After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 728: Conservatively thank the dog and ask questions clearly (three shifts in one)

  Chapter 728 Conservative thanks to the dog, clear and deep questioning (three changes in one)

  In the night, there was sudden lightning and thunder, and the wind was violent.

  Jiang Fuyue woke up, got up and closed the window.

  Just two steps later, the door of the room was pushed open, and a man appeared at the door.


   "It's raining heavily, I'll come and have a look."

  As soon as the voice fell, lightning broke through the air, and then there was a thunder.

  Xie Dingyuan came over and closed the window for her.

  Jiang Fuyue was so happy that she went back to bed and lay down, and stretched her waist comfortably.

   Seeing that the man didn’t mean to leave, she blinked, "Is there anything else?"

   "...Aren't you afraid?"

   There was another thunder.

  Jiang Fuyue shook her head: "I'm not afraid."

  Xie Dingyuan: "..."

   "Are you... you afraid?"

  The man does not speak.

  Jiang Fuyue only acted as his acquiescence. After thinking about it, she moved aside to make a space, and tentatively said: "Do you want to come up?"

  The man slipped into the bed graciously, and a scent of citrus that belonged to her came to his face.

  Xie Dingyuan lay flat without speaking.

  In the darkness, Jiang Fuyue blinked without speaking.

  For a while, I only listened to the shallow breathing of the two, accompanied by the storm outside the window.

I do not know how long it has been--

   "Xie Dingyuan, are you asleep?"


  Jiang Fuyue changed from lying flat to lying on his side, but his hand accidentally touched him, and the man breathed tightly.

  She quickly apologized: "Sorry, I..."

  In the next second, even someone wears a quilt to make someone buckle in his arms.

  The man’s powerful arms are like iron tongs, restraining her in the meantime, unable to break free.

   "You sneak attack!"

   "Who made you move?" He was calm and relaxed.

  Jiang Fuyue: "?" Why do I change my posture to call chaos?


  At this time, another thunderstorm started outside the window.

  The man was indifferent. No matter his facial expressions or physical movements, he did not show any fear.

  Jiang Fuyue only then realized that she was fooled!

  "Are you afraid of thunder?!"

   "...I didn't say that I was afraid." It was she who thought he was afraid of course, and then invited him to bed.

  Jiang Fuyue instantly smiled: "You, go down."

  Speaking, she is about to break away from the man's arms.

  Unfortunately, the back was held down the next second and snapped back.

  Xie Dingyuan: "I don't."

   "You deliberately ran over to the room in the middle of the night to take advantage of me." Jiang Fuyue used her hands and feet together and began to exert her strength, "Let go!"

  The man gasped and gritted his teeth: "Don't move!"

  Jiang Fuyue suddenly realized something, maybe he felt something in the quilt...waking up...

   Suddenly his whole body stiffened.

   "Xie Dingyuan, you..." She swallowed, "Don't be impulsive."

   "I told you to stop moving...Ignite everywhere." The man's voice was dull.

  Jiang Fuyue stared with both eyes: "You obviously have to pick things first!"

   "Cough..." He coughed awkwardly.

  "Why are you still not well?" Jiang Fuyue felt a swell of sweat and felt uncomfortable.

  The big palm that the man held on her waist was like two **** of fire, burning and scorching again.

  She began to lift the quilt impatiently.

  But this action caused trouble again...

  The voice of the man gritting his teeth sounded in his ears: "You can't listen, do you? Still moving?!"

  Jiang Fuyue was about to cry: "Then let go, I'll stay away, no matter how you move, it won't hinder you!"

  Don’t say it, it’s really the truth.

  The man choked.

  In the end, it was still not released.

  Jiang Fuyue seemed to pull back a round, his jaw raised slightly, and he hummed softly: "Do it yourself, it's time!"

  I was pinched tightly in an instant.

   "You—" She was a little angry, and pinched him backhand.

   "Hiss!" Xie Dingyuan trembled.

  The two of you came and went, and they clamored in the bed like a child.

