After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 725: Lou Mingshen comes, take a group photo (two more in one)

  Chapter 725 Lou Mingshen is coming, take a group photo (two more in one)


  The man held her tightly again with his own hands.

   "There is a hot spring here, do you want to soak?"

  Jiang Fuyue shook her head: "Forget it today, let's talk about it tomorrow."


  After shopping for half an hour, the two turned back.

  Jiang Fuyue started yawning again.


  She nodded: "This place is great for sleeping."

  Xie Dingyuan laughed in a low voice.

  Jiang Fuyue reacted abruptly: "Okay, you deliberately brought me here on purpose."

  The man's warm palm touched her hair: "I just want you to be clean and rest for two days."


  After taking a shower, Jiang Fuyue blew her hair half-dry, put a coat over her pajamas, and then walked to the balcony while grabbing her hair.

  It turned out that Xie Dingyuan was also there. He had already taken a shower, changed his pajamas, and leaned on the handrail to blow the air.

  Jiang Fuyue walked over, stood side by side with him, and with his beautiful legs, he stepped back and leaned on the handrail.

  She is wearing shorts, the length only reaches the middle of her thighs. With this lean, her straight and slender legs are visually elongated again.

  The ankles are exquisite and small, and the toes are white and cute.

  The man seemed to be hot, and he quickly looked away, but his Adam's apple was rolling up and down restlessly.

   "Aren't you sleepy? Why don't you sleep?"

   "I feel refreshed after the shower, come out and blow the hair."

  The voice just fell, as if for the occasion, a night wind blew over her, blowing her long hair behind her back.

  Hair brushed the man's arm lightly, still with a moist touch.

  The fragrance is floating, which is unique to her.

  Xie Dingyuan's fingers are slightly curled up on his side, and the fingertips are lightly curled.

  "Then I'll go to sleep first..." The man left this sentence behind.

"and many more."

  Xie Dingyuan looked back and asked.

  Jiang Fuyue curls her lips, and the moonlight shines on her white face, with a cool temperament.

  Like clear white porcelain, but also like crystal clear.

  'S voice also showed a faint coolness: "What are you hiding?"

  Xie Dingyuan subconsciously denied: "I didn't..."

  Who knows that Jiang Fuyue doesn’t listen at all: “Am I a beast? I won’t eat you, so what?”

  The man gave a wry smile.

  "You are not, I am..."


   "Cough! Your hair is dry, I'll get a hair dryer."

  After speaking, he fled.

  Jiang Fuyue looked inexplicable.

   Soon, Xie Dingyuan took the hair dryer out, plugged it in, and handed it to Jiang Fuyue.

  The latter shook his head, but did not answer, but turned his back to him.

  The man understood, and began to work hard to blow her hair.

  The action is still not proficient, but he does it very carefully, and his serious profile is damnedly charming in the light.

  Jiang Fuyue sees everything through the full-length mirror not far away.

  The corners of the mouth rise.

   "...Okay." The man turned off the hair dryer, and in order to ensure that it was completely dried, he touched her hair everywhere, down to the roots.

  Rough finger pads inevitably rubbed the soft scalp, making Jiang Fuyue stiff.

   "What's wrong? Is it a pain?"

   "...No." She backed away half a step, "I'm going to bed, and you should rest earlier."



  Jiang Fuyue: "Good night."

   "Good night, Yueyue." The deep voice was inexplicably lingering, especially the "Yueyue", like a hook hidden in it, unprovoked.

  Now, the person who fled into the wild becomes her.


  The next day Jiang Fuyue woke up naturally when she slept, and when she opened the door and went out, Xie Dingyuan was already dressed neatly.

  A hearty breakfast is on the table.

  The two said good morning to each other.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Do you want to go out?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "Go climbing today."

  After breakfast, the two set off.

The   Mountain is at the back of the hotel, very close, and the terrain is not too steep. As there are frequent guests going up the mountain, the hotel simply contracted this area for tourism development.

  Xie Dingyuan walked fast, Jiang Fuyue was not slow, and the two quickly reached the top of the mountain.

  At a glance, it turned out to be flat.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Go to the viewing platform and have a look."

  Xie Dingyuan accompanied her.

  The two stood on the stage, with transparent glass under their feet, stepping on them as if they were hanging in the air.

