After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 719: Xu Lao protects the calf, complete liquidation (three shifts in one)

  Chapter 719 Old Xu protects the calf, complete liquidation (three changes in one)

  Fan Linlin looked at the dusty old man in front of her, and couldn't hide her surprise: "You, why are you back?!"

  Isn’t it said that the academic exchange meeting will be held for fifteen days, after which there will be an exchange exhibition of Chinese and foreign physicists?

  It will take a long time to talk less!

  Xu Kaiqing's face was cold, and his eyes were dark: "Tell me about Jiang Fuyue."


  Forty minutes later, Xu Kaiqing went directly to the principal’s office.

   didn't even knock on the door, and went straight through.

   "Lao Zhou, if you don't give me an explanation today, then this thing really can't get through!"

  Principal Zhou looked at Xu Kaiqing, who shouldn't be here, and his eyes were shocked. After hearing what he said, he couldn't help but appear at a loss.

   "What the **** is going on? Still asking for an explanation? Come on, sit down first, I'll pour you a cup of tea..."

   Xu Kaiqing discovered that he was not pretending to be stupid, but he really didn’t know.

  Perhaps in his eyes, isn’t it just a laboratory? Isn’t that offending a student who refuses to report Q and wants to use laboratory equipment?

  It’s nothing to do with it.

   "Tea is unnecessary, let's make it clear first."

   Principal Zhou looked puzzled: "What the **** is it? It's worth running back all the way back, the meeting will not be open..."

  Xu Kaiqing bluntly said: "Why push Jiang and Fuyue?"

  A word "撵", used quite rudely.

  Of course Principal Zhou did not admit: "Look at you, how can this be called assault? But..." He paused for a moment, "Do you know Jiang Fuyue?"

   "Huh! I invited her to the laboratory, but when I went to a meeting, when the people were away, you gave me the whole thing?! Why, when I was dead?!"

  A teacher happened to pass by the principal’s office. The door was not closed tightly. Xu Kaiqing's full-fledged roar came from inside. Her footsteps paused, and her gossip heart was burning.

   Then he took out his mobile phone and began to broadcast live in the small group——

  [Lao Xu yelled at the Zhou school office]

  [The voice is super loud, the attitude is so fierce, Zhou Xiao has been trying to persuade me with a good temper]

  [But to be honest, I'm a little bit sullen]

  [So, Mr. Xu is still the best]

  As soon as a few messages came out, the group instantly boiled——

  【I'm going-isn't Mr. Xu in a meeting in another place recently? Why did you suddenly appear in the Zhou school office? 】

  【Finally, things are not simple】

  【@张慧芬, listen again and see what they are arguing about? 】

  At this time, Zhang Huifen, who was about to stick almost half of her body to the door, couldn't help but hear the words "Jiang Fuyue", her eyes lighted up and she began to crackle typing.


  Xu Kaiqing: "That Chi Jian made it clear that the nonsense, what prevents the teachers and students of this school from giving priority to use? Who should use it? Why do I not know my laboratory? Does Professor Ji get my consent, and she will use it?!"

  “Also, who doesn’t know that Chi Jian and Ji Xinxin are married? The two may have colluded. What report? I think it’s a thief shouting and catching a thief!

   "A good time Jiang Fuyue invited to my laboratory, but it turned out to be mad at you. Let's talk, who is responsible for this?"

   "I just put the words here today, don't try to fool anyone, you must give me an explanation! Otherwise--"

   Xu Kaiqing gave a sharp pause.

  Principal Zhou curled his eyebrows, but he was not flustered. He thought, just because Old Xu came and went fast, let him vent a few words and he would be fine.

   So, I still have a heart to tease: "Otherwise, what? Cry for everyone to see? Why have you learned the online jokes..."

   "I will leave Q University and move out of the laboratory!"

  Principal Zhou’s smile froze, and the ridicule in his eyes was gradually replaced by shock: "You...what did you say?"

