After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 383: Mr. Ling follows, and loses the horse again (one more)

  Chapter 383 President Ling is following, and will lose the horse again (one more)

   Ling Qingzhou: "I'm not as shameless as you."

  Yi Hansheng smiled when he heard the words, but he didn't feel annoyed.

  If it is left before, I am afraid that this person will ignore the yelling on the spot and spray him with a **** head.

  Yi Hansheng’s mouth has always been powerful, and Ling Qingzhou has a deep understanding of this.

  But now, after waiting for a long time without seeing him give any reaction, President Zuan changed the saw-mouthed gourd in seconds, the key is that this person still smiled deeply.

  Ling Qingzhou suddenly felt cold in the back of her neck and her scalp numb.

  It seems that he has something to rely on...

  For the next two hours, because Yi Hansheng unilaterally refused to accept the move, the two were in peace.

  It was Ling Qingzhou’s turn to give a speech, but Yi Hansheng actually sat down with a smile and applauded him?

  I don’t know how many bosses have caught this scene.

  The two are going to cooperate?

  Wait until Yi Han rises to the stage, Ling Qingzhou sits down below with a cold face, let alone applauding, and directly takes out the phone to look at it, without even giving a look.

  Everyone suddenly——

  Oh, it turned out not to be a cooperation.

  Did Mr. Yi find any new way to be angry with Mr. Zong?

  Don't say it, it's really possible.

  After the summit, there will be a business cocktail party.

  Ling Qingzhou attended with his wife and instantly became the focus of the audience.

  Zhou Qin followed the man with a small smile, with a decent posture and good conversation, to make a lot of face for her husband.

  In contrast, Yi Hansheng is still alone.

  Many women posted upside down, but they were ruthlessly rejected by him.

  Having finally found a clean place, I can finally sit down and take a breath, only to hear a sneer——

  "Why don't you bring Xinhuan out?"

   is Ling Qingzhou.

  His wife did not follow, he was alone.

  Yi Hansheng tore loose his tie, rolled his eyes without image, "It's up to you!"

  "It’s true that it has nothing to do with me, but your hypocrisy has finally been untenable over the years, it’s okay."

  "Me? Hypocrisy? Are you sick?" Yi Hansheng felt baffled.

   Ling Qingzhou: "You are not worthy to guard her." I am not worthy either.

  After saying this, turn around and leave.

  Yi Hansheng was stunned for a long time before reacting, his expression was strange, and she... guarded?

  Suddenly, the phone rang, and he glanced at the caller ID, and his drunken eyes suddenly became clear--

   "Hey, it's me. Where are you? I will let the driver come to pick you up... Not busy, I will get out as soon as possible... You want to come over? Okay, then we will just go together after we meet."

  Yi Hansheng ended the call and called the driver again: "Old Huang, you can pick up someone at No. 1 Middle School."

   "Accepted, I just sent the young master to the hospital, he went to see his classmates."

   "Not an easy word."

  The old yellow was taken aback, and if he didn't pick up the young master, who would pick him up?

   "Jiang Fuyue."

  Lao Huang didn't know Jiang Fuyue, so Yi Hansheng asked him to park on the side of the road. She would naturally get in the car when she saw the license plate.

  After explaining, Yi Hansheng patted his face, took a deep breath, tried to make himself more awake, and then strode towards the bathroom.

  Well, I have to clean up, I can’t just meet him so drunk.

   Halfway through, he called a waiter in the hotel: "Is there anything that... breath freshener?"

  "Yes, do you want to spray or chew?"

   Yi Hansheng had a meal: "Which effect is good?"

   "It's all good, but it tastes better."

   "Okay, then chew!"

  After he finished cleaning up, he left the hotel, and within a few minutes Lao Huang arrived with Jiang Fuyue.

  The rear seat window lowered, revealing Jiang Fuyue's young, beautiful and student-like face.

  Yi Hansheng's eyes gleamed, only to feel that his whole body was hot.

  Xin said: I blame the wine, it's too strong.

  Lao Huang was about to get out of the car and open the door for him, but Yi Hansheng raised his hand to stop him.

  He sat on it himself, on the other side of Jiang Fuyue.

   "Let's go."

  Old Huang nodded and started the engine to drive away.

  As everyone knows, this scene happened to fall in the eyes of someone in the next car.

  Ling Qingzhou said in a deep voice: "Follow up."

  The driver Yiyan.

  At the reception just now, when Yi Hansheng answered the phone, he heard it.

  One Middle School...Jiang Fuyue...

The name    has appeared in his son many times. Is Yi Hansheng’s new love?

  He wants to see what the two men are doing!

  In the afternoon, Yi Hansheng's abnormal performance made him vigilant. In addition, he had received news earlier that this person was trying his best to investigate a female student. Now, it seems that it is not as simple as "the golden master and the third child".

