After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 331: Camp A, two people, sweet moon and moon (three shifts)

  Chapter 331 Two of Camp A, Sweet Moon Moon (three shifts)

  Hu Ben: It’s great to be educated, smelly old man.

  Xiao Liu: It seems that there is more connotation than his safe and stable making money, the idiom is here!

  Don’t need Jiang Fuyue to say more about the rest, Hu Ben knows it well.

   "I will pay attention later."

  Jiang Fuyue opened the second book, "Queen's."

   Xiao Liu held his breath, feeling like returning to his school days, waiting for the teacher to read his scores. The excitement and tension made his palms sweat.

  "The increase in profit was 0.5% less than that of King, but the number of disturbances was very small, and the bodyguards did not move out at once. Very good."

  The last two characters are like a natural wonder to Xiao Liu.

  The inspection work is over and the two leave.

After    went out, Hu Ben dared to raise his hand to wipe his sweat: "Sister Yue's aura is too strong."

  Xiao Liu wiped the sweat from the palms of her hands on both sides of her trousers: "He is flustered and short of breath, brother, do you have it?"

  "Not only do I have, I also want to go to the toilet."

   "...Listening to you, I also kind of want to go."

  The two brothers looked at each other, then...


  In the office.

  Liu Jinzhong is reporting the situation of Camp A to Jiang Fuyue.

  "...Liu Sisi is learning be honest, not very good. But learning technology is very talented."

   "Technology?" Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows, "Let's listen specifically."

   "The bomb disposal, gun loading, mine burial, mine detection are all good, and the anatomy is especially good."

   "Anatomy? Doesn't it mean that the theory is not good?"

  Liu Jinzhong coughed lightly, “As long as this art of dissection is not to save people, you can practice more hands quickly.”

  Liu Sisi’s efforts, Liu Jinzhong saw it bit by bit.

  She is not smart, and she can even be said to be dull in some fields, such as mathematics, she will never do well in calculation problems.

  Of course, Yingye A doesn’t need her to learn mathematics and do calculations.

   "She asked me to bring you a word."

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows: "Let's talk and listen."

  "She needs a day to go out and do a private business."


  Jiang Fuyue asked again: "How is Jiang Ke?"

   "Two days ago, he broke through Karas's defensive wall."

  Karas, the top three hackers in the world.

   "So fast?" Jiang Fuyue was a little surprised.

  Jiang Ke entered Camp A for a shorter period of time than Liu Sisi. It was only half a month since the NOI summer camp, and he was able to break Karas' defense.

   Liu Jinzhong: "He has great potential."

  The temper is also weird.

  If Liu Sisi is a hard-working player, then Jiang Ke is a talented player.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Arrange actual combat missions for him."

   Liu Jinzhong was slightly surprised, but said nothing, and nodded.

   "He still doesn't accept plastic surgery?" Jiang Ke's face, going out at night can scare the child into tears. How ruthless he was to have this effect in the first place?

   Liu Jinzhong shook his head.

  Jiang Fuyue is not surprised, geniuses have tempers.

  Jiang Ke is especially so!

  After dealing with Yufeng, I asked about the situation of Camp A and arranged the next plan by the way. Jiang Fuyue left.

  It was too early to see, and she took a gift to the family area of ​​a middle school.

  Xu Jing got up for a nap, made a cup of tea, put it on the small table on the balcony, and then lay down on the single rocking chair, with the Beijing opera of "Take the Tiger Mountain" on his phone, he followed with a hum and shook his head and shook his head.

  Don’t mention much happiness.

  The plot is progressing to a wonderful place, and it is full of concentration, even if the door of the house is knocked open, and the wife has brought people in without knowing it.

   After listening to this passage, he picked up his teacup and took a sip. The fat sea floated up and down in the water, "Wife—help me add some boiling water!"

  After a while, water came.

  Splashing from the pot into the open teacup, the sound, the heat, add leisure to the easy afternoon.

  Xu Jing not only shook his head and shook his head, he tapped his fingers to the rhythm, and now jio started to click and shake.

   He half-squinted his eyes, reached out to touch the teacup, and sipped.

   Jiang Fuyue smiled: "Ms. Xu, is the temperature okay?"

  "Also...cough cough cough cough cough cough cough..."

  Xu Jing's whole body stood up: "What, why are you?!"

   Then started coughing frantically.

   After a long while, she came over. Ms. Xu stood beside her with her arms, and looked at it coldly: "Brilliant!"

   also called on her, let her pour some water, think beautifully!

  Jiang Fuyue kept smiling, innocent and simple, "I went back to China yesterday, and I will come to see you today."

