After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 730: All acquaintances, heirs (three changes in one)

  Chapter 730 are all acquaintances, heirs (three changes in one)

  Huo Fanjin wore a simple T-shirt and shorts, with a pair of long legs exposed outside, walking with wind.

  Facial features are beautiful, black hair shawl, like a blooming flower of wealth in the world.

  Jiang Fuyue looked at her at the same time, she also looked over, and then, with a shit——

   "I have been assigned to a dormitory with you?! What a dormitory!"

  Miss Huo was so happy that she almost jumped up.

  Jiang Fuyue got off the bed, poured herself a glass of water, and asked her, "Would you like?"

  Huo Fanjin nodded, "Yes! It's so hot outside, it makes my mouth dry."

  Suddenly, Cen Qiaoqiao was holding the potato chips and looked up dumbly: "Can you give me a cup? I'm a little thirsty too!"


  Jiang Fuyue poured water for each of them, then looked at Huo Fanjin in a blink of an eye: "What's the matter with you?"

   "What's going on?" Huo Fanjin's eyes flashed.

  "You won't come to Mingda with your college entrance examination scores, right?"

  What's more, she also has IPhO competition medal blessings, which can completely guarantee B big and Q big.

  No matter how bad, there are still S big, Fuda, H big guarantee.

  How come to Mingda?

  Huo Fanjin retorted: "Then it is not even worse with your grades. Why are you here too?"

  Jiang Fuyue choked.

   "Actually, Ming University is quite good! Look at this dormitory, looking at the entire imperial capital, which university can you compare?"

  Not only air conditioners, TVs, washing machines, and dryers are all available, there are also large terraces, activity areas, upper and lower tables, and there is a partition between the beds and the beds, providing excellent privacy.

  Fanjin Huo: "Our school cafeteria is also a must, the taste is simply not too good! It is comparable to the Internet celebrity restaurants outside, and the key is cheaper than others."

  "Moreover, the campus is big and beautiful, clean and tidy, all public facilities and activity equipment are new, and there is a large swimming pool open for free in summer..."

  Huo Fanjin didn’t even know that she could count so many advantages of Mingda in one breath.

Cen Qiaoqiao nodded frantically, and the chicken pecked his rice: "Well...yes...yes...that's it...I think Ming is great too!"

  Jiang Fuyue twitched the corner of her mouth, and met Huo Fanjin’s small eyes: "Speaking of people."


  "...Well, originally my family wanted to send me abroad, but the school applied for it, but I told my mother that I didn’t want to go out for undergraduate studies, but I missed the application for the college entrance examination again, so I had to choose Mingda!"

  After finishing speaking, he nodded and strengthened his affirmation.

  As the "head of the pheasant", how wild is Mingda?

  Some majors do not look at the college entrance examination results at all, as long as the money is in place, they can read.

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows: "Your parents also agree?"

   "I originally disagreed, but later I showed them the news that you reported to Mingda, and they agreed."


  Don't look at Huo Fanjin's understatement now. At that time, he almost didn't lift the entire Huo family.

   Relatives and friends took turns in battle, persuading and cursing, but unfortunately none of them worked. She couldn't go abroad in one bite.

  At first, Huo’s father disagreed. He had already arranged his daughter’s journey. Learning music, playing the piano, participating in physics competitions, etc. were all done step by step. As long as we go on, the future will be bright.

   But I didn’t expect that for more than ten years, such a moth came out on the doorstep-my daughter is not happy!

  Fortunately, Mother Huo would not give up sending her daughter abroad. Now the mother and daughter joined forces, crying and making trouble, her father couldn't stand it at all, and finally nodded tearfully.

  Jiang Fuyue: "There are so many schools, why choose Mingda?"

  Huo Fanjin smiled and stared at her: "What do you think?"

  If Jiang Fuyue weren't here, it would be better for her to pick a school with her eyes closed than Mingda.

   "Because—" Huo Fanjin smiled, "You have a good eye."

