After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 722: The paper was born, shocking everyone (three changes in one)

  Chapter 722 The paper was born, shocking everyone (three changes in one)

   "Don't be a dirt house, right?" Zhou Zhengqi joked, turned around and asked Xu Kaiqing, "Are you going?"

  Xu Kaiqing cherished the invitation letter carefully, and when he heard the words, he gave him a sideways look: "Of course. Why, are you not going?"

   "I didn't intend to go to the school. There are so many things in school, but the invitations have all been sent. It would not be nice not to go. If that is the case, let's go."

  Let’s see how Jiang Fuyue was making trouble, and how it ended in the end!

  Now all of these children feel that they can ride the wind and waves. After all, they still owe lessons.

  Wait until you hit a wall or fall before you know the pain!

   "...Old Xu, don't you think?"

   Xu Kaiqing smiled and said nothing.


  On the day of listing, the sun was blazing.

  The venue was very air-conditioned.

  Ming University is recognized as a "Pheasant University", and its education level, faculty, academic ability and other aspects are far inferior to that of the next door Q, but there is one point that it wins, that is—

Campus Environment.

  The architectural style of Chinese and Western fusion, not only has Chinese characteristics, but is not rigid and conservative. The simplicity and generosity of the Western style is reflected in the details.

  Even during the summer vacation, there are cleaning aunts who clean every day, and the whole campus is clean and fresh.

  The French plane trees on both sides of the road are cared for by special personnel, and the grass and trees in the garden are also very delicately trimmed.

  This is Zhou Zhengqi's first visit to Mingda.

  Unexpectedly, the infamous Pheasant University in the rumors turned out to be like this.

  He didn’t admit that Mingda’s environment is good, but he said with regret: “New is new, but it lacks some historical heritage.”

  Inwardly murmured: No wonder the students of their school always like to come to Mingda for dinner...

  Xu Kaiqing is too lazy to talk to him.

  After the two entered the venue according to the signs, they realized that the scene was bigger than they thought.

  I saw the staircases in the hall, and the optical media reporters occupied two rows. The cameras were placed one word on the stage and aimed at the stage.

  The reporters put on their work permits and took the microphones, all of them were waiting.

  Zhou Zhengqi glanced, good deed, several major mainstream media have come, he was secretly shocked, but his face was calm.

   and Xu Kaiqing found the seat with their nameplate. It's okay. In the middle of the first row, it is also considered as a C seat, right?

  Two minutes later, another group of people came over.

  Zhou Zhengqi glanced intently, his eyes widened suddenly—

  Qin Libin, Yan Zhenfeng, Sun Qun? !

   Isn’t this someone with a big Q?

Why does    appear here? !

  And each one is still smiling?

  Qin Libin: "Tsk tsk...Jiang Fuyue is okay. Before the university, he has his own laboratory."

   Yan Zhenfeng is somewhat envious: "The degree of opening is no different from that of the heroine of the novel."

  Sun Qun raised his hand to straighten the wig on his head. Hearing the words, he pressed his throat and asked in a low voice: "What novel are you reading recently? Recommend?"

   "Cough... "I am the white moonlight of all big brothers after rebirth", written by a Chongqing man, let me tell you, the thief looks good!"

   "Big heroine?"


  "Strong over Jiang Fuyue?"

  Yan Zhenfeng thought about it seriously, "The two are almost the same."

   "Hey, it's my dish!"

  "Then you remember to support the original version, leave more messages, and give more rewards!"

  Sun Qun pouted his lips: "Do you still use it?"

  Qin Libin cast a disgusting look at once, two big men reading girls' novels?


  But in my heart, I secretly wrote down the name of the book, the same as Jiang Fuyue...the hostess?

  Cough! It sounds pretty good...

   "School Zhou? Old Xu?" Sun Qun suddenly said.

   Yan Zhenfeng and Qin Libin looked at the situation, and stepped forward to say hello in the next second.

   "Teacher, Zhou Xiao, did Jiang Fuyue invite you too?"

