After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 729: Cemetery to worship oneself, Mingda school begins (three shifts in one)

  Chapter 729 Cemetery to sacrifice oneself, Mingda school begins (three changes in one)

  In the car.

  Shen Qiannan held the steering wheel and looked straight ahead, but the light fell on Jiang Fuyue from time to time.

  The latter was lowering his head to send a WeChat message to Xie Dingyuan, but unfortunately, it took more than five minutes to reply.

  Called, the mechanical female voice reminded to shut down.

  Jiang Fuyue is clear.

  Suddenly, "The one who blocked you just now was Lou Mingshen?"


  Shen Qiannan frowned, what is the answer?

  Jiang Fuyue: "Do you know him?"

   "I have a school-enterprise cooperation project with Lou's Group, and I have seen it several times during meetings."


  Shen Qiannan's eyes rolled: "How did you meet him?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "I don't know."

   "Huh? Why is he blocking you?"

   "I don't know."

  Shen Qiannan: "..."

  "Hey, you can cause trouble. Didn’t people say you took something? Cough..." He coughed slightly, "So, did you take it?"

  Jiang Fuyue turned her head and glanced at him with a smile: "What do you think?"

  Shen Qiannan: "..." How did the ball go, and she kicked it back intact.


   "Okay, I don't ask Lou Mingshen, I ask Lao Xie! What's the matter with you and Lao Xie? Why did he suddenly let me pick you up? You two... together?"

  The last sentence with a bit of cautious temptation has exceeded the topic boundary between friends, but Shen Qiannan can't help it, he is curious!

  The heart is like a cat scratching, and the brain is imaginative.

  If he remembers correctly, the intersection between the two is limited to that borrowing of the A1 laboratory, right?

  It is up to him to come forward and negotiate with Xie Dingyuan for Jiang Fuyue, and finally convince him to lend half of it.

  At that time, Lao Xie was reluctant and reluctant.

  How long has it been since the two went to the hotel to open a room? !


  Jiang Fuyue just graduated from high school, how can he get it right?

  Subconsciously, Shen Qiannan felt that Xie Dingyuan was not such a person.

  But the facts are here again—

  First of all, Xie called and asked him to pick up people. This behavior alone was very abnormal.

  When was Lao Xie troublesome?

almost none.

  But this time for a girl?

  Shen Qiannan was not surprised to be replaced by someone else, but for Xie Dingyuan, who didn't even have a female mosquito by his side, it was truly unprecedented.

  In addition, when Jiang Fuyue checked out just now, he returned two room cards again.

  This makes people have to think more.

   Jiang Fuyue heard the words, and the corners of her mouth raised a smile: "I and Professor Xie..."

  Shen Qiannan immediately raised his ears.

"you guess?"

   "?" He was stupid.

   "Isn't... the little girl teasing me?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Xie Dingyuan didn't tell you?"

   "The phone hung up quickly, and it turned off after the call, how do you tell me?"

   "Then wait until he is free."

  Shen Qiannan: "?" You "seduce" me, but you don't want to be responsible?

   "Tell me, otherwise I will suffer from insomnia tonight..."

  Jiang Fuyue turned to look out the window, smiled: "Here."

  Shen Qiannan: "..."

  "Thank you." After saying that, he pushed the door and got off the car, went around to the trunk to take the luggage, thanked again, and then turned and left.

  Shen Qiannan pia slapped his hands, "I told you to drive so fast! I told you to drive so fast! Stinky claws!"


   "Yueyue is back—" Han Heng roared, calling out the whole family directly.

  Han Ke stepped forward to take the luggage and handed it to the servant: "Have you worked hard all the way? Are you tired?"

  Han Shen came out of the study, without taking off his glasses: "Didn’t it mean that I will return tomorrow? Changed the itinerary?"

  Han Qishan called her to the sofa to sit down: "Come on, have a sip of tea, and take a break. Have you had a good time this trip?"

