After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 731: Being laughed at by the group, Lu Yu confessed (three changes in one)

   Chapter 731 was mocked by the group, Lu Yu confessed (three changes in one)

   "Huh? Where are the people?" Huo Fanjin looked around.

   really gone?

  Jiang Fuyue didn't seem to be surprised, she looked back and took her cell phone out of the balcony.

  Cen Qiaoqiao also came back at this time, put down the textbook and went to grab snacks.

  "Here, do you want to eat?"

  Huo Fanjin stretched out his hand and took a piece, "cucumber flavor?"

   "No. Lime."

   "Yu Kaixin's bed is empty, do you know what's going on?"

  Cen Qiaoqiao said "Oh", "She told me in the morning to change the dormitory, but she did not expect to move so fast..."

  Huo Fanjin frowned: "Does the school allow you to change dormitories at will?"

   "It should not be allowed."

   "Then how is she..."

   "But it can be exchanged. If both parties agree and other members of the dormitory do not refute, register with the auntie in charge of the dormitory to exchange it."

  Huo Fanjin: "How do you know?"

  Cen Qiaoqiao: "At the opening ceremony, the teacher of the Academic Affairs Office said it!"

  "Aren’t you secretly eating snacks below?"

   "Yes, the chocolate bar you recommended is super delicious, and it tastes much better than the brand I liked before..."

  Huo Fanjin's mouth twitched, is this the point?

   "You can still hear you so clearly after stealing snacks?"

   "Ah? Are you not?" Princess Cen looked cute.

  Huo Fanjin: "..."

   "I can also draw a circle with my left hand and a square with my right hand. Guo Jing in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and the Little Dragon Girl City in "The Legend of Condor Heroes"."

  Huo Fanjin: "..."

  "Xiao Jinjin, you said that if I travel through these novels, will I be a master of martial arts?"


  Yu Kaixin just moved away.

  The beds are vacant.

  Before going to bed, Huo Fanjin whispered: "If no one will pick up tomorrow, I really used it to pile up debris..."

  She had more things than Jiang Fuyue. She contained five large suitcases in her clothes. She couldn't fit the cabinet at all, and she simply piled her head on the bed.

  As a result, the sleeping place became smaller, and only one night, the back pain began.


  There will be class the next morning, Jiang Fuyue gets up early to wash.

  Huo Fanjin, who had been lying in bed, heard the noise, and sat up: "What time is it? Are you going to class?"

  Jiang Fuyue raised her wrist: "It's still early, at 8:10, there is still an hour before class, I want to go for a run in the playground, do you want to go together?"

  Huo Fanjin yawned, but couldn't hide the bright color in his eyes: "Okay!"

"five minutes."

  Jiang Fuyue said that for five minutes, it was really only five minutes. When the time was up, she stopped waiting and went straight out.

  Huo Fanjin swears that she has never gotten up, changed clothes, and washed up so quickly.

   "I'll change my sneakers! I'll be ready soon! Wait for me—"

Depend on! She didn't even tie her shoelaces, and hurried to catch up.


  After the two of them finished running, Huo Fanjin was panting and sweating profusely.

  On the other hand, Jiang Fuyue is calm and refreshing.


   "Huh? Where else are you going?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Back to the dormitory."


  How excited Miss Huo was when she came out, and how lost she was when she went back.

  Cen Qiaoqiao has different majors and courses from the two.

   Before the two went out, she rushed to the first class.

  "What's the situation? There are people in the dormitory?"

  Huo Fanjin pushed gently, and the door opened by itself.

  Only Yu Kaixin’s original bed, there was a figure bending over and laying sheets.

  Hearing the door opening, she looked back subconsciously.

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows.

  Huo Fanjin has walked to the bed, "Are you a classmate who changed beds with Yu Kaixin?"

   "Hmm. Hello, my name is Liu Sisi."

  Huo Fanjin looked at it for a moment: "We...have we met? You always feel familiar."

   "I have seen it. I was in the same class as Yue Jie, you came to our class to exchange."

   "Oh—" Huo Fanjin suddenly realized, "I remember. Which major are you?"

   "Mathematics. But I have already applied to change to the Peiya class, and I will go to class with you tomorrow."