  You chose, so I choose too.

It's that simple.

  Jiang Fuyue was dumb for a while.

  Huo Fanjin turned to look at Cen Qiaoqiao: "What about you? Why come to Mingda?"

   "Huh? My score is only enough to report Mingda." After speaking, she smiled shyly.

  Huo Fanjin: "..."

  Jiang Fuyue: "……"

   "Oh, yes, my parents will agree that there is another very important reason."


  Huo Fanjin smiled: "Because Lin Shumo did the same."

  Lin Shumo scored higher in the college entrance examination than her. Although she was not the champion, she was also ranked in the top five in the imperial capital.

  The family arranged for him a foreign university early, and he himself is willing to go.


   "His old lady heard that the Schenkworth virus was spreading abroad, and she was surprised to not let him go."

  Father Lin and Mother Lin thought for a while, life is more important than studying, and finally decided to let him stay in China.

  Wait until the global epidemic is over.

"Lin Shumo is a thief? Don't be noisy or noisy, and spurn the old lady to come forward, and finally got his wish, but not a sinner, asking, "I want to go to school, but I have other considerations at home", and I picked myself clean in one sentence ."

  Huo Fanjin listened to him at the time, and performed a "stunned dog" on the spot, "Can it still be like this?"

   Lin Shumo asked, "Why not?"

  啧, righteous and confident.

  Jiang Fuyue slowed down for two seconds: "So, Lin Shumo also came to Mingda?"



  At the same time, the principal’s office.

  Xiao Shan looked at the newly added school list, full of confusion.

  The top five and top 30 of the imperial capital in the college entrance examination rankings, are they here?

  The assistant on the side also found it incredible, let alone the top five, it is impossible for the top 50,000 to report to their school.

   "This...can't it be a mistake?"

  Xiao Shan pondered for a moment. After reading the admission notice, "...the signatures of the students and their parents are complete, there can be no mistakes."

  So, has such a high-quality source of students really fall to the head of Ming Dynasty?

  Happiness came too suddenly, and the assistant was so happy that he was almost dizzy.

  Xiao Shan can't help but hook his lips.

  Assistant: "This year, our school has the only full score in the college entrance examination in the country. The top five and top 30 of the imperial capital are also there, and the quality of students is instantly pulled up."

  I always feel that Ming is silent, and wants to do big things...

  The assistant glanced at Xiao Shan vaguely.


  In the evening, the 4-3 dormitory has not arrived.

  A bed is vacant, no one cares about it.

  Huo Fanjin: "Who is this? If I don't come, the bed will pile up the sundries for me."

  As soon as the voice fell, the door opened from the outside.

  A slender, beautiful girl came in with a suitcase, smiling, her voice sweet: "Hello, my name is—"

   But the moment his eyes swept across Jiang Fuyue, he suddenly stopped, and his voice stopped abruptly.

  Huo Fanjin urged: "What's your name?"

  "...Yu Kaixin."

  Yes, another acquaintance.

  "Do you know?" Huo Fanjin looked between Jiang Fuyue and his new roommate.

  Yu Kaixin barely kept smiling: "We are high school classmates."

   "No wonder I think you are familiar. I was an exchange student in Linhuai before, and I was in your class at that time. I should have seen you."

  Yu Kaixin nodded: "I remember."

   "Very good, I'm all acquaintances everywhere!"

   "What about me?" Cen Qiaoqiao said abruptly, her eyes dumb, and there was still potato chip residue at the corner of her mouth.

   "'ll be familiar by mixing and mixing."


  Jiang Fuyue turned around and took her mobile phone, walked to the door to change shoes, and asked casually: "Supper, are you going?"

  Huo Fanjin: "Go!"

  Cen Qiaoqiao also nodded, although she had eaten three packets of potato chips.

  Yu Kaixin: "I have to pack my things, so I won't be with you anymore."

  Huo Fanjin did not reluctantly turned his head, but saw that Jiang Fuyue had already left the house: "Why are you leaving so fast? Wait for me..."