  Jiang Fuyue answered one by one.

  The Han family was very happy this night.

  At night, Jiang Fuyue still did not receive a WeChat reply from Xie Dingyuan, and the phone was still turned off.

  After two days of rest at home, Jiang Fuyue still couldn't stay idle and plunged into the laboratory.

  The old man sighed: "Yueyue, is this going to be a female scientist?"

  Han Shen thought for a while: "Don't say it, it's really possible."

  Han Heng immediately laughed: "Then Yueyue must be the most beautiful female scientist."

  Jiang Fuyue quickly started a new research topic, and she did not forget to discuss the construction of an experimental building with Xiao Liu.

  She has read all the drawings, made appropriate suggestions for modification, and discussed with Xiaoliu to see if it is feasible, before finalizing it.

  Rather than a word, she has the final say.

Xiaoliu has always known that Jiang Fuyue is very good. He usually doesn't read news reports or listen to Hu Ben and Jiang Ke's feelings, but he only stays at the "heard and hear" stage and has not experienced it personally.

  He finally saw it this time.

  First of all, Jiang Fuyue’s understanding of the construction industry, from professional knowledge to specific construction, she can say something, and she is right.

  Xiao Liu almost thought she had done this business, and stupidly asked her which construction sites she had gone to.


  I just read the professional book for two nights and checked the related news on the Internet by the way.

  It turns out that there are people who can "strategize" by "talking on paper".

  Followed by Jiang Fuyue's ultimate pursuit of details.

  At first, she just described the problem and passed it to the designer from the sixth grade, who then revised the drawing.

  It may be because there was one more retelling in the middle, and the revised drawing has never been able to satisfy Jiang Fuyue.

   Simply communicate directly with the designer, but the effect is still not ideal.

What Jiang Fuyue described and what the designer drew were completely two things.

  In the end, she simply did it herself—drawing, drawing, and paper!

"Absurd! Does a layman know the drawing specifications? Do you know CAD? Do you know what is called earthwork?" The designer was furious on the spot, and said, "Okay, since you question my ability to work, then love who and who, I Did you stop doing it?!"

  This is the "talent" that Xiaoliu tried his best to dig out from the rival company. He immediately tried to appease him, and then he was persuaded to come back.

   Then he began to play how powerful Jiang Fuyue was, and how good it was, "...from the time I met her until now, there is nothing she wants to do that she can't do!"

  The designer chuckled, “Mr. Yuan, it’s not that I don’t believe you, but that you underestimate the professionalism of the construction industry. A person who has never been in contact with this industry, do you think the drawings she draws can be used?”

  Xiao Liu touched his nose: "Draw first, not use it, do you think it will work like this? Try it left and right, and you will not lose anything."

  The designer lightly, folded his arms around his chest: "Okay, I want to see what a layman can draw!"

  As a result, I slapped my face the next day.

  When the drawing was unfolded, the designer was dumbfounded on the spot: "This...Is this what she drew?"

  The lines are regular, the annotations are clear, and the scale is standardized. After careful inspection, he did not find any professional errors or omissions.

  Look at the effect of the drawing again, the orientation and appearance of the revised building have been adjusted to make it more scientific and beautiful.

  "Too perfect..." He couldn't help but marvel, as if touching a lover, touching the drawings, as small as every detail, he couldn't put it down.

  Xiao Liu smiled but said nothing.

  Anyway, if my face hurts, I get used to it, and I have a process of adapting.

  Finished every detail, Jiang Fuyue retired, and left the rest to Xiao Liu to implement and complete.


That night.

  Jiang Fuyue came out of the laboratory and drove away from Mingda, but instead of returning to Han's house, he drove to the suburbs.

  There are few stars in the moon, and the night is dark.

   Outside the Rose Garden Cemetery, the flower shop is preparing to close.


   "Are there any roses?"

  The lady boss moved for a while, only to see a girl wearing a peaked cap appeared by the window, with a loose coat covering her upper body.

