After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 720: A house behind bars, the principal apologizes (three shifts in one)

  Chapter 720 A family behind bars, the principal apologizes (three changes in one)

  On the third day after Chi Jian was publicly notified, an anonymous post appeared on the Q campus forum——

   "Break the news! Count down the evil that Shu Yuan did in the late years!"

  1L (Owner): Recently, the director of the most polluted academic affairs office of Q University overturned the car, and the police station is so easy to leave. It can be said that everyone is celebrating, but do you think this is over? No, too naive! Lou Shisan, a well-known mystery novelist, once said: "Crimes often appear in the form of conspiracy, and larger crimes require group cooperation."

  Chi Jian was investigated because he was guilty; but whoever was not investigated must be innocent?

  I don’t know the others, but Chi Shuyuan is definitely not!

  One elementary school just blames the same table, the middle school takes the lead in picking up the classmates, can you expect her to wake up and change her wrongs after going to college?

  The evil of young people is far more cruel than we thought.

  Next, it’s up to me, the former victim, who has been living in the shadows, to perform a live show for everyone!

  The host used a thousand words to describe in detail her experience of being bullied by her roommate Chi Shuyuan during her freshman year.

From the beginning, she sprinkled water on her bed, deliberately knocked over things, and smashed her computer; dragged her to the toilet behind and forced her into the toilet; then finally slandered her and reported anonymously. Together with Chi Jian, father and daughter worked together. Successfully dismissed her.

  2L (Original): At that time, I was at a loss and fear, but now I look back and still cannot face it, let alone relieve it. I have seen a psychiatrist, and my condition is much better than when I just dropped out, but I am still mildly depressed.

  I stepped into Q University with so much enthusiasm back then, how desperate and sad I was when I left.

  I even wondered if I was not doing well enough, which led to the targeting and bullying of my roommates.

  Later, I finally figured it out. Some people are glamorous on the outside, but ugly on the inside.

  It's not that I am not good enough, but that she is too bad!

  Today, I finally mustered up the courage to tell everything, and I was relieved.

  Other people who have been hurt by Chi Shuyuan, are you free?

  The last question, hit the soul!

  3L: [The length is very long, every word is stained with blood and tears, I really want to hug the host]

  4L: [Suddenly I feel so distressed, who is not the palm of my parents at home? When I went outside, I was bullied like this. 】

  5L: [Chi Shuyuan? Oh, the notorious relationship household of the sophomore liberal arts college]

  6L: [Han Chuang studied hard for more than ten years and finally got admitted to the Q major. I thought that a brilliant life was about to begin, but found that I had fallen into the abyss, there was no hope, only despair. 】

  7L: [It’s ironic, isn’t it? The goal that ordinary people can only achieve by studying hard may be able to catch up with only a father who is a director and a mother who is a professor without working hard. 】


  12L: [It is said that Chi Shuyuan came in through the bonus points policy for foreign students in those years, and admitted students independently, exempted from college entrance examinations, exempted from written examinations, and took the first place in the interview. How much water is there, everyone! 】

  13L: [It’s no wonder that a person who can’t even answer the next sentence on the bright moon can go to a liberal arts college. This daddy-fighting society is really fucking! 】

  14L: [The key point is that she still gets a scholarship every year, skipping classes usually, and the final grade is very high, good guy, I was stunned at that time! 】


  32L: [I usually avoid her when I see her. 】

  33L: [The girl who slept in the same bed was confessed by Chi Shuyuan’s male god, and was splashed with dung the next day]


  92L: [I heard that it is very lively here, and Chi Shuyuan’s elementary school classmates also come to join in the fun! She once took a group of little sisters to cut off the long hair of a female classmate, and she was not allowed to stay again. Just because the head teacher praised that female classmate's hair is black and smooth, so beautiful. 】

  93L: [What kind of underworld story is this? Hearing scalp numb. 】


  211L: [I am also a victim. Before seeing this post, I didn't have the courage to tell anyone that Chi Shuyuan once let three social hooligans molest me. After the incident, I thought about calling the police, but my parents took a sum of money from her family and tried desperately to stop it. In the past three years, I was awakened by nightmares every day, and I never had a good night's sleep. Today, I am finally relieved. 】

  212L: [I am also a victim. Five years ago, I was in the first year of high school, and I was in a different class from Chi Shuyuan...]

   Victims continue to show up to complain, and the insider broke the news, Chi Shuyuan’s crimes were spread out in the sun one by one, and they were so cruel!

  345L: [This is a crime! 】


  Chi Shuyuan found that the eyes of her classmates around her were...very strange.

  From suspicion to panic, and finally avoid it.

  She is like a plague, everyone avoids wherever she goes.

