After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 721: Give money to land, face face week school (three shifts in one)

  Chapter 721 Give money to land, face weekly school (three changes in one)

   Soon, Jiang Fuyue returned after running.

  As soon as she entered the door, she saw Xu Kaiqing and Principal Zhou sitting on the sofa. She ignored the latter and walked over and shouted: "Old Xu!"

   "Hey, you are back."

  "Are you looking for me?" Jiang Fuyue took the light salt water handed by Han Heng and smiled, "Thank you, uncle."

  The sound of "Old Xu" not only shocked the three Han brothers, but also successfully made the old principal Zhou Zhengqi drink tea on the spot.

   Xu Kaiqing quickly winked at Zhou Zhengqi: You said it!

  Zhou Zhengqi still couldn't recover from the sound of "Old Xu". Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in the back of his feet, and he almost jumped up.

   actually engaged in a sneak attack!

"Ah..." He cleared his throat, put down his teacup, and stood up straight. "It's like this classmate Jiang. The school has already found out what happened. The last report was completely out of nothing. You were wronged. On behalf of the school, I formally asked You apologize."

  This attitude...not bad.

  Simple and stable, also considered sincere.

  "Now that the misunderstanding is solved, Lao Xu's laboratory is also free for you. You can use it anytime. Look...when will you go back?"

  Zhou Zhengqi was still thinking about the laboratory building that was not donated!

  As long as Jiang Fuyue goes back, the Han family’s love for her will definitely put this matter on the agenda again.

  Who knows...

   "I apologize for accepting it. I don't have to go back." Jiang Fuyue said calmly.

   "You don't need the lab anymore?" Zhou Zhengqi didn't believe it, thinking she was angry.

   "Of course it needs to be used, the data has not been exhausted yet."

   "Then what are you doing?"

  Jiang Fuyue smiled slightly: "It's not that Q University has a laboratory."

The old **** Zhou Zhengqi is here: "Yes, there are hundreds of colleges and universities in the imperial capital. Naturally, there is no shortage of laboratories, but if you can reach the level of the A3 experimental area, I can guarantee you can't find the second one. There is not even B. "

  As a national treasure-level physicist, Xu Kaiqing spent a lot of money to build his personal laboratory in order to keep him.

  As time goes by, the laboratory continues to expand and expand, and is planned as a district. Now it has become a comprehensive, high-standard, and highly mature national key experimental base.

   is the signboard of Q, and the facade of the School of Physics.

  It’s no exaggeration to say that even a nationwide laboratory can't be found.

   Zhou Zhengqi inevitably felt that Jiang Fuyue was a little bit ignorant.

  But she said: “There was no before, it doesn’t mean there will be no in the future.”

   "Heh, don't be kidding, do you know how much manpower, material and financial resources are needed to build a laboratory?"

  Jiang Fuyue nodded: "I know." Because she is building.

   Xiaoliu has started construction.

  The budget sheet was sent to Liu Jinzhong before the engineering team entered the arena, and she naturally read it.

  The initial investment is 20 million, and Jiang Fuyue doubled it.

  Little Six is ​​a little dazed: "I don't need so much for now..."

  Jiang Fuyue: "You build as I said."

  Wait for Xiao Liu to listen to her plan, and froze on the spot.

  My mother, this is going to be a big deal!

  But why is he so excited?

  Time to return to the present, Xu Kaiqing saw that Jiang Fuyue was unwilling to accept it, and was immediately anxious: "Don't worry, I am here this time, there will never be anyone hindering you from using the laboratory again, I promise!"

  "How long do you want to use, I will ask them to prepare a door card for you to facilitate entry and exit."

  This card has a large Q and only a few old professors have it. It is unprecedented for students, not to mention it is not a student of the school.

  It's a mess!

  Zhou Zhengqi tried to stop, but Xu Kaiqing was blocked by a warning look in his eyes.

  He hummed twice to express his dissatisfaction.

  Who knows, Jiang Fuyue refused rather simply: "No."

   "Then what about your experiment? Can it be completed before school starts?"

  Jiang Fuyue didn't hide it, and directly told Xu Kaiqing about her construction in the Mingda laboratory: "...The construction has started."

