After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 736: There is someone behind, Yuanyue's new fan (three changes in one)

  Chapter 736 There is someone behind, Yuanyue’s new fan (three changes in one)

   "Why is there no Jiang Fuyue?!"

  He thought that the two sides started to play, according to the school’s usual rules, each playing 50 boards, Jiang Fuyue was expelled, and they would be punished one by one at most.

The results of it?

  I was punished, but Jiang Fuyue has nothing to do with it!

   Li Chen didn't believe it, he carefully read it again from beginning to end. There was really no Jiang Fuyue, and no Liu Sisi.

  The two of them all retreated!


  He obviously let Lao Li come forward!

  Liang Jingzhou also found it incredible, "I called my mother to ask, she said that my dad is indeed running to Mingda in the past few days, how could it not be done?"

  Gu Huaiyu coughed slightly: "Anyway, I told my dad, and he agreed, as for why it didn’t happen..."

  It's really hard to say.

  Cheng Li put down the phone and smiled softly: "There are really big names..."

  Gu Huaiyu coldly hummed: "It's hidden deep!"

  "What big name? Hidden deep?" Liang Jingzhou was confused, "What kind of riddle do you two play? Why can't I understand a word?"

  Li Chen also cast a questioning look.

  Gu Huaiyu told the two of the previous guesses.

  Liang Jingzhou rubbed his chin: "...You mean, there is someone behind Jiang Fuyue? And is this person not in a low status?"

  "Do you think a person without the right to speak can influence the final decision?"

   "It shouldn’t be... Apart from the principal, Uncle Li is the second largest shareholder. Is there anyone who has more say than him?"

  Gu Huaiyu: "Plus your family, my family, and the Cheng family, the four directors join forces, who can compete?"

  The scene was silent for a moment.

   "Yes." Cheng Lian said suddenly.


   "You forgot one person-the principal."

   "Xiao Shan?" Gu Huaiyu frowned, "He is just holding shares on behalf of him. He is really unreasonable, and he is not strong. Why should he challenge the four school directors?"

  Cheng Lian sighed slightly: "What if the person behind him instructed it?"

"Behind mean the mysterious founder?! How is this possible?" Gu Huaiyu waved his hand, disapproving, "I heard from my dad that Mr. Lou has been missing for more than 20 years, and the principal of Ming University could not be changed during that time. Five times, dividends were paid every year, but he never showed up."

   "Everyone seems to have forgotten that Xiaoshan was forcibly holding the shares on behalf of him before he came to the position after the previous principal."

  Liang Jingzhou swallowed, and found that he could not get in a word: "So, so what?"

  Cheng Lian gave him a slanted look: "Do you understand it? You must authorize your signature within the validity period to complete the relevant procedures."

   "In other words, Xiao Shan got Mr. Lou's authorization, which indirectly shows that the two have had contact with each other and have a close relationship. The so-called disappearance for 20 years is nothing but a rumor."

"Wait... Lao Cheng, I don't understand what you mean now. First stroke it..." Liang Jingzhou scratched his face, "You want to say that Jiang Fuyue has the principal behind him, and even the Mr. Lou is escorting him. ?"

  Cheng Lian looked at him with a smile, "So you are not stupid."

  Liang Jingzhou: "..." has been insulted.

"It's useless for us to guess and guess the specific situation. The most direct way is to ask clearly." Cheng Lian raised his eyes and scanned Li Chen and Liang Jingzhou, "Whoever of you call back to ask, see which link went wrong. "

   "I'm coming." Li Chen took out his mobile phone and called Li Jiahui.

  After a long entanglement on the other side, he finally chose to connect, and opened his mouth to apologize: "Xiaochen, I’m sorry, this time I couldn’t..."

   "Dad," Li Chen interrupted him, "Where is the problem?"


   "...something went wrong?"

  "With your identity as a school manager, it is not difficult to ask for expulsion of a student. Why is Jiang Fuyue fine now, but the few of us have been punished?"

