After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 224: He went to the cemetery, and the moon fell into his heart (one more)

  Chapter 224 He went to the cemetery, and the moon fell into his heart (one more)

  Xie Dingyuan: "If you make trouble, get out of the car."

  Shen Qiannan was quiet.

   "Let's go, Lao Zhang."


  Without words for a while, Xie Dingyuan closed his eyes and slumbered.

  Suddenly, "Old Xie, I still feel wrong after thinking about it."

  Xie Dingyuan did not open his eyes, but calmly asked, "When did you feel right?"

  "...I didn't joking with you. It's so strange that Uncle Ming is back this time..."

  Xie Dingyuan suddenly opened his eyes.

  Shen Qiannan: "He was required to be in the Ming Ming Tingzhou test area and launch center, but he actually appeared in the imperial capital before the Red 7 test explosion, which is totally unreasonable!"

  Mingyu had left early half an hour ago. According to Zeng Chuan, he was going back to rest.

  "...But I see the car is not driving back to the city, but it seems to be going to the suburbs. What is he going to do in the suburbs at this time?"

  Xie Dingyuan's eyes flashed slightly, are you out of town?

  Sure enough, I came back to see that person.

   "Old Xie? I am asking you what you are talking about, what is your surprise?"

   " ask me, who do I ask?"

   "But I see you being so secretive, it's not like knowing nothing."

  Shen Qiannan's personality is a little bit blatant, but his mind is not stupid, and he has no shortage of ability to observe words and colors.

   "What is going on?"

Xie Dingyuan: "Actually, I don't know much. After Ming Yu and his family fell out, he went to the Northwest Research Institute in one fell swoop and applied for permanent residence. Each year, there are only Mid-Autumn Festival, New Year's Eve and December 7th. The imperial capital never stepped into the Ming family."

   "It will be Mid-Autumn Festival soon, and Red 7 was arranged for a test explosion on that day. When he was introduced, he couldn't get out, so he came back early."

  Shen Qiannan was puzzled: "What is so important that it is worth his return to the imperial capital at this time?"

   "If I guessed correctly, he should be on his way to the cemetery now."

   "Cemetery?!" Shen Qiannan was startled, "Who does he sacrifice to?"

  Xie Dingyuan's eyes were dumbfounded, and it took a long time to speak slowly: "...a legend that no one has surpassed so far."

  Shen Qiannan is not a member of the eight big families and knows very little about their internal situation. He was confused when he heard the words: "What legend?"

  Xie Dingyuan stopped speaking, looking straight out of the car window, a bright moon hung high.


  Outskirts, rose cemetery.

   "Lady boss, a bunch of daisies, a bunch of red roses."

  The woman raised her eyes in surprise, and the familiar peaked cap came into view. She couldn't see the true face hidden by the brim, but the exposed lower jaw was smooth and white as snow: "It's you again, girl?"

  She also came to buy red roses last time.

   "Hmm." Jiang Fuyue nodded slightly.

  As soon as the results of the sports competition come out tomorrow, she should not come again for a long time in the future, just to take a taxi when she is free today.

  As for Zhong Ziang and the three of them, Jiang Fuyue had finished walking and had eaten away, and then went back to the dormitory as an excuse to drive around. At this moment, they are estimated to have gone back to their respective homes.

  The lady boss moved swiftly, wrapped the flowers in twos or twos, and handed it over: "Today's last bouquet of red roses, good luck."

   "Borrowing auspicious words." Jiang Fuyue gave the money, took the flowers, and turned to leave.

  The lady boss looked at her walking away and couldn't help but sigh.

   "What's the matter with you?" The boss came out from behind, holding a bunch of remnants in his hands, "Sighing, unhappy?"

   "The girl who bought red roses into the cemetery before is here again. When I see her, I think of another one 20 years ago..."

   "It's done, how long has it been, still talking about it? People may now have both children and a happy family, and they have long since walked out of the shadow of the loss of their loved ones."

   "That's true. When I saw her back then, I didn't think she looked like an ordinary person. The temperament and the look in the eyes are absolutely amazing!"

   "Are you all packed? It's about to close."

   "Hey! Right now!"


  Jiang Fuyue entered the cemetery, stepped up all the way, and stopped in front of two tombstones.

   casually dropped the little daisy, turned his head but carefully brushed the dust on the Zhao Chuxiu monument, then bends down, put the red rose down, and adjusted the angle of inclination.

   Treat it differently, don’t be too obvious.