  Cen Qiaoqiao: "There is still me."

  After the three people left, Yu Kaixin stood there and did not move, but his hands were gradually clenched.

  She knew that Jiang Fuyue had reported to Mingda, and she also thought that the two would meet sooner or later, but she unexpectedly became a roommate.

   See you when you look up...

  Yu Kaixin gritted his teeth.

  She is actually a little bit Jiang Fuyue.

  The next second, take out the phone and call Yu Jiaze.

One second before    dialed out, it suddenly occurred to me that the two had broken up, and completely parted ways.

  Yu Kaixin closed his hand abruptly and shook the phone away.



  As soon as the three of them stepped in, they got a lot of attention.

  Jiang Fuyue and Huo Fanjin, one is cold and arrogant, the other is bright and moving.

  If the former is the bright moonlight, then the latter is the scorching sun, each with its own beauty and long legs.

  I don't know who was in the crowd gasped, and then one after another gasps sounded.

   "My mother! When did this big beauty come to our school?"

  " Freshman? I haven't seen it before."

  "Is this leg sure that a normal person has it?"

   "That waist...I am envious of a woman."

  "Not only is she in good shape, but she also looks amazing."

  "The temperament! And the temperament! You can hold it tightly."

   "Does the new school flower selection start? Hey... I suddenly had a bold idea."

   "I also have an idea."


  Jiang Fuyue is indifferent to those who are curious or scrutinized.

  Order directly, then take the plate and find an empty seat to sit down.

  Huo Fanjin is also unsurprising, calm as water.

  What scene have you never seen, Miss? That's it?

  Not enough to see at all.

  As for Cen Qiao Qiao...

  Probably because she is natural, she always reacts slowly. She seems to have her own shielding function to everything around her. No matter how careful, amazing, and cold, she is not as good as the braised pork on her plate.

   "Ah! It smells so good~"


  After dinner, the three of them went to the off-campus supermarket together for a stroll.

  Han Qishan knew everything and prepared everything for her, so Jiang Fuyue only bought two rolls of garbage bags and three boxes of mineral water, and asked the supermarket to deliver it to the dormitory.

  Huo Fanjin also brought a servant today. Although it is not as exaggerated as Jiang Fuyue even brought a treadmill, there is no shortage of everything to wear.

  So, she only bought water.

   "Five boxes, I piled up in the dormitory to drink slowly."

  Cen Qiao Qiao is different.

  She couldn't walk when she saw the snacks, and finally filled two shopping carts full of them, and she was still unfulfilled: "Anyway, it can be delivered for free. Would you like to buy some more? Let's eat together!"

  This should also be the owner of good money at home, with a thick pile of cash in his wallet, and a black card.

  After shopping, a few people returned to the dormitory empty-handed.

  The items came in a short while.

  Cen Qiaoqiao happily sent out snacks to everyone: "This cookie is very delicious...This bird's nest can be directly drunk with the bird's nest silk, not the kind of drink water...and this bobo intestine..."

Jiang Fuyue and Huo Fanjin accepted it generously.

  Yu Kaixin pursed her lips and declined: "Thank you, I have had dinner."

  Cen Qiaoqiao: "Eating dinner will not affect the snacks, this is really super delicious!"


   "Qiao Qiao." Huo Fanjin said suddenly.

   "Huh?" She looked back blankly, still holding a pile of snacks in her hand.

  Huo Fanjin: "Come here, I want to eat that."

  Cen Qiaoqiao heard it and hurried over happily: "Which one? Is this this? I still have a lot..."

  Yu Kaixin sullenly swept the two of them, but when she turned her head, she was caught by Jiang Fuyue’s eyes.

  She strayed half a step back, her eyes flickering slightly.


  At night, everything is silent.

  The light was turned off, and the bedroom was plunged into darkness.

  Huo Fanjin: "Are you all asleep?"

  Cen Qiaoqiao’s bed creaked a snack bag.


