After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 723: The principal’s face hurts and he comes with a bouquet (three shifts in one)

  Chapter 723 The principal’s face hurts and he comes with flowers (three changes in one)

  I saw a semi-circular building on the flat ground not far away. The wall is gray, the top is curved, and the outer layer is tempered glass, supported by the staggered exposed steel frame, which has a simple and cold modern technological sense.

  The most advanced dual recognition technology of iris and fingerprint is adopted at the entrance, and it is automatically sensed.

   Entering inside, the space is larger than imagined, and each area has been carefully divided, which not only has a sense of boundaries, but also maintains the overall harmony.

  However, these are not the main points.

  The most surprising thing is the equipment!

  A large number of experimental equipment, including some of the most advanced patented products abroad, the price is high or second, the key purchase channel is secret, and it is impossible to buy it without any contacts and money.

  Xu Kaiqing glanced quietly, there are a few big guys, his laboratory is not yet worthy!


  Old Peter didn’t feel stunned. He exclaimed first, and then he started to touch it directly——

   "Oh! COD47, XV99, FD21... all are limited models, it's incredible!"

   "Oh my God! There is also a ‘Giant Whale’! Why do I say that it’s temporarily out of stock every time I call to make a reservation?"

   "This...a bit like a syp meter? But the structure seems to be different?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Because this is an improved version."

   "Hiss! The things from the Slott factory are still improved?!" Old Peter stared.

   "Not before, now there is."

  The Slaughter factory mainly sells finished equipment. Because of their confidence in product quality and performance, they do not accept any customer feedback.

  In other words, I want them to change the equipment according to customer needs, unless the sun comes out from the west.

  Old Peter secretly glanced out the window, but there is no...

  "How did you do it?" He asked Jiang Fuyue in a low voice.

   "It's very simple, let them believe that there is a problem with the device, and they are naturally willing to change it."

  The key is how to convince these stubborn guys?

  Said it for nothing.

  But he must admit: "You are a cow."

He said the two words    in Chinese.

  Jiang Fuyue smiled faintly after listening.

   Yan Zhenfeng, Qin Libin and others responded even more exaggerated.

  First silly, then shocked, and then amazed.

  Sun Qun looked around: "This laboratory is absolutely amazing."

  Qin Libin: "This area can be worth five A1 laboratories in our school, right?"

   Yan Zhenfeng shook his head: "More than that. The equipment here is more complete."

   "I'll be a good boy," Yuan Bentao repeatedly tweeted, "How much does it cost?"

  Li Zhao compared a number: "At least so many."

  He Longchang suddenly sighed: "It's nice to have money."

  While Zhou Zhengqi was standing outside and seeing this laboratory from a distance, he was completely speechless.

  Waiting inside, he saw the clearly planned experimental zone, equipped with complete experimental equipment, for a moment, he felt like a clown.

  The face hurts like being beaten and swollen, and I can’t hum, because—

   is all he asked for.

   "Lao Zhou," Xu Kaiqing walked towards him with a smile, "Why don't you speak?"

"……Feeling a bit tired."

   "How? Isn't this a good laboratory?"

  More than good! It is many times stronger than the A3 experimental area.

  Even Xu Kaiqing’s main laboratory cannot be compared with it.

  I remembered the words I once said--

   "Do you think that if you set up a shed and put some instruments on it, it will be called a laboratory?"

  "High-end equipment usually needs to be ordered in overseas factories, and the transportation route is special. It's easy to touch your mouth and mouth. Anyway, you don't have to be responsible for bragging."


   "Classmate Jiang, it is good for people to be confident, but they can’t be strong."

   "Those floating in the air will fall down sooner or later."


  At this moment, Zhou Zhengqi just wanted to swallow all what he had said.

  The visit is over, everyone does not want to leave.

   After obtaining Jiang Fuyue’s consent, Xu Kaiqing had already sat on the experimental platform and started to play around with the "big guys".

  Old Peter also leaned forward with great interest.

   Yan Zhenfeng and Qin Libin are attracted by the unique zoning method and are discussing who has the advantage compared with the traditional zoning method.

  Yuan Bentao and Li Zhao are worthy of mathematics. They are more interested in Jiang Fuyue’s paper than in the laboratory. They have downloaded the full text from the search engine and can’t wait to start analyzing.

  The reason why I didn't leave was because I wanted to take advantage of Jiang Fuyue's still, so that I could discuss it in depth at any time.

   Seeing this, Xiao Shan came forward at the right time: "Why don't you stay and have a meal together? There is nothing to entertain, just simple canteen meals, everyone eat whatever you want."

  This proposal was instantly echoed.

   "Then dare to love it."

   "I have long heard that the canteen is a must, and today I can finally see it with my own eyes."

   "Then trouble Principal Xiao."

