After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 348: She pretends to be an uncle, cool and sassy (three or four more)

  Chapter 348 She pretends to be an uncle, cool and sassy (three or four more)

  Jiang Fuyue pulls out the light and closes the door smoothly.

  Of course, I also carefully erased my fingerprints.

  While walking out of Sanliu Street, he took out his mobile phone and called Liu Jinzhong—

   "Liu Sisi's parents died at home, you send someone over to stare at the scene secretly, at least until tomorrow morning, don't disturb anyone during this time."

  Liu Jinzhong: "Yes."

   "I need to know the specific location of Liu Sisi within five minutes."


  In the western suburbs, a factory that should have been abandoned is now bustling with excitement.

  The boxing ring is built up on a spacious flat ground, with strong ropes around it.

  There are already two players on the field starting to compete, and the cheers accompanied by the crunch of beer bottles colliding one after another.

  However, this is just an "appetizer", only for warming up, the real excitement is still to come.

During the    period, customers kept entering the warehouse. They are all the distinguished guests invited to participate in the "gambling boxing" today, and they are all very valuable.

  "Please show the invitation letter." The five big and thick bodyguards stopped the overly thin "man" in front of him.

  Cap, jeans, a loose pullover, hands in pockets, cigarettes in his mouth, it looks like a street gangster.

  And this kind of gangsters is the main consumer of this underground black boxing. Many people who went in before were also dressed in this way, so they were not eye-catching.

  Jiang Fuyue took out her hand from her trouser pocket and handed over a wooden sign by the way. This is the "invitation letter".

  A large-scale "gambling boxing" will be organized every month in the boxing stadium, and only regular customers are eligible to get admission tickets.

  If there is no wooden sign, if you rush forward, you will only be treated as a spy.

   "Please come in—" After the bodyguard finished watching, he raised his hand and let it go.

  Jiang Fuyue was smoking a cigarette, pacing to the boxing ring without hurriedly, did not squeeze to the front, but separated the crowd, raising his eyes to watch the fight.

  The two boxers are foreigners, heavyweight, naked upper body, full of trembling fat on their stomachs.

  The hands of the two are only wrapped in bandages, and they are not protected by gloves.

  This is also a distinctive feature of underground black boxing.

   "Do you need alcohol?"

  Jiang Fuyue took a bottle of beer from the tray and put down a hundred yuan as a tip by the way.

  The waiter's eyes lit up and asked: "Do you need to place a bet?"

   "Isn't it the place to bet yet?"

  "The rules have been changed. This time you can bet from start to finish. The further you go, the larger the starting amount, and fewer people can bet."

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows: "How much is this one bet?"

  The waiter is kind enough: "Two thousand."

  "Buy five bets, the blue side wins."

  "Good!" The waiter swiftly took out the betting machine and took the bank card handed by Jiang Fuyue. Soon, the bet was successful.

  Waiter: "Good luck, I also think the blue side will win."

   Say, hold up the wine tray and leave, looking for the next potential bettor.

  Facts have proved that Jiang Fuyue's luck is indeed good, and within five minutes, the red side was dealt with by an uppercut by the blue side.

   Cheers and applause sounded at the same time, and Lan Fang made a victory gesture with a bruised nose and swollen face.

  Three minutes later, the second game starts.

  Jiang Fuyue still stood in place, watching quietly.

  In the five bets just now, she made a total of 10,000, and according to the odds of 1:1, she made a net profit of 10,000.


  The incoming text message is a notice from the bank, reminding you to deposit 20,000 yuan in the account.

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows.

  The waiter has been paying attention to the situation here. After all, the customer who makes a five bet without blinking is probably a fat sheep.

  Seeing that the other party received the receipt reminder, the waiter couldn’t help it anymore and stepped forward again—

   "Congratulations to the guest, you won the bet!"

  Jiang Fuyue Qingchi, with a cigarette in his hand, his face covered by the brim of his hat, there is a hidden arrogance and nobleness—

   "This little money, what is it to win? Just play it."

  The waiter took a deep breath and tried to suppress the excitement in his eyes. This may not be a "fat sheep" but a "fat cow"!

  "Is this the guest going back?"

  Jiang Fuyue doesn’t matter whether there is, and it doesn’t matter indifferently, she replied: "Then have fun."

  Waiter: "For every three thousand bets, how much do you place?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Twenty."