  Good guy! Worry is worthy of sorrow, just build one if you don’t have a laboratory!

   "Is there enough time?"

  Jiang Fuyue nodded: "Forget it, just right."

  Xu Kaiqing saw that she was confident, so she stopped to persuade her.

   Suddenly, there was a chuckle, Zhou Zhengqi’s old eyes were full of surprise, and a faint mockery appeared——

   "Student Jiang, do you know what you are talking about? Building a laboratory?"

"has a problem?"

  Zhou Zhengqi saw that she was still boasting, but the key point was that Old Xu actually believed it. This... is ridiculous!

"Do you think that setting up a shed and getting some instruments on it is called a laboratory? A formal laboratory not only requires a lot of capital to build, but also has channels to purchase equipment. High-end equipment usually needs to be ordered in overseas factories, and the transportation route is special. It's easy to touch your mouth and mouth, anyway, you don't have to be responsible for bragging."

  Jiang Fuyue wants to build a laboratory that can match A3 with his own strength. In Zhou Zhengqi's view, it is tantamount to idiotic dreams.

  Thinking that Xu Kaiqing’s laboratory still applied for state subsidies, and allowed relevant departments to open a green channel to purchase equipment before it was finally completed.

  Rao was smooth sailing, and it took three full months before it was officially listed.

  Jiang Fuyue wants to hurry up before school starts in September, Zhou Zhengqi feels that her mind may not be sober.

  Nowadays young people are eager for success, quick for quick success and quick profit, and they love to speak big words. The key is to just say it. You have to conform to common sense, right?

  Look at this cowhide blowing, it makes people laugh.

Zhou Zhengqi also really laughed. He only listened to his words carefully and earnestly: "Student Jiang, it is a good thing for people to be confident, but they can’t be brave. Don’t talk about unrealistic things and do less things that are unreliable. Only by being down-to-earth can you get out of the way. Those floating in the air will fall down sooner or later."

  Jiang Fuyue smiled, not annoyed or angry: "Thank you, President Zhou, for your suggestion. When the laboratory is completed, please show your face to participate in the listing ceremony."

  啧! The dead duck has a hard mouth!

   "Okay! You must come then!" You have to see what you can build.

   "What about me? Would you like me?" Xu Kaiqing showed excitement.

  Jiang Fuyue immediately gave him a "relaxed" look, "With our friendship, no one can forget you if you forget."

   "Hey..." Xu Kaiqing rubbed his hands, looking forward to it.

  In his cognition, as long as he wants to do it, there is nothing impossible to do.

  So he was too lazy to persuade Zhou Zhengqi, and saw it with his own eyes, to see how he deceived himself.

  Lao Zhou, who was not like this before, may have been sitting in the principal's seat for too long. Although he is not bad-hearted, he is also too arrogant.

  Sooner or later, he will be taught to be a man.

  Xu Kaiqing will put the words here today!

On the way back, Zhou Zhengqi was still muttering: "Old Xu, let me tell you, this Jiang Fuyue is too floating! I have never seen such an arrogant student!"

   "Yes, I admit that she does have the capital for pride. But pride and conceit are two different things, and I am an eye-opener today!"

   Xu Kaiqing closed his eyes to rest his mind and ignored them.

  Zhou Zhengqi: "?" Damn!


  At this time, the Han family.

   "Yueyue, do you want to build a laboratory?"

   "Why don't you tell us?"

   "Lack of money?"

  "Where are the people? You can transfer from the company if you are not enough."

  Three uncles surrounded her and asked in turn.

  Jiang Fuyue answered patiently one by one——

   "I had this idea before, and it happened that Q was not allowed to borrow, so I put it on the agenda."

   "I just forgot to talk about it when I just started work, there are many things."

   "There is no shortage of money or people, everything is arranged."

  In spite of this, the three uncles still agree that they can’t leave it alone. How can Jiao Didi’s little girl fight alone?

  Especially, the principal was still cynic, with a look of "you absolutely can't make it."

  How does that work?

  So, Jiang Fuyue received three checks from Xiaomang that night.