  Xu Kaiqing said one word: "If I don't give me an explanation, I will leave Q University! Bring the team and all the experimental projects!"

   "Old Xu——Do you know what you are talking about?!" Principal Zhou's face suddenly became dark and his old eyes were sharp.

   "I'm very awake now! If Q has mostly hidden dirt, sheltered and indulged, what is the point of staying here? Is it in the same way? Sorry, I, do, no, come!"

   "So, are you threatening me and the school now?!"

  Xu Kaiqing, as the dean of the Q University School of Physics and a national treasure-level academician, once he leaves, it is no exaggeration to say that the entire physics department will experience earthquakes!

  What's more, he still has five approved national key projects urgently waiting to be carried out, as well as countless scientific research results and papers.

  Losing him is tantamount to losing most of Q!

  It’s impossible for the school to let him go, and even give him up like an ancestor.

  Is this not a threat?

  Xu Kaiqing nodded generously, "You can think so."

  Principal Zhou: "..."

   "I have said what I should say, as for how to do it, please think about it!" After speaking, he turned and left.

  Who knows, just after taking two steps, the headmaster’s low and hoarse voice sounded behind him.

   "...what do you want to explain?"

   Xu Kaiqing smiled, and did not look back: "Of course it is-thoroughly investigate to the end, complete liquidation!"

  Don’t even try to run away from those ghosts!

  "Do you know what a thorough investigation means?" The principal's voice was shaking.

  Xu Kaiqing sneered: "I care what it means, so you can check or not check it!"

  Principal Zhou was speechless for a while.

   "...If you want to investigate Chi Jian, Professor Ji will inevitably be involved. I'm... also very embarrassed!"

  The palms of the palms and the backs of the hands are all meat, and he doesn't want to cut any side.

   "So the school intends to keep Ji Xinxin and give up on me?" Xu Kaiqing interrupted directly.

  The old principal almost jumped up in a hurry: "You know it's impossible! You can get angry with me! You get angry with me!"

  Xu Kaiqing and Ji Xinxin can’t be compared at all.

  A hundred Ji Xinxin can't be worth one Xu Kaiqing.

  But "greed" is a common problem in human beings.

  The old principal is no exception.

  He wants to keep Xu Kaiqing and Ji Xinxin.

   "Old Zhou, it's hard to do both."

  "...Is there no room for transfer?"

  Xu Kaiqing raised his head, because his back was facing, the principal couldn’t see his expression at the moment, he only heard a light sigh and escaped from his lips——

   "It doesn't matter if you treat me like this; but to Jiang Fuyue-no, no!"

  After speaking, strode away.

  Principal Zhou bent his back and leaned back on the chair as if he was relieved, and the white temples seemed whiter.


  Two days later, Chi Jian’s penalty announcement was posted on the Q big government affairs bulletin board.

  It lists in detail various crimes committed during his tenure as the director of the Academic Affairs Office.

  Includes accepting bribes, bullying students, phony public aid for personal gain, embezzling public funds, framing colleagues, etc.

  Handling result: dismissal and transfer to the public security organ for handling.

   "Oh my God! I didn't expect Director Chi to be such a person!"

   "I'm not the director anymore, thank you."

  "I don’t look like a good person, not to mention greasy, but also very awkward. I especially like to pat the shoulders of female students. It's disgusting!"

   "It is said that a senior student was maliciously deducting credits two years earlier, which caused him to fail to obtain a degree certificate when she graduated. As a result, the negotiated offer was yellow and she committed suicide by swallowing medicine that night."

   "Horrible! It's been 2051, and I will hear this kind of thing! What happened?"

   "Even though the elder sister was rescued back, the sequelae caused by the drug caused severe epilepsy, which was completely ruined in the second half of her life."

  "The school did a great job! This kind of person should be punished!"

   "Shoot it."

  "Don’t make big things small and small things into nothing, everyone always pay attention to the progress of the case, don’t let some people take advantage of the loopholes and get away with it!"

