After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 724: Have fun in it, the years are quiet and good (three shifts in one)

  Chapter 724 There is fun in it, and the years are quiet (three changes in one)

   "Yue Yue is back?"


  Han Shen was holding a water glass and was about to receive water, "Why is your face so red?"

   " there? It may be too hot."

  "Let the kitchen make a can of mung bean soup tomorrow, and you will take it to the laboratory."

   "Okay. Then I will go upstairs first."

   "Go, rest early."

  Back to the room, Jiang Fuyue went straight to the bathroom, took a handful of cold water and patted her face.

  I looked up and saw myself in the mirror, his face was like a peach blossom, his lips were red, and his eyes were sparkling.

  A picture of the two entangled flashed in my mind unconsciously, inside the cramped car, the man’s breathing was hot...

  Jiang Fuyue tweeted lightly, "The male color is wrong."

  At the same time, Xie Dingyuan was driving, holding the steering wheel with his hands and looking straight ahead.

   Suddenly, he didn't know what he was thinking of, and the corners of his mouth rose.

  There was still a smile on his face until he entered the house.

  The old man and the old lady are watching TV in the living room, unexpectedly hearing the noise——

   "Did someone open the door?"

  The old man turned his ears and listened for a few seconds: "Why didn't I find out?"

   "Just now! I'm going to see..." Then, the old lady got up and walked towards the entrance.

   In the next second, a surprise voice was heard: "A Yuan?! Why are you back?! Old man, what are you still doing? My son is back!"

  Xie Zhendong only recovered from the shock, and quickly stepped forward, and at first glance, he was really the youngest!

   "I don't know how to say hello when I come back, look scared your mother!"

  Cough! Also scared him.

  Xie Dingyuan: "It was decided temporarily."

"have you eaten?"


  "Would you like to eat more?"

   "Mom, you don't need to be busy, I'm not hungry."

  The old lady looked at her son distressedly, with tears shining: "I'm thin again."

  Xie Dingyuan: "..." In the mouth of the old lady, he has never been fat.

   "Tired? Go upstairs to rest." As he said, he patted the dust on his shoulder.

  Suddenly the old lady moved for a while and sniffed twice.

  Xie Dingyuan didn't notice it.

  After he left, the old man asked: "What happened to you just now?"

  The old lady raised her right hand calmly, and saw a piece of hair between her thumb and index finger.

   To be more precise, it is a long hair!


  The old man's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it: "found it on Xiao Jiu?"

   "Otherwise? It's just stuck on the shoulder, I can see it at a glance."

   "This... doesn't explain much." The old man calmed down quickly and rationally analyzed: "Maybe he was next to someone on the road accidentally, or the wind blew his hair on him."

  Who knows that the old lady's tone is firm: "Impossible! A man who is so particular about our son, you don't know how can you allow other people's hair to stick to yourself?"

   "Yeah..." The old man smacked his lips, "He has a habit of cleanliness. But maybe he didn't find it and didn't clean it up."

   "Well, even if the hair is accidental, what about the fragrance?"

  The old man was taken aback: "Scent? What kind of fragrance?"

  "You didn’t smell the fragrance of rose on A Yuan? He never used perfume. When someone used it on the road, it was how far away it was. And rose, you taste, you fine taste!"

   "So, you mean, A Yuan was with the girl before he came back?"

   "And I also gave the other party roses." The old lady had a firm tone.

  "Can't it be a rose-scented perfume?"

  "I have tuned the fragrance for decades, can't even the smell of perfume and real flowers be distinguished?"

  The old man was speechless.

   After a long while, he spit out: "...Xiao Jiu is in love?"

   "I heard Yunzao say that he was eating with a girl and was hit by him. Could it be this?"

  The old man rubbed his chin: "I think it's very possible. Xiao Jiu is not the kind of scumbag who is not a scumbag. He won't change people so quickly."