  Sure enough, he is not an ordinary player, from ten thousand to sixty thousand, without any hesitation.

  The waiter was delighted, it seems that he caught a big fish tonight!

   "Which party to buy?"

   "Still blue."

  This time the waiter did not leave, but was by the side, waiting for the result with Jiang Fuyue.

During   , he tried to strike up a conversation, but Jiang Fuyue just watched her punches and didn't even give him a straight eye.

  Not only is the waiter not annoyed, but the smile on his face is bigger, and the excitement of jumping under his eyes is becoming more and more uncontrollable.

  Yes, this is the temper!

  The local tyrant players are basically so defiant!

  If Jiang Fuyue had a gentle attitude towards him, he would rather doubt if this person was acting.

  No one is stupid to work in this kind of place and make money with ease.

   Soon, the result came out and the blue side won.

  According to the odds of 1:2, Jiang Fuyue earned 180,000 with the profit.

  The waiter took a 5% rake and got 9,000 in his hand, which was easier than giving him wine and tipping all over the hall.

   "Sir, do you still have to go down?"

  Jiang Fuyue lost two more, the amount was between 200,000 and 300,000, and he would buy the blue side willfully to win.

  Waiter: "?"

   "Blue Wang Me, why, there is a problem?"

   "No..." It was the uncle who gave the money, you have the final say.

  In the end, the blue side really won.

   "You are so amazing! Do you still buy blue cubes for this one?"

   "No more."

   "Okay, then the red square, how much do you play?"

  Jiang Fuyue said lightly: "I mean, stop playing."

   "Huh?" The waiter froze, "Your luck is hot, why, why don't you play?"

  There is a vigilance in his eyes. Does it mean that he wants to slip after winning the money?

  This is not the style of local tyrants.

  Most fake local tyrants would do this, but unfortunately, they couldn’t get out of this warehouse completely in the end.

  Jiang Fuyue waved her hand: "It's boring."


   "Small games of hundreds of thousands, that's all."

  The waiter's face was slightly startled. Is this a disgusting gambling?

  Jiang Fuyue put a thousand yuan in cash on his tray, "Good service, reward you."

  After speaking, I have to go.

  "Please stay here—"

  Jiang Fuyue paused at her feet, her specific expression could not be seen under the cover of the brim of the hat, her voice was so weak that she was chilling: "Is there anything else?"

   "In fact, you want to play a big one, it's not impossible." The waiter gritted his teeth.

   "Oh? How to play?"

  "We can personally appoint the players to play here. If you win, you will earn a steady profit, and you will earn a lot more. Of course, if you lose, you will lose all the players who bet on the game, and you may also post backwards."

  Jiang Fuyue: "Meaning that I came to sit in the village?"

   "You can understand that."

   "Then what do you need to do in the boxing field?"

  The waiter smiled slightly: "If this method is used, then the boxing field will only act as a broker, and take three percent of the fee as a reward. Do you want to play?"

  Jiang Fuyue held the cigarette and gently rubbed her chin.

  The waiter found that the gentleman's hands were extraordinarily slender, with well-proportioned joints, which made them quite beautiful.


   "Sounds great, then try it."

   Casually, like a smile but not a smile.

  The waiter bowed at ninety degrees and raised his hand to make a request. The excitement in his heart could hardly be restrained: "You follow me—"

  Jiang Fuyue, led by the opponent, passed through the back of the boxing ring and entered another small warehouse attached.

  On both sides of the corridor, an iron cage is placed every two steps, and boxers who are selected like livestock are enclosed in the cage.

  Waiter: "You don't need to watch these. It was originally intended to be sent to the outside stage to compete."

  Jiang Fuyue remained silent.

  At the end of the corridor, there is a double-opening wooden door. After pushing it open, a coquettish woman stepped forward: "Azhi? You are not good at selling wine. Why do you come in?"

  Azhi is the waiter.

   "Sister Wei, let me introduce you a distinguished guest!"

  The woman's eyebrows tightened, and her gaze fell on Jiang Fuyue.

  Jiang Fuyue put one hand in her pocket, while playing with the cigarette with the other hand, she still couldn't see her face under the peaked cap.

  Five seconds later, the woman retracted her gaze and greeted Ah Zhi: "Come with me!"

  Azhi stepped forward, and the woman took him inside, it should be to understand the specific situation.