"This..." The other side sighed heavily, "I don't think it is difficult. Who knows that Xiao Shan strongly opposed it. In the end, he used the founder's veto power to press me, and I had to investigate the cause and effect. Then it was found that you brought the bodyguard into the school. Fight with classmates..."

  Li Chen stared sharply, grasping the key message: "The founder?"

   "Yes, it's Mr. Lou."

  Li Chen and Cheng Lian looked at each other, the latter had already found the answer they wanted in his eyes.

call ended.

   "It turned out to be the ghost of Mr. Lou! But...why?" Liang Jingzhou scratched his head, "Why would he help Jiang Fuyue?"

  Gu Huaiyu: "This is to ask Jiang Fuyue himself."

  Cheng grabbed his hands in his pockets, and suddenly said, "I checked her."

  The three of them looked at him instantly.

  The corners of his mouth lightly raised: "So what do you think of me? Isn't it a regular operation?"


"From the information we found, Jiang Fuyue’s biggest backer should be the Han family. In addition, they are all academic experts, such as Xu Kaiqing and Peter, who are quite prestigious old professors. The rest are her parents. Her industry and her own achievements."

"Although she is dazzling enough among ordinary people, but in the imperial capital where there are many powerful and wealthy merchants like dogs, it is like a rootless duckweed, seemingly verdant and lush, but it will disperse when the wind blows lightly. "

  "In this case, it is actually difficult for her to broaden her high-quality contacts. After all, the essence of friendship is equivalent exchange. She doesn't have enough bargaining chips in her body, and higher-level people simply don't bother to take care of it."

   "In summary, it is not difficult to see that the Mr. Lou who helped Jiang Fuyue this time should not have been the contacts she made after coming to the imperial capital."

   Cheng grabbed a pause, and the corners of her mouth smiled deeper: "But strangely, there is no historical record of her acquaintance with this mysterious founder in the survey data, and even the word ‘Mr. Lou’ is not mentioned."

  Liang Jingzhou whispered: "It's not that all details can be investigated clearly...There are always corners and corners that are missing..."

Cheng Lian nodded: "This is a possibility, but there is still another possibility."

   "What is possible?"

  Cheng Lian turned his head to look at Li Chen, who was lost in thought after the phone call, and asked, "You or me?"

  Li Chen kept silent.

   "Okay," Cheng Lian nodded, "Then, for me, there is another situation where this information has been artificially erased. What we see now is only what the other party wants us to see."

   "Hiss! Is Jiang Fuyue so capable? Why is it getting more and more mysterious?" Liang Jingzhou disapproved.

   "Yes, Old Cheng," Gu Huaiyu echoed, "Are you thinking too much?"

  Cheng faintly curled his lips, his tone was as usual: "I just said my guess, as for whether you believe it or not, it's up to you. But--"

  He raised his eyes and scanned Gu Huaiyu: "Before the punishment decision was issued today, you seemed to think I was thinking too much, but what about the facts?"

  Gu Huaiyu choked.

  The fact is that Jiang Fuyue does have a backer behind her, and it is still a big backer, and the four directors have failed to do anything to her.

  At this time, Li Chen, who had not spoken all the time, suddenly said, “If the water is deep and shallow, don’t you know?”

  Three people have a meal.

  Cheng Lian: "How do you want to try?"

   "Of course it depends on how capable she is."

  Gu Huaiyu frowned: "Don't be impulsive. It's like bringing a bodyguard to school to beat people. We can't do it the second time. If we are really fired then, that would be embarrassing."

  Li Chen chuckled, "I didn't say to do it myself."


  Li Chen's gaze crossed Gu Huaiyu, and fluttered to Liang Jingzhou: "Isn't there anyone else?"

   "You, you, you...what do you see me doing?" Still with that strange look.

   "Lao Liang, I heard that you are very good at manipulating people? I remember that all of our high school bullies have been manipulated by you. They are so famous that they are still circulating in the attached middle school."

