After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 330: She has a chance and makes money with peace (two more)

  Chapter 330 She has the chance to make money with harmony (two more)

  The next day the couple went out to open the shop as early as usual.

   Ke Jiangda obviously found that his wife talked less.

  He wanted to ask, but he didn’t know where to start.

  Han Yunru still does things as usual, greets the guests with a smile, prepares vegetables, spreads pancakes, and talks and laughs with Sister Liu.

  Only when facing Jiang Da, he was too silent.

  At noon, when it was not so busy, Jiang Da opened the curtain and went into the back kitchen.

  Han Yunru was sitting on a small wooden bench, bowing her head to pick vegetables.

  Jiangda walked over and squatted in front of her, "Daughter-in-law, I will help you."


  Jiang Da took a peek at Han Yunru while picking vegetables.

  The silent atmosphere is suffocating.

  The man's Adam's apple rolled around, his lips moved a few times, but he didn't know how to speak.

  Han Yunru is calm, doing his own, he does not refuse to help.

  Until the whole pot of vegetables was picked, Jiang Da also failed to talk to his wife.

  At this moment, Sister Liu called out: "Xiao Han--"

   "Come on!"

  Jiangda can only watch people go out, leaving only the curtain feet dangling.

   "Sigh..." He sighed heavily, and dropped his back.

  Outer room.

  Sister-in-law Liu: "The flour is here. I have already ordered it. No problem, just wait for your signature."

  Han Yunru took it, probably scanned it, and then wrote the name and handed it to the delivery boy: "Thanks for your hard work, I will bring you a bowl of glutinous rice wine to taste."

  The little brother waved his hand quickly: "No need! No need!"

  Sister Liu smiled and persuaded: "Try it, our boss’s craftsmanship is good. Come, sit and rest first, see you sweating profusely..."

   Soon, Han Yunru brought the wine to make it.

  The little brother tasted his mouth and immediately gave a thumbs up: "It's so delicious!"

  Han Yunru bends her eyebrows happily, gentle and picturesque.

  The little brother stared at him directly, and said to his heart: The lady boss is really beautiful.

  Sister-in-law Liu: "I didn't lie to you, our proprietress makes desserts that are amazing."

  The little brother laughed: "No wonder it has become an online celebrity shop. There are so many people checking in every day. It just so happens that I will come one too!"

   Speaking, he took out his mobile phone and enthusiastically invited Han Yunru to take a photo with Liu Sao.

   Click ——

  In this room, the atmosphere is just right, with laughter and laughter.

Inside   , Jiang Da pulled the curtains, his eyes faint.

  In the afternoon, the tiger rushed to the store, "Mom!"

  Sister Liu happily greeted her out: "Why are you free today? Are you hungry?"

   "A little bit."

  Jiangda just came out, Hu Ben smiled and greeted him: "Uncle Jiang!"

   "Oh, Tiger Ben is here. Uncle will give you a pancake?"

   "That's good, I'm thinking about it!"

  Janda hurriedly fired and adjusted the batter.

  Two minutes later, a hot pancake was delivered to Huben.

  While eating, he calmly observed Jiang Da and Han Yunru.

  He came here today with the task.

  After eating, I scanned the QR code and paid, "Mom, Uncle Jiang, Aunt Han, then I'll leave first, there is still nothing to do."

  The three people watched him leave, and the sound of the car starting the engine came from the alley.

  Jiangda: "Tiger Ben is really good now. Cars come and go, and there is a lot of chaos."

  Sister Liu humbly waved her hand when she heard the words: "I was busy all day, eating food. The most thankful thing is his current boss for taking this kid on the right track, and finally he is not as idle as he used to be."

  Jiangda nodded in agreement.

  Han Yunru turned and went into the store, took out her mobile phone, and called her daughter——

   "Yueyue, did you call Tiger Ben?"

  Jiang Fuyue didn’t want to conceal her, besides, Han Yunru’s IQ is not at the same level as Jiang Da, and she couldn’t keep it from her: "Yeah."

   "Why is this?" Han Yunru groaned.

  Don’t think that she didn’t notice, Hu Ben’s eyes kept running on her and Jiang Da.

   "Ah...Look at what's going on between you and my dad, are you really in trouble?"

  Han Yunru: "No...just your dad’s brains, it’s futile, he doesn’t understand it at all."

   "When you went out this morning, the atmosphere wasn't right, really no trouble?" Jiang Fuyue was dubious.

   "Really not. Let him dry out first, so that his mind is clear. There are some truths, no matter how much others say, they are not as useful as what they have realized."

  Jiang Fuyue touched it for a moment, and it seemed that Han Yunru had plans.

   "Okay, then I don't care."

  Han Yunru blushed a little, and muttered: "You shouldn't care about these things, your kids..."

   Jiang Fuyue sternly said: "I am not young."

  Han Yunru: "……"

   At the other end, Tiger Ben’s car had already stopped outside the iron fence, slamming the horn frantically.