  Xu Kaiqing nodded.

  Zhou Zhengqi coughed lightly, and asked inadvertently: "Do you know Jiang Fuyue?"

  Yan Zhenfeng: "Acknowledge, last year IPhO of the three of us led the team, Jiang Fuyue was the biggest dark horse. He won gold with perfect score and also won a special award."


  "?" Why do you feel that Zhou School’s voice is a little dull?

  The three of them were seated against the nameplate, right next to Zhou Zhengqi.

  The ceremony has not yet begun, and Jiang Fuyue hasn’t shown up yet. Anyway, he’s still idle. Sun Qun simply took out his mobile phone and started searching for the novel.

  Qin Libin took a peek next to him. Fortunately, Sun Qun's font was adjusted to a larger size, so he followed through the two chapters with gusto.

   Then, silently took out his mobile phone...

   Soon, another wave of people arrived.

  Zhou Zhengqi turned his head and glanced, it was really only one, and then he was stunned again—

  I saw Yuan Bentao, Li Zhao, Xiang Pengyi, and He Longchang walking towards this side talking and laughing.

  Seeing him, I paused—

   "School Zhou and Lao Xu are there too?"

   "Jiang Fuyue is still great." Both Buddhas can be invited.

  Zhou Zhengqi again "seemingly accidentally" raised the question: "Do you know Jiang Fuyue?"

  Yuan Bentao nodded: "This year IMO, I led the team with Lao Li."

   "Then Professor Xiang and Professor He?"

  Xiang Pengyi: "We are responsible for CMO training"

   "..." Is this trying to kill his two major colleges of mathematics and physics at Q University?

  After a while, another group of people came, and Zhou Zhengqi was frightened.

  Fortunately, this time I am not a big Q person anymore.


  Why is it still a bit familiar?

  The next second, Qin Libin got up and smiled and greeted several people: "Professor He, Professor Wang, Professor Li, it's been a long time."

  After some greetings, Qin Libin sat down.

  Zhou Zhengqi took the opportunity to speak: "Who are these?"

  "Don't you remember? The dean and deputy dean of the School of Computer Science of University B, as well as the professor of the School of Information, came to our school to give a joint lecture before, and you were there at that time."

  No wonder it's so familiar!

   "Then how did they and Jiang Fuyue... meet?"

   "Last year, IOI, they were the team leader coach, Jiang Fuyue won the gold medal."

  Zhou Zhengqi: "!" Good fellow, has Big B also "fallen"?

  9:50, ten minutes before the listing ceremony, Jiang Fuyue and Old Peter walked in as they talked.

  Peter’s expression is flying, his tone is exaggerated: "...oh! This is really a wonderful idea, you can always surprise people. Thank you for your invitation, I will consider it carefully."

  Speaking, opened his arms, and the gentleman gave her a false hug.

  Then walked to the empty seat beside Xu Kaiqing and sat down.

   "Cough! Why are you here?"

  Old Peter: “Of course it’s because I have an invitation letter. Oh, Xu, why do you ask such stupid questions? It’s not like you.”

  Xu Kaiqing’s mouth twitched wildly, he endured it!

   "What were you talking with Jiang Fuyue just now?"

  Old Peter’s expression was subtle for an instant, and he hissed: "This is a secret!"

  Xu Kaiqing: "..." His fist is hard.

  As everyone knows, when Peter Drucker appeared in the hall, everyone was shocked.

  Be aware that before this, this internationally renowned physicist only made friends with Xu Kaiqing, and had almost no exchanges with other colleagues.

  In the early years, Zhou Zhengqi wanted to hire him as an honorary professor of Q University, and even went to California many times to visit. Unfortunately, he didn't even meet him.

  Since hiring can't work, it's always okay to give a lecture, right?

  The result was still declined.

  B University has also tried the same, and the results obtained are generally the same.

  Since then, Professor Drucker’s remarks have spread in the industry, “Don’t get close to strangers, only recognize Xu Kaiqing”.