   "Look! She is Chi Shuyuan!"

   "How could there be such a vicious person in the world? She still strays around us. What if one day she suddenly goes mad and kills her?"

   "Don't say it, it's really possible! After all, a lot of people have been harmed, and I want to do something easy on the road."

   "Hurry up! How can this kind of person be equipped with a big Q?"

   "Yes! Get out of school—"

  "Get out of school—"

   Soon, more and more people were surrounded, and the voice of crusade became louder and louder.

  Chi Shuyuan was trapped in the middle, and the accusations and verbal abuses were overwhelming. The bad things she had done were also brought up again.

  She was dazed.

  How would these people know? !

   Hasn't it been settled by spending money a long time ago?

  The things in elementary school are so long that she can't even remember them.

   "What are you doing?! Get out of—" She tried to break through the encirclement. Someone reached out and pushed her, and then countless hands began to stop her.

   "Want to go? It's not that easy!" As soon as the voice fell, a mineral water bottle was thrown out of the crowd and hit Chi Shuyuan's face impartially.

  This action is like a switch. Once it is turned on, the situation becomes a little uncontrollable.

  Plus this location is close to the cafeteria, everyone basically just came out with a meal, and then—

  Countless rice **** and vegetable leaves flew towards Chi Shuyuan.

  As for why there is no meat?

  Oh, you can't bear to eat meat dishes, you will have to eat them later!

  Lunch box or something, even less smashed.

  In this way, there is no hard object, and it will not hurt Chi Shuyuan, and it will be insulting and full.

   is worthy of being a student of Q University, who even pays attention to "smashing people".

   "Ah-what are you doing?! Are you crazy?!" Chi Shuyuan screamed, holding her head and running away.

   Soon, the movement here attracted the school security team, and the crowd scattered, and Chi Shuyuan could not see all over her body.


  In the evening, the Q campus forum is still that anonymous post.

  1267L: [Latest news! Chi Shuyuan was taken away by the police for investigation [picture][picture]]

  1268L: [Fuck! real or fake? 】

  1269L: [It is said that it was the police from the victim’s joint report. 】


  1711L: [I can only say-the way of heaven is reincarnation, who is forgiven by the sky! 】

  1712L: [May all those who have been hurt by her be freed and live a wonderful life! 】

  The next day’s announcement about Chi Jian had not had time to withdraw, and a new announcement was posted again——

  "Notification and handling of related incidents about Chi Shuyuan, a student of contemporary literature major in the sophomore liberal arts college of our school"!

  The content is roughly as follows: First, count the crimes that the police and the school have investigated, including but not limited to gambling, bullying, fraud, etc.

  Then, based on the charges, announcing the solution.

The school chose to expel Chi Shuyuan directly, not only because she was involved in a number of criminal cases, but also because she was involved in the process of enrollment at the time. The traces of the operation should not be too obvious. Whoever provided convenience for her in it, think about it with your toes. knowledge.

  Finally, the school apologized sincerely, for its oversight and connivance, and said that it would fully cooperate with the police and restore the campus to peace.


That night.

   Ji Xinxin walked out of the police station, and the night wind blew on her face, making her face cold.

  The words of the police rang again in my ears--

  "Because of the bad nature and too much influence, the order was given. None of the two of them can be released on bail. Let's go."

  Husband and daughter were arrested one after another. No matter how strong she is, she cannot withstand such a blow.

   drove the car aimlessly, and finally stopped outside the Han’s villa.

  "Why are you here again?" After hearing the servant's words, Han Ke twisted his eyebrows, and looked aside calmly.

  Han Shen: "What kind of look do you have? Just say anything."

  Han Ke cleared his throat: "You really didn't let her come?"

   "I'm not crazy again."

  Han Heng suddenly interjected: "Then why did she come?"

   Yeah, why?

   Soon, the three brothers knew the answer.

  Han Heng posted a screenshot of the announcement content directly to the group.

After a few minutes--

  Han Ke said softly: "Are college students now so cruel and dehumanizing?"

  Han Heng immediately answered: "It's just a case, my family Yueyue is not!"

   "Yes." Han Shen nodded in agreement.

   "So, what should I do with the one outside?"

  Han Shen: "Don't worry about it."

  This night, Ji Xinxin’s car stopped at the entrance of the villa until the early hours of the morning, during which time even a servant did not come out to greet her, let alone the owner of the villa?

  The only trace of hope in her heart was also polished away, and finally she drove away angrily.

   drove outside a certain community, she stopped and went upstairs.

  The nanny was a little surprised to see her coming so late: "Professor Ji?"

   "Where is she?"

   "I'm watching TV, and I sleep too much during the day. I'm in good spirits now. Come in first..."