  The old lady nodded in agreement: "Why don't I... I will go up and tap on the side, inquire about it?"

   "Come on, just because his three sticks can't make a sullen temper, it's a question of nothing."

  The old lady is curious. The son has been single for more than 20 years, and finally there is a tendency for iron trees to bloom. Even the roses are sent. It seems that this posture will probably be successful!

  So, what kind of girl took down her big iceberg?

   "You don't want to know?"

  Old man: "Yes. But what's the use of thinking?"

  Old lady: "..." cannot be refuted.

  This night, the old couple slept with a smile.

  Although I don’t know who my future daughter-in-law will be for the time being, my single older single dog has finally gotten to know that it’s time to talk about love. This alone is enough to make the old couple feel gratified.


  The next day Jiang Fuyue had breakfast and set off to the laboratory.

   There is still half a month before the start of Mingda school. Within this half month, she must complete the remaining experiments, organize and analyze the data, and then write a complete thesis.

  Time is tight, and one day can’t be delayed!

  Fortunately, during the construction of the new laboratory, although Q University no longer allows her to use the A3 experimental area, all the data used in the early and mid-term has been released.

   Therefore, Jiang Fuyue has not been idle during this period, staying at home to do data analysis, working ten hours a day, and being in the laboratory is no different.

  Due to the lack of professional data analysis equipment, many difficulties arose in the process, but they were all solved by Jiang Fuyue.

  If there is no equipment, then write your own program instead.

  If there is no data record template, redo one.

  Building bridges when encountering water, digging holes in the mountains, all difficulties are not difficult when Jiang Fuyue is in front of them, it is called-play!

  Waiting for her to go to the laboratory, she found that the light was on.

  Xie Dingyuan turned around and smiled slightly: "coming?"

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows: "Why are you here?"

  "Didn’t you give me the key yesterday?"

  She showed helplessness: "I mean, you don’t have to be so early. You had a hard time yesterday. You should have a good rest and sleep in."

  The man sighed faintly: "What do you sleep in? No one is with him."

   Jiang Fuyue's mouth twitched: "...have been here for a long time?"

   "Half an hour earlier than you."

   "Have you had breakfast?" Jiang Fuyue asked him while putting on her lab gown.

   "Eat. Do you have more lab coats?"

   "Why? You want to go to the experimental platform?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "Then it depends on whether you are willing to use my free labor."

  Jiang Fuyue's eyes lit up, "You said it's free, don't use it for nothing."

  The man spread his hands: "My pleasure."

  In exchange for the girl blow a kiss.

  Xie Dingyuan: "It would be better to fall here." He pointed to his cheek.


  Xie Dingyuan will report to the laboratory every day for the next few days.

  Except that Jiang Fuyue drove over by himself on the first day, he stopped early to pick him up outside the villa, like a conscientious knight.

  And it could not be discovered by Han Qishan and her three uncles.

   "Why? Am I shameless?" Professor Xie had a temper.

  Jiang Fuyue: "I'm afraid you will be beaten when you first meet."

  Xie Dingyuan: "..."

After a while, he squeezed out: "I have thick skin."

  It was Jiang Fuyue's turn to be speechless.

  After this, he will take the initiative to stop to the open space 50 meters ahead of the villa.

  This person actually asked for credit--

   "Look, I have to pick you up and do confidential work, which is also very tiring."


   "I want a reward."

  "What prize—huh!"

  I don’t know how long it took, the man smacked his lips contentedly: "Sweet."

  Jiang Fuyue: "?" Is this person getting through the second line of Ren and Du?


  In fact, the two get along more in the laboratory.

  Xie Dingyuan said to help, not a joke.

  Jiang Fuyue didn't treat him as an outsider either. He would never be embarrassed to speak if he had any tasks assigned to him.

  So, you can often see such a picture in the laboratory——

  Jiang Fuyue sat in front of the experimental platform to control the parameters and adjust the instruments and equipment, while Xie Dingyuan sat at the head, recording the data, and doing preliminary integration and analysis.

