After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 735: Slap on the face and be punished (three changes in one)

  Chapter 735 Slaps on the face, but was punished (three changes in one)

  "Have been beaten?!" Li Dong received a call from his son, suddenly furious.

   "Okay, Xiaochen, don't worry, father will go to school tomorrow...what is it called? Jiang Fuyue, right? OK!"

  Ending the call, Li Dong was so angry that he was akimbo in the office, like a fat big toad.


  The next day, he went to Mingda and found Xiaoshan early in the morning.

   crackled and said for more than ten minutes, "...that's how it happened. Anyway, according to school rules, this girl must be expelled!"

  Xiao Shan smiled, as if he was not surprised at all: "Li Dong just said that the child was beaten, the specific reason? Because of the conflict?"

   "No matter what the reason, hitting someone is wrong!"

  Xiao Shan nodded, and said in a very good manner: "Indeed, it is the first to lose. But expelling is not a trivial matter. It is about the future of the student. It should not be hasty! At least it is necessary to figure out what happened. What does Dong Li think?"

  Li Jiahui's eyes flashed.

  How does this work?

  If Xiao Shan knew that this incident was the beginning of Li Chen, I'm afraid it would not be so easy to let go.

   "Principal Xiao is making a fuss too much, but expelling a student who has violated school rules. Does it need to be so troublesome?"

  Xiao Shan smiled sharply, and his face was straightforward: “As an educator, students’ affairs are not trivial. Even if you violate school rules, you must investigate clearly to decide how to punish, instead of expelling people based on a word from you and me.”

   "I don't understand your educator's set," Li Jiahui waved his hand impatiently, motioning him to stop, "I only know that as a school manager, I have the right to interfere with the school's daily administrative work, including expelling students who have made mistakes!"

"Li Dong, since you want to say that, then I'm not afraid to make harsh words. Without me nodding, no one would want to touch Jiang Fuyue! Including you, Liang Dong, Cheng Dong, and Gu Dong, it won't work! "

   "Xiaoshan! Why are you?!"

   "On the basis that I am the principal of Ming University, I am responsible for the entire school's affairs!"

   " are just holding shares on behalf of you, what kind of principal? You have a bad name, bad words, holding a chicken feather as an arrow, and still kicking your nose?!"

  Li Jiahui is not doing education.

  He started from scratch by relying on aquatic products. More than 20 years ago, he saw his friends around investing in schools and made a lot of money. Only then did he follow the example. He finally became a shareholder of Qiming University by looking for a back door.

  Before this, he had never intervened in school management. First, because Mr. Lou was there, it was basically a profitable business. He just waited for dividends. Secondly, because he didn’t understand this aspect, it was so-called “separated rows” as “separated mountains”.

  So, he rarely shows up in normal times, and the school board is often absent.

  If it wasn't for Li Chen to vent his anger, he wouldn't be rare to come!

  But I didn’t expect that Xiao Shan would not even give this little face. He would be an "educator" and would like to step on him on the commanding heights of morality?

  Heh...that can’t be!

  Xiao Shan’s eyes were calm and his expression remained the same: “Yes, the shares are not mine, but it’s enough to issue orders and make decisions and hold on behalf of others! I’m not Mr. Lou, but I represent him!”

  Li Jiahui choked.

   "I really don't know how he chose you..."

  Although the voice was very small, Xiao Shan heard it and was not a little annoyed: "You may have to ask Mr. Lou about this question."

  Li Dong's mouth twitched.

  Where will he find someone who has been hidden for more than 20 years?

   Ask a fart!


  Li Jiahui came aggressively, and finally left angrily.

   "Oh! Isn't this Dong Li? Which wind brought you here?" Someone called him in the corridor.

  Li Jiahui stopped and looked back, calmly: "It turned out to be Dong Liang."

   "Seeing you are angry, what's the matter?"

   "It's okay, talk to Principal Xiao for a while."

   "That's a coincidence, I also came here specifically to find the principal today."