   "That's great!" Huo Fanjin felt that Sister Liu in front of her was much more pleasing than Yu Kaixin.

  She can't tell the specific reason, anyway, it just feels different.

   "Sister Yue..." Liu Sisi called her.

  Jiang Fuyue smiled: "Welcome to join 4-3."

   "Thank you." She followed with a smile.

  When Cen Qiaoqiao came back, Liu Sisi and her introduced each other, the two exchanged snacks, and they soon became one.

  Cen Qiaoqiao: "You have all gone to Peiya class, and I really want to go..."

  Then, the four of them really went to Peiya class together the next day.

  Huo Fanjin realized afterwards: "Is it so easy for Mingda to change majors?"

  She asked her family to come forward and finally got it done.

  Na Liu Sisi and Cen Qiaoqiao...

  Well, no one is easy.

  Today’s Peiya class is still as noisy as ever.

  Jiang Fuyue and his party of four found a seat.

  In order to facilitate listening to the class, it is slightly in the front row.

  In the Peiya class, the back row is a hard-to-find golden seat, usually reserved for those who can be called "brother".

  For example, yesterday, Zhou Jingze was in the last row.

  And everyone in the front row can not touch it without touching it. When there are seats in the back area, no one will take the initiative to choose the front row.

  So, Jiang Fuyue and his party became weird.

  Many gazes faintly fell on the four of them.

  Huo Fanjin frowned: "How come the students in this class are like grasshoppers?" Jumping up and down.

  Liu Sisi has been trained to be more sensitive to the prying around. She has already caught a lot of peeking gazes by inadvertently raising her eyes, and she can't help frowning.

   "These grasshoppers still like to stare at people."

  "Grasshopper?" Cen Qiaoqiao, who was licking the candy intently, raised his eyes abruptly, his expression nervous, and his face pale: "Where? I'm afraid of insects..."

  Huo Fanjin teased her: "Here, it's all around."

   "...Huh?" Cen Qiaoqiao was about to cry, and she rubbed against Jiang Fuyue, seeking protection.

   Counseling and cute.

  Huo Fanjin couldn't help but rua up her little flesh face.

  Cen Qiaoqiao: "!"

  Suddenly looking at Huo Fanjin’s eyes was like looking at a big gangster, "You..."

   "What am I?" Huo Fanjin stretched his arms and draped him on the back of her chair, looking from a distance as if he was holding her in his arms.

  This is more like a hooligan.

  Cen Qiaoqiao subconsciously leaned closer to Jiang Fuyue, her mouth squashed, and she spoke in a coquettish tone: "Sister Yue, look at her!"

  Cen Qiaoqiao is a bit natural and slow to react, but it does not mean she is stupid.

  In just a few days of getting along, she discovered that Jiang Fuyue had a natural binding force on Huo Fanjin.

  Even the new roommate Liu Sisi, who came yesterday, did the same.

  That’s why she leaned against Jiang Fuyue for the first time, looking for her to support herself.

  The fact is indeed the case, Jiang Fuyue passed a light look, and Huo Fanjin's hand silently returned.

  Cen Qiaoqiao suddenly understood a truth: a good talk, a good job, are not as tight as a thigh.

  As long as the legs are thick enough, you will never lose.

  At this point, the little princess Cen never looked back on the wild road of "hugging thighs".

   Soon, the class bell rang, and a male teacher walked onto the podium.

  I don’t know if it was because he learned the lesson of the teacher yesterday, or for other reasons, the teacher simply didn’t even turn the roster.

   roll call?


  I saw him open the PPT and began to lecture calmly.

   Regardless of whether there is anyone listening in the audience, just talk about yourself.

  Only occasionally make abnormal noises under the stage, such as when the legs of a table cross the ground, or when someone is speaking too loudly, will they look up.

  But basically he would not criticize anyone.

   Carry out the "Doctrine of the Mean" and "Being clear and wise to protect oneself" to the end.

  Jiang Fuyue listened carefully to the content of the course and found that this teacher not only had something to say, but was also used to guiding students to think from an academic point of view.

  Although not many students in the audience are really listening, it is even more impossible to think.