  Plus the two parties did not come out to deny it, and everyone believed it.

  Until I saw Peter and Jiang Fuyue talking and laughing...

  So, isn't it because of Xu Kaiqing's face? It's really for Jiang Fuyue?

  The successive shocks left Zhou Zhengqi's mind a little bit overwhelmed.

  What is the origin of Jiang Fuyue?

  Xu Kaiqing called her a "friend". Old Peter, who rarely interacts with others, made her platform, not to mention the professors of Q and B, all catching up.


  At ten o'clock, the listing ceremony officially began.

  Xiao Shan took the stage as the principal of Ming University to give a speech, and then personally unveiled the aluminum plate with the six characters "Jiang Fuyue Laboratory" on the spot and displayed it in front of everyone.

  At this point, the laboratory was declared established.

  And ten minutes later, the first research result of the laboratory was publicly announced—

  "J equation and the deformation of supercritical Hermit-Yang Zhenning-Mills equation" was published in the latest issue of the world-renowned mathematics journal "New Advances in Mathematics".

  The editor-in-chief comment column gave the following comments on the publication of this paper:

This discovery is very breakthrough, which means that under the premise of stability, the J equation independently proposed by Chen Xiuxiong and Donaldson and the deformation of the supercritical Hermit-Yang Zhenning-Mills equation proposed by Qiu Chengtong and others can be solved. A bridge is built between the Hermit-Yang Zhenning-Mills equation and the Keller-Einstein equation.

  The crowd at the scene was silent for a moment, and it was so quiet that only the click of the front row reporters pressed the shutter.

  But the live broadcast platform is completely different.

  The moment Jiang Fuyue finished speaking, the comment area exploded—

  【Yue sister yyds! 】

  【My sister Yue, even if she goes to Mingda, she still shines, tremble! The sunspots who ridiculed the group]

  [Come out and beaten, thank you]

  [When I saw Sister Yue, I knew I was here to make up the numbers]

  【I'm ashamed to make up the count】

  [No one has been popularizing "New Progress in Mathematics"? 】

  【"New Progress in Mathematics", one of the authoritative journals in the international mathematics circle, it is listed as the world's four top mathematics journals together with the "M State Mathematical Society Journal", "Journal of Mathematics", and "Annual Journal of Mathematics". How difficult is it for domestic graduate students to want to be included in this journal? Let's put it this way, as long as you post an article, you won't have to worry about graduation. If there were no particularly good competitors in the year, then good graduates will be properly handed. That's awesome. 】

  【The math dog jumping repeatedly on the edge of Yanbi becomes jealous and deformed. Why don’t I have an article on "New Progress in Mathematics"? 】

   [I am 1.8 meters tall, good-looking, good-looking, good-natured, have abdominal muscles, can cook, and are not very demanding. I ask sister Yue to give me an SCI. In return, I can look good~]

  【Duck cage warning! 】

  [I suspect that if you want SCI to be false, it is true to seduce Yue Jie]

  【I am 1.9 meters away, strong waist and long legs inverted triangle...】

  [I am 1.75 meters, an acrobat, who is soft and easy to knock down...]


   [What's inside, please interrupt, everyone is crooked, and the ducks are scattered, please continue to blow up the rainbow fart~]

  【I'll come first, Yue sister race high! 】

  【I do the denominator series in the world, sister Yue is the only numerator! 】

  【Successfully feel the world's unevenness】

  [It’s okay, I'm here to set off Sister Yue~]

   [No wonder my mother used to say that sometimes the difference between people and people is greater than the difference between people and dogs]

  [Please Mingda treat me Luna, because she is worth it! 】

  【I'm tired of saying the word excellent】

  [It’s true that I don’t even understand the name of the paper]

  [Upstairs holding a claw, I only know one Yang Zhenning [smile]]

  【Write a book "The Life of a Hunzi in China's 1.4 Billion People" and give it to myself】

  [Then I will write a book "The Life of a Manure Machine"]

  [My freshman who can only dry rice in my junior year, my tears flowed into the lunch box silently]

   [Suddenly I feel that Mingda has become cute because of my sister Yue]

  【Reluctant to call Ming Big Pheasant again, after all, how powerful can be a pheasant woman, as strong as my sister Yue? ! 】

  [Please Ming Da Yuandi be a tiger for me, thank you]

  【Be competitive, Ming cub! Since the Moon God chose you, you can't drop the chain! 】

  【Duck! Xiao Mingming~】

  Many times, I like things that I once hated, without any special reason, as long as-love the house and the black.