  Both of them are wearing white lab coats. At first glance, they look like couple outfits.

  With the help of Xie Dingyuan, the experiment progress was directly accelerated by half.

  Regardless of whether Jiang Fuyue is fast or slow, he can always keep up with the rhythm and do his best.

  There is no need for Jiang Fuyue to say what to do next, he can understand.

  With him, is more than a tiger even more powerful?

   is simply "like a tiger and a tiger", one tiger has another tiger.

  The effect is of course one plus one is greater than two.

  Waiting for Xie Dingyuan to sort out the preliminary data analysis report, and when it was delivered to Jiang Fuyue, the girl suddenly raised her eyes and stared at him.


   "I... Is there anything on my face?"



  "On the left is'Tian', and on the right is'Cai'."


  Xie Dingyuan smiled, but he felt that the real genius was sitting opposite, staring at him.

  The dark pupils reflected his complete face, and his eyes were filled with him.

  "As a genius girlfriend, what do you think of Miss Jiang?"

  The girl rolled her eyes: "What should I do if my boyfriend is too smart to control?"

  He thought for a while: "...No matter how smart you are, you can't escape the palm of your hand."

   "That's true." The chin lifted slightly, proud.

  Xie Dingyuan helplessly shook his head: "You..."

The two words    are endlessly pampering and conniving.

  Occasionally Jiang Fuyue also worried: "You are so easy to use, what should I do when I am used to it?"

  In the future, if you change anyone else to be an assistant, you will feel that Xie Dingyuan is inferior.

  The man laughed softly when he heard the words, and he didn't know whether he was happy because of his ability or because he was dependent on her.

  "Is this just called-once the sea was embarrassing, but Wushan is not a cloud?"

  I have seen the sea, but the water elsewhere is not enough; I have seen the clouds in Wushan, and the clouds in other places are not called clouds.

  Have the best, and everything else becomes "will be".

   "So," Xie Dingyuan's eyes were full of joy: "I am the best solution."

  "..." increasingly shameless.

  "You filter out the new set of data."


  "Give me the remote control of the 325 device."

  The man got it and passed it.

   "The test report of XT equipment, is it out?"

   "There are two minutes left."

   Say one by one, do it one by one, cooperate perfectly, and get a perfect understanding.

I just don’t know what other people would think about seeing this scene-Professor Xie Tangtang, a domestic expert in biochemical field, now works as an assistant in his girlfriend’s laboratory. Look like.



  Although the two are in a romantic relationship, and they are in the same laboratory, it is inevitable to talk and chat, but that is only a few times.

  Most of the time, both of them are busy with their heads down.

  Jiang Fuyue moved between various experimental equipment, busy adjusting parameters, controlling variables, and leading the entire experimental process.

  And Xie Dingyuan sat in front of the computer, screening the data, packaging and integrating, analyzing after the computer, and finally issuing a report to Jiang Fuyue.

  Jiang Fuyue, after reading it, using the machine to verify that it is correct, it can be included in the analysis library and used as valid data.

  The whole process is boring and long. It requires the brain to stay awake at all times, the mind keeps running, and one step of the mistake must be made, and all psychological preparations must be made again.

  Whether it is right attitude or endurance, it is a great test.

  Therefore, there has been a saying in the scientific research community: Doing academics is equivalent to sitting in meditation.

  Jiang Fuyue disagrees.

  When a person is truly addicted and passionate about one thing and devotes himself to it, all difficulties become the force of approach, the flying wind, and the rolling waves.

  Looking at the girl with focused eyes and serious side face, the man's eyes were obsessed for a moment.

  He just stared at her on the experimental platform, as if seeing the brightest and shining star in the dark night.


  Because of Xie Dingyuan's joining, the work originally planned to be completed in half a month will be completed in one week.

  Time has been cut in half.