   "Okay, okay, no more fun!" Jiang Fuyue first proposed a truce.

  She is too hot and sweaty all over.

  Xie Dingyuan also closed his hand, Jiang Fuyue took the opportunity to slip out of bed and ran to the window.

  A gust of wind blew, the Chinese antique casement window was opened, and rain poured in.

  Jiang Fuyue only felt cold on her back, and then her pajamas became soaked.

  She quickly turned around and closed the window. Because the wind was too strong, she took a little effort to close it.

  This time she honestly buckled the latch and pushed it out to make sure it was closed.

  Only in this way, the girl's wet back is inevitably exposed to the man.

  Summer pajamas are thin, soaked in water, they cling to the skin and outline the shape of the entire back.

  Right-angled shoulders, butterfly bones, no trace of fat...

  Xie Dingyuan's brain banged and exploded.

After Jiang Fuyue closed the window, she turned back and saw the man sitting on the bed with dark eyes and faint red eyes.

  She ignored her wet back and walked over: "What's the matter with you?"

  Xie Dingyuan directly grabbed her waist, so thin...

   Then he took it into his arms and hugged it hard.

  The man has strong arms, breathlessly, and strokes her wet back with one hand.

  Jiang Fuyue gasped, her back straightened instantly.

  As far as the palm of the hand is, there is a burst of numbness and itching, and the collision of fiery and moist, as if the two heavens of ice and fire.

  Her breathing was stagnant, and her body tightened subconsciously.

   seemed to perceive her nervousness, the man leaned to her ear and gently soothed: "Don't be afraid. Let me hold it for a while..."

  Hold it for a while and it will be fine.

  Jiang Fuyue was confused at first. She didn’t know why he was excited and why he restrained it. Now, listening to his breathing slightly, and the big palm that is walking around behind her, she suddenly reacted in the light and flint--

   "Xie Dingyuan, do you want to..."

   "I won't!" The man interrupted her in a dumb voice.

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows: "Actually,'do you want' and'will you' be two different things. You don't mean you don't want to, do you?"

  The man's eyes darkened for a moment.

  Jiang Fuyue leaned forward without fear of death, and kissed his lips: "I can."

  Xie Dingyuan stiffened, his pupils quaked: "What did you say?!"

   "I said," her eyes were facing each other, and the girl said every word, "If you want, I can do it."

  The blue veins on the man’s forehead jumped sharply, his hands tightened: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

  Jiang Fuyue circled his neck, his eyes were light, and he smiled like a flower: "Of course, I am an adult, and I can make my own decision."

  Xie Dingyuan swallowed with difficulty: "You are not afraid of me... will you admit it after eating?"

  Jiang Fuyue's eyes flashed with surprise: "What do you recognize?"

   "Responsible to you."

Jiang Fuyue's eyes were suddenly full of surprise: "Professor Xie, in this society, don't you think that the relationship between men and women is like before. Once you have fallen asleep and have a relationship, you have to promise the future and talk about marriage, right? "

  "Isn't it?" Doubt flashed in the man's eyes, "I didn't consider marriage or promised the future, so why do we still have a relationship?"

   "But men and women love, you love me, many times there is no need for marriage at all, or even...cough, no need for love."

  Xie Dingyuan slowly let go of her, his fiery eyes gradually cooled and became a little cold.

   He looked down: "Do you think so? Can you have a relationship without love?"

"I'm not……"

   "So, your ‘may’ has nothing to do with liking? What are you trying to do? Vent? Greedy? Curious? On a whim?"

  Jiang Fuyue frowned, retracted her hand from the man’s neck, and left his embrace: "Do you have to misinterpret my words like this?"

   "You can say you don't fall in love, doesn't it mean that?"

  "I just give an example of extreme situations, it does not mean that I am. For example, the value range is a closed interval from a to b. Does this value have to be a or b?"

  The man's complexion is a little slow, watching her eyes focused and serious: "Then what are you? Don't take the value range, I want the accurate value."