  Because of Jiang Fuyue, even Mingda has become "clear and beautiful".

   Xiao Shan stared at the praise and encouragement in the live broadcast room, and suddenly his eyes became hot.

  In the past six months as the principal, he has seen countless times on the Internet, on TV, and various We-media marketing accounts that are black and black, blatantly blatant, and devalue a once glorious college.

  He tried to explain, but a person’s voice was too small and it was in vain after all.

  He was even frustrated and depressed for a while, but never thought of giving up.

  Now, I finally see hope!

  "Principal! The fans of our official blog have increased! Look at—"

Xiao Shan took the phone and saw that the number of fans had gone from less than 10,000 before to 100,000. The number of top Weibo comments has also changed from a few sparsely to thousands now, not to mention a hundredfold increase. The number of likes.

  The assistant's voice trembled and his lips trembled: "We, are we red?"

   "Forget it!" Xiao Shan said decisively, "Thank you."

  Speaking, patted him on the shoulder.

  The assistant almost shed tears. Before that, Ming suffered a lot of discrimination, and now he can finally straighten up!

  And all this is because of the person on stage!

  Xiao Shan's eyes were burning.

   Jiang Fuyue seemed to feel something, and turned her head and looked back.

  Four eyes met, he nodded slightly, and made an "OK" gesture.

   means: everything went smoothly and proceeded as planned.

  Yes, today’s listing ceremony appears to be announcing the establishment of the laboratory, but in addition, it is also the first step to change the public’s stereotypes!


  At this moment, the audience is equally exciting.

   Yuan Bentao was the first to react: "Old Li! Did you see it? She really did it!"

  Li Zhao showed excitement: "Yes, she did it."

  At the beginning, at the IMO competition, they watched the birth of the prototype of this paper with their own eyes, shocked the main examination committee on the spot, and finally won the gold medal and special award without any dispute.

  At that time, Jiang Fuyue said that she would organize the derivation process into a paper and vote for "New Progress in Mathematics".

  Yuan Bentao thought she was just talking, or not just talking, but it will take a long time before it can be realized, but now the fruits are already in sight.

  Xiang Pengyi: "This speed is absolutely amazing."

  He Longchang: "The average person really can't do it."

  How long is it until the end of IMO?

  In less than half a year, Jiang Fuyue has produced academic achievements that many people have been unable to achieve in ten years.

   is hard work, but also talent.

  And such things as talents are mysterious and wonderful, so I can't envy them.

  Xu Kaiqing took the lead in applauding, and Old Peter raised his hand almost at the same time.

   Soon, there was thunderous applause.

  Yan Zhenfeng's hands are almost numb, his old eyes are excited, tears flicker, and he is more excited than his own academic achievements.

  Qin Libin applauded, staring at the big screen, and did not forget to take the time to ask him: "Do you understand?"


   Yan Zhenfeng: "...I don't really understand it."

  Sun Qun’s palm is already red, but he is still trying desperately, lest he is not loud enough, "We don’t need to understand physics, just know that it’s awesome."

  Qin Libin: "...makes sense."

  And the three professors of University B have just recovered from the shock—

   "Mathematics and physics have both papers. Isn't it time for us to turn to informatics?"

   "Don't tell me, it's really possible."

  Who made her Jiang Fuyue?

  There is nothing impossible, only unexpected.

  At this moment, Zhou Zhengqi was completely stupid, his eyes stagnated.