  Look, what a good boy, the love in Ms. Xu’s eyes is about to be overwhelmed.

  I went back to China yesterday, and I came to see the teacher today, and I added water and tea. The key point is that I am still so good and look good. It is simply perfect.

  Xu Jing quickly put down his tea cup and got up from the rocking chair.

In the process of   , due to the rapid movements, I stumbled a bit and almost fell.

  Mr Xu couldn't hold back, she laughed directly.

  Jiang Fuyue said: I endured very hard.

  Go into the living room, the mother brought the fruit plate, Xu Jing sat on the sofa and asked her the details of the two games.

   Jiang Fuyue picked up the important thing and said, when he mentioned Hamasaki Chiba, Xu Jing was stunned.

   "Is that the family from country R?"

  Jiang Fuyue was a little surprised: "You know?"

  Yan Zhenfeng and Qin Libin know, this is not surprising. After all, the two have been leading the IPhO team for so many years, and there are as many ghosts, geeks, and wizards as they are in the world.

  But Xu Jing is a Mathematical Olympiad, and he is in a corner of Linhuai...

   "There was a mathematics genius in their family, and the previous generation also had people with great mathematics talents."

  When he said this, Xu Jing's eyes showed a bit of melancholy, and it looked like regret.

  Last generation...

  That's about the same age as Xu Jing, it seems that there is a story in it.

  Jiang Fuyue did not ask, but took out a gift for Xu Jing.

"what is this?"

  "Some gadgets from countries D and E, as well as snacks."

  She packed it in a large gift bag, bulging and not light in weight.

  Xu Jing was very moved, and the resentment caused by the scare just now disappeared.

  What a good boy, I want to bring gifts to him when I go abroad to compete.

   "Come, Yueyue, eat fruit. Do you mind if I call you that way?" Ms. Xu put down the fruit tray and smiled softly.

   "Don't mind, Madam is so young."

   "It's over forty, where is still young?"

   "Looking at young, I thought you were in your 30s. Teacher Xu eats tender grass..."

  The mother was in full bloom, holding Jiang Fuyue, and she was no different from her own.

   "This little mouth is so sweet, it's so coaxing! Come, eat apples."

   "Thank you, Madam." Jiang Fuyue followed her kindness.

  The last piece of the apple is left. Xu Jing is holding a toothpick and is about to pierce it, but his wife looks back: Don’t move! Keep it for Yueyue.

  Xu Jing: "?" Who are you daughter-in-law? !

  Jiang Fuyue finished the last apple and left.

  Mr. Xu took out a set of skin care products from the room and gave it to her, “My nephew brought it back from Country H some time ago, and Ms. Xu can't run out of two sets. Take it back and send it to your mother.”

  Shenxian water, it can be regarded as a high-end skin care product.

  Jiang Fuyue declined but she could only accept it.

Before leaving, Ms. Xu still sighed: "If you are a little older, she can give you a complete set. But your skin is so good, you don’t need those messy water and milk, but usually you have to do a good job of physical sunscreen. Ultraviolet rays damage the skin and age easily."

   "Thank you, Master, I remembered it."

   "Goodbye! Come and play when you have time!"

  Xu Jing followed out and glanced at the corridor: "Okay, everyone is gone, what else?"

  Mr Xu reluctantly closed the door.

  Xu Jing began to complain: "You said you, she is a high school student, you are not good, do you teach any skin care and sunscreen, is it appropriate?"

  "Why is it inappropriate? A child as good as Yueyue has a wealth of knowledge. You and her can't decide who will teach whom..."

  Xu Jing is a little fictitious.

I remembered the Austrian mathematics proof question, the last deduction question, and the last time analytic geometry... It seems that Jiang Fuyue did it first, and then he read her answer before giving it to the class. Everyone commented.


  Mr Xu: "Good students should develop in an all-round way. What's wrong with skin care? Skin care is an eternal topic for women!"


  Xu Jing didn't want to care about her, so he ran to open the present.

  Look at what good things the little girl brought him...

   Matryoshka, chocolate...

  Good guy! There is also a whole bottle of vodka! It's beautiful!

  Mr. Xu also leaned in and picked up a box of things, all in German, so I couldn’t understand what it was.

  She took out her mobile phone, opened the translation software, and her expression suddenly became strange.

  Xu Jing held the vodka and happily leaned over to look at it. Maybe something good is it?

  In the next second, my face turned dark——

  Efficacy: Aphrodisiac and nourishment of yang, nourishing the kidney, and has miraculous healing effects.

    Three shifts, three thousand words.

     four more, twelve o'clock.



  (End of this chapter)

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