   But even so, he did not fool around with discounts and perfunctory things when he lectured.

  Wang Kequan stood on the podium, immersed in the content of the course.

  He likes to take classes and loves the podium. Every time he successfully completes a class, he will have a great sense of accomplishment.

  He can speak vigorously even if no one is listening.

   "...has anyone heard the Poincaré conjecture?" When it came to thinking, he blurted out.

  Wait until you finish speaking, and no one will answer.

   Just when he was about to come back and wanted to announce the answer directly, a voice suddenly appeared in the audience——

  "Any single connected, closed three-dimensional manifold must be homeomorphic to a three-dimensional sphere."

  Wang Kequan was stunned, and then followed the prestige, his eyes lighted: "This classmate, can you stand up and say it again?"

Jiang Fuyue was not embarrassed, and stood up generously: "The Poincaré conjecture simply puts it, a closed three-dimensional manifold is a three-dimensional space with a boundary. The simple connection means that each closed curve in this space can be continuously contracted into A point, or in a closed three-dimensional space, if every closed curve can be shrunk to a point, the space must be a three-dimensional sphere.[1]"

  From the moment she stood up, the whole audience focused on her.

  Wang Kequan was full of excitement, his expression was like a pile of gold suddenly dug out of a pile of shit, and neither gratification nor ecstasy was enough to describe his heart at this moment.

  Huo Fanjin gave a thumbs up silently, Sister Yue is worthy of Sister Yue, who can slay the audience anywhere.

  Cen Qiaoqiao’s eyes are staring at the little stars, ah, her thighs are thick again, happy~

  In comparison, Liu Sisi is the most peaceful.

  Under that kind of calm, hide the calmness and determination of seeing through everything and knowing so long ago.

  It seems that Jiang Fuyue doesn't do anything, that's weird.

  However, other people’s comments are not so friendly——

   "My mother! There are people who actually do stupid things like answering questions in class."

   "Are you a primary school student? The teacher asks questions and answers questions?"

   " funny."

   "Suddenly I was embarrassed."

   "The toe has already cut out three bedrooms and one living room for her, and it will soon become a villa."

   "It's really a good second, now this way of pretending is not popular anymore."


   There was a group of ridicule, and the voice was not small.

  Jiang Fuyue heard it all, and was indifferent.

  Wang Kequan asked her a few more professional questions, and she answered them patiently.

  Until the bell rang at the end of get out of class, the teacher still had some ideas.

   "...You are very nice, what's your name?"

   "Jiang Fuyue."

  Inexplicably familiar.

  The next second, Wang Kequan’s pupils quaked, and he remembered.

  Isn’t this the student who reported the full score in the college entrance examination to Ming University? !

  No wonder...

  No wonder it's so powerful!

  "Your academic thinking is very good. I have a research project in my hands. It is still in the preparation stage. There are filing materials on the Internet. Please find out first. If you are interested, call me and I will bring you into the group."

  After speaking, leave a string of mobile phone numbers before leaving.

  "Tsk tsk, it’s terrible, stand up and answer a few questions and successfully get the contact information of the teacher, everyone is learning it!"

   "I'm afraid that answering questions is an excuse, but looking good and having a good figure are the key points."

   "Why don't you go to the next door when you are so awesome? What kind of a good student comes to Mingda?"

  "This is called academic thinking? The threshold for academics is too low."

   "I thought I was acting in a TV series? I forcibly gave the protagonist an IQ, but I moved myself and embarrassed others."

  Huo Fanjin couldn't listen anymore, he banged, and slapped the table: "Shut up, I'm so annoying to chirp!"

   Liu Sisi's already clenched fist, silently loosened it.

   "It's not... who are you? What does it matter to you when we talk?"

  Huo Fanjin: "It's bothering me, can't it?"

   "Then go away!"

   "Heh," Miss Huo sneered, her momentum changed instantly, "Let me go? Who are you so special? Do you have eyes?"

  These words are not ordinary arrogant.

  The other party saw her arrogantly, unexpectedly feeling jealous.

   Just then another person leaned in his ear and said something quietly, vaguely leaking the words "Emperor Huo Family".