  Han Shen gave 20 million, good fellow, directly gave her the undonated building of Q Big.

  Han Ke and Han Heng are both 10 million.

  Han Heng sent her a WeChat message in private: [I originally wanted to give 2KW too. This is not to take care of the face of the second child! 】

   Then, transfer her to 999999, with a message: Take it for a good meal~

  Jiang Fuyue collected the money from Shanruliu, not at all embarrassed: [Thank you, uncle! 】

  Han Heng likes her refreshing energy, look at how nice a child is and what a good personality.

  Be generous and generous.

  Han Heng: [Then you rest early, don’t stay up late. 】

  Jiang Fuyue: [Good night]JPG

  Just after talking, before putting down the phone, Han Ke’s news came in again.

  Without a word, transfer money first.

  Amount: 999999

  I don’t know if the two have discussed it, but they are the same.

  Han Ke: [1KW is too little, not my style, but in order to save face for the youngest, there is no way. 】

  Han Ke: [Tan Shou] JPG

  Jiang Fuyue confirms the payment.

  【Thank you second uncle~】

  Han Ke: [good]

  Han Ke: [Pat Head]JPG


  Jiang Fuyue has a check in one hand and a dog in the other.

  Xiao Mang rubbed her leg happily.

  Before going to bed, Han Ting came over to get Xiao Mang away. Jiang Fuyue leaned on the bedside, turned on the wall lamp, and connected to the WeChat video from Xie Dingyuan.

  The handsome face of the man appeared on the screen, and his dark eyes looked over.

  Jiang Fuyue smiled: "Driving?"


   "Then look at the road, don't look at the camera!"

   "How do you see you without looking at the camera?"

  Jiang Fuyue sullenly: "Safety first."

  Xie Dingyuan had planned to pull over. Hearing this, the corners of his mouth smiled: "Okay, I'll stop."

  Good girl thinks very much.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Why is it so late?"

   "Something went wrong with the experimental procedure, which caused the data to be obtained later to be inaccurate and must be redone. So..." He paused for a moment, "It will be a few days later before I can come to the Imperial Capital to look for you."

  "No hurry, finish the experiment first."

  The man’s eyebrows are slightly frowning.

  Jiang Fuyue realized his emotions were wrong through the screen.

   didn’t mean anything, and asked directly: “What’s the matter with you? Did I say something wrong?”

  It’s too tiring to guess and guess between couples. Jiang Fuyue prefers to ask if you don’t understand, to be direct, simple and easy, and not easy to misunderstand.

  The man's tone was dull: "...I won't come, you don't seem to be disappointed at all."

  Jiang Fuyue blinked: "Just because of this?"

   "The book says that this is not enough performance."

  She couldn't laugh or cry: "Which book?"

   ""A Complete Straight Man's Love"."


   "Cough! Don't look at it later."

  Xie Dingyuan puzzled: "Why?"

   "Not for you."

   "Then what am I suitable for?"

   "Nature, Science."

  Xie Dingyuan: "..." Who do you look down on?

  In the next second, I just listened to the girl slowly speaking, her clear voice blended with a touch of gentleness under the warm yellow light——

  "I like a man with knowledge, his eyes are like the sea, his heart is like a wilderness, he has thousands of hills in his chest, and he holds the universe in his mind."

  The other end was taken aback: "I...Is that right?"

   "It turns out that Professor Xie also has times when he is not confident."

  He said, "Only in front of you."

   White fingers stroked the screen, stopped on the man’s eyes, Jiang Fuyue whispered, “Don’t you know your eyes are beautiful?”

  The man's apple rolls lightly, his voice low: " I know."


  The next day Jiang Fuyue woke up to find that the phone was lying next to her pillow, and she had no electricity and turned off automatically.

  She remembered talking to Xie Dingyuan for about ten minutes last night, and she urged him to go home quickly, don’t stop on the road at night.

  The man said yes, but he didn’t want to end the call or let her hang up.

  The two kept talking, but in order not to affect Xie Dingyuan's driving, Jiang Fuyue didn't speak much during the whole process.

  I fell asleep at some point.


  She gets up, first recharges her mobile phone, then washes and changes clothes.