  Jiang Fuyue curled her lips and raised her eyes, with an arrogance spontaneously emerging: "Why does someone I don’t like want to have a relationship with him? Do you think anyone can let me say the word ‘Yes’?"

  She said: "Xie Dingyuan, can you be a little confident in yourself?"

  Heaven and **** are only in an instant.

  Xie Dingyuan was surrounded by sudden ecstasy before he could get rid of the feelings of loss and frustration.

  So, it's not anyone, only him!

   A sweetness filled my heart, and it quickly hit the corners of my eyes and eyebrows.

  The original gloomy eyes shined in an instant, and the expression was radiant.


  "Since we are in love, why don't you promise or marry?"

  Jiang Fuyue thought for a while: “Promises will change and marriage can be divorced. It’s really unnecessary to use these unreliable things to add weight to ‘like’.”

  Xie Dingyuan blurted out: "I won't!"

  His promise will not change, and the marriage will not divorce.

  Jiang Fuyue is noncommittal.

  The man saw her reservation at a glance, and said harshly: "One day, you will believe it!"

   "Okay, then I'll wait."

  Xie Dingyuan embraced her again, "Yueyue, don’t talk about love between men and women anymore, you love me, I only know that love without marriage is a hooliganism."

   "Then don't you want it?" A pair of peach blossom eyes are clearly visible, but what he says is straightforward and charming.

  The man breathed tightly: "I want to, but I can bear it."

  "Not uncomfortable?"

   "..." Nonsense.

  Jiang Fuyue's eyes flashed slyly, her shoulders suddenly shrank, and her neckline fell, revealing her snow-white shoulders and delicate collarbone.

  In an instant, the man’s eyes turned green.

  She laughed innocently and harmlessly: "How about this? Can you bear it?"

  The man’s breathing rate has changed several times, and his eyes are full of emotions. In the end, he restrained his hand and let go of her: "Yes."

  Jiang Fuyue: "……"

  This conservative and staid man!

  He was the first to pick up the fire, he was also the one who could hardly hold on to himself, and he was the one who restrained her forbearance in the end.

  Jiang Fuyue: I am just an ordinary flirting tool.

  This night, Xie Dingyuan stayed in Jiang Fuyue’s room. The two slept on the same bed and covered the same quilt. The man held her in his arms. He was obviously hot and short of breath, but he never crossed that line.

  In the end, Jiang Fuyue couldn't bear it anymore, "You should go to your own room to sleep."

   responded to her with the gentle breathing of a man.

  Pretend to wear sleepwear.


  The next day Jiang Fuyue woke up naturally when she slept, opened her eyes, and there was no one beside her pillow.

  She got up to wash, changed clothes, and when she went out, she saw Xie Dingyuan sitting in front of the computer, doing work.

  Jiang Fuyue didn't bother, poured himself a glass of water, and gave Xie Dingyuan a glass, and silently put it beside him.

  When he left, his wrist was clasped, and the next second, he was taken into the man's arms.

"Woke up?"

   "Hmm." She nodded.

   "How did you sleep last night?"

   "Not bad." Jiang Fuyue asked back, "How about you?"


  If it weren't for seeing him get up and take a cold shower twice, Jiang Fuyue would almost believe it.

  The two had breakfast in the restaurant, and they came back to put on swimsuits and were ready to go to the hot springs.

  On the way, Xie Dingyuan received a call——

  "When did you find it?" His eyes were sharp, "Okay, go over now."

  The call ended, Jiang Fuyue asked: "What happened?"

  Xie Dingyuan looked at her intently, but did not speak.

  Jiang Fuyue understood in an instant, it is a state secret that cannot be disclosed, just like the last time he went to F State.

  "Be busy, I will stay until the afternoon and come back."

  Originally as planned, the two will go back tomorrow. It is not too regrettable to end the trip a day earlier.

  It’s just that Jiang Fuyue has changed into her swimsuit, and the hot springs at Yuegui Villa are another must-see.