  On the day when the manuscript was finished, Jiang Fuyue clicked "Send", and the paper was submitted to major academic journals in the world in the form of email.

  The rest can only be handed over to time.

   "You're done." She smiled at Xie Dingyuan, and the light flowed between her eyebrows.

   "Congratulations." The man stepped forward and gave her a hug.

  Who knows, I won’t let go of this hug.

   "Hey, where do you put your hand?"

  He didn’t move away, but instead got worse, a low-pitched voice rang in her ears, accompanied by a hot breath: "I should be rewarded, right?"

  The girl curled her lips, her eyes flowed: "But I didn't say anything to pay for it?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "...cough!"

  Actually he thought.


  The experiment is over, the paper is finished, and there is still a week before the start of school, Jiang Fuyue completely relaxes.

  Exactly what Xie Dingyuan wanted!

  She even wondered if this person desperately helped her because of this day.

  Xie Dingyuan: "Do you have any arrangements?"

  Jiang Fuyue shook her head.

  He laughed, "I have!"

   "What arrangement?"

   "We can't do anything between couples."


  Jiang Fuyue was lazy, and simply let him arrange it all.

  Then the first day, Xie Dingyuan took her to the hotel and opened the room.

  Jiang Fuyue: "?" The subway grandfather looks at his mobile phone.

  This hotel is built in the mid-levels, with Chinese style. Each suite is a detached house, with its own courtyard and garden. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the environment is quiet.

  It’s not far from the city center. It takes about half an hour by car to get there.

  Jiang Fuyue fell in love with it at first sight, and even the air smelled of freshness.

   Then, she turned on the huhuo sleep mode.

  On the first day of staying, I slept from nine o'clock in the evening to eight o'clock in the morning of the next day, got up for breakfast, and went for a walk with Xie Dingyuan.

Back to the small courtyard, leaning on the sandal chair, next to a pot of tea, cooking on a low fire, the tea fragrance, light white mist, Jiang Fuyue held a "A Brief History of Time" in her hand, did not turn a few pages. He tilted his head again and fell asleep.

  Xie Dingyuan took out a blanket from inside, covered her with light hands and feet, and then lay down on another lounge chair next to her, and went to sleep with her eyes closed.

  The antique courtyard, the shade of the trees crushed the sunlight and cast a mottled ground.

  In the sound of birds singing, the fragrance of flowers bursts, a man and a woman taking a nap.

  Time seems to stop here, condensing such a scene into a picture.

  The years are quiet and the time is gentle.


When Jiang Fuyue woke up, it was just as the sun went down.

  The orange-red ball hung in the sky, getting heavier and lower.

  She still remembers the day she was born again, which was also such a midsummer evening, half of the sky was dyed orange-red by the burning clouds.

  She was walking alone on the way home from school, facing an unfamiliar environment and a brand-new identity. Although she was calm, she was unavoidable.

  Now, she has adapted to the new life and found new goals.

  Jiang Fuyue turned her head and looked at Xie Dingyuan, who was sleeping peacefully.

  There are still people to accompany.

  God arranged a death, but gave her a new life.

   "You are looking at me." The man woke up somehow, opened his eyes, there was no sleep in his eyes, only a small smile.

  Jiang Fuyue did not avoid it, but looked more confidently.

   "Yeah, won't you show me?"

   "Yes! And unconditionally met."

  The two looked at each other and smiled.

  Dinner was eaten at the hotel, did not go to the restaurant, directly ordered room service.

  Jiang Fuyue heard the other side asking very intimately: "...Does Mr. needs wine?"

  Xie Dingyuan was about to say no, who knew Jiang Fuyue suddenly spoke up——


  At the other end, it should be ready immediately.

  Xie Dingyuan: "You want to drink?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Drink a drink and be happy."


  The goblet collided lightly and made a sound, and the red wine inside swayed into an elegant arc, and it was just right to wake up.