  Deeper and heavy, without a trace of wind.

   Jiang Fuyue stood in front of the monument as if blending with the black: "Mom, I found the master."

   "His old man is physically strong, but his hair is so gray that he almost didn't recognize it."

   "It's still the same as before. I love to play games and team up with elementary school students. Every time I lose, I want to study hard."

   "I want him to stay and live with Niu Rui, but his old man seems reluctant, so he put his small schoolbag on his back and left."

   "Ah, by the way, I suddenly remembered yesterday that you gave him that schoolbag back then, so it's no wonder that I have been reluctant to change it."

  "Although his old man didn’t say anything, I know that he missed you very much. I will bring him back when I have a chance next time, okay?"

  Jiang Fuyue looked at the smiling woman in the photo, “Don’t worry, I will work hard to give him a home so that he can enjoy his old age.”

   "Oh, also, he has to supervise him to change the bad habit of staying up late, what if he is bald?"

  "He also gave himself a WeChat name of [World's No. 1 Old Handsome Ratio]. He is narcissistic and cocky, but every time he calls me the little moon, he is gentle and kind..."

  Jiang Fuyue said a lot, all about the night drag machine.

  She knew that Zhao Chuxiu wanted to hear it.

  As for herself...

  Jiang Fuyue: "I won't say anything, anyway, you know, no matter where I am, in what capacity, as long as I am still alive, I will definitely live a good life."

  So, don’t worry, mom...

  After finishing what should be said, Jiang Fuyue didn't stay any more.

When    went down, they happened to encounter two figures walking up, holding something in their hands.

When    passed by, she glanced slightly, only to find that the two of them were carrying a wheelchair, and there was a man sitting in the wheelchair.

  The lights are too dim, the night is too dark, and before I can see the right appearance, I have passed by.

  She did not stay, and she left the cemetery and took a taxi to leave.


   "Professor Ming, here it is."

  The two assistants put down the wheelchair, and the man touched the tombstone in front of him with a pair of gray pupils.

   Slowly descended from the top, stained with dust on his hand, but he didn't notice it until he touched the word "lou", a smile on his indifferent face.

  Next, it was the word "Ming", and he smiled deeper.

  Finally rubbed the “moon” with her fingertips, and traced the carving lines as nostalgic, back and forth, over and over again, not knowing what to recall, the man’s eyes slowly revealed gentleness, as if stroking his lover’s cheek.

  The corners of the eyes and eyebrows are all sentimental.

  "Mingyue...I came to see you..." The hoarse, slightly choked voice seemed particularly sad in the quiet night.

  The two assistants looked at each other, consciously stepped back, and stood still until they couldn't hear the sound.

  Three times a year, for 20 consecutive years, rain or shine, they have always accompanied Professor Ming.

  "You said, why do we teach this? People have been away for twenty years, and he still remembers it."

   "What's this? You didn't see it when Professor Ming fell out with his family back then. That was earth-shattering. It is not an exaggeration to say that it was a declaration of war to the whole world."

   "Huh? I don't know this, brother, tell me something."

   "It's all in the past, what can I tell you? You can imagine the relationship between our professor and the Ming family.

   "But isn't Ming Patriarch already dead? Father and son have no overnight feud, let alone people die like a lamp, so what can't be forgiven?"

  "If you don’t taste the suffering of others, don’t persuade others to be kind. Our professor is heartbroken and will never let it go..."

  Unless the woman comes alive, how can this be possible?

  Speaking of it, it is always a dead knot.

   "Then... is the mother buried in the tomb?"

  "I don’t know. But I heard the professor touch the name on the tablet for a year and say...If you were willing to nod, then we would be very happy now. Even if we are not a couple, we should have been lovers, right?"

   "That's the prospective teacher... But why did she die?"

  "This is not clear. I only know that she is of noble origin and she is amazing. The professor has said more than once that if the person is still there, there is no place for him in physics."

   "Hi! The prospective teacher is so powerful? No wonder the professor is still alone for her."

  No wife, no family, no children, no daughters.

   "I really want to see with my own eyes how beautiful the prospective master mother is, so that the professor can't forget it. Oh, brother, do you think this is called ‘White Moonlight’?"

  The whole heart is full of bright moon, and no other rays of light can be seen anymore, no matter whether it is the sun or the stars, the sky or the Milky Way.

    One more, three thousand words.

     Bai Yueguang is here...

     The second change time is tentatively set at 6:30 pm, please refer to the notice in the comment area for details~



  (End of this chapter)

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