   "Huh? It's you! The girl who buys roses every time!"

  Jiang Fuyue nodded slightly: "Hello. Are there any more?"

   "Some and some, but only white roses are left, okay?"


  The proprietress packed it in twos and threes, and added a few more sticks.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Get another bunch of daisies by the way."

   "Yeah, I'm so sorry, there are no more daisies."

   "Forget it."

  Jiang Fuyue gave the money, took the flowers, and walked straight to the cemetery.

  She went all the way up to the tomb of Zhao Chuxiu, brushed the dust off the stele, and then bent down and put down the rose.

  Jiang Fuyue stood quietly in front of the tomb, looking at the still young woman in the photo, and said nothing.

  A gust of wind passed, and the branches rustled.

  She turned and left, and did not make any stops when she passed Lou Yunzhong’s tomb on the side.

  Without daisies, she is too lazy to even take a look.

  Go up, it is Lou Mingyue’s tomb.

  Jiang Fuyue did not buy flowers, she brought other things.

   Reached out and took out a roll of inscriptions and a photo from the bag, and then took out the lighter, slapped—


   Seeing that the inscription was swept by the tongue of fire, the photo instantly turned to ashes.

  Jiang Fuyue turned and left, her back disappearing into the dark night.

  When I got home, the three uncles were all in the living room, and the old man hadn't slept yet.

   "Yue Yue is back?"

   "Hmm. Why don't you rest, my brother?"

  Usually there is no one in the living room at this point.

   "Hey," Han Heng rubbed his hands, "Isn't this waiting for you to come back?"

   "Wait for me? Anything?"

  "Come on, sit down and say, drink some water first." Han Heng pressed her to the sofa, sat down, and poured another glass of water into her hand.

  Jiang Fuyue looked inexplicable.

   "'s like this, tomorrow we are going to go with you, do you have any comments?"

  Han Heng finished speaking, the father, Han Shen, and Han Ke all looked at her nervously.

  Jiang Fuyue then realized that school would start tomorrow!

  They want to send her to school.

   "Okay, I think, I'm afraid it will delay you..."

  Han Shen immediately stated: "No delay."

  Han Ke also nodded: "I have already asked for leave."

  Han Heng turned out his new hat and new mask: "Tomorrow I will be wrapped up so that I don’t even know Daddy!"

  Daddy Han Qishan: "?"


  The family had breakfast the next day and set off to school.

  Ming University has regulations, freshman must live on campus.

  So I went to two cars on this trip. The first car took people, and the second car contained things, including bed sheets, quilts, clothes, daily necessities, and so on.

  Jiang Fuyue took a look before getting on the bus. Good guys, they are all new and full of varieties. It took a lot of thought to look at it.

  What she didn't know was that Han Qishan started buying these things as early as her admission notice came down, and when she was sure to go to Mingda.

  At first, it was a list, which listed the basic things college students need to live on.

  Han Qishan feels that there are too few, and he added a lot of them behind, such as full-length mirrors, wall breakers, humidifiers, and so on.

  He adds the same when he thinks of it, and adds the same again when he thinks of it. During that time, he stayed with the pen and paper so that he could take out what he thought of and jot it down.

Han Heng was a little bit sour and complained to Han Ke: "We used to go to university and live on campus. Why didn't we see him so attentive? I even bought the quilts by myself. I didn't even think of humidifiers and treadmills. "

  Yes, the old man knew that Jiang Fuyue had the habit of exercising in the morning, so he bought a treadmill specially!

  He asked, Mingda’s accommodation conditions are very good, the bedroom is spacious, and a treadmill is more than enough.

  Han Ke couldn’t help but feel a little hot. While calming Han Heng’s emotions, he turned his head and said to Han Shen sourly, “Dad’s relationship is too serious.”

  It is like grass to them, and treasure to the moon and the moon, for fear that it is not comprehensive enough.