  Jiang Fuyue waited in place.

  After half a minute, lift the wrist to look at the watch for the first time.

  After another half a minute, he raised his wrist for the second time, then turned around and left without lingering.

   As if she was running out of patience.

Inside   , Sister Wei can see this person's every move clearly through surveillance video.

  Azhi is anxious: "Look, I didn't lie to you? This is a master! People are not against us, they are purely exciting, so we can play coffee properly. If you don't go out, people will really leave!"

  Sister Wei just caught up, and said lightly: "The distinguished guest stayed."

  Jiang Fuyue kept walking under her feet, her back was so proud.

  The woman panicked, stepped on high heels to catch up, stuck in front of her, and bowed embarrassingly: "I apologize to you for your negligence just now."

  Jiang Fuyue looked at her right now, and said coldly, "What is it?"

  Master is full of style.

  The woman gritted her teeth and leaned down further, revealing a white neck, "I'm really sorry."

  Jiang Fuyue only took a hundred yuan and stuffed it into her neckline: "Good figure, reward you."

  The woman’s eyes flashed with shame and anger, but at the same time, all her doubts were dispelled.

  This temper, this pie, really is an unreasonable master.

  Who can pretend?

  Azhi also followed, repeatedly confessing, "You have a large number of adults, don't care about us little people."

  Jiang Fuyue listened to good words for two full minutes, and was "reluctantly" greeted by the two.

  Compared to the clutter of the corridor, the space behind the door is clean and tidy. Although the iron cage is still placed, the people inside are all looking fierce and wary.

  There are no obvious blood stains on their bodies, their clothes are clean, and the treatment is more than a little bit better than those outside.

  Sister Wei: "Here is our best boxer. All of them have won the MVP of the game. The information is here. You can check it out."

  Jiang Fuyue raised her hand to take it, and began to compare the data number with the iron cage number, and look at it like the goods.

  The people in the iron cage seemed to have been used to such eyes, and it was not surprising to see Jiang Fuyue's behavior.

  Instead, there was a strong desire in his eyes.

  What do you want?

   is of course selected.

  If there is a guest sitting at the bank, the selected boxer can also get a rake, 5%, even higher than the boxing court rake!

  Suddenly, Jiang Fuyue paused, stopped on one of the pages, and tapped her index finger: "Female?"

  Sister Wei: "This is our new fighter, Sarah, who has set the record for the most number of wins in a week. You can take a look..."

  The record started six days ago, and won every game, but never lost.

  Jiang Fuyue has a hunch that this is Liu Sisi!


  Sister Wei winked, and one of her subordinates left and walked deeper into the passage.

   "Sorry, this boxer has a bad temper and is prone to runaways. It needs special detention, so it is not placed outside."

  "You have a keen eye and a bead, you can pick the best one here."

  Jiang Fuyue sneered, with a surly tone: "What is eager to sell will make customers doubt its quality."

  Sister Wei can only talk and shut up.

  The fear of this one in my heart adds another layer.

Where did    come from? How powerful and stylish?

   Soon, his men led an iron chain to bring people to him.

  Jiang Fuyue's pupils shrank slightly, and Liu Sisi was dying with her head down, covered in blood.

   She gritted her teeth, and in the next second, she couldn't help but sneer: "This is the best fighter in your mouth?!"

  Sister Wei was taken aback, and in the next second, she was pinched by a cold hand like iron tongs by her throat.

   Jiang Fuyue gritted her teeth: "Fudge me?"

   "Ahem... No... listen to me explain..."

  She turned a deaf ear and tightened her hands.

  Sister Wei began to roll her eyes, and her subordinates and Ah Zhi didn't dare to step forward at all.

   " believe me...she looks weak now...wait...when she gets on the ring, she will fight desperately...hehe...really..."

  Jiang Fuyue couldn't wait to break the neck directly in her hand and return it for Liu Sisi, but when the time did not come, she forced her to return to the cage.

  Finally, he let go and threw the person to the ground.

  Sister Wei breathed the fresh air, her expression horrified.

  On the other hand, Jiang Fuyue has sat down calmly, still with the cigarette in her hand, playing with it recklessly...

    Two changes together, four thousand words, one harder, ask for monthly ticket~

     In this chapter, sister Yue, attacking the screen, is there anything wrong?

    The first place in acting, the first place in the neck, hee hee~



  (End of this chapter)

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