  In the distance are mountains and grasses, which are lush and lush in midsummer.

  Under the cover of this green, the place where the Chinese tile eaves and carved roof are exposed is where the hotel is located.

  Looking down from a certain angle, Jiang Fuyue actually felt so familiar.


  She is pretty sure that she has never been to such a hotel before, neither in her previous life nor in this life.

   "What's wrong?" Xie Dingyuan asked softly when she noticed her distraction.

  Jiang Fuyue shook her head, shaking off the feeling: "It's okay."

  Xie Dingyuan: "Looking out from this direction, the visual effect is the best, you try?"

  Speaking, hold the girl's shoulders with both hands and adjust the position.

  Jiang Fuyue let him move, and finally stood still and raised his eyes...

"so beautiful."

  I can see it in this direction, the mountains are continuous, the color of the grass and trees are from light to dark, and the layers are distinct.

  There are two houses on the mountainside, and smoke is rising from the roof.

  Jiang Fuyue watched the scene, Xie Dingyuan watched her.

   Hearing the words, gently echoed: "It's really beautiful..."

  At this time, Jiang Fuyue suddenly turned her head to look at him, her eyes facing each other, and the man's eyes could not escape her.


   "Let you see the scenery, what do you see me doing?"

   "...You look better than the scenery." He said unequivocally.

  Jiang Fuyue's ears are crisp, and the tips of her heart are slightly numb.

   "Look here, two of you—"

   Suddenly there was a sound from behind him.

  Jiang Fuyue and Xie Dingyuan turned their heads at the same time, only listening to the click of the shutter. The two stood on the viewing platform, and the scene of looking back together with a smile was frozen.

  The person who took the photo is the owner, employee and photographer of the "Mountain Photo Studio".

  The storefront is not far behind diagonally.

  He was sitting in the shop for breakfast, and through the window he saw a man and woman with excellent looks and perfect match standing on the viewing platform. His hands were itchy for a while, so he couldn't help taking his camera out.

  This is the scene captured just now.

  Jiang Fuyue discovered that what he was holding was actually a film camera.

   Things that were popular 50 years ago were gradually replaced by digital cameras and camera phones, and now they are no longer on the market.

   "...Yes, film, you have a lot of knowledge, depending on your young age."

  It is reasonable to say that someone in their ten or twenty years old should have never seen this stuff before, but she didn't expect that she would say it in one mouthful.

   "Cough! I read it in the book."

  The boss didn’t doubt that he had him, and only said, “If you two won’t go down the mountain for the time being, you can wait for me to wash the photos and take them away, along with the negatives.”

  Out of respect for customer privacy, he generally does not keep negatives.



  But said that down the mountain, in front of the hotel gate, a Rolls-Royce stopped steadily.

  Immediately, a staff member stepped forward to open the car door and bowed to please.

  A bright leather shoe first appeared in front of everyone. Looking up, it was a straight suit and trousers. The man got off the station and stood tall and straight, and his long legs were particularly eye-catching.

  The person in charge of the hotel stepped forward with a respectful tone: "Mr. Lou."

  Lou Ming is deep in his eyes without squinting, he goes straight in, and the person in charge also tends to follow behind.

   "Where are people?"

  "Arranged in a small meeting room on the top floor."

Lou Mingshen nodded: "Very good."

   "Then now..."

  "The Third East Hospital, give me the room card."

  The person in charge was taken aback: "Aren’t you going to see Mr. Wei first?"

   Lou Mingshen expressionlessly: "Since he likes to wait, just wait. I'll sleep first."


  In the end, he could only obediently hand in his room card, and watched this master go to the third-party hospital that he usually specializes in.

  After a while, the assistant called and said in an anxious tone: “Mr. Hou, I can’t sit in the conference room anymore. When will Mr. Lou arrive?”

   "It's not there anymore."

   "What?! Then, what do you do now? President Wei has already started to go crazy."

  As soon as the voice fell, there was the sound of falling objects.

   "President Hou, come here quickly, I... can't stand it!"

  "Don't worry, I will be there soon."

  All these are ancestors!


  There is a Floating Cloud Restaurant on the top of the mountain, built high above the sky. Jiang Fuyue originally thought it was a stunt, but it didn’t necessarily taste great.

  But when the dishes are served and eaten in your mouth, she is really fragrant.

