After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 240: Spoiling the cocoon, Chen Xing suffers (two more)

  Chapter 240 Scrape, Chen Xing suffers

  The words "blood" pierced Jiang Fuyue's pupils.

   Tiger Ben: "...but the amount is not large, there should be no life-threatening."

   "What did the neighbor say?"

  Sixth: "The residents on the three floors upstairs and downstairs did not hear any abnormal noise. In the evening, I saw your mother going home to cook."

  Yes, the time is right.

  Last night, Brother Jiang accidentally mentioned that Han Yunru went home to cook and made his favorite sweet and sour pork ribs.

   Tiger Ben: "I also asked my mother. She said that it was open yesterday and closed normally without any abnormalities."

  Hu Ben’s mother was introduced to the shop by Jiang Fuyue half a month ago. After a week of probation, Han Yunru was satisfied and left her behind.

  There are three people in the store now, and it is precisely because of this that Han Yunru can make time to walk away and go home in the evening.

  According to the current situation, there is no problem at home until she finishes the phone call with Jiang Xiaodi.

  At this time, Jiang Fuyue’s phone rang——

  She connected.

  Niu Rui: "As you said earlier, I watched all the surveillance cameras near that unit building."


  "Because it is an old house, there is no camera installed in the building, and there is no camera in the whole street. There is only a bus stop at the intersection of the alley and the road, and there are illegal photos taken at the traffic light opposite."

  Jiang Fuyue frowned: "Talk about the important points."

   "It's the point right away. The illegal camera probe took the photo until two o'clock in the morning. A couple hurriedly came out of the alley with their children on their backs, and the photos were posted on your phone."

  Jiang Fuyue took down the phone and clicked on the latest WeChat message.

  After a few seconds of buffering, the picture appeared, and she clicked "View Original Picture" again.

  Although the shooting distance is long and the picture quality is high, Jiang Fuyue still recognizes Jiang Da and Han Yunru in the photo at a glance.

  The man carried the younger brother Jiang on his back and strode forward; the woman trot behind and draped her clothes on the child.

  The signal light was still red, and the couple had already rushed to the middle of the road, which shows how urgent the situation was at that time.

  Jiang Fuyue suppressed the surging emotions in his eyes, and then picked up the phone again and put it to his ear: "Which direction did they go?"

   "The probe only took this one, whereabouts..." Niu Rui gritted his teeth, "Unknown temporarily."

  "What about other surveillances around?!" Jiang Fuyue's tone suddenly rose, "Is there only this one camera probe for the entire road section?!"

  Niu Rui's scalp was numb, and he climbed up to his spine with a chill, making him shiver unconsciously.

   "...other cameras are broken."

  Things are so coincidental, so many traffic monitoring are in normal operation, but only this section of the road is broken.

  Niu Rui: "...I checked them one by one, and it is indeed due to aging equipment and disrepair for a long time, not man-made."

  Jiang Fuyue: "Okay, I get it."

  Niu Rui wanted to explain a few more words, so he hung up directly.

  The call ended, and the car fell into deathly silence, filled with suffocating depression.

  Hu Ben and Xiao Liu exchanged glances.

  The former raised his hand on the steering wheel and asked cautiously: "Sister Yue, where are we going now?"

"hold on."

  What are you waiting for? Hu Ben didn't know, and didn't dare to ask.

  Xiao Liu is also confused.

  About ten minutes later, Jiang Fuyue's phone rang again.

  Hu Ben saw her suddenly bright eyes in the mirror, but there was no temperature in them, but a cold and solemn one.

   "...Uncle Liu, you said."

  Hu Ben's eyes flashed slightly, Uncle Liu?

  Liu Jinzhong is calling?

  Xiao Liu's eyes turned and his ears were raised.

  Since the two brothers took over the bar, they didn’t deal with Old Man Liu...

   "...Which hospital? Okay, I know." Jiang Fuyue's eyes were sharp, and her voice was cold, "Your people are not moving, I'll pass right away."


   Putting down the phone, Jiang Fuyue raised her head to look at Hu Ben, the coldness in her eyes had not dissipated, and she stared at him agitatedly, with a cold heart.