  Skinny woman sitting in a wheelchair with her back to the doorway, watching TV. Her back buckled and bent, no longer the slender appearance of her youth.

   Ji Xinxin walked over and shouted: "Mom."

  The woman turned a deaf ear, staring at the TV screen with dull eyes.

   Six months ago, Ji Lanyue was diagnosed with senile dementia, and her mental condition was good and bad.

  No one knows when making trouble. When it is not making trouble, it is like now, sitting quietly, not talking, and even turning your eyes very little.

   Ji Xinxin opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say. Even if she said it, Ji Lanyue would not respond.

  She suddenly felt very weak, turned and walked towards the guest room.

   "Mother Zhang, I will sleep for a while and leave tomorrow morning."

   "Okay. Then I will change your bed with a new sheet?"

"no need."

  After speaking, drag his tired body into it.


  "Xinxin..." A whisper escaped from the woman's mouth.

   Ji Xinxin turned around abruptly and walked back: "Mom? Do you recognize me?!"

"Have you finished your homework?" The woman's old hand touched her cheek, "I didn't do well in the exam last time. You must not relax anymore this time, you know? Your dad likes smart kids. If he doesn't get the first place in the exam. , Both of us wives will be despised..."

"Mom! See clearly, I graduated a long time ago and don’t need to do homework! Moreover, he doesn’t care about us, and doesn’t even know my existence. What have you been doing for so many years? I still miss him now. That kind of person is unworthy! It's not worth it!"


  A loud slap fell.

  The woman's expression is grim: "How can you talk like this? He is your father!"

   "But he doesn't recognize me at all! He doesn't recognize you either! The post is very cheap, do you know?!"

  The woman's eyes were stunned, and her eyes became cloudy.

   Suddenly, a smile fainted from the corner of her mouth, and her voice became gentle: "Qishan, are you here? You are finally willing to see me, I'm so happy..."

"I know, I was wrong. I shouldn't lie to you for drinking, nor should you pretend to be Shiqingzhi when you are not sober... It doesn't matter if you hate me, but look at Xinxin! She is smart, Every time I get 100 points, I'm as good as you..."

  These words, Ji Lanyue has to say it every time she gets sick.

  In the past, Ji Xinxin either ignored or followed her, but today she suddenly didn’t want to—

   "Mom, he doesn't like smart kids, but Han Yunru's cleverness."

   "The Han family never intended to accept us."

   "Even if you die, he won't take the initiative to look at you."

  "If you were not a junior, would I be born in an ordinary but happy family? I will grow up healthy and happy?"

  "Why did you provoke Han Qishan? Why did you secretly give birth to me? Do you want a sparrow to become a phoenix? But even if the nest is empty, they won't let you live in! So you are still a sparrow."

   "Ah—you shut up—" The woman began to scream with her head in her arms.

   Ji Xinxin had a cruel smile on her mouth, let her hear each word clearly: "You, live, deserve! Hahaha..." I deserve it too!

Snapped! Snapped!

  Two slaps, the woman began to pull her hair.

   "Mother Zhang——" Ji Xinxin stepped back blankly, shouting, her cheeks were red and swollen, but she didn't seem to feel it, "I'm leaving, you take her to bed."


   Before leaving, Ji Xinxin took a deep breath and cheered up again.

  The top priority is to find a reliable lawyer for the husband and daughter.

  Unfortunately, before Ji Xinxin found it, something happened to her herself...

  The next day Chi Shuyuan was taken away by the police, another announcement was issued——

  "Notice on Academic Misconduct and Corresponding Penalties of Professor Ji Xinxin of the School of Physics of our school":

  Recently, the school received a report that Professor Ji Xinxinji of the School of Physics had a variety of bad situations such as paper fraud, plagiarism, and forged experimental data.

  Our school attaches great importance to it and immediately organized expert members to conduct a secret investigation, and found that the duplication rate of published papers under the name of Ji Xinxin was as high as 20%!

  The list of plagiarism is as follows...

  This behavior has a bad influence, damages the image of Q, and corrupts the atmosphere of scientific research. Our school has decided to dismiss Ji Xinxin and reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility.

  In the evening of the same day, the police took her away at the gate of Q.

   "Huh? Are academic misconducts going into the game now?"

   "The professor is completely stinky next season."

   Once a researcher is labeled as academic misconduct, it means that his career is over.

   "As the old saying goes-things are gathered together in groups, this family of three is really bad enough to be a nest!"

  "Being a fake father for private benefit, a fake and plagiarism by a mother, and a daughter doing all the evil things, a family of three capable of demonstrating the modern version of the Kochi family's "Tears under the Bar"."

