it! If you are determined to protect her , Then I don’t mind having a dead fish and breaking the net!"

  President: "?"

  He has not encountered such a strange thing in many years.

  Top package?

  Thanks she can figure it out!

  When other students are blind, and don’t know who is doing well and who is not doing the training together?

  Furthermore, some of their coaches are also professors and associate professors of B Dazheng, so they need to take risks to protect a student?

  What an international joke!

  The Chief Teacher’s face has completely cooled down: "Parent Lin Yuan, do you have any evidence for that?"

  Mr Lin: "My daughter's scores in five quizzes appear behind Jiang Fuyue's name. Isn't that enough to explain the problem?"

Chief Teacher    laughed, sneered: "Can't others not get full marks in the test? Your daughter must get full marks?"

   "There is no such a coincidence in the world! My daughter got full marks for the first four times. Is it weird that the fifth time has full marks?"

   "Then what if I tell you that Lin Yuan's first four exam results are all voided?"

  Mr Lin disapproved: "If you say that it is void, then void it? Why? It depends on you as the head coach? I'm sorry, we don't recognize it!"

  His blue veins jumped in front of the forehead, gritted his teeth and reminded: “Parents of Lin Yuan, don’t always look for objective reasons for everything. In many cases, subjective factors are the cause of inevitable consequences.”

  The implication is that instead of suspicion that others top the bag, it is better to ask what your daughter has done first!

  Until this time, he was unwilling to pierce the truth.

It’s a pity that a heart of fist, falling in the eyes of a woman has become evasive and sophistry: "Let’s talk less about these and some. Two choices, either give a suitable reason for my daughter’s zero score, or put the full score first. And the national team will be returned to my daughter. Otherwise, I will expose all this and let the national netizens comment and see who is right and who is wrong."

  Tough attitude, even with a bit of threat in the back.

  The chief teacher took a deep look at her, "Parent Lin Yuan, you have figured it out clearly, do you really decide to do this?"

   "I thought my meaning was clear."

   "Okay, I hope you don't regret it!"

   "Oh, what do I regret?"

Just when the chief teacher was about to speak the truth, Lin Yuan, who had been in a daze, suddenly reacted, her eyes were full of panic, and she grabbed Mother Lin's hand: "Mom! Don't ask, my grades are not good. After being replaced, the coaches did not protect anyone! Really! You sit down first and I...speak to you slowly!"

  Mother Lin gave her a distressed look: "Don’t be afraid, good girl, no one can take away your belongings if your mother is there."

   Then winked at her husband: "Watch your daughter."

  Father Lin: "Ah? Oh! Yuanyuan, don't be afraid, mom and dad are here, and they will definitely help you be fair."

  Who knows that after Lin Yuan listened, instead of being comforted, she grabbed Mother Lin even more flustered not to let go.

   Anxiety in his tone, the whole person was visibly impatient with the naked eye: "Mom! You listen to me, don't ask anymore!"

  I really can’t ask anymore!

  From the chief teacher's sentence "Lin Yuan's first four exam results are all voided", she knew that what she had done had been discovered!

  At that time, she was puzzled, and her whole person was stupid. All she thought was: What should I do? I was caught. Will you report criticism? Is it to be recorded in a personal file? It is said that will be suspended? What if it affects the college entrance examination? And what kind of eyes would the classmates and relatives in the family look at her? Auntie and Lin Yao must be very happy...

  Huge panic swept through Lin Yuan's heart. At that time, she didn't even notice what Lin Mother did or said.

  When I found out, it was too late.

  Things are pushed to a dead end where there is no turning point, and one step forward will be forever!

  How could she let Mother Lin keep asking?

   "Mom! It's really nothing to do with anyone, don't force the coach anymore!"

  Lin Yuan's almost crazy appearance not only failed to persuade Mother Lin, but also made her more angry.

  "Look at the good things you have done! What has forced me to give birth to a child?! Ah?! What kind of professors are you guys? It's nothing to be a teacher! Not worthy of the respect of classmates and parents!"

  It's over...Lin Yuan was slumped, her tears slipping down, as if she had been drawn away in an instant.

  The chief teacher suddenly let go. He shouldn’t be too kind to some people. You have to make them hurt and painful before you learn how to learn, know what to do, and what to say.

  Never mind, it’s just a pity that the child has such a mother.

  "Parent Lin Yuan, don’t you want to know why Lin Yuan’s first four exam results were invalidated? Okay, then I will tell you clearly and plainly."

   "In response to your strong request, explain to the public, let all the students and parents present to testify to see if our coaches are worthy of your respect!"

After all, the four words    chilled the heart of a people’s teacher.

  Meeting his calm and cold gaze, Mother Lin, who was originally righteous and arrogant, suddenly felt a little frustrated.

  A bad premonition enveloped her. Before she could react, she listened to the head coach and said in a deep voice--

"Accurately speaking, Lin Yuan did not invalidate the results of the first four quizzes, but all the results of the five quizzes were all invalidated. Because-she asked someone to remotely control the computer to complete the exam on her behalf and score full marks! For this We refuse to admit the untrue scores, and we will score zero points! Parent Lin Yuan, do you have any questions now?"

   "No..." Mother Lin shook her head, "It's impossible! How can my daughter cheat? She is already so good, and she has taken the exam four times..."

  Speaking of this, she couldn't say it anymore.

  Suddenly, "What evidence do you have?!"

  The chief teacher had a calm tone: “We received a report letter detailing the entire process of Lin Yuan’s cheating, and attached WeChat chat records and transfer records. The evidence is conclusive!”

"In addition, in the last quiz, the test was deliberately defrauded and the order of the answers was changed. The final score was 0 points, which was completely consistent with the details mentioned in the report letter. It can also corroborate the facts of cheating. If you don’t believe it, you can afterwards. Go to my office and I will show you a copy."

  Mr Lin was stunned in place, her expression sluggish, as if she could not accept what was happening in front of her.

  Suddenly, she turned around abruptly and picked up Lin Yuan’s hair: "Is it true? You said--"

  Lin Yuan screamed: "Mom! It hurts!"

   "Say! Did you cheat?! Ah?! Answer me!"

  Lin Yuan burst into tears and shook her head frantically: "I didn't mean it, I really didn't mean it, I...I just want to win..."


  A loud slap in the face.

  Lin Yuan was beaten up, covering her face in disbelief, as if she didn't know the woman in front of her.

Mother Lin looked like a bird of prey, gritted her teeth: "How do I raise a daughter like you?! You have lost my face! No wonder everyone says you are not as good as Lin Yao, Lin Yao can cheat? You are not worthy of being my child. !"

  The last sentence directly smashed all Lin Yuan's disguised strength.

  She completely broke down.

    I’ve hit, I can go to bed, good night~



  (End of this chapter)

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