After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 384: Continue to lose horses, past grievances (two more)

  Chapter 384 Continue to fall, past grievances (two more)

  Quiet tea room, beside the square tea table, three figures are sitting side by side.

  Two men and one woman, silence spread.

  I don’t know how long it has been, Ling Qingzhou's throat was dumb, and his piercing gaze hit Yi Hansheng directly: "How long has it been?"

   "Cough..." Yi Hansheng cleared his throat, "It didn't take long."

"why did not you tell me?"

  He curled his lips: "Why should I tell you?"

  Ling Qingzhou looked at him like he wanted to kill.

  "Furthermore, during the summit during the day and the cocktail party in the evening, will you give me a chance to speak well? Heh...shut up, the old cow eats tender grass and raises the third child..."

   Ling Qingzhou's blue veins jumped on his forehead, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, and he said loudly, "Shut up!"

  "Afraid I would say?" Yi Hansheng smiled like an old fox, graciously wandering, "Tsk tsk, you have today too! That's it!"

  Yes, this smile is exactly the same as when I saw him at the summit today!

I see!

   Ling Qingzhou could only remain silent, forcing himself to ignore the opponent's provocation.

  As for why...

  Of course, to avoid irritating Yi Hansheng, for fear that he would say any more frightening words.

  Yu Guang glanced at Jiang Fuyue, Ling Qingzhou couldn't help but squeeze a cold sweat for himself.

   Must not let her know...

  Jiang Fuyue didn’t know what dumb riddle the two were playing, her probing gaze patrolled between the two, suddenly revealing a hint of suspiciousness——

  "When did your relationship become so bad?"

  Two people in the same style: "……"

   "I remember calling my brother a brother before, didn't I?"

  Yi Hansheng: "He is not my brother!"

   Ling Qingzhou: "Who likes to be his brother?!"

  The two spoke at the same time, full of disgust.

  Jiang Fuyue: "?"

  Ling Qingzhou sneered: “It’s been more than twenty years, today in front of the lady, we might as well speak clearly.”

  He called Jiang Fuyue "Miss", this title...

Yi Hansheng put aside his face and laughed, and sternly said: "Okay, just make it clear, who is afraid of whom? In these years, I have been forced to slap your hat and spill dirty water. Today, I will solve it in front of the young lady. !"

  Once, the two were loyal to each other, and in private, they called Lou Mingyue "Miss" with Lou's family.

  This also means that the two are ready to break up those things that year.

  A confrontation that was more than 20 years late was staged.

Ling Qingzhou: "Pengshan Theater invites tenders. It is not me who leaked Lou's reserve price, but you! I have seen it all. You met with the project manager of the opposite house in the underground parking lot the day before bidding. Except for the lady who knows the reserve price, It’s just me and you. It’s not me or the lady, it’s only you!"

"Heh!" Yi Hansheng sneered, "When did I meet the project manager of the opponent?! I didn't drive the **** car for those two days. What parking lot did I go to?! Am I sick? But you, holding U You know what you have copied from the disk! If the information is not complete enough, how can the other party step on our weaknesses everywhere?"

  Back then, Ling Qingzhou and Yi Hansheng were both Lou Mingyue’s assistants. As the right-hand man, although there was competition, they also got along harmoniously and cooperated in tacit understanding.

  The two were in charge of the bidding for the Pengshan Theater at the same time, but the reserve price the day before the bid was known by the opponent, so that the bid failed and the loss was as high as 500 million.

  Both are suspicious of each other, but unfortunately there is no conclusive evidence, and the two sides are deadlocked, making it very ugly.

  To prove their innocence, the two handed in their resignations one after the other, and then left the imperial capital soon, but unexpectedly this walk became a farewell to Lou Mingyue.

  The two of them worked hard in Linhuai for a few years until the news of Lou Mingyue's death came.

  The two met outside the mourning hall, complaining and fighting each other.

   "If it wasn't for you to make me leave, how could the lady die?!"

   "To each other! If I am here, no one will be allowed to hurt her!"

   "It's all on you--" in unison!

   Enmity, just like that.

    Two more, one thousand words.

     There are three changes~ By the way, ask for a ticket. If there is no ticket, I feel that the codewords are less motivated. Haha~



  (End of this chapter)

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