  "The school did a great job! Only by eliminating these black sheep can the school be truly peaceful."

   "Tell the truth, the school's response speed this time is simply impressive."


  In fact, Ji Xinxin was taken away by the police not because of academic misconduct.


  After interrogation and investigation of the father and daughter, the police found that whether it was Chi Jian’s fake public welfare or Chi Shuyuan’s cruelty, there was Ji Xinxin’s support and tacit indulgence behind it!

  It involved two cases of embezzlement and bribery of more than one million yuan, and one case of indecency.

  I'm sorry, but please go have tea!

  Especially for accepting bribes, due to the huge amount of money, once the husband and wife collect it together, the sentence should be at least five years, or even longer!

  Police station.

  Chi Shuyuan: "Mom? Why are you here?!" There was a surprise in her eyes.

   "Are you here to accompany my dad and me?"

  Ji Xinxin: "..." If she can, she doesn't want to come!


  At the same time, the office of the principal of Q University.

   "Old Xu, are you satisfied now?"

  Xu Kaiqing sneered, his old eyes kept calm: "What makes me satisfied? It's like how cheap I picked it up!"

  Principal: "..." Isn't it?

   "Lao Zhou, you can figure it out, this is to remove the tumor for Q, not for me."

   "But you are the one who asked for a thorough investigation."

   "So, don't you think it should be checked?"

  The principal said silently: "...I didn't say that."

  Xu Kaiqing: "One more thing, tomorrow morning, you will come with me."

   "Where to go?"

   Just listen to Xu Kaiqing speaking slowly, every word: "I want you to come here in person and apologize to Jiang Fuyue!"

  The principal instantly rounded his old eyes, unbelievable: "What...what did you say?!"

   "I said, let you personally apologize to Jiang Fuyue! Then invite her back, continue to use the laboratory, understand? Do you want to repeat it again? I remember your ears are not back?"

  Principal Zhou roared inwardly: Is this an ear problem? ! This is a matter of dignity and face!

  He dignified the principal of Q to apologize to a junior?

   "Old Xu, you dare to think!"

   "Why don't you dare to think? An apology for doing something wrong, isn't it the most basic quality of a person?"

  Principal: "..." I don't want to talk.

   "Go or not, decide now!" Xu Kaiqing instantly became strong.

   "...Go!" The principal gritted his teeth.

  There is a saying that he was right, and he should apologize for doing something wrong.

  Only for people in the position of Principal Zhou, it has become a habit to look up, and it is really difficult to bow.

  But the next day, he went to Han's house with Xu Kaiqing honestly.

  The three Han brothers were slightly surprised by the arrival of the two.

  But it's just an accident. There is nothing flattered and at a loss.

  The servant served the tea and put it in front of the two of them.

  Han Shen: "I'm sorry, Yue Yue went out for a run, please wait for the two of you."

  Xu Kaiqing smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay!"

  The principal looked depressed: "?" Dare to love Lao Xu but be fierce to him? I am very kind to other people!

  Han Ke went downstairs, saw the two extra people in the living room, slightly nodded, and said hello, then calmly walked into the dining room and had breakfast.

  Han Heng is more casual, yawning and waving his hand: "Hi, it's really early for you two."

  The attitude of the three brothers is casual, and they are not at all cautious because of their identities. Maybe this is... the confidence of the capitalists?

  Xu Kaiqing doesn't matter, Principal Zhou is a little bit uncomfortable.

  When I talked to Han Shen about donating buildings, he was still polite to himself, but it was not salty or light at the moment.

  Yes, Han Shen did it on purpose.

  When Principal Zhou chose to punish Chi Jian in order to calm down others, but in fact he was indulging in connivance, Han Shen silently remembered him.

   Regardless of whether the principals of Q or B are highly respected, it is impossible to bully Yueyue his family!

  Relatively speaking, Xu Kaiqing is much more welcomed!

  Han Shen personally put the tea in front of him——

   "Listening to Yueyue, you like to drink green tea? This is Biluochun this year, and the taste is not bad."

  Xu Kaiqing's eyes lit up, and he still remembers that he likes to drink green tea? !

  Suddenly flattered.

  President Zhou's action to drink tea suddenly felt bad.

   "Cough—" Xu Kaiqing said sternly, "She is interested."

  Han Shen: "Although I often heard Yueyue mention you before, I never knew how you met?"

  Han Ke and Han Heng looked over at the same time.

  Principal Zhou also quietly pricked his ears.

  Xu Kaiqing: "I was a friend a long time ago."

  He actually used "friend" to describe the relationship with Jiang Fuyue. You know, this is a name for the peers!

  Everyone was shocked.

    Three more in one, six thousand words.



  (End of this chapter)

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