  It may be that climbing the mountain consumed energy, Jiang Fuyue ate more than usual during this meal.

  Xie Dingyuan was influenced by her, and his appetite was also very appetizing.

  After lunch, the two of them took a break and continued to the other side of the mountain.

  This mountain has the West Peak and the North Peak. You can only go up and down from the West Peak. The North Peak can also walk, but it is too far away from the hotel, so there is no open exit, and the development level is not as good as the West Peak.

  Since it's here, of course I have to go to Beifeng to see it.

  Photo gallery owner: "Don’t forget to come back to get the photos!"

  Jiang Fuyue did not look back, waved her hand to show that she knew it.

  The North Peak was really desolate, and the terrain was not as smooth as the West Peak. In less than half an hour, Jiang Fuyue felt a little strenuous.

  Xie Dingyuan is okay, his face is not red, he is not breathless, and he is comfortable.

  "Sit down and rest for a while." He found a smooth rock, spread his coat, and let Jiang Fuyue sit down.

  Then took out the water glass from the bag and handed it over: "Drink some."

  She raised her hand and took it: "Thank you."

The temperature of   North Peak is also different from that of West Peak. The latter is a windward slope, warm and humid, and here...

  The wind blows on the face, it is dry and astringent, and the temperature is much lower.

  Ten minutes later, the two set off again.

  But they didn't go too far. There were lush forests and places where prohibited signs were hung. Both of them tried their best to avoid or stop turning back.

  After all, the lessons of Tianluoshan are still vivid.

  At four o'clock in the afternoon, the two began to turn around and walk back.

  In a short while, the originally sunny sky suddenly became gloomy.

  A dark cloud came over.

  Xie Dingyuan: "It's going to rain."

  Jiang Fuyue: "Go faster."

  The two hurriedly hurried, but before returning to the top of the mountain, the rain fell.

  Jiang Fuyue found a rock and greeted Xie Dingyuan: "Here--"

  The two huddled under the rock, watching the rain curtain, like a curtain of beads hanging down.

   "Isn't it a leeward slope?" Jiang Fuyue whispered.

  The man heard the words and smiled at the corners of his mouth: “Who said that it must not rain on the leeward slope? There are always exceptions to everything.”

   "We just caught up..."

  I don’t know if it is “unlucky” or “lucky”.

  The cool breeze blew, Jiang Fuyue shrank inward.

  The next second, I was hugged into a warm embrace.

  The man wrapped her in his clothes from behind, so that his slender back pressed against his strong chest.

  At the same time as the heat transfer, the ambiguity is also fermenting.

  Not to mention Xie Dingyuan's hands are still wrapped around the girl's waist, so tight and so dry.


  He called her.

  The breath is right in the ear, hot and sultry.


  "Do we look like a pair of wild mandarin ducks? The mandarin ducks are in the water, and we are in the rain."

  Jiang Fuyue couldn't laugh or cry: "Can you change to a better metaphor?"

   "I only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals. Isn't that good?"

   "The moral is good, but... Mandarin ducks always feel like a duck. Do you want to be a duck?"


  Xie Dingyuan almost choked, after a long while: "...You can't say that men are like ducks."

  Jiang Fuyue: "Didn't you say it?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "..."

  The rain is still falling, Jiang Fuyue nestled in the warm arms of the man, still in the mood to enjoy the scenery.

   "Look over there... and over there..." She pointed to Xie Dingyuan.

  The man looked at him carelessly, scanning each one roughly, because all the senses were concentrated on the body in his arms.

  Her back is thin, but the curve is perfect. The rounded place is never flat, and the flat place is not convex.

  Fiber fit, slim and slim.

  Xie Dingyuan looked down slightly, and you could see a snow-white neck. Downward, there were two delicate clavicles, and then down...

  He looked away like an electric shock.

   Vision can be blocked, but smell is not.

   A clear citrus scent, mixed with a bit of rain, gradually spread in his arms, and finally inevitably drifted into his nostrils.

  In an instant, it was as if he had gotten into a small bug, which made him itchy, but he was helpless.

  Can only take a few deep breaths and forcefully press down.

  Although the two of them only have one room, the courtyard-structured suite has two bedrooms and two baths, but they actually live separately.

  The night is quiet, the moonlight is bleak, he is tortured by the heat of the body so that he can't sleep, it's not that he is not greedy.