  Jiang Fuyue closed her eyes, and opened her eyes again after hearing the words: "What?"

  Huo Fanjin: "Sister Yue, which major are you?"


  The whole room is silent.

  Someone gasped in the dark.

  Huo Fanjin whispered: "You actually reported Peiya..."

  Cen Qiao Qiao is unknown, so: "What's wrong with Peiya?"

  Peiya, the full name of Peiya Class, does not specifically refer to a particular profession.

The original intention of the class was to enable students with superior qualifications and talents to develop comprehensively and choose from multiple directions. Therefore, this class does not define specific majors, but learns everything, from politics, economics, culture to mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy. .

  I originally wanted to conduct general education and break the boundaries of disciplines, but in practice, it was a thousand miles away from what I expected.

  First of all, the number of students at Ming University is not as good as one year. Can you count on the all-round development of these students who are poor in the college entrance examination?

  Secondly, Master Ming’s capital is deteriorating, and a large number of talents are lost. The Peiya class has advanced concepts, but does not have the teachers to match it. How can you expect to teach students well?

  Finally, and most importantly, the atmosphere is too bad. School spirit affects class style, which in turn affects individual students.

  Don’t say anything else, it’s the title of "the head of the pheasant", which can make Ming college students unable to stand up straight, leading to a lack of belonging and a sense of collective honor.

  And a school without cohesion, the hearts of the people are uneven, how good do you expect it to be?

  This is a vicious circle.

  Huo Fanjin: "...I heard that Peiya's class is full of thorns who eat and wait to die, who are free of credits."

  In the case of limited energy, the more subjects, it inevitably means that each subject is not refined.

  In this way, the content of the exam is relatively simple.

  Gradually, the Peiya class is occupied by rich second-generation graduates who don't like to study and are devoted to eating.

  In recent years, it has once become the most popular major (class).

   is very popular among the rich second generation, ordinary people can't make it if they want to.

   "Peiya Class is not only smoky, but also very exclusive, Yue sister, what do you picture?" Huo Fanjin couldn't understand it anymore.

  Yi Jiang Fuyue's college entrance examination results, Mingda majors can be chosen, but she chose the worst one.

It really is……

  The highest score, the worst study, and the hottest major.

  Except for a "cow X", Huo Fanjin could not find other more appropriate language to express his mood at the moment.

  At this time, Jiang Fuyue made an understatement, jokingly: "If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?"

  Huo Fanjin's mouth twitched wildly.

  Yu Kaixin silently rolled her eyes in the dark.

  Only Cen Qiaoqiao: "So amazing!"


  At 8:30 the next morning, the opening ceremony was held in the lecture hall.

  Large amphitheater, which can accommodate thousands of students.

  Principal Xiao Shan took the stage to give a speech.

  Student representative...Uh! Because of Jiang Fuyue's refusal, no.

  The whole ceremony took only half an hour and ended at nine o'clock.

   "Seriously, this is the shortest opening ceremony I have ever seen. There is no one."

   "Very good, just neat."

   "I don't bother to listen to any leaders' speeches. There are a lot of words, and I am so annoying."

  "It was not so concise before. Like other schools, it was smelly and long. I heard that it was stipulated by the new principal. The ceremony should be simple, refusal to be cumbersome, and meetings should be true.

  "Hey, it seems that Xiaoshan really has two brushes."


  Jiang Fuyue compares the curriculum schedule to find the next classroom.

There are a total of 120 students in   Peiya class. Classes are usually taken as a unit, which is different from other majors' self-selected courses.

  In other words, the Peiya class is a regular student. After entering this class, the classmates around you will be the same no matter what class you are. It is a bit of a high school class.

  When Jiang Fuyue entered, there were not many people, but the voice was very loud.

  She glanced around--

  There are chats and speeches, those who play games with voices outside, and those who follow dramas, watch variety shows, brush short videos, and a small group of people are crazy, chasing, chasing and fighting.