  Waiting for a group of people to enter the canteen in great numbers and eat the special fried stir-fry, everyone realized that the sentence "I have heard that the canteen is a must" just now is not a compliment.

  Mingda’s meals are real, real-so delicious!

  Zhou is sour.

The original correct approach should be to decline, decline, and then decisively leave, but I don’t know why he came with the group in a wicked manner, and ate a small stir-fry, now inexplicably adding a big bowl of rice. Keep eating.

  Well, he might be really crazy.


  After lunch, a group of old professors returned to the laboratory.

  At this moment, the visit has been almost done, and then I consciously scattered to different areas, and started gearing up to get started.

  Of course, before that, they would ask Jiang Fuyue first, and only after getting permission, would they touch the experimental equipment.

   Xiao Shan glanced over: "It can be seen that the professors are very interested."

  Jiang Fuyue nodded in satisfaction, with a profound meaning: "High is good."

  How can these people be turned into the laboratory building in the future?

  She asked Xiao Liu to plan a full 22 floors, with at least one laboratory on each floor. How can they fill it up without pulling them in?

  At this time, Jiang Fuyue looked at these professors as if looking at a cage of young chickens.

  When it’s grown up, it can be placed in a chicken pen and surrounded by eggs. It will lay and incubate eggs at a time, and continue to produce...

  Just think about it, it’s beautiful!

  Xiao Shan silently saw the smile on the girl’s lips. It was obviously summer, but his back was chilly.

  Wait until the sun sets, and I really can’t stay anymore.

  Xiaoshan is responsible for seeing off the guests.

  Jiang Fuyue stayed to check the power supply, initialize the equipment, and finally close the doors and windows and prepare to leave.

  Suddenly, she suddenly stagnated under her feet, staring at the man bathing in the sunset not far away, for a moment.

  The man is tall and straight, handsome, with a natural indifference between his brows and eyes, but when he looks at her, the dark pupils glow with a deep light, and finally turn into a seductive and deep tenderness.

  Jiang Fuyue blinked, blinked again, and finally confirmed that he had not made a mistake, the living Xie Dingyuan appeared in front of her eyes so unexpectedly.

  As if falling from the sky, covered in the sunset glow.

  She smiled quickly and trot away.

  Xie Dingyuan also strode forward.

  The two seem to be completing a two-way rush, and the sunset is as beautiful as a fairy tale.

"How did you come?"

   "Congratulations on the completion of the laboratory."

  The two spoke at the same time, their eyes met, and each smiled.

  Xie Dingyuan: "Here, here is it for you."

  A bouquet of roses appeared between the two of them, bright red like blood, beautiful and charming.

  Jiang Fuyue took it, lowered her head and smelled it, "It's very fragrant, thank you."

"nice! You love it."

   "Why don't you tell me in advance? I was surprised."

   "I want to surprise you."

   "Linhuai is over there?"


  Jiang Fuyue took his hand and walked in: "Take you to see my laboratory."

  Xie Dingyuan followed with a smile.

"How about it?"

  "The appearance is very recognizable." In the setting sun, the gray wall refracted orange red because of the cover glass. From a distance, it looked like the sun fell to the horizon, leaving only a semicircle.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Nothing?"

  Xie Dingyuan looked around, looked at the internal structure, and then spoke for a moment: “The partitioning method seems to be different from the general laboratory.”

   "Well, I divide it according to my habits. Are there any other comments?"

  The man showed helplessness and simply asked her: "What comment do you want to hear?"

  Jiang Fuyue hooked her lips: "How does it compare to your laboratory? Is it better or worse?"

   "Want to listen to the truth?"


  He pondered for a moment: "If you analyze the hardware conditions alone, your laboratory has just been built, and it will definitely be updated; but from the perspective of usage, I still prefer my own laboratory."

   "So if I invite you to use it together, wouldn't it be wrong to you?"

  Xie Dingyuan's expression was awkward: "...what do you mean?"

  Jiang Fuyue did not answer, and sighed to herself: "If this is the case, then don't invite—"

  The next second, the man grabbed her wrist and said, "If you haven't said it clearly, you will not invite it. You deliberately."

   deliberately wanted to see him anxious.

   "You now speak again."

  Jiang Fuyue looked innocent: “Don’t say good things a second time.”

  As soon as the voice fell, she was pinched by the man's big palms, then lifted up, turned around, and directly let her sit on the experimental platform.

  And Xie Dingyuan was standing between her legs, his hand still on the girl’s waist, not willing to take it away.

  He threatened: "Can you tell me?"

  Jiang Fuyue narrowed her eyes and the corners of her mouth raised: "No, no."

   "I heard you, you invited me to join me."

   "Then you still have to tell me?"


  Xie Dingyuan paused: "I accept your invitation."

   "But I don't want to invite you now, what should I do?"

   "Do you dare to—" He gently pressed his hands.