  Li Dong raised his eyebrows, "Have you looked for it?"

   "I have looked for it." As he said, he sighed quietly, "Our principal can't talk very much."

  Li Jiahui thought of something, and his face suddenly sank: "It's not easy to talk? You are subtle. I think it is because the oil and salt do not enter, and the stubbornness is stubborn!"

   "What is worthy of you moving so grandly?" Liang Dongwei was surprised.

  "I just asked to expel a student who made a mistake. What kind of education did I have to do with me? To be a teacher? I need him to teach?"

   "What a coincidence? I came here today to ask him to expel a student... Uh, aren't we talking about the same person?"

  Li Jiahui tentatively said: "Jiang Fuyue?"

   "Yes, it's really the same person."

   "How did she provoke Liang Dong?"

Speaking of Dong Liang, he was angry, "She actually beat up my son?! You know, I can't bear to touch that kid with a hair, so I asked an outsider to beat him up? You said how could I swallow this. Tone?! How did she offend you again?"

  Li Dong's mouth twitched: "...My son was also beaten by her."

  The two old fathers looked at each other. They were not very familiar with each other. They guarded each other and were polite, but now they have the same kind of sympathy.

  Li Dong: "Xiao Shan disagrees, and has a tough attitude. I underestimated him before."

  Liang Dong coldly snorted: "It's nothing more than a principal who holds shares on behalf of him, just like a puppet. I didn't expect that he really regarded himself as an onion!"

   "What should I do now? Anyway, my son can't get beaten for nothing."

  Liang Dong Yimo, "...I don't want to let it go."

   Just then Gu Dong and Cheng Dong came to meet each other.

  Four people greeted each other.

  I heard that they also came to Xiaoshan, Li Dong and Liang Dong were a little surprised—

   "Your son won't be beaten by Jiang Fuyue, too?"

  Gu Dong: "Didn’t your sons get beaten?"

  Cheng Dong: "We came here to help you put pressure on Xiaoshan."

  Li Dong: "..." is a bit embarrassing.

  Liang Dong: "..." I don't want to talk.

   "Our Principal Xiao is not easy, no one will buy it."

  Cheng Dong smiled slightly: "That can't be for him."

"What's the meaning?"


  Ten minutes later, four directors appeared in the principal’s office at the same time.

  Xiao Shan was a little surprised: "How many people have an appointment today?"

Li Dong: "Let’s stop talking nonsense, let’s get started. According to the relevant regulations of the school board, when no less than half of the directors support, they can directly intervene in the school’s decision-making. There are eight seats in total. Now our four seats have jointly requested the expulsion of Jiang Fuyue. Even Principal Xiao, you can't stop it!"

   Xiao Shan frowned, his eyes swept across the four people: "How many really plan to do this? Don't think about it anymore?"

  Li Dong: "What else to consider? Jiang Fuyue must be expelled!"

  Liang Dong: "I support Li Dong's approach."

  Next, Cheng Dong and Gu Dong also expressed their opinions.

   "Okay," Xiao Shan gave them a deep look, "I will give you a satisfactory answer at this time tomorrow."

  The four of them left.


  Li Jiahui arrived early the next day, and then Liang Dong, Cheng Dong and Gu Dong also arrived.

  Xiao Shan invited them to the meeting room.

   "Principal Xiao, the expulsion notice has been prepared, right?"

  "Then don't dare any longer, just announce the announcement and inform the whole school."

   "Everyone, stay calm." Xiao Shan wore a white suit today. He looked gentle and elegant, but what he said was not the case.

   "I am afraid that your request cannot be met for the time being."


  Li Dong slapped the table and stood up: "What do you mean? Didn't you make it very clear yesterday?!"

   "Principal Xiao, we will give you a face, but we also ask you to respect yourself."

  Cheng Dong and Gu Dong glanced at each other, and unhurriedly agreed: "The basic trust and respect between people is still necessary. Principal Xiao is a cultural person and should understand this truth."