  Liang Jingzhou felt a little airy when he heard it, "That's! What can I do, Xiaoye, I was in the first place, I think that year..."

   "Okay, I'll leave it to you!"

  "Wh, what did you leave to me?" Liang Jingzhou stunned.

   Li Chen patted him on the shoulder: "Test Jiang Fuyue. Punishment is on the body, we can't do big moves now, but it's okay to play some tricks, aren't you the best at it?"

  Gu Huaiyu nodded, and said earnestly: "It's up to you, Lao Liang, stand up for your spirit."

  Cheng Lian didn't say anything, a soft sigh escaped from his lips, shook his head, and followed along.

  Liang Jingzhou stood there for a while without responding: " can you do this?! Why let me go?!"

   "Because—" Li Chen raised his voice without looking back: "You can do it, you go."


  Liang Jingzhou chased after him, howling frantically: "I can't—"

  The result was “accidentally” photographed by passing students, and then “inadvertently” posted on the forum.


  All teachers and students in the school knew that Young Master Liang was "not working".

  The successor version of the ghost animal video has one more.


  Friday is over, and school starts for a week.

  Huo Fanjin and Cen Qiaoqiao are locals and have to go home on weekends.

  When leaving the dormitory, the two servants came up and carried big bags.

  There are quilts and clothes that need to be changed.

  Huo Fanjin: "I can't wash it myself anyway, so I might as well take it back and wash it."

  Cen Qiao Qiao chuckled the potato chips. Hearing the words, he nodded in agreement: "I need to use it in the limited time."

  Huo Fanjin teased her: "For example, snacks?"

  Cen Qiaoqiao: "I think you are mocking me."

   "Yes, you are right."

  "..." is too bullying!

  The servant took away the sheets and quilts, and immediately put them on new ones.

   "Sister Yue, goodbye~"

"meet on Monday."

  The two went home happily.

  Liu Sisi does not plan to stay in school either——

   "I'm going to the boxing gym on Saturday. It has been a long time since I have played with a real person. I am afraid that I will be hand-skilled. Uncle Liu has a task to give me on Sunday. I guess I will go to another place."

  All three of them left, Jiang Fuyue also returned to Han's house.

  Of course, the old man and three uncles were very happy. For this reason, Han Shen and Han Ke specifically ended their work early.

  As for Han Heng...

  His new movie has just been released, and the response is as good as always, so good as to have completed an important job, and the rest of the time can be used at will, so he stays at home every day.

  Dinner, a big table of dishes.

  The dishes in front of Jiang Fuyue are piled up into hills——

   "I have lost weight, eat more."

   "The face seems to be a little smaller."

   "The food in the cafeteria is definitely not better than at home. Come and try this."

  I was afraid that Jiang Fuyue would not have enough to eat. You can eat one chopstick for one chopstick. It is difficult for a few big men to not eat a few bites by themselves and try to get her food.

  In the end, it was Jiang Fuyue who spoke, letting them all eat their own food, which finally stopped.

  After dinner, Jiang Fuyue played chess with her father, and the three Han brothers watched the game.

  Han Shen couldn't help it: "Yueyue, you should..."

  The old man interrupted immediately and glared at him: "Do you know what it means to watch chess without talking?"

  Han Shen: "……"

  At the same time, the Cen family.

  Cen Qiaoqiao's treatment is better than Jiang Fuyue's.

  First of all, when I first got home, good guys, a bunch of relatives, big and small, came here.

   "Jojo is still used to it in college, right?"

   "Did you cry for homesickness in the middle of the night?"

   "Are you enough snacks? Give a red envelope and go by yourself."

   "Why don't you move back? I'll say hello from the school."


  No matter what the relatives said, Cen Qiaoqiao smiled and ate her meal and drank her soup, smiling, but in fact the left ear came in and the right ear came out, and he didn't listen much at all.

  Everyone just thinks that she is sensible and cute, clever and cute.