   "Go to Kangtai Hospital, the sooner the better."

   "...Yes!" Hu Ben grasped the steering wheel and quickly started the engine.

  The car leaped out of the airport like an arrow from the string, and the smoke billowed.


  Kangtai Hospital, the third floor ward.

   "Aru, you take a rest first, and I will guard." Jiang Da walked to the bed, glanced at his sleeping son on the hospital bed, then turned his eyes to his wife, his eyes flashed with distress.

  Han Yunru shook his head: "I have to watch it by myself to be relieved."

   " can eat something."

   "Okay." Han Yunru took the lean meat porridge he handed over, raised his eyes, and suddenly his eyes stopped: "What's wrong with your face?!"

  Jiangda turned his head in a hurry: "It's okay... I just knocked outside."

   "How did you look at me and say it again?" Han Yunru pursed her lips.

  "Aru..." Seeing her angry, the man was at a loss.

   "Is the guy from the brokerage company still outside? He did it to you?" Han Yunru put the porridge aside, got up suddenly and walked out, "I'll go to him and make it clear!"

   "Wife!" Jiang Da hurriedly stopped the person, "Don't be impulsive! Just scratch your skin, nothing else. If you don't believe me, look at it, good."

  He spread his hand out and turned twice: "Really."

  Han Yunru's anger was hard to dispel: "That's not okay! Now it's a little bit of skin, what will happen afterwards? No matter how arrogant they are, they may do what they will do to you."

   "It's useless to go!" Jiang Da blurted out in a hurry.

  Han Yunru's feet are stagnant, her back stiffens.

   "He will not reason with us. You are a woman's house, and you will only be bullied when you go. How can I watch you hit the gun?"

  Han Yunru felt a deep weakness in her heart: "What should I do? There must be a solution. In broad daylight, I don’t believe that they really dare to do anything to me. There is still a law, so I will call the police if it’s a big deal!"

  Jiangda held her shoulders with both hands: “Don’t worry, I’ll go if you want to go. You are here to take care of your son. Remember to drink the porridge.”


  Jiangda: "But what is it? You said, he dare not do anything to us in broad daylight. It is always more convenient for me to communicate with each other than if you are a woman."

  After speaking, he turned around to open the door and strode out of the ward.

  Han Yunru suppressed the worries in her eyes and sat back on the bed, reaching out to help her son get rid of the feet.

  Thinking about it, ready to take out the phone, if there is anything, you can call the police in time.

  I could search all over the body without touching it, and then I remembered that I was too eager to go out last night and left at home.


  Outside the ward, in the corridor.

  Jiangda faces a man.

  The former has an angry expression and red eyes, while the latter has an arrogant expression and is pressing every step of the way.

   "...I tell you, if Jiang Chenxing cannot be broadcast on time tonight, your family will be waiting to lose money!"

   "That's not a small sum. Even if you sell pancakes for a lifetime, you won't make a lot of money! If you are interested, call out Jiang Chenxing and take him back to make preparations."

Jiang Da gritted his teeth: "Do you still have a conscience? Who caused my son now? I don't have any points in my heart? It's about this time. Not only do you have no words of concern, but you want to force him to continue the live broadcast, you ,you……"

  Jiangda was trembling with anger, and clenched fists with both hands: "You are so deceiving!"

  The man thought he wanted to do it again, so he quickly took two steps back, showing vigilance.

   "Children have no sense in eating, and diarrhea is normal. What's all the fuss about?"

"Diarrhea?!" Jiang Dana grinned, crying, "Have you ever seen diarrhea requiring gastric lavage in the middle of the night?! The doctor said, the medical record is also written in black and white, it is food poisoning! You take the one that has expired for half a year. Give the meat to my son, do you know that this will kill people!"

A guilty conscience flashed across the man’s face, and he was quickly veiled by ferociousness: "Should you **** bullshit! What kind of meat is out of date for half a year? I let him eat the best things! The audience in the live broadcast room can see it clearly. Chu."

"Oh, now that Jiang Chenxing has food poisoning, you are relying on our company? What about the evidence? Just rely on your red mouth and white teeth to say what you want to say? What if he eats badly by himself? Who knows how things are made as they are now?"