   A keen sense of smell told Ling Qingzhou that there must be something else in it!

  In the spacious carriage of Leslie, Yi Hansheng took out a bottle of mineral water from the refrigerator, unscrewed it and handed it to her: "Drink?"

  Jiang Fuyue raised her hand to take it, and took a sip: "Thank you."

   "What happened?"

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyelids and glanced at him, as he deserves to be an assistant to herself.

   "I want to discuss business with you, are you interested?"

   Yi Hansheng's eyes lit up: "Of course."

   Soon, the car stopped in front of a teahouse.

  Yi Hansheng gave a few orders to Lao Huang, and then went in with Jiang Fuyue.

  Old Huang drove the car to the opposite parking lot. At this time, a Bentley came over and parked at the place where Rolls Royce had been.

  Ling Qingzhou glanced at the gate of the teahouse. A man and a woman didn’t make an appointment at the hotel at night. They were in the teahouse?


  He snorted, pushed the door and got out of the car: "Find a parking lot nearby and wait for me."

  The driver hesitated to say, "But... my wife is still at the reception, do you need me..." First drive her back?

   Ling Qingzhou: "Don't worry about her."

  The driver nodded and did not dare to refute, but he couldn't help but feel stunned: his wife is such a good person, but it is a pity that he married a husband who didn't know how to care for her.

  The teahouse private room.

  The place was picked by Yi Hansheng, and Jiang Fuyue did not question its concealment.

  The two sat down face to face, with a series of tools for making tea in the middle.

  Yi Hansheng started directly, and the whole set of movements was very beautiful, until the cups in front of them were filled with light green tea soup. Jiang Fuyue had a sip and nodded: "Very fragrant."

  "How is it than before?" he asked.

   "There is nothing less than a mistake."

  Yi Hansheng laughed happily, "That's good, that's good..."

What Jiang Fuyue didn't know was that no one had been qualified to drink his tea for 20 years.

  She is the first in these years.

  Close to the subject, "You just said business? What business?"

  Jiang Fuyue pushed the prepared document in front of him: "Look."

  Yi Hansheng opened it slightly suspiciously, and soon, his face gradually became serious.

"This is……"

  "From the moment of my accident, Lou's development plan for nearly 30 years, of which the first 20 years have been realized one after another, and the next is the 21st year."

  Jiang Fuyue sat in the seat, and without looking at it, she turned to one of the pages skillfully, with her fingertips falling somewhere in it, and tapping lightly.

  The voice seemed to hang on the cusp of Yi Hansheng's heart.

   Muffled and heavy.

  I saw that it reads—Linhuai Bronze Street’s square land was acquired to build high-end residential quarters as the first step for Lou’s real estate to enter Linhuai.

  Bronze Street...that is the dirtiest and messiest place in Linhuai, but the land price is also the lowest!

  Yi Hansheng took a breath: "Who made the plan?! I really dare to think about it!"

  Jiang Fuyue: "I."

   "Ahem..." The man was choked, his cheeks flushed, "What did you say?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "I did it. Before I was killed, I planned Lou's road for the next 50 years, and only had time to write down the first 30 years."

  Fortunately, it only has thirty years. If you make up for the next twenty years, Lou's development is far beyond the current level.

  To be ironic, Lou Mingxin robbed her of her seat, but is still using the things she left behind. Isn’t it disgusting?

  Yi Hansheng swallowed, "Really?"

  Jiang Fuyue chuckled lightly and folded her arms around her chest: "Otherwise, where did you think this thing came from?"

   was written silently by her memory!

Yi Hansheng was stunned. The content of the plan for the past two decades not only made accurate predictions for the entire real estate market, and even the national economic situation, but also gave corresponding countermeasures based on the forecast, and each one was accurately stepped on. In the face of the economic wave of the times, it is no wonder that Lou's family can make steady progress after losing Lou Mingyue.

  It turned out to rely on this thing!

  Unfortunately, it is only "progress in stability", and it does not play the biggest role of this strategic plan. This is related to the ability of the executors themselves.

   Lou Ming's heart is more than a little bit worse. Where does her confidence and courage come from usurping the throne?

Thinking about this, Yi Hansheng chuckled.

   "What do you want to do?" He asked Jiang Fuyue.

  At this moment, the door of the private room suddenly slid open to both sides, and the two looked back at the same time——

  I saw Ling Qingzhou standing outside the door, his expression was both indignant and excited, the water in his eyes flashed away, suppressing ecstasy and sorrow, extremely complicated.

   "Is that you?" He trembled and looked at Jiang Fuyue.

    One more, three thousand words.

     Two or three more tomorrow morning~ See the notice in the comment area for the specific time~



  (End of this chapter)

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