   "Hi! I'll pinch my waist again!"

  Although she knew she was acting, Xie Dingyuan still obediently stopped.

  Jiang Fuyue curled her lips, with a little bit of pride.

  But soon, she couldn't laugh.

  Because the man's hand was stroking her chin, he squeezed it lightly, and didn't use much force, but it just made her unable to break free.

  Next, slowly approach...

  A kiss fell, with a man’s unique body temperature.

  Jiang Fuyue only felt a faint pine wood scent surrounding her, her lips were soft to touch, her skin was close, her breath intertwined.

  The electrical numbness made her fingertips tremble slightly, and her arms subconsciously circled the man's neck.

  There was a glimmer in Xie Dingyuan’s eyes, but he was not in a hurry to go deeper, but stepped back a little to leave room to speak: "Did you miss me during this time?"

  Jiang Fuyue nodded: "Yeah."

   "How much do you think?"

"a little bit."

   "Only a little bit?" He leaned closer, breathing hot, almost biting her, and he didn't consciously use his hands.

  Jiang Fuyue's smiley eyes met his Shen Rin's eyes, as if the spring breeze was blowing across the icy lake, ripples in layers: "A little bit every day, it doesn't add up to a little bit."

"what is that?"

"a lot of."

  The man laughed in a low voice, and the corners of his eyebrows were filled with joy. He stopped talking nonsense, and kissed his dreaming lips again.

  I don’t know how long it took. When Jiang Fuyue started to breathe unsteadily and beat his shoulder, Xie Dingyuan let her go.

  The original cherry pink lip color became crimson, and her peach blossom eyes were shiny and misty.

  Xie Dingyuan almost couldn't hold it, so he kissed him again.

  Jiang Fuyue turned her head away, panting: "You...somehow let me take a breath..."

  Obviously the first time she kissed, she also reminded someone to take a breath. It was only a long time before someone had cultivated to perfection and started to kill.


  Xie Dingyuan: "Give you another chance, do you invite me?"

  Jiang Fuyue avoided his hand and said in a hurry: "Please! Can I please?"

  As he spoke, he didn't know where to find something and hand it to the man.


  "The key to the laboratory's door."

  Although there is iris recognition, traditional methods are also necessary, so Jiang Fuyue specially retained the habit of opening the door with the key when designing it.

  "There are two in total, one for you and one for me. If you want to use the laboratory, you can come over at any time."

  Xie Dingyuan's heart warmed, and he directly reached out and hugged her into his arms.


  The key is obviously prepared in advance, so even if he does not speak, she will take the initiative to give it to him in the end.

  Jiang Fuyue leaned her head on the man’s shoulder, and muttered softly, “I also said thank you...I didn’t even know my boyfriend at all.”

   "Huh? What self-consciousness?"

   "A sense of righteousness."

  Xie Dingyuan smiled: "Yueyue..."

you are so nice.


  Jiang Fuyue took him roughly for a full circle, and it was already dark.

  The two left the laboratory and walked on the boulevard of the campus. There were bright street lights beside the road.

  Xie Dingyuan held her hand and slowly adjusted it to clasp her fingers.

   "Go, go to eat."

  There is a hot pot restaurant across the road outside the school gate.

  After entering, Xie Dingyuan ordered the dishes she likes, and provided food pick-up service throughout the process.

  Anyway, the plate in front of Jiang Fuyue has never lacked meat.

  Until the end, "...It's not working, I can't eat it anymore."

  Xie Dingyuan stopped and started filling his belly.

  While he was eating, Jiang Fuyue looked at him with her chin supported.

  It was okay at the beginning. After a long time, the man became a little uncomfortable: "What do you think I do?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "You look good."

  Xie Dingyuan: "..." The straight man is shy and his ears are red.

  After eating and checking out, the two left the hot pot restaurant and walked along the road.

  Since several colleges and universities are concentrated in this area, although it is during the summer vacation, there are many students staying in school. After nightfall, you can see young couples hanging out hand in hand.

  Xie Dingyuan and Jiang Fuyue mingled among them, except for their outstanding appearance, they are no different from ordinary lovers.

  Especially the greasy pink bubbles around, they are exactly the same as the college students in love.


  After Xu Kaiqing left Ming University, he returned to Q University and stayed in the laboratory until dark before leaving.

  It is worth mentioning that Zhou Zhengqi called a quiet on the way back, which is completely different from the way he complained and complained when he went there.

  Xu Kaiqing didn't bother to ask if his face hurts.

  Because the facts are all written on his old face with no worries.

   After leaving school, Xu Kaiqing intends to buy something to eat at will. When he gets home, there will be hot dishes and rice waiting for him.

  Suddenly, his footsteps stagnated, he was stunned, his eyes widened, his gaze falling not far ahead.

  I saw Jiang Fuyue and a man walking together hand in hand, talking and laughing, with an intimate attitude.