  Jiang Fuyue found a seat slightly closer to the front row. As the class time got closer, the number of people gradually increased, and the noise increased exponentially.

   Jiang Fuyue looked bored.

  At this time, someone sat down in the seat beside him.

  She looked up: "...Why are you here?"

  Huo Fanjin licked his lips, supported his chin with one hand, and wandered freely: "I have applied to the Academic Affairs Office to change to the Peiya class."

   "What do you picture?"

   Yesterday she asked Jiang Fuyue a question, and she was returned as it was.

  Huo Fanjin smiled and said, "Picture you."

   Didn’t she come to Mingda just for Jiang Fuyue?

  Separate two majors, what's the point?

  Huo Fanjin has a strong sixth sense since she was a child. She has a hunch that following Jiang Fuyue, her university life will definitely be rich (surprised) rich (risky) rich (stab) colorful (excited)!

  The class bell rang, and the professional class teacher stepped onto the podium. The first thing--


  Jiang Fuyue still underestimated the frenziedness of the students in this class, and when she called her name, she was absent half of the time!

Teacher    was also a little angry: "...So many people skipped class on the first day of school, I think your Peiya class is lawless!"

  After finishing speaking, he fell the book with a bang.

  The classroom was silent for a moment, and then—

"Teacher, isn't it normal for college to skip classes?" There was a boy sitting crookedly in the last row, sneered and escaped from his lips, "Moreover, it's still Mingda? I thought you'd be surprised a long time ago, but I didn't expect it. The endurance is still so bad."

  This person should be a "head". As soon as he spoke, he immediately attracted a sympathy——

   "Yes! Read Mingda, don't be afraid, skip class and explode, the teacher and principal scold casually."

   suddenly burst into laughter.


  On the podium, the teacher's face was green: "Who are you? Break the classroom discipline, get out of here!"

  "Teacher, are you sure you want to let Brother Ze go? Then I might have to trouble you to go to the school board. I asked Jay Chou first."

  Teacher was taken aback.

  The audience has already been discussing——

   "This boy is so good, the male classmates in the class call him Brother Ze, respectful! Also, who is Jay Chou? Why do you need to ask him first?"

   "The man's name is Zhou Jingze. His father is one of the board of directors of Ming University. There is a mine at home, so he can walk sideways."

   “I heard that several school director’s sons have entered Mingda this year. Really?”

   "I see the same in campus forums."

   "I heard Liang Jingzhou, Li Chen, and Gu Huaiyu when the call was made just now, are there any more?"

   "Cheng Lian!"

   "Yes, it's him!"

   "Are these few skipping classes? I didn't hear them answer just now."

   "I'm going-the real version of "Heirs"?"

   "Just missing a heroine."

"Give up, there won't be. I really think that the second generation of rich men and rich men like Cinderella? Still fighting for it...Idol dramas are all deceptive, okay? They only like the same status and the same. Excellent girl."

   "Yes, this year, Master Gao Leng Devil likes the short winter melon and the silly white sweet heroine can only appear in the novel."


   "So sir, do you still insist on letting Brother Ze get out?"

  On the podium, the teacher is very difficult to get off——

  Hardness to the end, he doesn't dare, because he has a background; but he is softened here, and in front of so many students, where does he put his face? How can I go to the next class?

  Finally, Zhou Jingze did not roll, but the teacher walked away.

   "Okay, everyone should go away, skip class for free, don't thank our brother Ze~"

  After finishing speaking, a bunch of people hugged the boy wearing a peaked cap in the middle and walked away.

  Huo Fanjin tweeted: "It's really arrogant..."

  While speaking, Yu Guang sneaked a glance at Jiang Fuyue, and saw her expressionless, and couldn't help but feel deeply sorry.

   "Go." Jiang Fuyue got up.

   "Oh." Huo Fanjin followed.

  Back to the dormitory, only to find that Yu Kaixin’s bed was already empty...

    Three more in one, six thousand words.



  (End of this chapter)

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