  When Jiang Fuyue announced the latest research results of the paper on the spot, he was completely stiff, and he couldn't believe what he saw before him.

  Is there really a paper for her to work out?

  You just graduated from high school, didn’t you even go to college?

How did you do it?

  Looking at Xu Kaiqing and Old Peter again, they were not surprised at all.

  Looking at Yuan Bentao and Li Zhao again, excitement was excitement, but there was no surprise in his eyes, only full of emotion and excitement.

  In this way, he became a stranger.

  But no one told him in advance that high school students can publish papers and can still participate in "New Progress in Mathematics"?

  Until the end of the listing ceremony and the opening of the visit, Zhou Zhengqi could not react from the shock.

  The group of people left the venue, and under the leadership of Jiang Fuyue, they walked in the other direction mightily.

  If the previous ceremony is just an appetizer, then the next visit is the highlight of the day—

The    card is awarded, but what does this laboratory look like? How is the layout planned inside?

  No one knows.

   "Old Bi, why are you so excited today?" Xu Kaiqing asked suddenly.

  Peter stepped back and took it back. There was still a little bit of light flashing in his eyes, "Excited? I think it's okay."

  He spread his hands pretentiously and shrugged.

   Xu Kaiqing glanced at him suspiciously, not convinced.

  Old Peter is full of expectation that he will see the laboratory soon.

  Chou said that the planned laboratory on each floor of the planned laboratory building will be arranged according to the specifications of the new laboratory today.

  Chou: " are the first person to invite me."

  Peter: "Where is Xu?"

  Chou: "I haven't told him yet."

   Then, Old Peter was just as if he had been beaten up with blood.

  He thought, "I have it, others don't" feels great!

   Xu Kaiqing: "?" I still feel that this person is not right.

  Old Peter gave him a bright smile.

  In an instant, goose bumps were all over the back of his hand, Xu Kaiqing silently moved away from him

  Peter: "?"

  Yuan Bentao and Li Zhao are also full of expectations at this moment, gearing up—

   Yuan Bentao: "I heard that this is an interdisciplinary laboratory? I'm so curious."

  Li Zhao glanced around: "Do you see who is not curious here?"

  Yuan Bentao took a look, good guys, all of them stretched their necks, wishing to be incarnation of Maxima and Giraffe.

  Even their weekly school is no exception.

  On the other side, Yan Zhenfeng, Qin Libin, and Sun Qun are also talking about this laboratory.

  Sun Qun: "...These are gossips, not necessarily accurate, but Jiang Fuyue’s construction of this laboratory must be related to Q's reluctance to lend the A3 experimental area."

  Qin Libin chuckled softly: "As expected, it is her. If I can't borrow it, I will build one by myself. It's just..."

   "Just what?"

   "After all, the time is too short, and most of it will not be built. The support is to support, but don't have too much hope."

  Qin Libin even felt that the construction of the laboratory was probably just an excuse for Jiang Fuyue, and her real purpose was to publish the paper in public.

  Do it for the media.

  Now they are going to visit the real laboratory, but the media have all left.

  As everyone knows, this was forcibly requested by Jiang Fuyue, and they were not allowed to follow along during the visit.

   did not expect to cause such a misunderstanding.

  Yan Zhenfeng nodded: “Understand, after all, the time is too short to build anything famous. It’s normal. We will try not to be so surprised later and pay attention to facial expression management.”

  The two nodded one after another: "Okay."

  More about Zhou Zhengqi...

   Before he reacted, his feet were floating. After reacting, he slowly calmed down.

  Especially when I heard Qin Libin’s phrase "Mostly can’t build anything famous...Don’t hold up too much hope", the steps are steady.

  Yes, what kind of laboratory can be built in such a short time?

  It is estimated that to put up a title, in fact, I want to show the results of the paper in public. Tsk, after all, I am too young to play this kind of trick with everyone.


  Jiang Fuyue stepped, and everyone looked around.

  The next second, I couldn't help but stare.

    Three more in one, six thousand words.



  (End of this chapter)

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