   Xiao Shan listened, not hurriedly, "I did promise a few people yesterday, but things have changed..."

   "What has changed?" Li Jiahui interrupted roughly, "Now it's already determined! We all ask to expel Jiang Fuyue. Your consent is no longer needed. Understand, Principal Xiao?!"

   "It is true that when no less than half of the directors reach a decision, the principal has no right to stop it, but you may have forgotten a little."


  "The founder has a veto."

  Li Jiahui squinted his eyes: "What are you trying to say?"

  Xiao Shan took out a document and handed it over: “This is a letter of authorization signed by Mr. Lou. It entrusts me with full power to investigate the fight and punish it fairly based on the results.”

   "So, Jiang Fuyue can't move anyone until the investigation is over."

   "I understand the fatherly love of Liang Dong and Li Dong very much, so I will investigate it as soon as possible, and when the truth is revealed, neither of the punishments will escape."

  The last sentence, he said powerfully.

   can be heard in the ears of Dong Li and Dong Liang, it is inexplicable.

  After all, my son is not completely innocent.

   Xiao Shan: "Everyone should have no questions now, right?"

  Four people, look at me, I look at you.

   "Since there is no such thing, let's go away."

  After speaking, get up and leave.


  In the evening, Li Chen called to ask his father how things were going.

  Li Jiahui laughed dryly: "Don't worry, there is still something I can't handle with you Laozi?"

  Li Chen didn't think too much.

  As a school manager, how difficult can it be to expel a student who beat someone, even if the reasons are readily available?

   "Thank you Dad."

"a piece of cake!"

  After the call, Liang Jingzhou kept asking: "How is it? Is it done?"

   "Don't worry," Li Chen stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking far away, "A Jiang Fuyue is not as difficult to deal with as you think."

   "That's good..." Liang Jingzhou nodded and rubbed his stomach.

Depend on! It still hurts!

  Gu Huaiyu walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, his eyes flickered: "Uncle Li really said, did the school agree to expel Jiang Fuyue?"

  Li Chen nodded: "He said everything went well."

  Gu Huaiyu has a strange expression.

  Could it be that he and Cheng Lian think too much? Jiang Fuyue doesn't actually have any big names?

   "What's your expression?" Li Chen looked at it, "I think my dad can't figure it out?"

   "No... I'm just a little worried..."

   "Old Gu, it's not that I said you. I think about it all the time, and I don't feel too tired to panic." Liang Jingzhou dragged a banana to him.

"Since Uncle Li has already spoken, I don't bother to ask my dad again. The old man is so wordy and annoying... I'll take a rest first. I stayed all night last night and I haven't been to school for a few days. , Don't you guys call me..."

   After finishing speaking, he yawned and entered the room, closing the door with a bang.

   Li Chen: "I'm not going either."

  After saying this, turn around and leave.

  For a time, only Gu Huaiyu and Cheng Lian were left in the huge living room.

   "Old Cheng, are you saying something? Looking at this posture, Jiang Fuyue will definitely be fired. Is this what you said you have a card in hand?"

   Cheng Lian took a sip of tea, found his mouth hot, frowned, and put it down again.

   "What's the hurry? We won't see the cards until the end."

  Gu Huaiyu curls his lips: It's a mystery!

   "Then are we going to school these few days?"

  Cheng Lian: "Go."

   "Don't tell me you are going to the class."

   "Yes, just go to the class, otherwise what else can I do?"

  Gu Huaiyu: "?" Damn it!

  Sure enough, Cheng Lian arrived at every class on time as he said for a few days.

  Gu Huaiyu really thought he had changed sex.

  It turns out that this girl is sitting down and playing with her mobile phone during class time, and playing is the whole class. Don’t be too mad.

   "No...what did you say about your picture? Lying at home and playing, falling asleep when tired, doesn't it smell good? Do you have to come to class to find excitement, it's fun to be sneaky?"

  Cheng Lian crossed most of the classroom, and his eyes fell on Jiang Fuyue in the front row. The girl's back was straight, like a lotus stem, slender but not soft and timid.