   "The school personally came forward to expose it, shouldn't he be protected anymore?"

  "But don’t forget, they also have a daughter-in-law who is a professor. As long as it works properly, the death sentence will be suspended for death, the suspension will become indefinite, the life will become a term, and the term will become short-term.”

   “It’s not necessary to be so extreme. I believe in the country, the law, and the police! The bad guys won’t end well!”

   "Chi Jian made a mistake, it has nothing to do with Professor Ji. She is also a victim. Please be sensible and don't involve innocent people."

  "Hey, you are Professor Ji’s graduate student, right? Good fellow, this is a straightforward word. It would be a pity not to debate."

  "In ancient times, there were still no crimes as much as wives and daughters. What is it now? Do you want to sit down?"

   "I don't even know whether to sit or not. I don't comment on Professor Ji. I just said that his daughter Chi Shuyuan is not a good bird!"

   "Yes! Chi Shuyuan is simply synonymous with ‘bully bullying’. I have the same major as her. I don’t know how many girls in the class have been bullied by her!"


  The curse continued, and there was a lot of discussion.

  Many things often only need to tear a hole to cause an avalanche-like effect.

   Once the news of Chi Jian's arrest spread, it can be said that everyone pushed the wall down.

  Many people jumped out to expose the sorrow and torture that he had eaten in his hands before.

  Someone even went to the police directly, expressing their willingness to testify in court, just to get justice, so that the bad guys would stop jumping around.

  Because of the anger of the crowd, it also made hot searches.

  But it was quickly removed.

  Q can’t just ruin the reputation accumulated over hundreds of years because of this mouse shit.


  Chi Shuyuan found that all afternoon, the students passing by her looked at her strangely, accompanied by whispering and pointing.

  She had no idea what she had posted, and she was still waiting for her mother to figure out a way to settle the matter of her father’s demotion.

   "Look, it's her!"

   "You deserve to be your biological father and daughter, they look alike, and are as bad as they are bad. Dare to love this as a source of family learning?"

   "If I had been hiding away long ago, who would walk in school with a swagger?"

   "It can be seen that some people have a thick skin."

   "Now that there is no father who is the director, let's see how she is acting like a tiger and bullying her classmates!"

  "In the future, I can only go to the prison for a family reunion during the New Years and Holidays. Tsk..."

  "You said that for the father and daughter, one of them is improper with a good director, and must break the law; one enters the Q big but doesn't know how to cherish it, bullying his classmates all day long, why bother?"

   "If they don't die, they can live thousands of times better than ordinary people casually! It's a pity..."

  The discussion was not small. The more Chi Shuyuan listened, the stronger her bad premonition in her heart. Finally she couldn't bear it, she stepped forward and grabbed the two girls——

   "What are you talking about?"

  The two girls looked at each other.

  Chi Shuyuan: "What prison? What crime? Speak clearly!"

  "Go to the online bulletin board for yourself!"

  Waiting for Chi Shuyuan holding her mobile phone, tapping into the bulletin board, her eyes widened in the next second, her body trembling unconsciously.


  She doesn’t believe it at all!

  Obviously it was a demotion, why did it suddenly become a dismissal?

  I only met my dad in the morning, and he was fine at that time. How could he be transferred to the public security agency in a blink of an eye?

   "Who is so boring? Actually making such a joke?"

  "Did you make a prank?!" Chi Shuyuan grabbed one of the girls by the hand and pressed hard, "Say! Is it you?!"

   "Hiss... sick, right?" The girl broke free of her restraint and rolled her eyes. Now no one is afraid of her.

   "The school's official website, the lower right corner is also stamped with an official seal, have you seen any pranks that are serious? There must be a degree of self-deception, right?"

  Another girl said coldly: "Your dad has done so many bad things, he deserves to be caught by the police!"