  The person's eyes immediately changed when he looked at Huo Fanjin.

   "I, don't know the same as women!" After speaking, he strode away.

How fierce    used to be, now it’s too scary.

  Huo Fanjin pouted, and he was also a bully and afraid of hardship.

  Jiang Fuyue has collected her things and took the bag: "Let's go."


  On the way to the cafeteria, Yu Kaixin walked towards him.

  Suddenly, she paused, her eyes widened, and she saw them as hell.

  Huo Fanjin still wanted to say hello, but Yu Kaixin turned around and left without giving her a chance to speak.

   "What's wrong with this person? If you don't become a roommate, you don't need to hide, right?"

  Cen Qiaoqiao shook his head: "I don't know..."

  Jiang Fuyue didn't care or care about Yu Kaixin from beginning to end, and naturally he would not pay too much attention to it.

  Only Liu Sisi, her eyes flashed, and soon returned to normal.

  After lunch, Huo Fanjin plans to go out and visit a supermarket.

  Cen Qiao Qiao finished his snacks: "I'll be with you."

  Jiang Fuyue went back to the dormitory with Liu Sisi.

  On the way, a boy suddenly rushed up from behind and blocked in front of them.

   "Jiang Fuyue, right?" He is good-looking and tall, and his smile is a little bit evil and handsome.

   is also a student in the Peiya class, Jiang Fuyue never forgets, and naturally remembers.

"What's up?"

   "You look pretty," he said, "become my girlfriend." After speaking, he took out a bunch of roses from behind and held them in front of her like a magic.

  In the middle of the bouquet, there is also a classic bracelet from the T family, with a price of five figures.

  Not far away, there are a few boys looking into their heads——

   "Can Shao Shao work? This Jiang Fuyue is very difficult to deal with at first glance."

   "How difficult can it be? Our Yan Shao's face is not white. Besides, there are roses and bracelets. How many girls can stand it?"

   "That's right! I don't want to go out of the rock, and I can do it with the other."

   "We are determined to win!"

  "Hold your phone well, take a clear picture, and leave your certificate! Don’t let Chu Qingheng and the others pick out the slightest problem. If you can’t afford to lose, what should you do with us?"

   "Don't worry, I made a stealth drone, both pen and aerial photography."

   "Okay, Hiroko!"


  In that room, Jiang Fuyue's calm eyes fell on the boy's face.

  Although he tried his best to show sincerity, the arrogance between his eyebrows, the triumph in his eyes, and the evil in his smile made this confession look like a prank.

   "What are you betting on?" Jiang Fuyue suddenly said.

   Li Yan was stunned: "...what?"

   "Tell me, what is the bet?" She repeated.

  The boy's eyes flashed, and he chose to pretend to be stupid: "What are you talking about? What is the bet? Why can't I understand a word? You can take the flowers first, and this bracelet, it will match you at first sight!"

  Jiang Fuyue smiled and folded her arms around her chest: "This kind of old-fashioned game, even elementary school students are not playing, you guys..." She said, "Is it too late?"

  Li Yan's complexion changed slightly, but he still squeezed out dryly: "I really like you..."

  Just saying this, he can't even deceive him.

  Finally, when a touch of sarcasm appeared on the girl’s lips, he stopped pretending, and pressed his throat viciously: “If you are acquainted, I will accept the roses obediently, and then promise to be my girlfriend, otherwise—”

  His eyes narrowed, and the danger was fleeting.

  "What else?"

   "Believe it or not, I won't let you go down in the Ming Dynasty!" The boy gritted his teeth fiercely, his original handsome face was completely replaced by evil.

   "Hey, it's really ugly..." Jiang Fuyue looked away, and she didn't hide her disgust.

   Li Yan: "?"

ugly? !

  She actually said he was ugly? !

   "Jiang Fuyue! Are you lame?"

   She calmly denied: "No."

  The implication is that you are ugly.

  Li Yan has lived for more than ten years, not to mention Zhongxing Pengyue, but at any rate he is also the favorite of heaven, never! No one has ever described him as "ugly", and of course no one dares.

  Jiang Fuyue is the first one!

   "You, very, good."

  She is kind enough: "Thank you."