  The two sit opposite each other, and a small floral tablecloth is spread on the long wooden Chinese-style table.

  In the decorative vase, there are a few blooming peony flowers.

  Pink-white outer petals, with a filamentous inner layer, concealing the light yellow flower center, the faint floral fragrance mixed with red wine slightly drunk, rendering the atmosphere just right.

  Jiang Fuyue ridiculed: "To my most capable assistant, whether at work or in life."

  Xie Dingyuan corrected: "It's a boyfriend."

   "Okay, guys, friends, friends!"

  He raised his glass with satisfaction, and when he raised his head, his Adam's apple was exposed, and he swallowed and rolled gently.

  Jiang Fuyue couldn't help licking her lips, and suddenly her mouth became dry, so she took another sip.

   "You slow down."


  "When did you learn to drink?"

  The girl blinked, her cheeks flushed thinly: "It will be in the last life."

  Xie Dingyuan only when she talks drunk.

   "What about you?" Jiang Fuyue asked back, "When will it be?"


  Actually, he has never been very good at...

  After deciding to engage in scientific research, Xie Dingyuan paid special attention to his diet, work and rest, and hardly touched alcohol and tobacco.

  Only rare occasions make exceptions, but they are also very restrained.

   "You don't drink too much," he took away the decanter and put the remaining half bottle of red wine on the shelf, "just this small half glass."

  The girl's beautiful peach blossom eyes looked at him sparklingly, and after hearing the words, she blinked, and said cleverly: "Okay."

  Xie Dingyuan's heart is softened.

  She didn't want to drink much.

  Alcohol can affect brain nerves and cause slow thinking. Drinking is really just a small drink, only occasionally, not often.

   At this point, the two have the same cognition, and there is no contradiction.


   "Why is your face so red?" Jiang Fuyue watched the man's cheeks covered with haze, spreading to the base of his ears.

  Xie Dingyuan's eyes flickered, and he didn't want to admit: "...really?"

   "If you don't believe me, look at it." Jiang Fuyue pointed to the cabinet mirror on the opposite side, which happened to be able to catch him.

  Who knows that the man doesn’t turn his head, but he just doesn’t look over there.

  As long as I don’t look at it, I don’t recognize it.

  Jiang Fuyue reacted and laughed: "Hahaha...Xie Dingyuan, you have to face up when you drink."

  The corner of the man's mouth twitched.

  Is the upper face weird? !

  Not surprising, but a big man...

  "It will make others think you are not man enough, you know?"

  "This ‘other’ also includes you?" He gritted his teeth, his tone cold.

  Jiang Fuyue was about to speak. In the next second, the man suddenly got up, leaned forward, stretched his long arms, directly over the dining table, buckled the back of her neck with his big palm, and then gently moved it.

  Jiang Fuyue's upper body inevitably moved forward, with his eyes facing each other, his nose almost reaching the tip of his nose, and his breath full of wine gradually intertwined.

   "You..." She swallowed, "What are you doing?"

   "Since it's hard to say, then don't say it."


   "I will let you know, I am a man, or not a man."


  The next second, his lips came up.

  Jiang Fuyue: "!"

  This meal took nearly two hours.

  Men open eyebrows and smile, women's lips are crimson.

  After the meal, the hotel staff came to clean up the table, and the two went out for a walk and wandered around.

  The hotel is built in the middle of a mountain and has a large area. In the design of the scenery, many artificial carvings are removed, and the original natural parts are preserved. For example, most of the trees in the garden are originally grown in this mountain forest.

  The wind at night brought a bit of coolness, and the temperature difference between day and night in the mountains was large, but for a short while, Jiang Fuyue felt a little cool.

   At this moment, a coat with body temperature was draped over her shoulder...

    Three shifts together, six thousand words.

     My relatives visited today and my stomach hurts. Maybe I’ll change it in the next chapter, but try to keep it at 6000 and get a vaccination first.



  (End of this chapter)

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