   "Ah—" Chi Shuyuan screamed with her head in her arms, "Shut up! Shut up for me--"

  The two girls exchanged glances quickly, "Heh, who do you think you are? Miss Qianjin? Still people shut up?"

   "Without a powerful father, you are not as good as a dog now, and you still want to order people? Wake up!"

wake up……

  Wake up...


  Like a magic sound, Chi Shuyuan ran away.

   When she ran out of the school gate, she immediately raised her hand to stop the rental car, no... all of this is fake, it's all dreaming!

  She wants to go home and ask Chi Jian in person!

  Unfortunately, when she comes home, the room is full of emptiness waiting for her.

  Without the parents, even the servants can't see the shadow.

   "Dad? Mom?!" She looked up and down two times, but found nothing.

  Chi Shuyuan stood in the living room, her heart sinking.

  She took out her mobile phone and called Chi Jian.

  "Sorry, the call you dialed is turned off..."

  She hung up, continued to call, and got the same reply.

   Then, she called Ji Xinxin again, and after a long beep, she thought that the other end would not answer it for a long time, and there was a tired voice from the other side——


   Suddenly, Chi Shuyuan’s tears rolled down: "Mom! What about Dad? Why did you call him and shut down? The school rumors are all false, right? They are all spreading rumors!"

   There was a silence on the other side, and only after a long while he said: "...Yuanyuan, you have to learn to accept reality!"

   "No! I don't believe it!"

  "You don’t know what your dad did? How many of them were done by other students who you couldn’t understand? Don’t you have any points in your heart?"

  Yes, Chi Shuyuan actually knows everything.

  The bullying of students and the false public benefit are more or less because of her, and she knows everything!

  But because of this, she couldn’t believe it! Don't believe it! Can't believe it!

  Otherwise, she will be the culprit.

   "Mom... when will you be back?"

  Ji Xinxin arrived in the evening, and she was forced to leave during the ten-day academic seminar.

  When I got home, I saw that the living room was dim and full of alcohol.

  Waiting for her to turn on the light, Chi Shuyuan, who was already drunk, lay on the floor, her body curled up into a ball.

   chanted: "Mom...what should I do..."

  In the middle of the night, Chi Shuyuan woke up in the room.

  I opened my eyes and saw Ji Xinxin sitting by the bed. Since the light was not turned on, I could only see a dark shadow with a rough outline.

   "Mom!" She threw herself into the woman's arms and cried loudly, "Dad was taken away. Will he go to jail? Why is it suddenly like this? What should we do?"

   Ji Xinxin patted her back lightly, her eyes flickered in the darkness.

   "Don't worry, there will be a way."

  And her solution is to find the Han family...

   "Who? Do you say it again?!" Han Ke paused.

  The servant respectfully said: "She said that her name is Ji Xinxin, and she is right outside the door and wants to see the young master."

  Han Shen frowned.

   "Let her go, we won't see you!" Han Heng came downstairs with a water glass, "I haven't contacted for decades, and suddenly came to the door. There must be nothing good!"

  Han Ke: "It's probably because of the late surname."

  Speaking of this, Han Heng was particularly relieved.

  Before Q, it was obvious that Q was thinking about shielding and not checking. Even if they decided not to donate the building or set up scholarships, the school was only upset for a while and dropped Chi Jian’s post and it was over.

  Lift it high and put it down gently.

  Anyway, it’s just a matter of time that a degraded post can be restored.

   Originally thought that this matter could only be forgotten. The Han family had no connections in the education sector, but unexpectedly Xu Kaiqing used himself to force him to give Jiang Fuyue justice!

  The Han family was first surprised that Jiang Fuyue and Xu Kaiqing met, and then shocked by the importance the academic leader placed on Jiang Fuyue, and even said the words "leave Q University".

  Han Heng accepted the fastest: "My family Yueyue is loved by everyone, what's so strange about this?"

  Han Ke nodded: "Monthly is worth it."

  In the end, Han Shen was also taken aback, and he sighed to the secretary countless times in private: "My family Yueyue is so good!"