  Xie Dingyuan left soon, Jiang Fuyue helped him to collect the luggage, handed it to the front desk, and then sent to Xie's house.

  It can be seen that things are indeed very urgent.

  Jiang Fuyue soaked in a hot spring, then went back to the room and took a nap. He packed his things in the afternoon and was about to check out.

   "Little Moon Moon——"

  Jiang Fuyue turned her head subconsciously, but saw Shen Qiannan, who shouldn't be here, standing behind him, with sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and sweat on his forehead. He just arrived.

  I saw him let out a suffocating breath: "Huh! Fortunately, I caught up, almost exhausted."

   "Why are you here?"

   "Old Xie asked me to pick you up."

  Xie Dingyuan walked altogether, but was not assured that Jiang Fuyue stayed in the hotel alone. After thinking about it, he finally caught the strong man Shen Qiannan with a phone call.

   "Who to pick up?" At that time, Shen Qiannan was completely confused, "You say it again?"

   "Jiang Fuyue."

   "Why is she at Yuegui Mountain Villa? You are together? No... how come you are together?"

  Responds to him with a hung-up beep.

  Shen Qiannan: "...grass!"

  Now, Jiang Fuyue successfully completed the check-out procedure.

  Shen Qiannan noticed that she had retired to a room, but handed them two cards to the front desk.

  In other words, there are two people living in that room.

  I think of Lao Xie’s kind of disinterested and ignorant temperament. Today, for the first time in the world, let him come to pick up Jiang Fuyue, something is wrong!

   Very wrong!

  Shen Qiannan’s many years of experience in love with the prodigal son told him that this is definitely a tricky matter.

  But it's not easy to ask Jiang Fuyue directly, after all, girls, she has a thin skin.

  He used the excuse to go to the bathroom, and wanted to call Xie Dingyuan, and he asked him clearly.

  Who knows——

  "Sorry, the call you dialed is turned off..."

  Shen Qiannan cursed in a low voice.


  In the lobby of the hotel, Jiang Fuyue dragged her luggage, ready to go out and wait for Shen Qiannan.

  Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps behind him.

  Jiang Fuyue's expression suddenly shook.

  In the next second, several bodyguards in black suddenly gathered around and blocked the way.

  The girl stopped, stood still, her quiet eyes swept lightly.

  At this moment, someone stepped forward from behind her, eyes facing each other, Jiang Fuyue's eyes narrowed slightly.

  The bodyguard shouted uniformly: "Mr. Lou."

  Lou Mingshen put his hands in his pockets, paced to the girl, and smiled quickly: "Meet again."

  Jiang Fuyue did not answer.

  He said to himself: "Last time, on the flight to Linhuai, forgot?"

   "Is there something?" The girl's eyes were cold and her voice was cold.

Lou Mingshen's face flashed puzzled: "You seem to be hostile to me?"

   "The person who asked you to step out."

   "What if I don't?" He smiled slightly.

  Jiang Fuyue resisted the urge to slap his face: "Then I can only call the police."

   "Okay, let the police help me find the two missing exhibits by the way."

"What do you mean?"

  He stepped forward, the distance between the two shortened, and his breathing was close at hand.

   "What do I mean, you should be very clear-take it out."

  Jiang Fuyue glanced at him: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

   After saying this, walk around him and the group of bodyguards.

   "You take things."

  Jiang Fuyue took a meal, turned her head and sneered: "Where is the evidence?"

  Lou Mingshen walked in front of her again, and the bodyguards surrounded her again: "If there is evidence, you can't stand here right now and talk to me intact."

  Jiang Fuyue was not scared, but still calm: "Since there is no evidence, then why don't you let me go?"

  "Because, this is my territory. I want you to go, you can go; if I want you to stay, you must stay!"

   "Is this a restriction on personal freedom?"

   "So what?" The tone was rampant.

  Jiang Fuyue smiled and raised her mobile phone. The call interface displayed 110, the call time was 00:05:32, and the call was still in progress.

