After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 241: Initiator, violent treatment (three shifts)

  Chapter 241 Initiator, violent treatment (three shifts)

   "I don't care what Jiang Chenxing ate, whether it was poisoned or not, I must broadcast it tonight!"

  Jiangda: "Impossible! The child is still lying on the hospital bed, and there is no sign of lucidity. How do you let him broadcast it?!"

   "Then I don't care, it's your business."

  Jiang Da wiped his face and wiped away his tears: "I won't talk to you, ask Wu to come, and I will tell him."

  "Wu's last name? Heh... this person was fired a week ago. Now I, Zhang Kehua, is Jiang Chenxing’s agent, you all have to listen to my arrangements, otherwise--"

   Jiang Da showed resentment.

  He chuckled: "Not only will you lose your fortune, but you can also be sent in to squat for a few years. If you don't believe it, try it!"


   "Okay, I have finished talking about what should be said, now I want to go in and see Jiang Chenxing..."

   "Dreaming!" Jiang Da stood up and stopped him, "The doctor said, my son needs a rest now, no one can disturb!"

   "I am his agent!"

"You said yes? Your company did not discuss it with us in advance. If we knew it, we would never agree to it. The contract that my daughter negotiated at the beginning was written in black and white as long as Wu Qian was an agent for Chen Xing. It is a breach of contract that should lose money!"

  Zhang Kehua's eyes darkened, as if being poked into a sore spot, he suddenly raised his hand and grabbed him by the collar, with an arrogant tone: "Is that Jiang Da? I advise you, don't toast or eat fine wine!"

  Jiangda didn't say a word, and broke free of his restraint. His backhand was a punch.


  Zhang Kehua's expression was abrupt, but he didn't wait to make any response. The other party had already bullied him, and several punches fell in succession, making him stare at Venus and buzzing in his ears.

   "I also tell you, I am not afraid! It doesn't matter whether you lose money or go to jail, but before that, I want to get back what your black company owes my son!"

  Jianda's eyes were bloodshot, and his anger made him look crazy, and his whole body exuded danger.

  Zhang Kehua knows that it is not his opponent, and the current Jiang Da looks creepy.

  He hurriedly begged for mercy: "Don’t fight...I won’t go! Really! The most important thing for Shen and Chen Xing to keep their health well, I promise not to disturb him."

  Jiangda's punching motion stopped, and the other hand grabbed him by the neckline, almost lifting the person up: "Also let him live broadcast?!"

  Zhang Kehua hurriedly shook his head: "No, no, I will explain the situation to the company now and give him a period of vacation so that he can take a good rest and adjust."

  Jiang Da let go, and pinched him to the wall: "Remember what you said, get out—"

  Zhang Kehua ran away **** off.

  But didn’t run far, but hid in a remote corner and took out the phone——

"Hey, Mr. Yang, I visited the hospital. Jiang Chenxing's family asked him to pretend to be sick. They used this as an excuse to refuse the live broadcast. They also said that there was a problem with the food we provided him, which caused him to be intoxicated and gastric, and he was unconscious. It seems that he had already planned to quit. This family is ungrateful and in vain you made so many concessions on the terms of the contract, but in the end, you have raised a white-eyed wolf!"

  The man's angry roar came from the other end, and there was an unbearable curse.

  Zhang Kehua hooked his lips, a sudden pain came from the corner of his mouth, and hatred flashed in his eyes.

  Janda, you are waiting!

  "The other party also said that he wanted to sue us. It's better to bankrupt the entire company. Not only that, he also started beating people. My face is **** now, and I almost died to call you back."

   "The surname Jiang is too arrogant. If you don't show him some color, I'm afraid you really think you are afraid of him. Unfortunately, I have only one person.

   left a sentence on the other end, "You wait, I will send someone over now", and then hung up angrily.

  Zhang Keming held the phone with a smirk.

  President Yang was a ruthless character when he was young, and there were a lot of gangster brothers. As long as he was willing to speak, Jiang Da would have to peel off his skin if he didn’t die!


  In the ward, the nurse put on a new drip, took the empty bottle and turned and left.

  Han Yunru hit hot water to wipe his son's face and hands.

  Jiangda sullen his head and ate the lean meat porridge that his wife hadn't finished.

  It's suffocatingly quiet.

   "...My wife, I've talked to the brokerage company," Jiang Da threw the packing box into the trash can, "They won't come again."

  Han Yunru did not change his movements, and did not look away from Jiang’s face, wiped his right hand, and continued to wipe his left hand: "Well. I won’t do live broadcasts anymore, I really can’t bear to..."

  Speaking of the back, her tone became crying.

  Jiang Da's heart is like a knife twisted: "Okay, stop broadcasting, our family does not seek to be rich, how much money can our sons and daughters earn, as long as their sisters and brothers can be safe and happy for a lifetime..."

   "I just found out that the mobile phone was left at home. Please call Yueyue first. I'm afraid she will be anxious if she can't answer Chen Xing."

  Jiangda realized that today was supposed to be the day when the brothers and sisters met in the imperial capital.

   "Okay, I will go now—"

  Suddenly, with a loud noise, the door of the ward was roughly kicked open from the outside...

  (End of this chapter)

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