  Jiang Fuyue ended the call, took the bag, and went out.

  At that time, the old lady was taking a nap and was awakened by the sound of a horn, and she cursed immediately, "...Who are the people in the rich community? No quality at all."

  Jiang Fuyue pulled the car door and got in the co-pilot.

  Hu Ben reported what he saw in the store: "...It feels like there is a conflict, and I don’t say anything."

  Jiang Fuyue already knows these things, nodded, and easily exposed.

   galloping all the way, and finally the car stopped at Yufeng Kitchen.

   Two people enter, the first floor is open, the dining table in twos and threes, there are sparsely seated guests, accompanied by elegant violin music, the atmosphere is exquisite, and the atmosphere is full.

  The second floor is the base of Yufeng Group in Linhuai. It used to be Longtian’s lair, but now Liu Jinzhong is in charge.

   "Miss, you are here." Liu Jinzhong was waiting outside the elevator, wearing a suit and tie.

  As soon as the metal door is opened, he can be seen.

  The hair is combed meticulously, with a smile on her face.

  He has the temperament of an old-school gentleman, looks elegant and decent.

   "Uncle Liu." Jiang Fuyue called.

  A "uncle", which made clear Liu Jinzhong's unshakable position in Yufeng.

  The tiger rushed behind him a bit sore.

  During this period of time, he and Xiao Liu often challenged the old man. Although they didn't lose, they didn't please.

  I have to admit that **** is still old and spicy.

  Jiang Fuyue strode in, followed by Liu Jinzhong, "Congratulations, Miss, IPhO and IOI have double crowns with perfect scores, unprecedented in history."

"you know?"

   Liu Jinzhong said with a smile: “The internet media is overwhelming, and TV news also reported it.”

  Furthermore, about her news, he always paid attention to it, not a moment left.

   "Uncle Liu has a heart."

   "It should be."

  Hu Ben: I haven’t seen it before. This old man is pretty good at flattering, but what is IPh...what?

   Entering the office, after Jiang Fuyue sat down at her desk, she quickly processed several important documents and handed them to Liu Jinzhong.

  Hu Ben sat on the sofa, looking a little nervous.

  Soon, Xiao Liu also arrived.

  Two people sit in a row, you look at me, I look at you.

  Jiang Fuyue was talking to Liu Jinzhong, but did not notice the two of them.

   Xiao Liu winked his eyebrows: Brother! what's the situation?

  Hu Ben: You ask me, who do I ask?

  Xiao Liu: Otherwise, why did sister Yue call us? Is there something wrong with the bar recently?

  Hu ran back to think about it for a moment: No...Except for someone making trouble the day before yesterday, I caught a kid yesterday...

  The two were making eye contact, and suddenly—

   "You two," Jiang Fuyue said, "Sit here."

  Hu Ben and Xiao Liu looked at each other, stepped forward, seated both, face to face with the girl.

  Jiang Fuyue looked at the two people.

  I haven't seen each other for a month, the impetuousness of the two of them is basically invisible, and they are replaced by calmness and maturity.

  I used to be awkwardly running as soon as I wore a suit, and now I can wear a suit quite docilely, with a wide and beautiful pen.

  And Xiaoliu, who has practiced thousands of times and couldn't tie his tie, is now wearing a bow tie and is gentle.

   "Sister Yue..."

  The two met her gaze, nervous and unconcealed.

   "As of today, one third of the agreed time has passed. Come and see the operating conditions of the two bars."

  Speaking, his finger clicked on the two books on the desk.

Needless to say, Liu Jinzhong must have brought it out.

  The two of them stunned.

  Jiang Fuyue opened the first book, "King's."

  Hu Ben sat up straight subconsciously, his eyes burning.

  "The profit was 3.62 million, a year-on-year increase of 5 percentage points, which is not bad."

  Hu Ben lightly breathed a sigh of relief, but the next second—

   “There were 62 troubles and 18 bodyguards. That is to say, there were two disputes every day during this month, and the bodyguards shot 0.5 times. This is more than ten times more than before.”

   "That's because some people really don't have long eyes, and they actually—" Hu Ben subconsciously wanted to explain, but he closed his voice sharply at Shang Jiang Fuyue's indifferent gaze.

   sullenly said: "...I'm sorry, I didn't handle it properly, it was too emotional."

  At this point, Liu Jinzhong had reminded him.

   But Tiger Ben didn't take it to heart.

  Jiang Fuyue: "What is the most important thing to open a bar?"

  Hu Ben was at a loss: "Are you asking me?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Ask you two."

  Hu Ben thought for a while: "...make money."

  P6 added: "Safe and stable to make money."

Jiang Fuyue asked Liu Jinzhong again.

  The latter smiled and said, "Harmony makes money."

    Two more, three thousand words.

     Three shifts, ten to forty.



  (End of this chapter)

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