  After the meal, after sending away the relatives, Cen Qiaoqiao finally breathed a sigh of relief and was in the mood to eat snacks.

  She was sitting on the sofa, and the TV was talking about how many people died when the Schenkworth virus was raging abroad.

  The place where the lens is swept, it is scorched black.

  Cen Qiaoqiao slowed down while eating snacks, his eyes faintly thoughtful.

  Suddenly, she stood up and ran upstairs.

   Soon there was the sound of overturning cabinets.

  Xie Yunmiao was in his room and heard the noise. He ran to his daughter and opened the door: “What are you doing? Ping-pong-pong-pong, snacks are not good, you changed the house?”

  Cen Qiaoqiao turned around to see her, and his eyes lit up: "Mom! Do you remember the music box that my uncle gave me for my tenth birthday? It's the one with the crystal villain in the middle who can dance!"

  Xie Yunmiao said slightly: "Why did you suddenly remember to find it?"

"Oh! Don't worry about it! I'm useful, very, very important, mother..." She threw away the tatters in her hand, and crossed the ground to be turned over and piled up with a mess of things, leaning over and holding Xie Yun. Miao arm, softly acting like a baby.

   " can help me find it... OK..."

  Xie Yunmiao's heart softened instantly and touched her ruddy little face, "Okay, you wait, I will find it for you now! I really owe you in my previous life..."

   Soon, Xie Yunmiao pulled out a square box from the locker. In order to prevent dust, a transparent plastic bag was placed outside.

  After taking it out, it looks the same as the new one.

  Cen Qiaoqiao still remembers that when she was a child, she was afraid of breaking her, and her mother never let her play, but she couldn't prevent her from secretly taking it out and occasionally relieved her hunger.

  Later, there were other more interesting toys, so I slowly forgot about it.

  Cen Qiaoqiao opened the lid of the music box, and the crystal-clear crystal dancer in the middle slid along with the music.

  She stroked the edge of the box with her fingers, all the way up, and finally fell to the middle of the lid, where two lines of words were written on white paper:

  Wish: Jojo, happy birthday!

  ——Xie Dingyuan

   Then, she blindfolded all the characters, leaving only one "Yuan". The font is quite wide and the pen is strong. At first glance, a very energetic person can write such a character.

   "Mom, did my uncle write this?"

  Xie Yunmiao: "Of course! Your brother-in-law's character is unique, and he is a family. Even your grandma and grandfather are full of praise."


  So, in the dormitory that day, she read the card that dropped, it was written by my uncle!

  But why did my uncle write a card to Sister Yue? Oh, I also gave a super nice cup!

  Xie Yunmiao: "...what's the matter with you kid? Talk to you!"

   "Huh? Mom, did you just say something? I didn't hear clearly, I was thinking about something~"

   "I asked, why did you find it suddenly?"

Who knows that Cen Qiaoqiao still didn't listen, she was thinking about something in a daze, her expression changed, and she gasped for a while, and then exclaimed: "No? Is it what I think... just in case you make a mistake... this how can that be possible……"

   "Jojo? Jojo!"

   "...Huh?" She realized later.

  Xie Yunmiao smiled: "Did you listen to me?"

   "Mom," suddenly, the girl's eyes lit up, "Can I ask you something?"

   "What's the matter? You said."

  Cen Qiao Qiao pursed his lips, "Um... it's my brother-in-law, does he have a girlfriend?"

   "It is said that I talked about one, but I haven't brought it home. The old lady was thinking about what he said all the time. As a result, your brother-in-law's mouth was so strict that he refused to disclose a word."

  Cen Qiaoqiao’s eyes lit up: "So, my uncle really has a girlfriend?!"

  "Since he admitted, he is definitely not nonsense.


  Xie Yunmiao folded her arms to look at her daughter in time: "What are you asking about?"

   "Cough—I, care about my uncle! He has given me so many gifts..."

  Xie Yunmiao didn’t believe it, but: “It’s still a bit conscientious. Your maternal uncle’s life-long events can be bad for your grandma and grandfather.”

