After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 225: I found Rose, I suspect it was her (two more)

  Chapter 225 Rose is found, suspected to be her (two more)

  What style?

  The two can't imagine.

   "Hey, the professor is calling us..."

  The two quickly stepped forward, only to see that Ming Yu's expression had returned to normal.

   "Let's go."

  "Professor, leave directly?"

  Mingyu pondered for a moment: "Since it's here, it's time to visit the elders for both emotion and reason."

  The two assistants looked at each other and understood.

   quickly carried Ming Yu to two other monuments not far away.


   Ming turned his ears when he heard the sound, but the pupils still could not focus: "What's wrong?"

   "Professor, there are two bunches of flowers here, they still look very fresh. It's just..."

   Mingyu: "Just what?"

  "It’s a bit strange. It’s the first time I saw someone offering red roses in worship."

  The man shook his whole body, and his breathing was also rapid. He put his elbows on the armrests and looked excited: "What flower do you say again?"

   "Roses, roses..."

  Mingyu: "Hurry up! Go around and see if there are anyone else!"

  The assistant did not dare to delay, and immediately separated.

  Ten minutes later, "Professor, nothing was found."

   "Neither do I here."

   Ming Yu's eyebrows were dead, and his whole body seemed to be enveloped by a layer of cold air. The disappointment after Kong Huan's joy made his whole person look no more elegant than usual, and his eyebrows revealed an indescribable evil.

  The assistant thought he had read it wrong, blinked, and looked again. The professor was still the same professor, with a calm face and a calm expression, unchanged at all.

  Sure enough, he was wrong.

  At this moment, another assistant suddenly thought of something, and uttered: "When we came up just now, someone just went down."

   Mingyu: "Did you see your looks clearly?"

  The assistant shook his head: "The lights are too dim, and the other party wears a hat again, which is tightly covered. But from the physical shape, it should be a woman."

   Mingyu’s breathing was stagnant, and his fingers clasped the wheelchair armrest subconsciously.

  "Call out the surrounding monitoring and check!"

  The two looked at each other and asked cautiously: "Now?"


   "But at this time, the garden is off work..." Where do they go to adjust the monitoring?

  Mingyu took a meal every word: "Whatever the cost."

  The two assistants looked at each other, and both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

  This is to allow them... to use privileges?

  Outside the cemetery.

  The two assistants have already contacted the person in charge of the Shangyuan party, and the other party politely answered the phone, saying that they had already said hello, and asked them to go directly to the monitoring center to copy.

  An assistant has gone, and there is one to take care of Ming Yu.

   "Professor, it's windy outside, should we wait in the car?"

   "No, is there a flower shop near here?"

   "Well, there is a house on the opposite side, which is about to close."

  Mingyu: "Push me over."

  The assistant did as instructed.

   "Old Xiao, is your side okay?!" The lady boss reached her neck and looked in, "Should I pull down the rolling door first?"

   "You pull it, come on!"

  The woman was about to get started, and suddenly—

  "I'm sorry, the boss, please excuse me."

  The lady boss glanced at the young man in front of him, and then lowered her head to scan the man in the wheelchair with stagnant eyes.

   "Do you...what's the matter?"

  Assistant: "I want to ask, do you sell red roses in your store?"

  The proprietress nodded: “It’s sold, but red roses are only for online orders and delivered to your door. Generally, people who come directly to the store buy daisies and lilies. After all, there are few people who buy roses for worship.”

  The assistant didn't know what to ask, and was silent for a while.

  Mingyu directly said: "Excuse me, has anyone come to the store to buy red roses today?"

  The lady boss's eyes flickered slightly.

  It was the two seconds of hesitation that made the man catch the clue.

   "It seems to be there." He said with a certain tone, clearly his eyes had no focus, but he seemed to be able to see through everything.

  The proprietress has nothing to hide: “Someone bought it. Just forty minutes ago, the last bunch of red roses was bought.”

  Mingyu subconsciously sat up straight, his spine stiffened, like a tight straight string: "Are it a man or a woman?"

   "A girl."

  Assistant: "Are you wearing a cap?"

   "Yes, yes, tall and thin."

  Mingyu suppressed the frantic beating in his heart, trying to make his voice sound smooth enough, but the vaguely mixed tremor still revealed his unrest at the moment.

  I saw the man's apple jelly roll lightly, his tone stained with a hint of obscurity: "Can the in-store monitoring let us take a look?"

  The lady boss hesitated.

  The assistant called her aside, said a few words, and stuffed her five hundred yuan in the past, and repeatedly assured them that they were not malicious.