  Han Shen, as an old nature, cannot follow his two younger brothers to make a fool of himself, and he is kindly enlightened and persuaded. As for what he thinks, whether it is sour or not, only he himself knows.

  At ten o'clock in the morning, two cars drove into Mingda one after another.

  Yes, Mingda not only allows parents to accompany the registration, but also opens the door to allow vehicles to enter.

  On campus, in order to prevent congestion, guards are specially arranged to direct traffic on the spot.

  But even so, it is still blocked.

  Jiang Fuyue turned his head and looked out the window, full of luxury cars.

  Mingda deserves to be "the noble chicken among pheasants".

   There is a saying on the Internet: When you go to Qiming University and bump into a boy, you may be the kind of golden turtle that your mother likes, just like going to B or Q and bumping into a student is very likely to be a student bully.

  Han Shen sat in the car and saw many acquaintances in the business field.

  Occasionally lower the window to say hello.

   Finally drove downstairs to the dormitory. Several servants got off the second car and started to move things inside.

   "Yueyue lives in Building A 4-3, don't move it wrong."

   "Any fragile items are posted, be careful not to damage them."

   "Although the school said that the dormitory has been cleaned in advance, but it is still not at ease. You will clean it again inside and out."

"and also…"

  Han Qishan is like a butterfly, fleeing here for a while, fleeing over there for a while, and after running busy, he keeps chattering.

  At this time, a call was made to Han Shen's mobile phone.

   "Mom? Yes, at Mingda...the second and third with Okay, I get it."

  Han Qishan slowed down as soon as he heard the "Mom", and while talking to the servant, he rubbed his ears secretly.

   "Cough! Your mother called?"

  Han Shen: "Yeah."

"What did you say?"

  "Mom said that she had booked a private room in Hongsheng Building outside the school and had already ordered the food. Let us go over to eat when we finish."

  The old man rolled his eyes: "She came alone?"

  Han Shen: "...No, there is also Uncle Qin."

  Han Qishan's old face instantly darkened.

  But in the end he gritted his teeth.

When    entered, Shi Qingzhi first swept Yueyue, and then greeted the three sons separately. He didn't glance at Han Qishan, as if he was superfluous.

  Old man: "..."

  It’s still Qin Yuanchen seeing his face calm, and hurriedly stepped forward to greet him: "Old Han, come, sit here."

   "I want you to take care of it!"

  Qin Yuanchen smiled in a good temper, not angry.

  Don't see that Han Qishan's nose is not a nose, and his eyes are not eyes. He only dared to lose his temper to Qin Yuanchen with his back on his back, shaking his face.

  In front of him, he didn't dare to be so rampant. At most, he would not speak or respond.

  Finally finished the meal in peace.

  Shi Qingzhi held Jiang Fuyue’s hand: “If you are not used to living in the dormitory, tell your grandma, let’s move out.”

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows: "Didn't Ming University require freshman to live on campus?"

  "That’s the rules on the face, and how to do it is not up to people? How many of those students do you think have lived for a full year?"

  Han Shen leaned over and whispered: "Your grandma was at Q big before anyway and knew many people. Now, Xiao Shan, the new principal of Ming University, is her student."

  Jiang Fuyue did not expect to have this relationship.

  The old lady worked at Q University before her divorce. She is a serious professor and graduate tutor.

   Same generation as Xu Kaiqing, the two are very good friends.

  So, when Xu Kaiqing first saw Han Yunru at Linhuai Pancake Restaurant, he felt familiar.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Isn't Xiaoshan from the Q Department of Mathematics?"

  The old lady used to be in the School of Economics and Management, and then transferred to the Department of Physics. How could she be Xiaoshan’s teacher?

   Seeing her say Xiao Shan's profession, Shi Qingzhi's expression was slightly surprised.

  But after another thought, she quickly became relieved—her family Yueyue was originally different from ordinary people, so it’s not surprising to know this.