   "Comrade police, did you hear that? What should I do next?"

  Lou Mingshen's face turned black.

  Jiang Fuyue pressed the speakerphone, and the other person was righteous: "Please let this young lady leave immediately. We will arrive in 15 minutes. If it is true, the police will not rule out the use of force to stop criminal acts."

  The call is over and the police are already on their way.

  Papa Papa——

Lou Mingshen applauded.

"You are very smart……"

   "Thank you for the compliment."

   "No wonder you can take away the contents without destroying the bulletproof glass and the code lock."

  Jiang Fuyue was puzzled: "This gentleman, you have been saying that I took your things, but there is no evidence. This is...slander, right?"

   "You know if you take it!"

  Jiang Fuyue smiled faintly, but her eyes were silent.

   "Now who can tell you to step away, right?"

  Lou Mingshen did not speak, the bodyguard did not get accurate instructions, and the pestle stayed in place.

  At this time, Shen Qiannan, who had gone to the bathroom, came back. Upon seeing this, he rushed up and guarded Jiang Fuyue: "Who are you?! What do you want to do?!"

  Jiang Fuyue: "This person won't let me go, saying that I stole something from him."

   "What? Steal something?" Shen Qiannan looked at Lou Mingshen with an expression of "you have no problem with your brain": "I said, uncle, although you have many hands, you can't bully people?"

   Lou Ming sneered: "I said, as long as she takes things out, I will let her go."

   "No...what is your treasure worth stealing? She can't afford it, why did she steal from you? Doesn't it feel ridiculous?"

Lou Mingshen ignored him, and stared at Jiang Fuyue with sharp eyes.

   Like to see her through.

   "Okay! If you don't have to talk, you can only call the police." Shen Qiannan said and took out his mobile phone.

  Suddenly, a hand stretched out and grabbed his screen.

  Jiang Fuyue: "No, I have already reported."

  Shen Qiannan: "..." You are a cow.

  Lou Mingshen still waved back the group of bodyguards before the police arrived.

  "Go!" Shen Qiannan dragged the suitcase and swaggered out, like a victorious cockfight.

  Jiang Fuyue was a few steps behind, following behind without any rush.


   "I don't need things, but you must tell me how the password is broken."

  She keeps walking.

Lou Mingshen: "You know the encryption rules, right?"

  Jiang Fuyue went straight forward.

   "Who are you?! What is the purpose of taking things away?!"

  The girl never looked back.

  Finally got in the car.

  Lou Mingshen stood on the spot, looking at the direction she was leaving, with a gloomy expression on her face.

  Hou Hao saw this, his scalp tightened, and he dared not go forward to touch the mold.

  But there are some things that you can’t hide if you want to hide——

  "Give you one day, I want all her information."

  "May..." Hou Hao stopped talking.

   "Say what you want."

   "She seems to have a close relationship with Xie Dingyuan. I am worried that checking her will disturb the latter and even the entire Xie family."

   "Then check it too!"


  Hou Hao's eyes rolled: "President Lou, I still have a question."


  "Why are you so sure that the woman stole the inscription and photo?"

  After all, so far, they have no evidence in their hands.

  Even the police are helpless.

  Lou Mingshen: "Intuition."

  It may be that her indifferent and alienated appearance vaguely overlaps with the person in the memory, or it may be that the rejection and defense revealed in her eyes are too obvious. In short, from the first time she saw her on an airplane, Lou Mingshen was impressed.

  See you again at Laurel Villa, and it happened to be so coincidental when the exhibits were lost——

  "When coincidences happen one after another, it may not be a coincidence."

  Hou Hao was so mysterious, he couldn’t help asking, “What did she steal the inscription and photo?”

  Those two things are worthless.

  But he knows how to pluck Lou's heart.


  Lou Mingshen chuckled softly: "She is here for people and has nothing to do with things."

  Hou Hao: "?" After finishing the ball, I can't understand it.

   Three more in one, six thousand words



  (End of this chapter)

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