  The lady boss nodded and agreed.

   "Don't say I didn't tell you in advance, that girl is wearing a hat, and you can't take a face in this direction."

  Mingyu thanked him, but still insisted on watching the surveillance, obviously he couldn't see anything.

  Sure enough--

  When the surveillance video was released, only one head wearing a hat could be seen.

  Sweatpants and trousers are tightly covered from beginning to end, so they obviously don’t want to be photographed, so they are fully prepared.

   "...The height is about 1.7 meters, the back is very thin, and the legs are very long." The assistant described it to Ming Yu.

  The latter tilts his ears and tilts his upper body slightly. This is only when he concentrates and concentrates.

  However, the moment he heard "over one meter and seven", he frowned fiercely.

  "Surely the height is one meter seven?"

  The assistant hesitated, then glanced again: "I look like..."

  The lady boss said: "It must be more than 1.72 meters! My mouth is 1.72 meters, and she is still a bit taller than ours."

  The man's complexion plummeted.

  One meter and seven...

How can    be one meter seven?

  Mingyue is not so high...

  "Can you tell the approximate age?" he asked again.

  The lady boss thought for a while: "It should be no more than twenty-five years old, very young!"

  The age is not right...

The light that ignited in Mingyu's eyes gradually dimmed until he was silent.

  At this time, another assistant came back to the surveillance, and a group of three were ready to get in the car and leave.

  Suddenly, several black cars rushed out of the surrounding area. Accompanied by the harsh brakes, the door of the first car opened, and a long leg wrapped in suit pants appeared before everyone's eyes.

  The man bowed out and stood still, his handsome facial features in the moonlight showed a morbid delicate air.

  There is a kind of feminine beauty.

  The two assistants glanced at each other, shouldn't they encounter any underground organization, would they want to kidnap the professor?

  Mingyu was sitting in a wheelchair, his eyes were deliberately directed directly by the car lights, producing a little light sensation, and he subconsciously squinted his eyes.

   "Who are you?! What do you want to do?" An assistant stepped forward and blocked Ming Yu with his body, blocking most of the light for him.

  The man raised his hand slightly, and the high beam of the car lights switched to the low beam, which was not so glaring at all.

  He snorted: "Ming Yu, it's been a long time since I saw you."

  Mingyu's expression moves slightly.

  The man has already taken advantage of the situation, pushed away the obstructive assistant, stood in front of the wheelchair, and looked at him condescendingly.

  This behavior is very impolite, and it can even be said to be rampant.

  Mingyu's stagnant eyes gently rolled twice, and with the movement of raising his head, it seemed that he could really see the other person.

  He didn't get angry, even a small smile spread across his lips.

   "It's really been a long time, Lou Mingshen." He called his name, and sighed melancholy.

  As if through him, calling another person.

  This kind of tone instantly angered the man: "Shut up! Are you worthy of calling my name?"

   "Otherwise, what do you call you?" He was as quiet as a mountain.

  Inverted Lou Ming's deep and sinister and mean, "Mr. Lou, Mr. Lou, it's okay."

   "Do we need such strangeness between us?"

   "Heh..." The man sneered, "Are we familiar?"

   "Brightness and depth..."

   "I told you to shut up!"

  Mingyu sighed, but he still never got angry.

  The two assistants can't stand it anymore--

   "Who are you? Dare to yell at the professor, do you have any education?!"

  "Professor? Oh, I almost forgot, you are now a famous physicist and a highly regarded master in the domestic academic circle. It is a pity," his eyes were sharp, "what's the matter with me?"

   "You—" the assistant flushed with anger, "Professor, let's go!"

  Speaking, Ming Yu is about to leave.

  The next second was blocked by a man in black. Lou Mingshen stood in place, smiling evilly and publicly.

   "Want to go? Have you asked me?"

  "You, you are illegal imprisonment! I will call the police now!" He took out his mobile phone.

   "Zhong Hao, don't be impulsive, put it away." Ming Yu said lightly.

   "But Professor this person—"

   "Don't count what I said?"

   "..." The assistant named Zhong Hao took the phone back with a sullen expression.

   Lou Ming hummed softly: "You count as acquaintance."

  Ming Yu was so angry and said, "I'm here to see Mingyue——"

  "Shut up!" Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted roughly by the other party. The man's eye sockets were red, and his killing intent was bitter: "Ming Yu, you don't deserve to mention my sister's name!"

    Two more, three thousand words.

     before twelve o'clock in the third shift.



  (End of this chapter)

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