"When Xiao Shan was studying physics in Q University, I was a minor in physics. I was his professional teacher. Later, I heard that he gave up his PhD and went to work in the South. Later, a series of changes happened and I almost thought that he would never stand up anymore. Unexpectedly, he became the principal of Ming University without a word..."

  Speaking of this, Shi Qingzhi couldn't help but sigh: "Life, you never know what will happen next second."

  "I met Xiao Shan some time ago, and the kid was willing to recognize me as a teacher, with a humble attitude, not arrogant or impetuous, and invited me to be an honorary professor of the School of Economics and Management of Ming University."

  Jiang Fuyue was a little surprised: "You agree?"


   "Don't dislike it?"

"What's so disgusting about this? It's all universities, but each school has a different atmosphere and a different focus. Some emphasize academic research, and some pay attention to the overall development of students. There is no need to divide it into three, six, nine, etc., maybe the future of Ming University It is not impossible to catch up with key undergraduates, and to be comparable to prestigious universities like B and Q."

  "Besides, didn't you also choose Mingda? Then it naturally has its merits."

  This is the first time Jiang Fuyue heard that someone has such expectations of Mingda: catch up with the overweight book, compare with the famous school...

  Be aware that this kind of words will be laughed at by the group.

  The lethality is like someone saying that fans will one day be more expensive than shark fin, and white fungus and bird’s nest can be bought for the same price.

  The idiot talks about dreams, but that’s all.

  But the old lady has firm eyes and calm words. She really thinks and believes so.


  After lunch, Jiang Fuyue sent away the old man and three uncles, then the old lady and Qin Yuanchen.

  Han Shen did not forget to tell before getting into the car: "Take care of yourself and call home if you are short of anything."


  When she returned to the dormitory, the bed had been made, the table below was wiped, and every corner was cleaned up. Everything was sorted for her and arranged neatly.

  Jiang Fuyue was not the first to come. Except for her, there are two other beds already laid in the four-person room. One is mainly in pink. At first glance, it looks like a very small princess, and the other is gray and blue, with a simple style.

  None of them are here now.

  Jiang Fuyue changed her shoes, put on her pajamas, climbed onto the bed, ready to take a nap.


  She was awakened by a rustling sound.

  Listen carefully. Someone was eating snacks. Not only did the packaging make a sound, but it was crunchy when chewing.

  Jiang Fuyue twitched the corners of her mouth, and sat up. It happened that the person eating snacks also looked back, and the two of them were caught off guard.

  The girl's movement of reaching out for a snack bag stopped, a pair of frightened fawns stared roundly, and her white and plump face was stagnant with surprise.

  "Where did you, you, you... come from?!"

  She stood up, but the action was too big, and the potato chips were scattered all over the floor.

  The girl was stunned, looked at the potato chips all over the floor, covered her chest, and screamed: "Ah-my potato chips, mom's so big!"

  Jiang Fuyue: "?"

  Then, she saw the girl squatting down, picking it up piece by piece wrapped in napkin, and putting it on the table.

   Just when Jiang Fuyue wondered if she was going to eat it, the girl had already put the pile of potato chips into the shape of a pig's head, and then smiled and raised her eyes to look at Jiang Fuyue on the bed.

"Cute, right?"

   "..." I am afraid that I will be seriously ill.

   "Hello, my name is Cen Qiaoqiao, we are roommates."

   "Jiang Fuyue."

   "Wow—your name sounds so good, and it's a bit familiar. Do you eat potato chips?"

  Jiang Fuyue glanced at the "pig's head" on the table, and instantly remarked, "Don't eat, thank you."

   "Okay, then I can only eat by myself." As he said, he reached out his hand and took out a new pack from the drawer, and quickly ate it again.

  Jiang Fuyue: "..."

  At this moment, the door was pushed open from the outside, and another person walked in.

  Jiang Fuyue took advantage of the trend and raised her eyebrows in the next second.

   is an acquaintance.

    Everyone has been waiting! Three more in one, six thousand words.



  (End of this chapter)

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