   "Is the uncle in the imperial capital now?"

  Xie Yunmiao shook his head: "I came back before, stayed for two days, and then left."

"Where did he go?"

  "No...Jojo, why are you weird today? Three sentences are not far from your brother-in-law."

  Cen Qiaoqiao's eyes rolled.

  Can she say that she has discovered a great secret?

   Stabbing it out will definitely make people feel dizzy!

  Her brother-in-law, actually with her roommate? !


  Is she living in a romantic novel?

  Could it be that he is the legendary... God assists?

   "It's okay, this is not looking for a music box. I suddenly think of my uncle, so I just ask casually..." He yawned, "Um, I'm so sleepy."

   "It's okay, let's wash and sleep quickly, don't toss about it." Xie Yunmiao didn't think much, exhorted, turned and left.

  Waiting for the bedroom door to close, how can Cen Qiaoqiao feel a little sleepy?

  She lay down on the bed and took out her mobile phone to start various searches.

  If my brother-in-law and Sister Yue are really boy and girl friends, then the two will definitely have an intersection. With an intersection, are you afraid that you won’t find any clues?

  Don’t say it, she really found it!

  Sister Yue won a provincial competition in a certain subject, and it happened that my uncle was the guest of award; then in the international arena, my uncle was a special judge; and then, the two of them actually have co-published papers?

  Gosh! Lots of details!

  And the most surprising thing is that they still have a CP group?

  Cen Qiaoqiao found the group number from a post bar, the group name is-Yuanyue Saccharin Processing Factory?

   With the mentality of giving it a try, she applied to join the group.

  Result verification message pops up——

  Q: [What is our slogan? 】

  Cen Qiaoqiao looked bewildered, does this still have a slogan?

  She simply lost one: [Yuanyuan Yueyue]

  I was so numb that I was getting goose bumps all over my body.

  The result was rejected by the administrator in seconds.

  Cen Qiaoqiao: "?"

  One minute later, she adjusted her state, "I still don’t believe it, I can’t get a CP group!"

  Posted "Hongyuan", and she began to frantically search for answers on the Internet.

  Cen Qiaoqiao found that this group of CP fans are not generally hidden deep, and they are very organized and disciplined. They are good at using various code words, and it is difficult for ordinary people to catch their tails.

  But who is she?

  A little surfer on the Internet!

   Soon I found the answer on a certain floor in the middle of a certain post of certain ——

  【The banner of Yuanyue will never fall! 】

  It won’t work without the last exclamation mark.

  The requirements are strict.

  Two minutes later, Cen Qiaoqiao entered the group smoothly.

   Then, she seemed to open the door to a new world...

  Yuanyue’s little button: [Welcome new girls into the group! Let’s eat sugar together from now on~]

  Yuanyue’s little love: [Yuanyue's army has added another member, and all that can be found is true love! 】

   Yuanyue’s little cub: [Girls can read the announcement first, and ask directly if they don’t understand, we only have one request, that is-low-key sugar, not to black out the two main masters. 】

  Cen Qiao Qiao said that he was quite principled.

  Looking at the uniform nicknames in the group, she thought for a while and felt that she had to be in harmony with the group. With a big wave, she changed the group card to [Yuanyue’s Xiaoqiaoqiao].

  咦... numb!

  Funyue’s Kouchi: [Welcome to Bridge Bridge! 】

   Yuanyue’s little belly: [Applause! Sprinkle~】

  Cen Qiaoqiao unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth, replying to everyone: [Thank you, very happy to find the organization~]

  Yuanyue’s Big Bobo: [A new day, new sugar, don’t thank you for taking it away]

   Then, a video appears in the group.

  Cen Qiaoqiao obviously found that everyone was quiet, and out of curiosity, she clicked on the video.


    Three more in one, six thousand words.

     is too garbled, it needs to be sorted out, so the number of words in the next chapter will be less.



  (End of this chapter)

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