  He gently curled his lips: "Interesting, so interesting."

  Gu Huaiyu: "?"


  Three days later, the investigation has a result.

At noon, the four directors were invited to the school by Xiao Shan.

  It's still the same meeting room, even the sitting position hasn't changed.

  Li Dong: "Principal Xiao, invited us to come today, has the matter been investigated clearly?"

   "Yes," Xiao Shan nodded, and put his right hand on the folder, "The cause and effect, the original is here."

   After finishing speaking, he handed it to the nearest Li Jiahui: "Let's take a look at all of you."

  Liang Dong immediately leaned forward.

  Gu Dong and Cheng Dong looked at each other: "We don’t have to, right?"

  Their son was not beaten, and he would help Li and Liang. It was nothing more than that he felt handy, easy, and he could sell his personal affection.

  It doesn’t have to be so positive.

  But Xiao Shan said: "Gu Dong and Cheng Dong should take a look, after all, it is also related to your son."


  The two were suspicious, and finally leaned in.

five minutes later-

  Li Dong: "What's wrong with my son bringing bodyguards to the school?! Which school rule says that you can’t bring bodyguards?! Let’s say that he does it first, and I’m the first to refuse!”

  Compared with the former's anger and depravity, Liang Dong is a little more rational: "My son went to persuade him to fight, but he was beaten. He is always right, right? Why should he be punished?!"

  Xiao Shan calmly said: “The seventh row of page 5 is very clear. Classmate Liang Jingzhou refused to apologize and tried to push Jiang Fuyue away violently, but was beaten back.”

Old Liang Dong's face is scorching: "This is a one-sided statement! The specific details are different from each person's perspective, and they see different things. Who knows how this investigation report came from? Which witnesses did you look for? In case it's right. What about my son’s prejudices talking nonsense, slandering and biting?"

  Xiao Shan: "Don’t worry about this, because there is monitoring as evidence. The videos are all in this USB flash drive and will be sent to your mailbox later. You can watch it slowly. If you have any questions, please feel free to call."

  Liang Dong: "..."

  Every reason is blocked.

  There is nothing to say.

  Followed by Cheng Dong and Gu Dong—

   "Our son didn't do anything, why should he be punished? Although it was just a notification of criticism, it can't be justified, right?"

  Xiao Shan: “The four of them were together at the time. Gu Huaiyu and Cheng Lian knew that Li Chen had brought a bodyguard in an attempt to embarrass the female classmate, but they watched indifferently, without persuasion, and suspected of being an accomplice.”

  The two were speechless.

  The worst is Li Chen.

  He not only brought the bodyguards to swagger, but also asked the bodyguards to deal with Liu Sisi, two against one, two men bullied a female student, the nature is extremely bad.

  In addition, he also used basketball to hit Jiang Fuyue, deliberately provoking conflicts, and then kicked over the desk in class to disrupt discipline.

  The crimes are listed clearly and plainly at the end of the report.

  If Liang Jingzhou is considered to be a “mistaker”, then Li Chen is a “heinous crime”.

  It can be said that all disputes start from him.

   Liang Jingzhou, Gu Huaiyu, and Cheng Lian were all involved by him.

  Now with his father, relying on the identity of the school manager, the wicked first filed a lawsuit and wanted to drive Jiang Fuyue away?

  Xiao Shan sneered and looked at Li Jiahui: "This is the victim in Li Dong's mouth? I want to ask, what happened to him?"

  Li Jiahui was angry on his face, and his eyes were shy and angry.

  He knew that Li Chen was not innocent, but he never thought that his son would be the initiator.

   Right now, Dong Liang is not helping anymore.

  Speaking of it, his son was still cheated by Li Chen, and he deserved to be expelled!

  Yes, the final punishment recommendation for Li Chen in this report is to expel him!

  Li Jiahui still wants to get rid of the female students. This time it’s all right. In a big reversal, his son will be swept out of the house.