  Secretary: "..." Got it! Got it! Ears are about to grow calluses!

  Time back to the present——

  Han Ke: "It's useless to ask, Chi Jian deserves it!"

  Han Heng: "I have done so many bad things with the surname Chi, where does she have the face to come here?"

   Soon, the servant came back: “The lady said that she wouldn’t leave if she couldn’t see anyone, so she just kept waiting outside! I didn’t even listen! Master, what should I do?”

  Han Ke sneered: "Who does she think she is?"

  Han Shen pondered for a moment: "...Forget it, I can't let the old man know, I'll go out and have a look and let her go."

  Outside the villa.

  Seeing Han Shen, Ji Xinxin's eyes lit up, he licked his lips, and he blurted out with the sound of "Brother".

   "Ms. Ji, is there anything going on?" Han Shen didn't give her a chance to speak out at all. The sentence "Miss Ji" instantly separated the two.

  The woman's eyelashes trembled, her throat was dumb, and she cried slightly: "Can you...can you save..."

"can not."

   "Why? If it's because of Han Yunru's daughter, I can ask Chi Jian to kneel and apologize to her!"

  She did not directly call "Jiang Fuyue", but used "Han Yunru's daughter". She was complaining, dissatisfied, and complaining for herself!

  Jiang Fuyue is just a little wronged, but her husband is facing imprisonment.

  Because she is Han Yunru’s daughter!

  Han Shen smiled, seeing her eyes cold and distant——

  "First of all, it is not that we have to hold the surname Chi to accountable, but the school has taken action. We have no right to interfere."

"Secondly, your husband needs to apologize more than monthly? I have read the announcement. Most of the things he committed are much worse than Yueyue. He should do what he did. To pay the price, isn't it?"

   "Finally, Ji Xinxin," he called her by name, with an absolute coldness and indifference, worse than treating a stranger, "Yueyue, do you dare to say that there is no your handwriting in it?"

  The woman trembled, raised her eyes in shock, and subconsciously defended: "I didn't..."

  Han Shen raised his hand and interrupted her: "Do you know it in your heart? You don't need to tell me."

  The implication, I think you have it, no matter how you explain it, it is impossible for me to change my mind.

   "Let's go. Since there was no contact before, there is no need to meet in the future." After speaking, he turned and walked back.

At this moment, Ji Xinxin suddenly shouted at the man’s back: "Why? It’s because she was born to Han Yunru?! Han Yun is like your sister, am I not? Jiang Fuyue is your niece, is it my daughter? Isn't it?!"

  Han Shen turned around coldly, seeing her eyes filled with bitterness: "What are you? You deserve to be compared to Xiaoru? If it weren't for your mother, she would not have been separated from her family for so many years!"

  "You should repent, not be jealous. You and Ji Lanyue are both guilty!"

  "In addition, I only have one younger sister, her name is Han Yunru; and I only have one niece, she is Jiang Fuyue. As for you, you were a stranger before, and you won’t get close to each other in the future, so you can do it yourself!"

  This time, Han Shen did not look back.

  Jiang Fuyue stood in the room, looking out from the floor-to-ceiling windows, just to have a panoramic view of all this, and naturally did not miss the hideous and twisted woman's face.

   Suddenly, Ji Xinxin seemed to feel something, and suddenly raised her head, looking at her, her eyes sharp as a knife.

  Jiang Fuyue did not dodge or hide, and went straight to meet, swiftly, with the corners of his mouth rising.

  In the end, Ji Xinxin looked away first and left in embarrassment.

   Just when everyone thought that Chi Jian was in jail and that things could finally come to an end, even Ji Xinxin thought so, that a greater blow is yet to come.

  Xu Kaiqing said, "Through investigation to the end, complete liquidation", he really wants to make the investigation clear and clean!

    Three more in one, six thousand words.

     is actively adjusting the update time, everyone stay calm!



  (End of this chapter)

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