After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 349: Light a cigarette for her, eat everything for men and women (one more)

  Chapter 349 Light a cigarette for her, both men and women take it all (one more)

  Sister Wei dare not complain at all, she lowered her head, revealing her white neck and delicate collarbone.

She knelt at Jiang Fuyue’s feet, tactfully and humbly, which is a man’s favorite gesture: "You calm down. Although this boxer does not seem to be useful, it has a very strong explosive power. She fell over her body a few times on stage. A strong opponent."

   "Oh?" Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows, "Did you pour medicine?"

  The woman was shocked for a while, her lips trembled: "You..."

  How does he know? !

  This is the biggest secret of the entire underground boxing arena. Pouring medicine is equivalent to manipulating the results of the game, which is tantamount to playing cards.

  If people who bet outside know about it, the consequences will be disastrous!

  Jiang Fuyue: "Did you get it in the end?!"

  The woman trembled: "No, no..."

  "Lying? Oh, I'm not brave enough." Jiang Fuyue reached out and pinched her cheek, and quickly left fingerprints on her white skin, which complemented the sauce-red circle of her neck. There was a beauty of abuse.

  The woman was shocked by his powerful aura, she was trembling, and her reason was gone, she said instinctively: "Really not! Although it does happen sometimes, this boxer doesn't! And doesn't need it!"

   "Really?" Doubtful.

  "She felt like she was desperate when she came to the stage. Most of the injuries on her body were left on the boxing ring."

  Jiang Fuyue was noncommittal, but a touch of contemplation flashed across his eyes.

The woman was afraid that she would not believe it, and then said: "In fact, this kind of desperate style of play is better. The so-called barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes. People who are ready to die at any time have a fierce energy. Overwhelming momentum. If you choose her, not only will you win a lot, but the odds will also be higher."

  Jiang Fuyue let go of the woman's face and slowly retracted her hand.

  Sister Wei breathed a sigh of relief. In the next second, she saw the distinguished guest getting up and pacing to Sarah, looking at the goods she was about to buy like a shrewd buyer.

  Suddenly, "The chain is loose."

  Sister Wei was taken aback: "She has a tendency to take the initiative to attack, I am worried..."

   "Huh?" Jiang Fuyue's tone was cold: "Can't you understand?"

  Sister Wei suddenly stiffened, her back became cold, and she winked at her immediately.

  The latter obeyed and put the iron chain.

  Liu Si, who was free, raised her eyes thoughtfully, her eyes swept up with an astonishing cruel color, and blood was all over her.

  Compared with the weak and helpless look when Wei San rescued her, she is now more like an unsheathed sharp blade, without concealing the sharpness and sharpness of the whole body.

The training of   A camp allows her to develop her skills, but the coldness and ruthlessness of a person's eyes can be achieved without training.

  What’s more, Camp A never teaches people to be ruthless.

  So, what happened to Liu Sisi? Make her look like she's going to kill her life now?

   "Can you light a cigarette?" Jiang Fuyue asked.

  Sister Wei took the lighter and moved forward.

  Jiang Fuyue didn't even look at her, her gaze fell on Liu Sisi: "I'm asking her."

  Sister Wei's smile solidified.

  Liu Sisi originally had only the word "kill" in her eyes, and she couldn't wait to punch her out. The stronger the opponent, the more pain she caused, the more excited she was.

  She knew that she was crazy.

  But so what?

  She is going crazy to death!

  Someone came to challenge her again?

  Very good, the chain is loosened, and it’s time to vent again.

   Just when she couldn't restrain the tyranny in her body and wanted to punch her, a low and indifferent voice sounded, with a somewhat familiar tone texture——

   "Can you light a cigarette?" the man asked.

  Liu Sisi's eyes flashed across, as if seeing a clear outline in the mist, bright as the moon, and dazzling.

  She moved her lips horribly, and made a hoarse single tone: "...Yes."

  Jiang Fuyue raised her jaw slightly: "Give her the lighter."

  Sister Wei's eyes flashed doubts, she couldn't see what the man in front of her wanted to do, so she could only pass the lighter over according to her words.

   Liu Sisi's bloodstained hand slowly took it, and with a click, she pressed the shrapnel.

  A cluster of flames rose.

  Jiang Fuyue put the cigarette in her mouth and lowered her head to approach.

  The light of the flame illuminates the half of the face covered by the shadow under the brim of the hat, and as she raises her eyebrows lightly, the peach blossom eyes glow with dim light.

   Liu Sisi was startled, and her hands trembled.

  It's really her!

  Why is she here?

  Is it for yourself?

  Suddenly, her trembling hands were covered with warmth, and it was her hand that grabbed her hand, "Don’t shake it."

  The voice is deliberately lowered, and the magnetism is sexy.

  In an instant, all the muddy and madness in Liu Sisi's eyes receded like a tide, only to look at the hot and blazing heat aroused by the bright moon.

  If your hands don’t shake, the flames will no longer shake.

  The smoke is ignited.

  Jiang Fuyue took a sip, closed his hand, and withdrew, half of his face was hidden under the brim of the hat again, and a beautiful smoke ring was spit out from his mouth.

  At that moment, Sister Wei couldn't help but stare at it.

  It's not that I haven't seen a man smoking. Maybe he smokes a cigarette so attractive, there is only one in front of me.

  She looked at the man’s hand holding the cigarette. The bones are distinct, clean and slender. It is also this hand that contemptuously even put a hundred dollars into her neckline with a bit of humiliation...

  Women can't help their heartbeat speed up.

what! I was hit by sister Yue!

     One change, two thousand words.

     Two is twelve o’clock.



  (End of this chapter)

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