   Pack yourself up, then pick up the phone and turn it on.

  Opening WeChat, Xie Dingyuan’s avatar appeared first in the front row, and Jiang Fuyue clicked in.

  The talk time is 3:52:15, nearly four wonder it will automatically shut down when there is no power.

  Jiang Fuyue: [Morning. 】

  I didn’t turn back there. At this point, I'm probably already in the laboratory.

  She put away her phone and went downstairs to have breakfast.

  Today, the maid’s aunt made the eight-treasure porridge, which was soft, rotten and sweet, and there was a faint rose fragrance.

  Han Shen and Han Ke have both gone out, and Han Heng is still sleeping upstairs.

  So, the only person who had breakfast with Jiang Fuyue was the old man.

  The two chatted about news and chess, but it was not deserted.

  Han Qishan: "I heard that you are going to build a laboratory?"

   "Hmm. Construction has started."

   "How is the progress now?"

"everything is normal."

  The old man suddenly got up, went to the living room to get something, and then came back and handed it to Jiang Fuyue.

file holder?

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows, but did not reach out for the first time: "What is this?"

"open to take a look."

   "...Land use right certificate?" Jiang Fuyue was startled.

  Looking at the specific address again, she couldn't help but gasp.

  It turned out to be the grassy clearing between Ming University and Q University!

   Twenty years ago, when Lou Mingyue founded Ming University, he wanted to include this land in the campus planning.

  At the same time, Q big next door also took a fancy to this piece of land and wanted to use it to widen the playground.

  Fighting between snipe and clam, the fisherman made a profit and was bought by a low-key rich man.

  Later, Lou Mingyue tried to get people to contact the buyer, but unfortunately he never found anyone.

   can only give up.

  Han Qishan: "...It is said that Q and Ming Da wanted to grab this piece of land back then! I bought it. Who made the seller my friend?"

   "He was having difficulty in capital turnover at the time. This land was his only chance to turn himself over. It was uneasy to sell it to strangers. I just said that he could take over. Of course he would be more willing to sell it to me."

  Speaking of this, the old man was a little proud, his eyebrows almost flew up.

"You are going to study at Ming University soon. Although you don't know why you chose it, you must have your reasons. With this, we are not afraid of any principal or school manager. Just walk horizontally and let them kneel down when necessary. It's not impossible for Dad!"

  Jiang Fuyue: Sure enough, **** is still hot.

  "Thank you, grandpa!" After receiving such a big gift, my mouth is also very sweet.

  This thing can’t be bought with money.

   "Hey~ I like it!" Han Qishan responded, smiling so much that he didn't care.


  After breakfast, Jiang Fuyue brought the right of use book and check, and drove to the Angelica Bar.

  Before Xiaoshan arrived, I wondered why Erjiang Fuyue would make an appointment in such a place?

  Does the bar open during the day?

  After arriving, I discovered that it is indeed closed during the day, but it is only open to Jiang Fuyue.

   Then there is only one explanation: this place belongs to her!

  So, rich people have a school in the east, a bar in the west, and also open Martha by the way?

  "Sit." Jiang Fuyue pointed to the opposite side.

  Xiaoshan Yiyan.

  Niu Rui served in person and served coffee to the two.

"Please enjoy."

  Jiang Fuyue lifted her eyelids slightly while drinking coffee, and looked up at the man in front of her.

  Compared with the decadent and frustrated look at the night market, he is now in a suit with Zhou Zheng and clear eyes, his dark pupils refract a firm light, and a literati elegance is revealed all over his body.

   is an intellectual at a glance.

   While Jiang Fuyue was looking at Xiaoshan, Xiao Shan was also looking at her.

  Although the two people met not long ago, they haven’t seen each other for a few days. She seems to be a lot more beautiful.

  Familiar self-confidence is seen between the eyebrows and eyes, and the eyes are flowing, looking forward to flying.

   "Congratulations to Professor Xiao for publishing another SCI."

   is not the principal, but a professor. The title Jiang Fuyue affirms his contribution and achievements as a researcher.

  Listen to the ears, and feel more comfortable.

