After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 223: Wheelchair boss, Professor Ming Yu (three shifts)

  Chapter 223 Wheelchair boss, Professor Ming Yu (three shifts)

  In the wheelchair sat a middle-aged man with a thin face and a slightly pale face.

  He has a pair of nice eyes, but his pupils are abnormally blue and gray, as if they are overcast.

  Zeng Chuan pushed the wheelchair to the middle of the hall, and slowly said, "I will introduce you to everyone, this is Professor Ming."

The surname of   Ming was originally not common, let alone in the domestic physics community.

  And the one who can be called the "important person" is probably the only one!


  Everyone gasped.

  "Professor Ming Yuming?!"

   "It turns out that he is really in a wheelchair. I thought it was all misinformation from the outside world, but I didn't expect..."

   "He looks so young."

  "Professor Ming is not old at all. He is only 46 this year, but he is already the first person in the field of nuclear physics in China."

   "I heard that he often lives in the northwest and rarely returns to the imperial capital. I didn't expect to be fortunate enough to see him today. I am so excited."

  A person who can show admiration and excitement in his colleagues can imagine how high his accomplishment is.

   "What's wrong with his eyes? It seems... unable to focus?"

   "I heard that it was accidentally injured in a nuclear test twenty years ago."

   "How can I do research if I can't see it?"

   “There should be technical means to solve this problem, and the country cannot just sit back and watch. After all, it is a leading nuclear physics expert and one of the leading scientific researchers in my country.”

   "Yes. Although he has rarely appeared in recent years, the research results have been published continuously. It should not be completely blind."


  Everyone was talking and whispering.

  Shen Qiannan was stunned in the same place, and it took a long time to react: "It's Uncle Ming?!"

  Xie Dingyuan gave a soft hum.

  "Isn’t he supposed to prepare for the ‘Red 7’ test explosion in Tingzhou? Why did he appear in the imperial capital at this time?"

  Xie Dingyuan groaned for a moment, and suddenly thought of something, his eyes darkened: "It's coming to Mid-Autumn Festival."

   "Huh? You mean Uncle Ming came back for the holidays?"

  Xie Dingyuan shook his head.

  Mingyu came back not to celebrate the festival, but to see that person...

  Since he accepted Zeng Chuan’s invitation, Ming Yu naturally didn’t come to show up and leave.

  He shared his research progress and achievements in the past three years in a quarter of an hour.

  Because some confidential information was involved and could not be disclosed, he said very shallowly, but even so, everyone present has benefited a lot.

After    was over, Ming Yu declined to chat with everyone.

  Zeng Chuan explained with a smile: “Professor Ming just came back from Tingzhou today, and he was struggling to get there. It’s not easy to make time to come here. Please include more.”

   "Of course Professor Ming's body is the most important! We all understand."

   "You have to take care of yourself."


  Shen Qiannan and Xie Dingyuan stepped forward, and the two: "Uncle Ming."

  There was a wave of fluctuations in the man's originally silent pupils.

  The eyes focus subconsciously.

Although    can't see clearly, the silhouettes of the two people in front of them are still vaguely discernible.

  "Dingyuan and Qiannan?"

  Shen Qiannan squatted down, his eyes were level with him: "Well, it's us. Why are you back?"

  Mingyu’s face with a faint expression added a smile: "Do something."

  "Do you want us to help?"

   "No need." He looked at another vague figure, "Why doesn't Dingyuan speak?"

  Shen Qiannan: "It's not that you don't know, he has always talked less, and he has been too lazy to speak in recent years."

  Xie Dingyuan, like Shen Qiannan, squatted down.

  Looking at Ming Yu’s eyes, he said, "Welcome back."

  The tone is serious and the expression is sincere.

  Mingyu smiled and nodded: "You are still the same as before, the same."

  Shen Qiannan: "What about me? What about me?"

  Mingyu: "There are more words than before."


  "The research results are also better than before."

  Shen Qiannan suddenly turned from sadness to smile: "Of course! I have been super hard in the past few years!"

  Zeng Chuan, who was behind the wheelchair, couldn’t help but curl his lips: The stinky problem of the love earning performance has not changed at all.

  After the salon, Xie Dingyuan got into the car.

  Shen Qiannan quickly opened the car door, squeezed in, slammed it, and closed it again.

   "Lao Zhang! You can go now!"

  The corner of the driver's mouth twitched, and his inquiring gaze turned to Xie Dingyuan.

  Wait until the latter nodded before he started the engine.

   "No...what do you mean?" Shen Qiannan looked in his eyes, with a dissatisfied expression, "My words are nothing, the old thank you voice is not open, you are the imperial decree?"

  The driver wiped his sweat: "Mr. Shen, don't make me embarrassing..."

   明聿, yu, four tones.

     Three shifts, one thousand words, everyone will read it, good night~



  (End of this chapter)

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