  Cheng Dong and Gu Dong also quietly did not speak.

  Compared with Li Chen and Liang Jingzhou, Gu Huaiyu and Cheng Lian only notified criticisms, and did not record them in the file, let alone drop out of school. At most, they lost face, which was much better than the former two.

  It's nothing to do with yourself, of course you can hang it up high.

   But now it is related to their sons, and they have lost the indifference and detachment that they had previously left out.

  In this way, Li Jiahui was isolated and helpless, and suddenly changed his arrogant attitude, and a smile appeared on his face: "Principal Xiao, look at was originally a trivial matter, shouldn't it be such a mess?"

  Xiao Shan did not make a statement.

   "Actually, it's too common for children to fight and fight, even if they are out of the ordinary, it is also impulsive when they are young. Why is there such a heavy penalty?"

   Xiao Shan glanced at him calmly: “When you insisted on expelling Jiang Fuyue before, why didn’t you say this? Now it’s your turn to excuse yourself. Li Dong, don’t be too double-standard.”

   "Yes, yes, I admit that I am a double standard, I am narrow, but now I have fully realized this mistake!"

  The corner of Xiaoshan's mouth twitched.

"I agree with memorization and punishment, but can I give my child a chance? Look at this...Expulsion is not a trivial matter! As an excellent and outstanding educator, you can't bear to see a good seedling because of temporary travel. Wrong, I was uprooted and died on the ridge, right?"

   How unreasonably making trouble before, now it’s as loud as the slap on the face.

  Liang Dong's father sighed.

  Cheng Dong and Gu Dong glanced at each other. Fortunately, they were not particularly tough, and they didn't seem to hurt that much after being beaten in the face. least compared to Li Jiahui, they are lucky.

  Xiao Shan faintly moved, his expression still embarrassed,

  Li Jiahui keeps up and says everything nicely, he swears that he will beat up the stinky boy when he gets home!

  What hapless child knows cheating!


Xiao Shan sighed lightly: "Looking at Li Dong's face, let him give him another chance. Take a serious offense. Next Monday, we will conduct a thorough review in front of all teachers and students in the school, and will not be allowed to miss classes or fights from now on. If you fail one subject in the final exam, you will voluntarily drop out, how about?"

   "Okay!" Li Jiahui agreed.

  After the four left, Xiao Shan took out a new tea cup and replaced it with a new tea.

"Come out."

  Jiang Fuyue pushed out the door from the inner compartment and sat across from him.

  Xiao Shan pushed the cup over: "Drink tea. Just made it."

   "Thank you." She took a sip, and when she put it down, she suddenly raised her eyes and met Xiao Shan's gaze.

  The next second, the two laughed together, which seemed to be a good show.


  The four Li Chen came to school the next day.

  As soon as I entered the school gate, I found that everyone around me looked at them very strangely.

  Waiting into the classroom, this feeling is more obvious.

   Liang Jingzhou: "How do I feel so quiet today? Is something wrong?"

  Gu Huaiyu: "Just ask someone to ask if you don’t know..."

  Speaking, stop a boy.

   "You, tell me, what's the situation now? Why does everyone seem to be...not right?"

  The boy's eyes flickered slightly, and he stopped talking: "...The bulletin board of the campus official website, please read it for yourself!"

  After speaking, he ran away in a hurry.

   "What's wrong with the official website?" Liang Jingzhou took out his mobile phone, turned it on, and logged in. The next second, his eyes widened suddenly, "Fuck—"


   "I, am I punished?!"

Cheng Lian raised his eyes, looked away from the phone screen, and calmly said, "It's not you, it's us."

  Gu Huaiyu: "Why is there still me?!"

  Then the three of them looked at Li Chen together, their eyes were complicated.

  "What are you doing? It's not just punishment, it's not the first time..." After speaking, he grabbed the mobile phone from Liang Jingzhou, and after scanning the dense lines of words on it, he suddenly became cold.

    Three more in one, six thousand words.



  (End of this chapter)

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