  On the contrary, he was worried about remembering it.

  But she was afraid that she would scare her like that, so she could only hide in the room and take a cold shower over and over again.

  But she was unprepared, her heart was bold and fat, and she actually broke in several times when he was changing clothes, swaggering and confident.

  At that time, Xie Dingyuan could not wait to throw her on the bed, try her best, give a severe lesson, and see if she will dare to...

   With her rebelliousness, she would definitely say dare, just right, then "teaching" her again.

   "Hi...You are so hot, Xie Dingyuan."

  Jiang Fuyue felt he was sweating.

   "Are you okay?"

  The man don't open his eyes, his voice is slightly hoarse: "...It's okay."

   Soon, the rain stopped, the sun reappeared, sweeping away all the dark clouds.

  Tianguang Daming.

   "Look, rainbow." Jiang Fuyue stretched out her hand and touched it lightly.

  The seven-color light halo reflected her beautiful side face. Xie Dingyuan couldn’t help it anymore. He lowered his head and dropped a kiss on her ears, swimming to the cheek, then the bridge of the nose, and finally the lips...

Jiang Fuyue was first released from his coat, and the next second, her big palms clasped her shoulders, and he pulled her over strongly and unwillingly. The two faced each other, and then, one hand touched the back of her neck from the shoulder and moved forward. One buckle deepens the kiss.

  I don’t know how long it took, and the rainbow had disappeared. Xie Dingyuan let go, and then took her hand.

   "Ah... let's go, the sun will go down in a while."

  It's him who can't hold back, and it's him who is shy now.

   Jiang Fuyue's mouth twitched.

  This man still has two faces...

  Forty minutes later, the two returned to the top of the mountain, and the owner of the photo gallery was about to close the door: "You are finally back. I thought you were already down the mountain and were going to send the photos directly to the hotel reception."

"Feel sorry."

  "Here, photos and negatives, no washing, no backup, five hundred yuan."

  Xie Dingyuan paid generously and handed the envelope to Jiang Fuyue, and the two went down the mountain hand in hand.

  The boss looked at the back of the two of them away, and said something in his mouth: "...I still feel familiar, where did I meet it? Why can't I remember it?"

  I left here to ponder for an afternoon, but there is still nothing to gain. Forget it, I don’t want to...

  The boss also closed the door and went down the mountain, having fun all the way, and today made another five hundred.

  It seems that I will do more business as a couple in the future.


  As the sun sets, Xie Dingyuan and Jiang Fuyue return to the hotel.

  Take a hot bath, put on clean clothes, and the hungry two go out looking for food.

  There are three restaurants in the hotel, and there are night market stalls outside the hotel.

  Because they were too tired today, the two of them were not going to go out. They decided to solve the problem nearby, so they went to the western restaurant of the hotel.

  The sound of the piano is melodious and the lights are bright.

  Because it is not self-service, it is not included in the meal coupons given by the hotel, so there are not many people who consume it, and the environment is quite good.

  Xie Dingyuan and Jiang Fuyue each ordered a good meal. Only then did they have time to open the envelope and take out the photos inside.

  Under the blue sky and green mountains, a man and a woman are standing on the viewing platform with their backs to the camera. The man is tall and tall and the woman is tall and slender. The two look back at the same time.

  The man showed only half of his face, with a sharp outline.

  The woman looks back at a larger angle than him, so she can see all her facial features, her long hair is blown by the mountain breeze in an instant, and their facial expressions are extremely natural.

  A perfect snapshot, the unique retro charm of a film camera, as if it comes with a filter.

  In the lower right corner, it says: 20519.3, in Qingwu Mountain.


  East Third Hospital.

  Lou Mingshen wakes up when he sleeps and receives a call from the person in charge of the hotel——

   "Mr. Lou, are you awake? Mr. Wei has finally been able to comfort him. He has opened a room for him to stay temporarily. It is estimated that he will continue to be arguing to see you tomorrow."

  "Tomorrow’s matter, I’ll talk about it tomorrow. I’m hungry, and I’ll have someone deliver food."


   "Wait... No need to deliver it, I'd better go to the restaurant to eat."

    Two more in one, five thousand words. Everyone has been waiting for a long time.

     is a little bit Cavan, and the stomach is not very comfortable, so there is no three shifts.



  (End of this chapter)

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