  Janda: "Fart--the meat is smelly. You force a teenage child to swallow it in your stomach. Are you not afraid of retribution?!"

  The big man who was about eight meters tall said this, roaring like a trapped beast, and tears rolled out of his flushed eyes.

  Jiangda can’t forget the scene when he heard the noise and pushed open the door of the next door to see at one o’clock in the morning.

  Little Chen Xing curled up on the cold floor, clutching his stomach, sweating profusely, as if he had just been caught from the water.

   Moaning and groaning one after another, like a dying little milk cat, as if it would die in the next second.

   But meeting his anxious gaze, he didn't forget to comfort him intermittently and said, "Dad...I only have a little pain, so don't worry, okay?"

  Jiangda: "Okay, Dad is not in a hurry, don’t talk, is it a stomachache? Let Dad take a look, OK?"

   "Yeah." Xiao Chen Xing nodded and took away the hand covering his stomach. During the period, he convulsed with pain. He subconsciously wanted to curl up tighter, but in order to facilitate Jiang Da's inspection, he gritted his teeth and held it back.

  At this time, Han Yunru also heard the movement running over, so anxious that she forgot to wear her slippers.

  "Mom..." The weak tone is full of dependence.

  Han Yunru was already crying, and she pushed Jiang Da’s shoulders: "What else are you looking at? Are you a doctor? Hurry up to the hospital!"

  Jiang Daru wakes up from his dream, and hugs Xiao Chen Xing: "Yes, go to the hospital! Go now!"

Little Chen Xing leaned in his father’s arms with a resisting expression: "I don’t want to go to the hospital... Mom, what time is it? I am going to the airport at 6 o’clock and I can get on the plane at 8:20, and it will take a few hours. I saw my sister..."

"You are good," Han Yunru touched his pale little face, shaking hands and feeling cold all over, but her tone was still so gentle, "Let’s go to the hospital to buy some medicine first, and there are still five hours until six o’clock, waiting for you. My stomach no longer hurts, mom and dad will send you to the airport again, okay?"

  Jiang Chen Xing thought for a while, and finally nodded: "Okay."

  He doesn’t want his sister to see him like this, what if he scares her?

  Mom is crying, sister will cry too, right?

  Han Yunru hurriedly put on his clothes, took the coat again, and asked Jiang Da to carry the child.

   "Mom..." At this time, Xiao Chen Xing had lost consciousness from the pain, and murmured, "Mom..."

  Han Yunru cried while holding his hand: "Yes, mom is here, I can go to the hospital soon, and it won’t hurt when I get to the hospital..."


   "Well, mom is here."

   "Mom, it hurts...not a little...but a lot..."

  Han Yunru couldn't help crying directly.

  Jiangda: "Get the money and go!"



"it's here."

   " have to wear shoes... it's cold on the ground... you have to catch a cold..."

  Han Yunru nodded again and again, tears like rain: "Okay, mother put on shoes, wear them now!"

  Suddenly, Little Chen Xing began to twitch.

   Then he wowed, spit out a large mouthful of blood, partly on the sheets, and partly on the wall.

  Han Yunru screamed.

  Jiangda hurried out carrying him.

  The couple ran all the way, and finally arrived at the nearest Kangtai Hospital at 2:20 in the morning.

  After the doctor's examination, he immediately arranged a gastric lavage. It was not until 6 o'clock in the morning that he was transferred to the ward, and he has been asleep until now.

  The doctor said that eating a large amount of expired meat caused serious food poisoning.

  The child has endured it for a long time. If it is delivered half an hour later, it may be life-threatening.

  Han Yunru only then remembered that she had discovered that her son's face was not right before going to bed, and it should have started to hurt at that time.

  But later, I saw him holding a mobile phone and hiding in the quilt and whispering to his sister. She looked excited and excited, and the laughter could be heard in the living room, so she didn't take it seriously.

did not expect……

  This stupid kid, so painful, how did he endure it until one o'clock in the morning?

    Two more, four thousand words.

     before twelve o’clock in the third shift, what a da~



  (End of this chapter)

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