  Xiao Shan: "Since you promised to produce scientific research and thesis achievements of the top 20 domestic key universities every year, how can you achieve the standard without working hard?"

  The girl gently curled her lips and put down the cup: "You remember clearly..."

  Xiao Shan, but smiled silently.

   "How is Xiao Liangzai?"

"When I first came here, I didn’t adapt to the climate of the imperial capital. I went to the hospital a few times and now I have adapted well. I have been able to keep up with the progress of the course. I have also made a few good friends. I often play football after school and go to the weekend together. Cram school."

  Jiang Fuyue nodded as she listened: "That's good."

   "I came out today not just for reminiscence, right?"

  She didn’t deny it, only said: “There must be an opening.”

   Xiao Shan laughed.

   It is she simply, and she is also the foreshadowing.

  The good and the bad, when it comes to her, it seems that everything becomes as it should be.

   "What is it?" Xiao Shan couldn't help raising his eyebrows when she saw her pushing a file bag.

  "The certificate of the right to use the open space between Ming University and Q University."

   "Hiss——" The surprise in his eyes was no less than Jiang Fuyue's before.

  "You take it and put it under the name of the school, and then apply to the relevant department to change the nature of the land."

  Xiaoshan: "Become educational land?"


  "What are you going to do with this land?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Build a building."

  "Teaching building?"

  The girl shook her head, "Experimental building."

  But it is not an experiment for students.

   "I will contact Xiao Liu, let him prepare for the work, you will complete the formalities as soon as possible."



  After Xiao Shan left with the document bag, Niu Rui changed to a new coffee, and it didn’t take long before another man pushed in.

  Compared with Xiao Shan's elegant and bookish atmosphere, this person is a bit rough and unprepared.

  One elegant, one ruffian, two styles.

  After Xiao Liu entered the store, he looked around first, then walked to the opposite side of Jiang Fuyue and sat down: "Sister Yue, are you looking for me?"

  It happened that he went to Mingda today to check the construction progress. As soon as Jiang Fuyue called, he drove over.

  Pushing the check, Jiang Fuyue: "This is 20 million."

little six:"?"

  The budget of 40 million yuan given before has not been spent yet, how and why did it come again?

  Jiang Fuyue: "I plan to plan an experimental building in the open space next to the school..."

   "Not so much! Before, the company helped a middle school to build a six-story teaching building, which was only more than 4 million yuan."

  Jiang Fuyue shook her head: "Not a teaching building, but an experimental building."

  She emphasized.

"Is there a difference? It's not that there are eight to twelve classrooms on each floor. They are only used for different purposes. The teaching building is used for classes, and the laboratory building is used for experiments. It's a big deal to add more experimental equipment to put in, it doesn't take two. Ten million."

  Jiang Fuyue hooked her lips: "This laboratory building is not for students. There is no need for eight to twelve rooms on each floor."

   "Huh? Who is it for?"

  "Every scientific researcher who is willing to join Mingda."

  After the construction is completed, the experimental areas and departments will be divided in units of floors, and each area will be named after the research scholar.

  Like the "Xu Kaiqing Laboratory", this building will include hundreds of similar laboratories in the future. They are in different fields and research directions, but they are all in this building!

  In this way, this building will become the strongest teacher resource head for Mingda.

  When a school's teacher class goes up, the academic influence will increase naturally.

  Will it be far from hitting the top domestic universities list?

   "...So, the internal structure needs further planning, and it is best that each experimental area can be unique..."

  Jiang Fuyue was talking, Xiao Liu took out her mobile phone, and quickly remembered.

   Hearing the back, his eyes lighted up, and the prototype of such a building was already roughly in his mind.

  It’s so wonderful, incredible...

  If it is really built, I don’t know how many people will be amazed.


  In a blink of an eye, another week passed.

From    to mid-August, Jiang Fuyue’s laboratory was finally completed under the scorching sun.

  The invitation letter was also sent to Xu Kaiqing and Zhou Zhengqi the next day.

   "Heh, she really built it?" He chuckled, and his attitude was slow.

    Three more in one, six thousand words.

     Next, let’s look at Principal Zhou’s fancy face slap~



  (End of this chapter)

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