  And the back of that man...inexplicably familiar!

   "Who the **** is it?" He whispered, "I must have seen it..."

  At this moment, the two people who were walking suddenly stopped, and the man turned sideways, raising his hand to wipe a leaf from the girl’s hair.

  Other people around don’t think there is anything. After all, there are too many couples in pairs, and there are not no couples who kiss in the street, but Xu Kaiqing is taken aback. The whole portrait is nailed to the place and cannot move.

  At this moment, he opened his mouth in surprise and his old eyes were round--

  Xie Dingyuan? !

  It is Xie Dingyuan!

  He and Jiang Fuyue?

   These two people...

When did this happen? He didn't even know.

   Still saying... the old eyes are dim and you misunderstood?

  Xu Kaiqing shook his head, then looked in that direction, um, it’s true, not dizzy.

  In order to make sure he sees clearly enough, he took a few steps forward.


   "Professor Xu! Old Xu!" Someone shouted, not only succeeded in bringing all the eyes around Xu Kaiqing, Jiang Fuyue and Xie Dingyuan also looked back subconsciously.

  The old man froze in place, unable to hide, and gave an awkward smile: "Hi! What a coincidence, have you eaten? I'm a treat!"

  In fact, he secretly scolded the man who called him upside down.

  Jiang Fuyue: "?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "..."

  The two looked at each other, released their hands, and walked towards him.

  Waiting to get to the front, Xu Kaiqing suddenly stern: "You continue to lead? Why do you loosen it?" Hurry up! "

   Jiang Fuyue's mouth twitched.

  Xie Dingyuan was directly speechless.

   Xu Kaiqing:?

  Did he say something wrong?

   "Cough! You two..." The old eyes rolled, and his gaze flickered between Xie Dingyuan and Jiang Fuyue, "Is it talked about?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "...Hmm."

  Although he had expected it, but it was confirmed, he was still surprised.

   Xu Kaiqing looked at Xie Dingyuan's eyes and began to become critical.

Originally, his evaluation of this person in his mind was quite high: a new generation of academic leaders in China, and the current domestic research scholar with the strongest comprehensive ability of disciplines. His biochemical field is related to national conditions and people's livelihood, not to mention that he led the team to go there some time ago. F continent fights against Schenckworth virus...

  In short, this is an outstanding young scientist who is better than blue.

  Almost all praise words can be used on him.

  But why is Xu Kaiqing so...unacceptable when he becomes a "sorrowful" boyfriend?

  In his opinion, "sorrow" is the white moonlight in the sky. Ordinary people can only look up, but cannot reach out to touch them.

  He can only respect it from a distance, quietly watching, how can Xie Dingyuan and He De capture the moonlight?

  Although Xu Kaiqing didn't want to admit it, it is true-he is very unbalanced!

  It's so sour!

  Xie Dingyuan:?

  Why does Xu Lao look at me wanting to eat people?

   "I think, I need to be quiet..." After leaving this sentence, the old man strode away without looking back.

  Jiang Fuyue frowned: "What happened to him?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "I don't know."


  The night darkened. At ten o'clock, Jiang Fuyue received a call from Han Shen——

   "Yueyue, when will you go home? Do you need me to pick you up?"

   "No, I drove the car and will go back soon."


   Ending the call, Jiang Fuyue put away the phone and said, "I'm going back."

  The man clasped her wrist, his eyes full of dismay: "tonight...can you not leave?"

Next to    is an express hotel, with such lines, ambiguous.

  A couple of lovers passed by, and upon hearing the words, they showed a mysterious smile of "all the same people".

  Xie Dingyuan: "Ah! I mean, I can live in my house, not the hotel..."

  Jiang Fuyue: "Is there a difference?"

   "Of course! There are so many rooms in my house!"

   "There are also a lot of hotel rooms."


  "Then I will take you back." His tone was dull.

  Getting into the car, Jiang Fuyue held the bouquet of roses that the man gave, and stroked the petals with his fingertips, again and again.

  The man looked straight ahead and looked at the road, but the peripheral light floated to the co-pilot from time to time, and his Adam's apple rolled lightly.

  "You came to Mingda to find me today when you got off the plane?"


  It's no wonder that you are all in the dust.

   "The flowers are beautiful, and I like the surprises."

  Xie Dingyuan’s mouth rose slightly, as if he was not so depressed anymore.

  Although still reluctant...

  Thirty minutes later, the car stopped in front of the villa.

  Jiang Fuyue released the seat belt and prepared to open the door. The next second, he was dragged back by the man and came up in a kiss.


  In an instant, two words appeared in Jiang Fuyue's mind-crazy!

  This is at the door of Han's house. Uncle is still waiting for her to go home, and he may be found at any time!

    Three more in one, six thousand words.



  (End of this chapter)

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