  Li Yan choked, almost suffocating.

not far away--

   "How is it? Did you send out the roses from Brother Yan?"

   "It doesn't seem to be..."

   "What's the matter? I've been working on it for a long time, won't it be impossible, right?"

   "It doesn't make sense, just relying on Brother Yan's face, there were so many girls just starting school, and getting a Jiang Fuyue is not a problem!"

  "Take a look at the aerial footage."

   "Wait, I'm adjusting... ah! There is! There is!"

   "I remember that the new KT drone with stealth function added an online live broadcast function?"

   "It seems to be, what's wrong?"

   "Directly transfer to Chu Qingheng, let them watch the live broadcast, are you still not convinced?"

   "Well, isn't it? In case Brother Rock fails..."

"Bah baah baah! Take care of your crow's mouth? Brother Yan can't lose! Hurry up and post the link to the group. The more people onlookers, the better. In front of so many classmates, let's see how Chu Qingheng is still fooling them! "

   "This is a good idea, hurry up."

   "Okay, I'll do it now!"

at the same time--

   Li Yan saw that Jiang Fuyue hadn't moved for a long time, his face was ugly, and his tone was inevitably threatened: "So you are not answering?"

  "No answer." The tone was light and the expression was indifferent.

   "Heh," he sneered, "That's really embarrassing, you can pick up this flower today, or you can pick it up if you don't!"

   "Really?" Jiang Fuyue didn't change her complexion, took a half step back, "I really don't pick up today, what are you going to do?"

  "Toast, not eat or drink fine wine!" After speaking, his eyes were fierce, and he reached out and grabbed Jiang Fuyue.

  The latter slightly lifted his jaw towards Liu Sisi.

  In a blink of an eye, only a muffled sound was heard. Before Li Yan could figure out what was going on, Liu Sisi slammed over his shoulder and fell to the ground.

  From the moment this person took out the roses and said that she liked Jiang Fuyue, she wanted to do so.

  If it hadn’t been for Sister Yue that she had been hinting at her patience, Liu Sisi's clenched fist would have already touched his face.


  Dare to look at the moon? !

  Li Yan was stupefied, his eyes were dumbfounded, and his expression was dull——

who am I?

where am I?

   couldn't react for a while, until Liu Sisi's expressionless face appeared above, looking at him condescendingly, as if looking down at an ant.

   "Threat sister Yue? Are you worthy too?"

   After finishing speaking, she coldly looked at the few boys who were peeking not far away, and the few of them were dumbfounded on the spot, only to feel chills in the back of their necks.

  Jiang Fuyue swept the distance without any emotion, and fell on Li Yan again, and then stepped on the rose petals all over the floor: "Let's go."

   Liu Sisi stepped up to keep up.

  And all this happened to be clearly photographed by the drone, and it happened to be synchronously transmitted to the live broadcast room.

   "Hahahaha... Li Yan is so miserable!"

   "Fuck! Shocking stuff! Quickly move to the campus forum, everyone!"

   "Ah! It's not the petals that are broken, it's Yan Shao's broken heart~"

   "My mother! She died laughing! So who... Jiang what?"

   "Jiang Fuyue!"

   "Yes, yes, there are masters lurking next to her? This is more **** exciting than the movie, is there?"

  "Young Master Chu?" Everyone laughed enough, and then they remembered to see Chu Qingheng.

  He should have laughed too, there is still a slight upward arc at the end of his eyes, he is handsome and his complexion is white.

  "How can such an interesting video be enjoyed exclusively? Adjust it to high-definition quality and send it to Li Chen."

    I went out in the afternoon and found that the supplementary part was not updated when I went home! ! ! ! At that time, I just clicked to upload and I didn’t care. As a result, the broadband was in arrears and I was disconnected directly (vomiting blood!) After finding out, I quickly recharged and re-uploaded. I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused to everyone.

     Today’s update is at twelve o’clock. Write as much as you want. If you don’t make up for it, please grit your teeth and adjust!

     References: [1] Hu Zuoxuan. Poincaré Conjecture 100 Years[J]. Science and Culture Review, 2004, 1(3):86-98.



  (End of this chapter)

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